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Swimming Upstream: The Girl with the Plan
Swimming Upstream: The Girl with the Plan
Swimming Upstream: The Girl with the Plan
Ebook62 pages45 minutes

Swimming Upstream: The Girl with the Plan

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The Girl With the Plan by Gigi Francois is a poignant coming-of-age story about 16-year-old Haitian immigrant Alora Paulinis as she navigates first love, family obligations, and chasing her dreams in Boston.

When Alora moves to America with her family so her sick younger brother can receive treatment, she struggles to fit in at her new high school while hiding her passion for art from her traditional parents who want her to focus on academics.

Everything changes when popular soccer player Andy takes an interest in Alora's incredible artistic talent. He encourages her to secretly start sharing her art online, and as their friendship turns romantic, Alora begins to imagine a different future for herself - until a family emergency brings everything crashing down.

Torn between pleasing her strict parents, being there for her brother, and nurturing her growing feelings for Andy, Alora must find the courage to fight for what she wants and who she really is. A touching exploration of identity, ambition, and the sacrifices we make for family, The Girl With the Plan is an unforgettable story of a girl learning to dream big.

With a diverse cast of characters, vibrant immigrant family dynamics, and a sweet, heartwarming romance, Gigi Francois' young adult debut is perfect for fans of Jenny Han, Sandhya Menon, and Nicola Yoon. Get ready to fall in love with Alora's journey as she discovers the power of art, love, and staying true to herself.

Release dateMay 29, 2024
Swimming Upstream: The Girl with the Plan

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    Book preview

    Swimming Upstream - Gigi Francois


    Two years ago

    It was raining the day her mother left. She held Papa's hand tightly at the airport as he hugged the love of his life with the other. Mama's eyes were teary, and a few drops fell on her cheeks as she crouched to say goodbye.

    Alora pressed her face to her mama's shoulder and sobbed silently. She knew that Mama had to go to America; otherwise, Dave might never be cured, but she was afraid. She had never lived without her mama before, and it was scary. Who would braid her hair for school? Who would help her study? Who would bake her favorite fruit cake on her 14th birthday?

    Detaching herself from her mother, she looked at her little brother, Dave, sitting in the wheelchair, gazing at the bright lights in the airport. Out of everyone in the family, he was the only one who was excited to go and live in the States, even if it was for treatment. Alora doubted that he understood what it meant.

    Suddenly, she felt terribly selfish. She had 13 years; 13 years of everything—stylish braids, top grades, fruit cakes—everything. And Dave didn't even get to have that in his five-year-old life. Her little brother deserved better.

    He deserved a sister who loved him, cared for him, and spoiled him endlessly. And if she couldn't go with him, then she would make sure that Dave, as well as the rest of the family, had all the support she could offer.

    Chapter 1: Woes of Art

    His super-vision never missed. He could see the silhouette of the hostages through the window. All that was left for him to do was get to the building.

    But how? Even from the terrace he was standing on, the building where the kidnappers were hiding was miles away. If only he had the power of the infinite instead of super-vision, he would've flown like an eagle and saved the innocent hostages.

    Wait a minute! The light bulb floating over his head lit as bright as the sun, indicating a brilliant idea.

    Super-vision was not Shadowblaze's only power; he could also control shadows and congeal them. With immense concentration, he thrust his hands toward the shadow of the huge building, and a dark, wavy figure that resembled a sludge appeared.

    Her hands didn't shake as she loosely held the pencil and added curly lines on top of the sludge-like drawing to indicate the ascend of the shadow, which, in the next panel, would transform into a long bridge connecting the superhero to the kidnapper's lair. Then...

    And what would be the answer, Ms. Paulinis? Mrs. Allen's voice came from the front of the classroom.

    Alora, who was hunched over her desk, vigorously drawing the Crusades of Shadowblaze, jerked to her feet. Ma'am?

    The chemical equation to the word equation on the board, Ms. Paulinis. What will it be when aluminum bromide and chlorine gas react to form aluminum chloride and bromine gas? repeated the teacher, unimpressed.

    Alora blinked. She shifted her eyes from the stern teacher to the board and read the equation herself. She reread it twice more, and when she opened her mouth to answer Mrs. Allen, the best she could manage was, Um...

    Thankfully, it was her lucky day because as Mrs. Allen took a step forward with hands on her hips, and Alora had no doubt that she had triggered her teacher's burning point, the final bell of the week went off.

    Her fellow classmates didn't wait for the teacher to dismiss them and excitedly packed their bags. Loud, enthusiastic chatter filled the classroom, and not a single soul groaned when Mrs. Allen assigned them homework. It was the first game of the year, after all, and the preparations for the pep rally had been in full

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