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The Misadventures of Max and Molly: Juvenile fiction, #2
The Misadventures of Max and Molly: Juvenile fiction, #2
The Misadventures of Max and Molly: Juvenile fiction, #2
Ebook91 pages1 hour

The Misadventures of Max and Molly: Juvenile fiction, #2

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About this ebook

Join Max and Molly, the trouble magnet twins, on a whirlwind of misadventures that turn everyday moments into uproarious escapades! From mistaken alien sightings to runaway giraffes and explosive birthday parties, their antics are bound to leave you in stitches. Whether they're solving mysteries, navigating school plays gone awry, or braving spooky sleepovers, one thing's for sure: with Max and Molly around, chaos is never far behind. Get ready for laughter, lessons learned (sort of), and a whole lot of fun in "The Misadventures of Max and Molly: Trouble Magnet Twins."

Release dateJun 27, 2024
The Misadventures of Max and Molly: Juvenile fiction, #2

Tina Fey

Tina Fey is celebrated as a comedic genius in both film and television, and now she brings her wit and charm to the world of children's literature. Known for her sharp humor and knack for storytelling, Fey's debut in juvenile fiction with "The Misadventures of Max and Molly: Trouble Magnet Twins" showcases her ability to weave hilarious tales that resonate with young readers. Through uproarious adventures and quirky characters, Fey's writing sparks laughter while imparting valuable lessons about resilience, friendship, and the joy of embracing life's mishaps. Off the page, Fey continues to inspire with her humor and creativity, proving that laughter truly is the best medicine.

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    Book preview

    The Misadventures of Max and Molly - Tina Fey

    Chapter 1: Double Trouble

    Max and Molly were twins, identical in mischief as much as in appearance. At eight years old, they were known throughout their neighborhood for their boundless energy and their uncanny ability to find trouble wherever they went.

    It was a bright Saturday morning in the quiet suburb where Max and Molly lived. The sun streamed through their bedroom window, casting a warm glow over the room that they shared. Max stirred first, rubbing his eyes and yawning loudly.

    Molly, he called out, nudging his sister who was still tangled in her blankets. Wake up! It's Saturday!

    Molly groaned and rolled over, her tousled brown hair sticking out in all directions. I don't want to wake up, she mumbled, burying her face deeper into her pillow.

    But Molly, Max insisted, remember what Mom said? We can bake cookies today!

    At the mention of cookies, Molly's eyes flew open. Cookies? she exclaimed, suddenly wide awake. Why didn't you say so earlier? Let's get baking!

    With that, the twins sprang out of bed and dashed downstairs to the kitchen. Their parents were already up, sipping coffee and reading the morning newspaper.

    Good morning, sleepyheads, their mom greeted them with a smile. Are you two ready for your baking adventure?

    Max and Molly nodded eagerly, their excitement palpable. Their mom helped them gather the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies: flour, sugar, butter, and of course, lots of chocolate chips.

    Now remember, their dad chimed in, setting aside his newspaper, measure everything carefully and follow the recipe step by step.

    We will, Dad, Max promised, standing on his tiptoes to reach the countertop.

    Molly cracked the first egg into a mixing bowl with a little too much enthusiasm, causing a few drops to splatter onto the floor. Max giggled as he measured out the flour, trying to keep it from forming clouds of white powder in the air.

    Soon, the kitchen filled with the delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies. Max and Molly took turns scooping the dough onto the baking sheets, their faces smeared with chocolate from sneaky tastes.

    Their mom slid the trays into the oven, setting the timer with a smile. Now, she said, wiping her hands on a towel, while the cookies bake, why don't you two go play outside? It's such a beautiful day.

    Max and Molly exchanged mischievous grins. Playing outside was their favorite pastime, and they already had a few ideas brewing in their minds.

    We'll be back before the cookies are done! Max promised, grabbing Molly's hand as they raced out the back door.

    Outside, their backyard was a playground of adventure. A swing set stood proudly under the shade of a large oak tree, and a sandbox filled with toys beckoned from the corner.

    What should we do first? Molly wondered aloud, spinning in a circle to take in all the possibilities.

    I know! Max exclaimed suddenly, pointing to the old shed at the far end of the yard. Let's see if we can find Dad's old toolbox. Maybe we can build something!

    Molly nodded enthusiastically, and they tiptoed across the grass to the shed. The door creaked loudly as Max pushed it open, revealing a treasure trove of forgotten tools and gadgets.

    Look at all this stuff! Molly exclaimed, her eyes widening with excitement.

    Max rummaged through the toolbox until he found a hammer and a handful of nails. Let's build a fort! he suggested, eyes sparkling with creativity.

    For the next hour, the twins worked diligently, hammering boards together and draping an old blanket over the top to create their masterpiece. They pretended they were adventurers in a far-off land, defending their fortress from imaginary enemies and plotting daring escapes.

    Just as they put the finishing touches on their fort, a loud beep echoed from the kitchen window.

    The cookies! Molly exclaimed, dropping her makeshift sword and racing towards the house.

    Max followed close behind, their laughter echoing across the yard as they sprinted across the grass.

    Inside, their mom was just pulling the last tray of cookies from the oven. The kitchen was filled with the mouth-watering scent of warm chocolate and freshly baked dough.

    Perfect timing, you two! their mom praised, setting the tray down on the counter to cool. Why don't you wash up while these cool down a bit?

    Max and Molly nodded eagerly, their stomachs rumbling in anticipation. They hurried to the bathroom to scrub their hands clean, their laughter bubbling over as they splashed water onto each other.

    When they returned to the kitchen, the cookies were still warm to the touch. Their mom divided the treats onto plates, giving each of them a generous helping.

    Careful, they're still hot, she warned as Max and Molly eagerly grabbed their cookies.

    They blew on the steaming chocolate chips before taking their first bite. The cookies were soft and gooey, the perfect reward for a morning of baking and building.

    As they sat at the kitchen table, munching on their well-earned treats, Max and Molly exchanged satisfied smiles. Despite their penchant for mischief, they knew that some of the best adventures were the simplest ones shared with family.

    And as the afternoon sun began to sink low in the sky, casting a golden glow over their backyard, the twins knew that this was just the beginning of their misadventures.

    Little did they know, however, that their peaceful afternoon was about to take a turn towards chaos, setting the stage for even greater escapades to come.

    Chapter 2: The Great Pet Escape

    Max and Molly were never ones to shy away from adventure. After the excitement of their

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