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Cora: Cora and Other Stories
Cora: Cora and Other Stories
Cora: Cora and Other Stories
Ebook83 pages52 minutes

Cora: Cora and Other Stories

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Cora felt alone and isolated in this world. She had lived her life nothing but good to people around her. However life paid her with bitter experiences that shaped her life and character. She spent her life searching for acceptance and belongingness. From her parents and siblings to her friends, classmates, and colleagues, each relationship seemed to promise the connection she yearned for but ultimately betrayed her. The emotional wounds inflicted by her family and the cruel actions of others left deep scars, shaping her existence.

Amidst the darkness and turmoil of her psyche, Cora's resilience shone through. In an environment where monstrosities thrived, she discovered an unexpected light within herself. Faced with the choice between vengeance and forgiveness, Cora embarked on a journey toward healing and redemption.

"Cora" is a powerful tale of  hope, exploring the strength it takes to overcome a lifetime of betrayal and find one's own path to healing.

Release dateJun 10, 2024
Cora: Cora and Other Stories

Eilaine Tolentino

Eilaine Tolentino, born and raised in General Santos City whose imagination has been crafting stories since childhood. Despite pursuing a different course in college, her love for literature led her to immerse herself in humanities classes, where she bonded with fellow literary enthusiasts. Now, at 32 years old, she presents her debut fiction novel, marking a return to her passion after a twelve-year hiatus. She's a strong believer of Artificial Intelligence tools to uplift human way of life just like what regular machine and home appliances do to people. She wanted her novel to be one of the initial literary pieces that use Artificial Intelligence in this contemporary era. As an author, she embarked on a journey of storytelling that blends her own creativity with the capabilities of artificial intelligence. She acknowledged that AI tool such as GPT is far from perfect but had find ways to use the tool according to its uses. While her inspiration stems from her own imagination and experiences, she has embraced the use of AI tools as word generators in her creative process. Her creativity is solely the driving force behind the writing. Throughout her writing journey, she integrated ChatGPT into her workflow, harnessing its capabilities to enhance and complement her own creative vision. While the initial spark of inspiration is uniquely hers, the collaboration with AI has enriched her storytelling. In her latest work, you'll find the result of this dynamic partnership—a testament to the harmonious blend of human ingenuity and machine intelligence. Together, they explore the ever-evolving landscape of storytelling, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. It is important to take note that she used AI tool to only express  her ideas and creativity. She maintained authorship over her work and ensure that her unique voice and perspective shine through in the final product.  

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    Cora - Eilaine Tolentino

    Copyright © [Eilaine Tolentino] [2024]

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Only the authorized platform selling partners and authorized third parties are allowed to distribute the work material.

    Acknowledgment of AI Assistance

    This book was written with invaluable assistance of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Canva. The AI contributed significantly to various aspects of the writing process including book cover assistance, word generation, idea refinement, text drafting literary advising, proofreading and feedback provision.

    Canva played a crucial role in assisting with the design and creation of the book cover, adding visual appeal to the final product.

    Together, these AI tools provided essential support throughout the writing and design process. However, it’s important to emphasize that all creative direction, original ideas and narrative decisions were ultimately done by the author. The AI served as a tool to compliment the author’s vision. The author retained full control over the content, design and direction of the book.

    Content Warning: This book contains themes of violence, mental health struggles, and emotional abuse which may be triggering for individuals who have experienced similar situations. Reader discretion is advised. Additionally, these themes may be distressing for family members or loved ones of individuals who have experienced such trauma. Due to its mature content, this book is classified as adult fiction.

    Eilaine Tolentino


    Letter to the Readers

    IN SHARING MY STORY, I aim to illuminate the beauty of life and journey—a tapestry woven with threads of both triumph and tribulation. For it is in the depths of failure that we discover the true meaning of success, and in the shadows of despair that we find the light of hope. The peaks of our achievements gain meaning from the valleys of our struggles. Every setback, every obstacle, serves as a stepping stone on the path to understanding and fulfillment—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance. Amidst life’s chaos, we are blessed with the presence of genuine people—those who offer support without expecting anything in return, who stand by us in our darkest hours, and who quietly cheer for us from the sidelines, their unwavering faith a beacon of hope in a world fraught with uncertainty. Let us embrace the journey, with all its twists and turns, knowing that each moment, each experience, is a precious gift—a chance to grow, to learn, and to discover the true beauty of our existence.

    And may we always remember that true success lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself.




    The room was eerily quiet, broken only by the harsh, bright lights above. The walls, painted a dull beige. It felt like they were closing in on the solitary person lying on the cold, hard floor next to a stark white bed with crisp white sheets. A TV hung on the wall, showing scenes of chaos and uncertainty—a world struggling with a global pandemic.

    Images flickered on the screen, showing empty streets, closed shops, and hospitals overwhelmed with too many patients. News anchors gave grim reports of rising death tolls and dwindling supplies, painting a dark picture of a world brought to its knees by an invisible enemy.

    Among the voices coming from the TV, you could hear distant sounds of laughter, shouting, and clattering echoing through the hospital’s sterile hallways. In this desolate place, one scene stood out—a young woman in her middle twenties, laughing and crying at the same time, her hair tangled and clothes disheveled, a stark contrast to the clean surroundings.

    The hallway outside was alive with activity. You could hear the soft thud of nurses’ shoes as they walked briskly, their rubber soles squeaking on the polished floor. Metal trays rattled as they were pushed down the corridor, carrying meals and medical supplies.

    The clink of utensils and the soft murmur of conversations added to the constant background noise. Occasionally, the distant sound of a door opening and closing echoed through the halls.

    The young woman was surrounded by nurses. She thrashed and screamed on the floor, clearly

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