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Hunter: Corelian Guard series, #1
Hunter: Corelian Guard series, #1
Hunter: Corelian Guard series, #1
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Hunter: Corelian Guard series, #1

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The government kidnapped her mother, some unknown entity killed er father; she's been on the run most of her life. These two forces constantly hunt her, one wants her as a specimen, the other wants her dead. A thind group is about to enter the chase, sending the greatest hunter inthe universe, but this one is planning to help her.  Tracy is about to get an ally.

Release dateJun 27, 2024
Hunter: Corelian Guard series, #1

Prudence MacLeod

On a far off windswept island Jennifer Crandall sits with her dogs and cats creating fantastic stories for all to enjoy.  She publishes as JL Crandall, Prudence MacLeod, and Jenni Leigh.

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    Hunter - Prudence MacLeod

    Tracy has spent her life running and hiding, both from the authorities and something else.  Now they wanted her to stop an alien invasion, partnered with an unpredictable hunter/killer from another planet.  Will they succeed or will Tracy’s natural instinct to run and hide take over?


    It was a moonless night on a primitive planet, the air filled with new and different scents, but the woman caught the scent she wanted.  The enemy was near.  Her big problem, right now, was to keep from throttling the tall youth who accompanied her.

    I should go with you, he said softly. 

    His eyes flew wide as her steely grip tightened on his throat, choking off the sound.  She released her grip and leaned close, her lips brushing his ear and sending far too much of his blood away from his brain. 

    The ice in her words shattered his arousal and brought him back to his senses.  On the ship she might be a coquette, but on assignment she was the Hunter, and he knew her deadly reputation.  He swallowed hard as she spoke, her words so soft he could barely hear them.

    Make no sound.  None.  Remain here.  Remain very still.  Have your weapon ready.  I will illuminate the target.  You make the kill.  Do not try to follow me.  Do not try to help me.  Stay alert and ready.  Do you understand?

    He gulped again as he nodded his head.  She was gone into the darkness before he could blink.  The young agent slowly and carefully positioned himself and his long range weapon facing what he hoped would be the right direction.  It would be, he knew.  She had said it would. 

    Again he marveled at how these Nanders could move so silently even in the darkness.  The hunter wasn’t a Nander.  She was something worse, a Sapien, trained by Nanders.  You could predict the actions of a Nander, but not her.  She was totally unpredictable.

    As the young Corelian agent lay hidden and frustrated, being slowly consumed by insects, the woman ghosted through the forest towards the small spot she believed to be the enemy encampment.  Cautiously she drew nearer, every sense on full alert.  Easy, August, she silently admonished herself, stay focused.  They’re here somewhere.

    It had been an obvious camping spot, a small clearing near water.  She was certain they would be there somewhere.  The big problem with Vorlox was the damned stealth suits their agents always wore.  It was all bad enough they were telepathic and could control a person’s mind, but to be invisible as well made them a deadly opponent.  It took a special person with very special training and talents to hunt them.  August Summers was just such a hunter.  In fact, she was the best.

    She caught their scent again.  Stronger this time, they were near.  A tear formed in her eye as she thought of the slaughter she and her young partner had witnessed that afternoon.  The Vorlox agents had destroyed an entire village of primitive hunter-gathers.  Eradicating intrusive indigenous species, the Vorlox called it.  Murder was what August called it. 

    She clamped down hard on her emotions.  Emotions get you killed.  This was a hunt like any other.  There was prey and she would kill it.  August readied her weapon then tossed a stone into the clearing.  Instantly she heard movement and sensed the thoughts of the Vorlox.  There it was, movement through the grass toward where her stone had landed.  She fired three rounds into that space.

    Her first shot missed, but the next two didn’t.  A figure was suddenly outlined in fluorescent orange paint.  The figure sprouted a gusher of green blood as its torso exploded.  The sound of the long range weapon arrived a split second later.  A second Vorlox had tried to go to its stricken companion and got lit up with paint as well.  It met the same fate.

    Try as she might, August could not find the third Vorlox.  With senses on full alert, she began to approach the clearing and the two dead bodies.  Suddenly, her partner’s voice sounded in her ear piece.  There’s one more.  I’m coming down to help.

    With a snarl on her lips August cast aside the ear piece and rolled away.  She wasn’t a second too soon.  A blast from an energy weapon seared the ground where she had lain.  August felt that loathsome mind probing for her, but she ignored it.  For some reason she could not name, she was immune to their telepathy.  She was the only one who was. 

    She could hear it moving around now, searching for her.  I’m as invisible as you are in the dark, she thought, even if you bastards are nocturnal. August froze, still as death.  The Vorlox was within inches of her foot.  Before anything further could happen there came the rattle of tree branches being brushed aside.  The Vorlox moved away towards that sound.  August tried to get a bead on him, but he was lost in the trees.  Cursing silently, she followed as best she could.

    August had not gone far when she heard the wail of pain and felt the push of the Vorlox’s mind.  That wail was the result of the headache as her partner’s mind was subjugated.  Ah, crap, sighed August, as she leaned her back against a tree.  Focus, August, focus, he is still alive.  That means he will be used as bait to draw you out.  You’d better get the jump on that right now. 

