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Loving an Older Woman: Love Can Be Found at Any Age VictoriaaEUR(tm)s Romance
Loving an Older Woman: Love Can Be Found at Any Age VictoriaaEUR(tm)s Romance
Loving an Older Woman: Love Can Be Found at Any Age VictoriaaEUR(tm)s Romance
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Loving an Older Woman: Love Can Be Found at Any Age VictoriaaEUR(tm)s Romance

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Can an older woman find love once again?

As he came closer, Tori's body did something that it hadn't done in years. She felt her temperature rising, and as he approached, she breathed out. "What the fuck," she whispered as my eyes locked into the most beautiful brown eyes she had ever seen.

"Hello, Alonzo," Tori softly replied. This man had plagued her thoughts since their brief affair all those years ago, and now he is here in the flesh. The universe was playing tricks on her. How the hell did he just show up like magic? He had plagued her dreams.

"Hello, butterfly," he responded smoothly.

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Loving an Older Woman: Love Can Be Found at Any Age VictoriaaEUR(tm)s Romance

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    Loving an Older Woman - F.F. Alford


    Loving an Older Woman

    Love Can Be Found at Any Age VictoriaaEUR(tm)s Romance

    F.F. Alford

    ISBN 978-1-63784-375-8 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63784-376-5 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by F.F. Alford

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Hawes & Jenkins Publishing

    16427 N Scottsdale Road Suite 410

    Scottsdale, AZ 85254

    This is a book of fictional. Names, characters, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or living or deceased persons is entirely coincidental.

    Cover photo @ pcrowephoto/Patrick Crowe

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    Tyler, Texas

    Present Day

    Chapter 2

    Dallas, Texas

    One Year Ago

    Unhappy Wife, Unhappy Life

    Chapter 3

    Nine Months Ago

    Happy Divorce Day

    Chapter 4

    Freedom Ride

    Chapter 5

    You Are Free to Go!

    Chapter 6

    Dreams Are Forever

    Chapter 7

    Where Are All the Good Men?

    Chapter 8

    Alonzo 2.0

    Chapter 9

    New Life

    Chapter 10

    Rekindling the Past

    Chapter 11

    Who's Your Daddy?

    Chapter 12

    No…One-Night Stand

    Chapter 13

    Sister, Sister

    Chapter 14

    Dating at Sixty

    Chapter 15

    Moving into a New Chapter

    Chapter 16

    Girl Power to the Rescue

    Chapter 17

    Beaches, Sand, and Sex

    Chapter 18

    Beach Life

    Chapter 19

    Back to Reality

    Chapter 20

    Present Day

    Ending to the Beginning

    Chapter 21

    My Forever


    Three Months Later

    Everything's Coming Up Roses

    About the Author


    This book is dedicated to women that have inspired me throughout my life. Thank you to my mother, Velma Lucille, and her mother, Gertrude— two of the strongest women that I have known who pride themselves on instilling family values. I know that they are proud of my life's accomplishments. Also, I acknowledge my sister, Kimberly; she has always supported me in my life choices. To my son, James, you will always be my baby!

    A special acknowledgment to my husband, Jay. I am so glad we met later in life and thank you for supporting me as we continue our journey together through good and bad times.

    Finally, I wanted to thank every one of the women that I have met throughout the last sixty-plus years!


    As I went to sleep that night, I did not think about Marcus or the divorce. Somewhere in the depths of my soul awakened a lover from the past. His strong ebony arms comforted me, and a sexy voice told me he is coming for me. This was a man that I have known a lifetime ago and who could make me feel like no other.

    His tongue was his secret weapon, and he knew exactly how to put it to good use. Throughout the past years, he would come to me in my sleep. Lately, it seems that he is near me, and I have always wondered how his life had turned out.

    As I slept, my body was doing something it had not done in years. I could feel my pussy getting hot. I am dreaming about his hands all over my body, and he was finger fucking me into a hard climax.

    My juices wet his fingers. Suddenly, I woke up and realized who I was dreaming about. Alonzo, I breathed out his name, wondering why the dream was so vivid. My whole body was on fire, just dreaming of him!

    Chapter 1

    Tyler, Texas

    Present Day

    Once again, Victoria Jackson awakened at 2:33 a.m. What the hell? Am I waking up every night at this same time? Lately, it seems that the universe is trying to tell me something and a good night's sleep escapes me once again.

    The over-the-counter sleeping aids were a waste of time. My mind just seemed to be on overdrive, thinking of the decisions that I have made in the past months.

    The bedroom is dark and cold from the opened window from the evening before. I have always loved the sounds and smell of country air.

    However, Tyler, Texas, is no longer considered country living. It has blossomed just like every other small town in Texas. But the aroma is still the same. Regardless, it is still a lot better when you need to escape from a big city like the Dallas or Fort Worth Metroplex, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.

    As I get out of bed, I head to the bathroom to relieve my bladder before trying once again to go to sleep. I think to myself that this is just one of the issues with getting older, frequent peeing nightly. I am just thankful that I don't have to wear those adult diapers yet! Thank the Lord. Although, they look more fashionable now, and I would rock the shit out of those…literally.

    As I returned to the comfort of the bed, it reminded me of summers in the past when I was a child.

    As a kid growing up in the city, it was always a great adventure to go to the country and visit with my family.

    We had no worries, and the only thing we had to do was stay out of grown folk's business and play with our cousins. Life was so much simpler then.

    This new age generation of children may be more enlightened; however, it is sad that they will never know the type of freedom we shared back in the day.

    I smile as I think about the past week with my family and reflect on the time spent visiting my cousin. I remembered the phone call I received a week ago from my favorite cousin, Lynn.

    We have always teased Lynn about her second sight. She always knew when something was not right.

    Lately, she felt that I was an emotional wreck and reached out to me. Thank goodness, she invited me to her home to escape the mess I made of my life.

    Last Saturday, I arrived at Lynn's home and was embraced with such unconditional love and support. Hey, Tori, she says, running toward the car as I drove up that afternoon. In her driveway, she was jumping up and down excitedly, eager to see me. I am so glad you came. I miss you so much, she stated gleefully. Wait until everyone sees you, it's been so long.

    Lynn's excitement shows on her face. Her short figure doesn't diminish her sparkling personality, but it made her seem taller than her five-foot-five height. Although she was fifty-five years old, she stands out in the crowd with her youthful energy.

    She is gorgeous, with her dark ebony complexion and those big, beautiful brown eyes. Her natural hair color is a mixture of brownish red with a hint of gray braids sitting atop her head in a bun.

    She greets me with a big bear hug, which is hard for her since I am taller than her by six inches. My five-foot-eleven height has always been an issue with me, especially when I initially encounter someone shorter than myself. Just one of the insecurities I had faced my entire life.

    Unfortunately, today, women have always compared themselves to other women and always find something lacking in themselves.

    It has always frustrated me to watch women tear each other down, instead of building them up. Such a waste of time, our focus should be on improving our inner selves, not the exterior. Who cares, how much bigger someone's else ass is? How does that help anyone else out? I asked myself from time to time.

    Tori, look at you, she said warmly. You're beautiful. I want to get a good look at you. No one would know that you just celebrated your sixtieth birthday.

    I wondered. As Lynn welcomed me, my mind wandered, Who is she talking about? I guess she does not see the bags under my eyes or the paleness of my skin. I know that I am not ugly. However, I no longer feel attractive. The current situation has left me deflated and miserable inside and out. I know my face shows the stress I have been under lately.

    Hi, Lynn, I replied. "Thanks for inviting me down. You know I've been going through

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