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Awakening Universal Energy: A Reiki 1, 2, and 3 Level Training Manual
Awakening Universal Energy: A Reiki 1, 2, and 3 Level Training Manual
Awakening Universal Energy: A Reiki 1, 2, and 3 Level Training Manual
Ebook246 pages1 hour

Awakening Universal Energy: A Reiki 1, 2, and 3 Level Training Manual

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About this ebook

Welcome to the introductory guide to Reiki Level 1, 2, and 3. Reiki is an ancient healing art that has been practiced and revered for centuries. This manual is designed to provide you with a foundational understanding of Reiki, its principles, techniques, and the initiation process involved in becoming a Reiki practitioner and later master. This book is used in my online and in person Reiki 1, 2, and 3 (Advanced and Master) Courses. Anyone can use this but there are parts that are blank to be filled in during class. It's a great manual for those that are wanting to study reiki. 

Release dateJun 26, 2024
Awakening Universal Energy: A Reiki 1, 2, and 3 Level Training Manual

Bertena Varney

Bertena Varney is a Registered Yoga Teache- 200 via Yoga Alliance, a Usui Reiki Master, Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Certified Life Coach, Certified Self Care Coach and is studying to receive her yoga teaching certification. She is the owner of A New You Self Care Coaching Services. She is also the Associate Professor of Sociology at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College in Bowling Green, KY. She attended Morehead State University where she received her bachelor's and master's in social science and education, and a master's in sociology and criminology where she focused on cultures and counseling.  She spent her collegiate career studying the supernatural and metaphysical in her history, mythology, sociology, and criminology classes. She would find anyway to include vampires, angels, and more into anything that she did. Her favorites studies were pop culture and mythology.  She has also written home study course books including Angel Reiki, Healing with the Archangels, Reiki and more Her previous works include supernatural focused books 3 Editions of Lure of the Vampire and contributor and editor of Vampire News: Tasty Bits You Can Sink Your Fangs Into, Vampire News: The Not So End Times Edition,Vampires Romance to Rippers Vol 1 and Vol. 2  She is also contributor to both The Witching Hour and Sirens Conference Compendium.  She loves making appearances to libraries, colleges, and conventions to discuss her love.

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    Book preview

    Awakening Universal Energy - Bertena Varney


    This Reiki Manual is for educational purposes only. If you intend to become a Reiki Practitioner then, then you must seek teaching from a Reiki master to receive the attunement. It is not meant to teach you Reiki and provide you all the information of a class. If you would like to sign up for my in person or online classes, please email me at

    The content presented in this book is intended solely for educational and informational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The author and publisher of this book are not medical professionals, and therefore cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or applicability of the information provided to any individual or circumstance.

    It is imperative to consult a qualified healthcare professional before implementing any changes to your lifestyle, dietary habits, or healthcare regimen. If you are experiencing symptoms or have concerns regarding your physical or mental health, seek immediate assistance from a licensed medical professional.

    The author and publisher of this book disclaim any liability for errors, omissions, or misinterpretations contained within its pages, as well as for any actions taken based on the information presented. The reader assumes full responsibility for utilizing the information contained herein and agrees to hold the author and publisher harmless from any claims, damages, or losses arising from the use or misuse of said information.

    By accessing and utilizing the information provided in this book, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and consent to abide by this disclaimer.


    Welcome to the introductory guide to Reiki Level 1, 2, and 3. Reiki is an ancient healing art that has been practiced and revered for centuries. This manual is designed to provide you with a foundational understanding of Reiki, its principles, techniques, and the initiation process involved in becoming a Reiki practitioner and later master. This book is used in my online and in person Reiki 1, 2, and 3 (Advanced and Master) Courses. Anyone can use this but there are parts that are blank to be filled in during class.

    Reiki, originating from Japan, is a holistic approach to wellness and healing, focusing on channeling universal life energy to promote balance, relaxation, and well-being on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. As you embark on this journey, you will learn how to tap into this universal energy flow and utilize it for self-healing and aiding others.

    Throughout this manual, we will explore the teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, and delve into the traditional practices and principles of the Usui System of Natural Healing. You will gain insights into the history of Reiki, its core beliefs, and the ethical considerations associated with its practice.

    Whether you are new to energy healing or seeking to deepen your understanding of Reiki, this manual will serve as your comprehensive guide, providing you with the knowledge and tools necessary to begin your journey as a Reiki practitioner. Embrace this opportunity to cultivate harmony, compassion, and healing in your life and the lives of others.

    Prepare to embark on a transformative path as you delve into the profound teachings of Reiki. Open your heart and mind to the endless possibilities that await you on this sacred journey of self-discovery and healing. If you would like to sign up for my online, zoom or in person classes please email me at

    Reiki 1 Shoden Usui Reiki

    Self Healing

    Chapter 1: Reiki as the Universal Life Force

    Reiki The Crowood Press, 46% OFF |

    In the realm of holistic healing practices, few concepts hold as much significance and intrigue as that of Reiki, often referred to as the universal life force. At the heart of Reiki lies the belief in a pervasive energy that flows through all living beings, connecting us to each other and to the universe itself. In this chapter, we will explore the fundamental principles of Reiki, its origins, and the profound implications of viewing life through the lens of universal energy.

