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The Agreement
The Agreement
The Agreement
Ebook93 pages1 hour

The Agreement

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She had gasped when his hand landed on her hip, and he pulled her. Her butt slid along the edge of the desk till she was standing in between his hands. His hands went flat against the smooth desk, and his nose went to her neck. She had froze for a moment and then blushed but then calmed. He was smelling her, she knew why; she was familiar, safe to him like he was to her. She grabbed his shirt as he leaned his nose more into her. She then found herself sitting on his desk and him between her legs.

"Kyra," He said lazily,

"Um, yes?"

"I am in pain." His dull, dare she say tried voice spoke,

That was a lot to admit she knew. Alphas did not show weakness, or tell you about them, ever.

"In pain?" She questioned,

He pushed and pressed himself against her leg; she gasped, she knew instantly what he meant, and she became heated.

His nose pushed up her cheek and then pulled back to look at her. She was pure, untouched, untouched by man and powerful, she was almost like him, even though he had been touched, he was untouchable, but right now he didn't want to be.

"You are untouched, and I am untouchable; we should enter into an agreement."

"An agreement?" She asked slowly,


"What kind?"

"A sexual one," He stated without hesitation, confident.


Release dateJun 26, 2024
The Agreement

brandy wittmer

Married mother of four who started by writing fanfiction. My fan base grew as did my love of writing, it was my me time!  I hope to grow my work and my fan base! Please follow me on FB under Onlyaftermidnight!

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    Book preview

    The Agreement - brandy wittmer

    Chapter 1

    Kyra stood alone, watching the rain fall, its angry splatter hitting her large window and slowly sliding down. She looked at the large city below; the night lights were a blur from the rain. She stood there in socks that were too big, white high cheek bikini cut underwear, and a crop oversized cream sweater that read 'Cat.'

    She fiddled with her necklace, and as much as tears threatened to come up, they didn't. She was in such a hard daydream that she didn't even know if she was or was not crying. She took in a ragged breath; her soul was restless. She wanted to sleep, but it wasn't going to come even if she begged.

    She looked at her messy bed.

    They say you can be addicted to a certain kind of sadness; she knew it to be true. She wondered if sadness followed her like a sick puppy or was it that she called for it with a loud whistle of her lips.

    He wasn't there, he wasn't coming, he was far off someplace with someone else.

    How foolish of her that she didn't learn the first time.

    Kyra sprawled on her bed and slowly laid out and tucked her arms under her pillow. It was her own fault, her heart's fault, sometimes she wished she could pull it out and hide it, she snorted at the thought.

    She moved for him, leaving her friends, who moved on without her. They were all married with kids on the way. They say the pack is supposed to stay together, but it didn't. Of course, she and two of her friends were half-breed humans and didn't actually belong in a pack.

    For a while, she didn't think she would ever belong in one. The man she thought would seek her didn't, and that was after years of push and pull. Stringing her along only to choose another from another pack, no less, a panther demon.

    She had wasted years, good years, good breeding years on him, and in the end, it was his brother she cried to. But she didn't cry long. She was an alpha female; it was his loss. That and his brother wasn't the kind of wolf you cried to; he would take no pity, and he didn't. Called her foolish.

    He was an unmated alpha male, and unlike his brother, he was in no hurry to mate. He was tall and slender, sharp jaw, bright silver eyes, and long silver hair that he wore in a high braided ponytail. A sign of royalty. In the moonlight, both his eyes and hair literally glowed and made women swoon. His eyes became so intense in the moonlight and should he so choose to wear his hair down, women would faint. He didn't loosen it often.

    His fangs were so large that they peeked out of his mouth anytime his mouth was opened.

    Kyra rolled over, her long legs bent and her flat tummy stretched, showing she was still pretty toned; she sighed; it was her own fault. Her doggish ears twitched, a sign she was a half-breed. She was unable to hide that fact. Everyone knew, all the males.

    She was quite pretty, though quite simple. Her skin wasn't quite as dark as the other female wolves, and her hair was black where, as most had blonde, red, or white hair unless you were of royal blood.

    But she was strong and witty, but also a bit shorter. She stood at only 5’5. Her full-blooded sisters were all 5 '6 and 5' 8, and none of the males were shorter than 6 feet.

    She recalled asking his brother why her. Why did she have to be the half-breed?

    What does not kill you, He said,

    It won't kill me,

    Yet you sit here like a newborn, wasting my time with such foolishness,

    She had turned from him. I thought we were friends, and least I'd like to think we are.

    Most females would not approach him so easily and he would not grant them time either. She was sure he allowed her such liberties because she was a half-breed. None of the other females seemed threatened that she was close to him, and close is a term she would use lightly. This alpha and her were not close. She had just followed his brother, and she thought that maybe they were her pack; they allowed her in like she was. But now, she felt more like the sad stray. He never corrected her or pushed her away. But he also wasn't warm or caring. He may have listened from time to time, but the guy was basically a jerk. Not that she would ever tell him that to his face.

    He had stayed silent for a moment, I will not indulge you, woman; I am not my brother.

    She sighed. You're right; maybe I am being selfish and soft. She turned around. He narrowed his eyes at her.

    I guess this will be our last conversation then,

    Not like he could do anything about it; he had approved of his brother's mating, and this alpha hated panthers so it had come to a great shock for many in his pack. She should have been angry with him too, he knew how she felt about this brother.

    You will return,

    This is not my place. Clearly.

    He did not stop her.

    She vanished.

    But it was not her that came back, but him.

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