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Theron Blackthorn And The Chronicles of Magic: Theron Blackthorn, #2
Theron Blackthorn And The Chronicles of Magic: Theron Blackthorn, #2
Theron Blackthorn And The Chronicles of Magic: Theron Blackthorn, #2
Ebook164 pages1 hour

Theron Blackthorn And The Chronicles of Magic: Theron Blackthorn, #2

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About this ebook

 In a world of ancient magic, 17-year-old Theron Blackthorn discovers his hidden legacy as a powerful wizard. With his newfound abilities, he must navigate treacherous magical politics and battle dark forces threatening the realm. As Theron uncovers secrets about his past and his family's mysterious history, he must confront the darkness within himself and make a choice: embrace his destiny or risk everything to forge his own path.


With the guidance of his wise mentor, Lyra, and the support of his loyal friends, Theron embarks on a perilous journey to master his powers and uncover the truth about his family's cursed past. But as the stakes grow higher, Theron realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the fate of the entire magical world.


Will Theron rise to his rightful place among the most powerful wizards of all time, or will the shadows of his family's dark legacy consume him? Dive into the world of Theron Blackthorn, where magic, adventure, and self-discovery awaits.

Release dateJun 7, 2024
Theron Blackthorn And The Chronicles of Magic: Theron Blackthorn, #2

Mirembe Allan

Mirembe Allan was born in 2006 in a small country in Uganda, Africa. He is an award winning Author. He is also the founder of Allan Inspirations publishers Co. Despite Mirembe Allan being deaf due to a serious disease that he got in 2014, he never gave up on his dream of being an author because he learnt to listen with the eyes not the ears.

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    Theron Blackthorn And The Chronicles of Magic - Mirembe Allan


    In the dawn of time , the ancient ones forged the world with wisdom and power. They created the artifact, a source of energy and strength, to guide and protect their creation.

    As the ages passed, the artifact was lost, and the world was plunged into darkness. But the ancient ones left behind a prophecy, a promise of a wizard who would find the artifact and restore balance to the world.

    For centuries, the people waited, hoping for the wizard's arrival. And when the time was right, a young wizard named Theron emerged, destined to fulfill the prophecy and save the world from destruction.



    Theron and Merlin decided to follow Lord Roundern into the dark forest, but soon they heard a rustling sound.

    Theron and Merlin stood frozen, their wands at the ready. The rustling sound grew louder, and a figure emerged from the darkness. It was a young woman, her clothes torn and her face bruised. She looked at Theron and Merlin with a mixture of fear and desperation.

    Please, she begged, you have to help me. Lord Roundern's soldiers took my sister. I have to find her before it's too late.

    Theron and Merlin exchanged a glance. This was a complication they hadn't anticipated.

    We're on a mission to stop Lord Roundern, Theron explained, his wand hand twitching with anticipation. But we'll help you find your sister. Can you tell us where the soldiers took her?

    The woman nodded, tears streaming down her face. They took her to the old windmill on the outskirts of the forest. But be warned, it's heavily guarded.

    Theron and Merlin nodded, their determination renewed. They would save the woman's sister and put an end to Lord Roundern's evil plans.

    Let's go, Theron said, leading the way towards the windmill, his wand held firmly in his hand.

    As they approached the old windmill, they could see that it was indeed heavily guarded. Puppet soldiers stood at attention, their cold, dead eyes watching Theron and Merlin's every move.

    We need a plan, Merlin whispered, his eyes scanning the area. We can't take on all of them at once.

    Theron nodded, his mind racing. And then, a clever idea struck him...

    Merlin, can you cast a distraction spell? Theron asked, his eyes fixed on the windmill.

    Merlin nodded, his wand flicking through the air. Aguamenti! he whispered, conjuring a powerful jet of water that slammed into the windmill's doors.

    The puppet soldiers immediately rushed to investigate, leaving their posts unguarded. Theron and Merlin exchanged a glance, and with a swift nod, Theron and Merlin crept towards the windmill, their wands held firmly in their hands. They could hear the puppet soldiers shouting and searching for the source of the water spell. Theron and Merlin exchanged a glance, and with a swift nod, they slipped inside the windmill.

    The interior was dark and musty, the only sound the creaking of the old wooden beams. Theron and Merlin moved cautiously, their wands casting flickering shadows on the walls.