    She moved away, faster than she’d like, but time was running out for her partner.  Why the hell can’t men ever do as they’re told? she muttered, as she circled through the trees towards the sound of that wail.

    Hunter/Slayer, I have your accomplice, croaked a loud rasping voice.  I know who you are.  I have him and his weapon.  Show yourself if you want him to live. The Vorlox had grown tired of trying to find her with his mind and resorted to voice.  Gods how she hated the sound of their voices.  Come forward into the light where I can see you.

    The creature turned on a flashlight and aimed it at an open space.  It was still wearing the stealth suit, but the beam of light had an origin.  That was enough of a target for August.  She was slightly to the side of them and had a clear field of vision.  She fired five shots from the paintball gun, splattering the Vorlox and illuminating him clearly.

    Taken by surprise the creature had no time to react before August was on him from behind, slashing with her big knife.  It tried to toss her off its back, but the attack was too swift and the knife too deadly. 

    With a gurgling hiss it slowly succumbed to the wounds she kept inflicting.  August continued to slash and stab until she was sure it was dead.  As the Vorlox sank to the ground, its hold over the young Corelian agent was released.  He too sank to the ground, holding his head and moaning.

    Easy there, Handsome, she soothed, as she crouched and took him in her arms.  Let me rub your temples for you.  There now, doesn’t that feel better? A few more minutes and you’ll be good as new.

    What happened?

    You disobeyed my orders, she said, the ice creeping back into her voice.  She released him and stood up.  I told you to stay there and be silent, but no, you had to go thrashing about making enough noise to wake the dead.  The Vorlox got you and took control of your mind, that’s what happened.

    August, I... He’d risen to his feet, still a little confused and a lot defensive.  There was one more and you needed help...

    So how was getting captured and handing over your weapon supposed to help me?


    Save it.  Come on, let’s use that light of his to find our way to a likely spot and report in.



    Is this going in your report?

    Why shouldn’t it? August sighed deeply and relented.  Look, I’m not angry.  I’m always this bitchy after a good fight.  Tell me what you learned here.

    Do as I’m told?

    Your girlfriend will love it, she chuckled.  Put it another way.

    He thought for a moment.  Always stick with the plan and trust your partner to do his job.

    You’ve got it, Handsome, she smiled, as she gave his shoulder a friendly squeeze.  It’s starting to get light out, let’s use that flashlight and find a spot. They soon located a rock wall and reported in.  A doorway appeared in the rock face and they stepped through into a large landing bay aboard their ship.  A tall man was waiting for them, a short woman with graying hair and broad features at his side.


    Vorlox agents located and eliminated, Sir, replied August.

    Excellent.  Their entry point to that world has been located and sealed.  How did your partner perform?


    Fine? Is that all you have to say?

    It was his first mission, what do you expect? He is an excellent marksman, he performed his task as directed, the Vorlox were eliminated, end of story.  I’d be quite comfortable going into the field with him again.

    That is good enough for me, smiled the woman.  Get some food and rest, O-Goost.  We have a new mission for you and we are out of time.

    New mission? Already?

    This will be your toughest assignment yet, Agent Summers.  There will be a full briefing in my office at noon tomorrow.  Get some rest, you’re going home. With that, the tall man turned and marched away.  The woman winked mischievously and followed.  August just shook her head and started towards her quarters.  She’d make sense of it all in the morning, ship’s time.

    Next day, precisely at noon, August tapped on the door of the commander’s office.  At his request, everyone simply called him Mr.  Common.  Enter.

    The woman was there as well, and August hugged her tightly.  Sit down, Agent Summers, said Mr.  Common as she released her adoptive mother from the hug.  Let’s begin.

    August sat and gave him a quizzical look.  Things back on your home world have gotten out of control, August.  Against my better judgment, we are sending you in to straighten it out.  Specifically, you are going back to the town where you grew up.  The Vorlox have an entry point near there and they have several agents on that world.  Your task will be to stop them while thwarting their efforts to kill the offspring.  Your new partner will meet you there.

    Offspring? New partner?

    O-Goost, generations ago, the Vorlox tried to blend their own species with yours.  For some reason they aborted the plan and tried to kill off all the descendants of the experiment.  Three remain: an old woman, her daughter, and her granddaughter.  The granddaughter is to be your new partner.  Your task is to keep her safe while eliminating the Vorlox on your home world."

    What training has she had?

    None, O-Goost, but we believe she may have some of their psychic abilities, for she can read energy and see auras clearly.  She has lived her life eluding both the Vorlox and the authorities of her world.  Even as you are a great hunter, Tracee is the uncatchable prey.  Together you will be the perfect team.

    How many enemy agents?

    Probably nine or perhaps more.

    August barely heard the rest of the briefing.  She was being sent in, alone, to a world that was nearly lost.  Her task was to find an untrained girl and together they were supposed to save this doomed world.  Her world.  Their world. 

    She sighed deeply as she turned in her uniform and donned the jeans and boots that were to be her disguise.  A few moments later a heavily armed August Summers was back in her hometown on Earth; the last place she wanted to be.