    The Concept of Universal Life Force

    Central to the philosophy of Reiki is the understanding that there exists a universal life force energy that permeates every aspect of existence. This energy is known by various names in different cultures and traditions, such as Qi in Chinese philosophy, Prana in Hinduism and Yoga, and Ki in Japanese culture. In the context of Reiki, it is often referred to simply as Reiki energy.

    Reiki practitioners believe that this energy is not only present within every living being but also surrounds us in the environment. It is the vital force that animates all living things, sustaining life and promoting growth and healing. The concept of Reiki energy underscores the interconnectedness of all life forms and the inherent unity of the universe.

    In the practice of Reiki, the concept of energy transcends mere physicality, encompassing a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all existence. Reiki energy, often described as intelligent and compassionate, is believed to flow effortlessly through the practitioner's hands and into the recipient's body, facilitating a holistic approach to healing and well-being.

    Unlike conventional healing modalities, Reiki energy is not bound by the constraints of time or space. Through focused intention and attunement, Reiki practitioners can transmit healing energy across any distance, making distant healing a prevalent and effective aspect of Reiki practice.

    As recipients of Reiki energy, individuals may experience a variety of sensations, ranging from warmth and tingling to deep relaxation and emotional release. These experiences are manifestations of the profound effects of Reiki energy as it penetrates the physical, emotional, and spiritual layers of the recipient's being.

    During a Reiki session, stagnant energy blockages are gently dissolved, allowing the natural flow of energy to be restored throughout the body, mind, and spirit. It is not uncommon for recipients to undergo emotional releases as buried emotions and traumas are brought to the surface and released, paving the way for profound healing and transformation.

    Understanding Reiki energy entails recognizing its innate intelligence and ability to facilitate healing on multiple levels. By tapping into the universal life force energy, Reiki practitioners can serve as conduits for healing, promoting balance, harmony, and restoration within themselves and those they seek to assist.

    Journal Prompt:

    What is your understanding of Reiki?

    Write your intention of what you want to learn by taking this class? What do you hope to learn and achieve?

    Chapter 2: Exploring Modalities of Universal Life Force

    Beyond Reiki, a multitude of practices and disciplines delve into the concept of universal life force energy, offering diverse approaches to harnessing its transformative power. In this chapter, we will delve into various modalities and how they intersect with the foundational principles of Reiki, expanding our understanding of holistic healing and spiritual wellness.

    Yoga: Originating from ancient India, yoga encompasses a holistic system of physical postures, breathwork, and meditation aimed at harmonizing body, mind, and spirit. Central to yoga philosophy is the recognition of Prana, the vital life force energy that flows through the body's energy channels, or nadis. Through yoga practice, individuals can cultivate awareness of Prana, balance their energy centers (chakras), and align themselves with the universal energy matrix, paralleling Reiki's emphasis on holistic well-being.

    Tai Chi and Qi Gong: Rooted in traditional Chinese martial arts, Tai Chi and Qi Gong focus on cultivating Qi, or life force energy, through mindful movement, breathwork, and meditation. These practices seek to harmonize Qi flow within the body, fostering vitality, balance, and resilience. Like Reiki, Tai Chi and Qi Gong underscore the interconnectedness of all things and emphasize the importance of cultivating a harmonious relationship with universal energy for optimal health and well-being.

    Feng Shui: Emerging from ancient Chinese wisdom, Feng Shui is the art of arranging the environment to optimize the flow of Qi energy and harmonize spaces for prosperity and well-being. By strategically placing objects, furniture, and decor, practitioners aim to create environments that support the free flow of positive energy while minimizing obstructions or blockages. Feng Shui principles resonate with Reiki's emphasis on the importance of energy flow and balance in promoting harmony and vitality in both physical and energetic realms.

    Acupuncture: A cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate Qi flow and restore balance. According to acupuncture theory, illness and discomfort arise from imbalances or blockages in the flow of Qi through the body's meridians, or energy pathways. By targeting acupuncture points, practitioners can clear obstructions, regulate Qi flow, and

    facilitate healing, aligning with Reiki's holistic approach to promoting energy balance and well-being.

    Prana Energy, Spiritual Healing, and Massage: Practices such as Pranic healing, spiritual healing, and various forms of massage therapy also tap into the universal life force energy, albeit under different cultural and philosophical contexts. Whether through hands-on energy healing, spiritual interventions, or therapeutic touch, these modalities aim to restore harmony and balance to the body, mind, and spirit, aligning with the core principles of Reiki.

    These modalities, in conjunction with Reiki, offer a rich tapestry of approaches for understanding and working with universal life force energy. While each may have its unique practices and techniques, they all share a common thread of recognizing the interconnectedness of all life and the profound influence of energy on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By integrating these modalities into one's holistic wellness regimen, individuals can deepen their connection to universal energy and enhance their overall sense of vitality, harmony, and spiritual growth.

    Journal Prompt:   Are there any other modalities you currently practice that you did not realize were connected to the universal energy of Reiki? How do you plan to integrate Reiki into these existing practices?

    Chapter 3: Create a Sacred Space and Setting Intentions

    Creating a sacred space and setting intentions are essential components of any Reiki practice, including Reiki 1 classes.

    Here is why:

    Sacred Space: A sacred space is a physical or energetic environment that is intentionally

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