    Where do you think they're holding the sister? Merlin whispered, his eyes scanning the shadows.

    Theron shrugged. Let's split up and search. We'll cover more ground that way.

    Merlin nodded, and they separated, their wands casting different directions. Theron climbed the creaking stairs to the upper levels, while Merlin searched the ground floor.

    As Theron reached the top level, he heard a faint cry for help. He followed the sound to a small room, locked and barricaded from the inside. Theron's heart raced as he realized the sister must be inside.



    Theron was about to cast a spell to break the lock when he heard a voice behind him.

    Ah-ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you, the voice said.

    Theron turned to see a figure cloaked in shadows, a wand pointed at him.

    Who are you? Theron demanded, his own wand at the ready.

    I am Raven, Lord Roundern's most trusted advisor, the figure replied, stepping forward. And you, Theron, are a foolish wizard indeed if you think you can defeat our master.

    Theron snarled, his eyes flashing with anger. I'll defeat him, all right. And you're going to let me pass.

    Raven chuckled. I don't think so. You see, I have a little surprise waiting for you.

    With a flick of her wand, the room was filled with a thick, impenetrable fog. Theron coughed, his eyes stinging.

    Merlin! he shouted, hoping his friend would hear him.

    But there was no answer.

    Theron waved his wand, trying to clear the fog, but it only seemed to grow thicker. He stumbled forward, trying to find the door, but it was impossible to see more than a few inches in front of him.

    Suddenly, he heard footsteps echoing through the fog. Raven was moving closer, her wand still trained on him.

    Theron raised his own wand, ready to defend himself, but he couldn't see what he was aiming at. The fog was too dense, too disorienting.

    Just as Raven was about to cast a spell, a loud crash echoed through the room. The fog began to clear, and Theron saw Merlin standing in the doorway, his wand still smoking from the spell he had cast to dispel the fog.

    Thanks, Merlin, Theron said, relieved. I owe you one.

    Merlin grinned. Anytime, Theron. Now, let's get out of here before more of Lord Roundern's minions show up.

    But as they turned to leave, they saw Raven standing in front of them, her eyes blazing with anger.

    You fools, she spat. You think you can defeat Lord Roundern? He is the most powerful wizard in the land!

    Theron and Merlin exchanged a glance. They knew they had to get past Raven and find Lord Roundern before it was too late.

    Let's go, Theron said, his wand at the ready.

    And with that, the two wizards charged forward, their wands flashing in the dim light of the windmill. Raven sneered, her own wand flashing with dark magic.

    You're no match for me, she taunted, casting a spell that sent Theron flying across the room.

    Merlin rushed to his friend's side, helping him to his feet. We need to work together if we're going to defeat her, he whispered.

    Theron nodded, his eyes blazing with determination. Let's do it.

    With a fierce cry, the two wizards launched a joint attack on Raven. Their wands clashed, sparks flying as they exchanged blow for blow.

    Raven was a formidable opponent, but Theron and Merlin were determined to stop her. They fought with all their might, their magic swirling around them in a dazzling display of light and sound.

    Just when it seemed they were gaining the upper hand, Raven unleashed a powerful blast of dark magic. Theron and Merlin stumbled back, their wands trembling with the force of the blow.

    We need to end this, Theron gasped, his eyes locked on Raven. Now.

    Merlin nodded, his face set with determination. Let's do it.

    With a fierce cry, the two wizards launched a final, desperate attack on Raven. Their wands clashed, sparks flying as they exchanged blow for blow.

    And then, in a burst of light and sound, it was over. Raven lay defeated at their feet, her dark magic banished from the windmill.

    Theron and Merlin stood panting, their wands still trembling with the force of the battle. They had done it. They had defeated Raven and cleared the way to Lord Roundern.

    But as they turned to leave, they heard a voice behind them.

    Welcome, Theron and Merlin, the voice said. I see you've defeated my loyal advisor. But can you defeat me?

    Theron and Merlin turned to see Lord Roundern standing in the doorway, his eyes blazing with dark magic...



    The two wizards stood frozen, their wands still trembling from the battle with Raven. Lord Roundern sneered at them, his eyes blazing with dark magic.

    You fools, he spat. You think you can defeat me? I am the most powerful wizard in the land!

    Theron and Merlin exchanged a glance. They knew they had to be careful. Lord Roundern's magic was legendary, and they had already seen the devastation he

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