    A New Career

    Tracy sighed as she lowered her eyes.  Dammit, why did it always have to be this way, this guy was cute and attentive.  Why the hell couldn’t she just shut it off and enjoy the date.  She couldn’t though.  Shut it off.  It was always there.  Ever since she was a child she’d been able to see it.  Fighting herself all the way, Tracy allowed her eyes to shift then linger for a moment on an attractive young man at the next table.  Her date’s smile never faded, not at all, but she saw the shift as slight as it was.

    All her instincts were screaming now, and Tracy spent the rest of the dinner being as attentive to her date as possible, trying to sooth him without appearing to sooth him.  At length, the dinner ended and he drove her home, obviously hoping for an invitation in.  He wasn’t going to get one.  He walked her to the door, then put his arms around her and leaned in for a kiss.  Tracy placed her hands firmly on his chest, then kissed his cheek and stepped back.  Thanks for a lovely evening. 

    Uh, yeah, sure.  Can I call you? She could see him clearly now, the tightly controlled anger and disappointment were dancing in the air all around him.

    Sure, she replied, as she stepped back through the door and closed it firmly, snapping the locks into place.  She watched through the peep hole as he stalked back to his car and drove away, the tires squealing their protest at the sudden acceleration.

    Another winner? came an old woman’s voice from the darkened living room.

    Did you see him, Gran? Tracy sighed deeply as she walked slowly into the room and sank into a chair.  Her grandmother’s energy surrounded her, soothed her, and Tracy sighed again as she let her tenseness slip away. 

    Didn’t have to see him, honey, I could feel him from here.  That was close.

    Where are all the good ones, Gran?

    Darned if I know, chuckled the old woman, the skin around her eyes crinkling with mirth, or I’d be there myself.

    Tracy giggled as she polished her glasses then replaced them on her face.  So, what about that guy in the car?

    Is he still watching you, Tracy?  Dammit anyway, I like this house, I like this town, and I’m getting too old for all this running.  I was really hoping to stay this time. The old woman’s energy drew back, gathering about her protectively. 

    Tracy shivered as that warmth withdrew.  Ah well, keep your defenses up, that’s what had kept them free for so long.  I know Gran, I know.  Can you get a read on this guy? He hasn’t made any moves at all, but I’ve seen him way too often in the past few days.  He’s making me a bit crazy.

    Oh?  Why?

    He looks good, you know, when I look him over, he shines okay.  I know he doesn’t want to hurt me, possess me, or anything else, but I just can’t get a clear read on him.  Can you take a look for me?

    Show me, honey. With a soft groan of protest, the old woman rose heavily from her chair and made her way toward the window.  She peered out the window at the parked car down the block for a long moment.  Government.

    Are you sure, Gran? He’s been around for several days.  If he was government the guys with guns should have been here by now.

    You’re right about that, but he’s a G-man all right.

    Well, I’ve had about enough of this.  I’m going to have a closer look at this guy.

    You be careful, Tracy.  You don’t want to stir things up.

    I’ll be cool, Gran, I just want a clear read on him.

    Tracy slipped her shoes back on and stepped out the door.  She was still in her dress and heels, not something she would be apt to wear to the convenience store at this hour, but what the heck.  Tracy headed down the block.  She was nearing his car when she heard the screech of tires.  Another car skidded to a halt right beside her.  Her dinner date had returned, and he was angry. 

    Listen, bitch, he snarled as he leaped out onto the sidewalk.

    He got no further; the government man was also out of his car, an angry looking nine millimeter gun in one hand, and an official looking ID in the other.  This is the last place on earth you want to be right now, he said coldly, as he pressed the barrel of the gun to the man’s forehead, understand?

    Y-y-yes s-sir, stammered the suddenly contrite and frightened suitor.

    Go far away, and don’t come back, ever.

    Yes sir, he gulped, as he leaped back into his car and raced away.

    You okay, Miss Aston?

    I’m fine, thank you, replied Tracy, watching his energy carefully.  This guy was cool, his energy was completely calm.  We need to talk.

    Your place or mine? He grinned as he pocketed the ID and slipped the gun back into its shoulder holster.  Okay, he was well over forty, and wearing a wedding ring, but dammit all, Tracy really liked his energy.  He was the first man in years to put her at ease so quickly.

    Yours. She walked around and got into his car.  It smelled faintly of coffee and his after shave.

    Tom Sheridan. He smiled as he got back in the car and offered his hand.  Tracy shook the proffered hand, and smiled in return.  His touch felt warm and friendly.

    All right, Tom, tell me why you’ve been following me, which branch of government you work for, and what the hell is going on here.

    Tracy, I’m a recruiter for a very secret agency.  I know, I know, it sounds phony, but it isn’t.  I’m telling the truth.

    I know you are.  Go on.

    Okay, well, you were first spotted about twenty years ago, but your mother got you out before you could be contacted.

    You mean before I could be captured.  I remember.  I’d have been locked away in some lab and studied for years, experimented on, and god knows what else.  We had to run.

    "Yes, you did, and your mother was right to do so.  You popped up from time to time over

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