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Becoming Immaculate: From Abused to Zen in One Lifetime
Becoming Immaculate: From Abused to Zen in One Lifetime
Becoming Immaculate: From Abused to Zen in One Lifetime
Ebook422 pages6 hours

Becoming Immaculate: From Abused to Zen in One Lifetime

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Cari has been on a wild ride that started over seven years ago. As a human, she has been on a non-stop relentless search for something she couldn't see. It can't be seen, but she has felt it her entire life. After her daughter delivered a box of belongings from her dad's house, she realized she has always been a writer.

In the box were handwritten notes, journals, and stacks of computer feed paper; it's all documented. She wrote everything down. Every deep, dark, suicidal thought. Every desperate cry to find her way out. She didn’t realize she wrote it all down.

As she says:

I am not there now. I followed the "gut-tug" and I found my way to where we want to go while we are on this planet. There is a final destination. Something I couldn't see is where I live today.

If you cannot believe it, if you say it can't be so, then why exactly would you be on a spiritual "journey?" A journey is on the way to something. You thought you would merely climb a ladder into the clouds that keeps on going. No! There is a place we want to end up while we are still breathing.

How did I find it? Because I have been searching my entire life. I learned how to be silent to allow it to show up. One step at a time, it all showed up. That search has brought me through relationships, moves, careers, friends, and family. I have been an evolving machine since I was a child. Nothing made sense until I got through the stories I came here to finish living.

The difference between me and you - I say yes to the unknown. I say yes to my higher self.

After leaving my ex, my career, my daughter, my animals; I embarked on a mission of silence. I lived alone on the ocean for a year and a half. Then my journey delivered me to deeper silence and less people. I ended up in Mount Shasta. It was in Mount Shasta when the first book was finished, and submitted to the publisher.

At that time, I knew I was finished writing. Part of me felt complete. Like "my life"s work is now all written; like did I just do this? Am I really done writing books?" You cannot comprehend that feeling when it is what you seem to be "doing" your entire life. I was going to be a published author after writing five books.

Then I went on a cruise and I knew to my soul it was not a vacation. It was not. It was the beginning of a pregnancy I did not see coming. I wrote another book in under three weeks.

The first is a four-part series called, "Only Beautiful Things Happen to Me." They describe in great detail my spiritual journey as it began over seven years ago. This first book is written to my sister. We are incredibly close, but we haven't been near each other in a very long time. She hasn't experienced the new me at this energetic space. I had to find a way to explain to her not only what I am, but how I got here. It was the only thing I could do to help her understand why I am amazing now, but so different from the sister she knew growing up.

Moving to Mount Shasta completed the journey. It was here where I stopped taking all medication and stepped into life living full time as heaven in a skin-bag. I have no other way to describe it. I live in the fifth dimension all the time. Once here, you know what is real. Life is so amazing. I've lived all of this so I can show you the way. We don't have to experience any form of misery. We have our life and our plan at our fingertips. We choose where we go and how we feel. This book will show you the steps I took. Once here – the search is over. That's when I knew there is a destination.

After the first four books describe my expansion, the book I was born to write came through me. On March 29th, I woke up screaming and shaking. I was shown why I was sent to Maui on August 6th, just two days before the fire. The vision tied everything together. It explained why I went on the cruise seven months after Hawaii.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 13, 2024
Becoming Immaculate: From Abused to Zen in One Lifetime

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    Becoming Immaculate - Cari Palmer

    Copyright © 2024 Cari Palmer.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-4991-8 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024903979

    Balboa Press rev. date:   05/10/2024

    For the trail of seekers on this journey with me who left

    the path when it became foreboding. I forged the trail alone.

    It is safe. Come on up. I’ll put the coffee on.


    Chapter 1     The Panel

    Chapter 2     The Book Of You

    Chapter 3     Question For You

    Chapter 4     Introduction

    Chapter 5     Why We Are Here

    Chapter 6     Childhood Miracles

    Chapter 7     The Not So Good

    Chapter 8     Our Angel Arrived

    Chapter 9     Turning Over Every Leaf

    Chapter 10   John & The Intersection

    Chapter 11   Puyallup Friends

    Chapter 12   My First Epiphany - Leaving Cabo

    Chapter 13   The Book That Rocked My World

    Chapter 14   Awakening Together In Sumner

    Chapter 15   Connie

    Chapter 16   Watch What You Wish For

    Chapter 17   Moving To Olympia

    Chapter 18   Friday The13th, March 2020

    Chapter 19   Sedona

    Chapter 20   The Jeannie Is Out Of The Bottle

    Chapter 21   Inspired By A Master

    Chapter 22   Now… He Listens

    Chapter 23   Newport, Oregon – Boot Camp

    Chapter 24   Welcome To 5D

    Chapter 25   Disappearing

    Chapter 26   Take The Leap

    Chapter 27   Becoming Immaculate

    Chapter 28   I’m Not Special

    Chapter 29   Ripple Effect

    Chapter 30   Groomed For This Role

    Chapter 31   The Search Is Over

    Chapter 32   Lost You Yet?

    Chapter 33   The Observer

    Chapter 34   Time For The Big Guns

    Chapter 35   Celebrate Synchronicities

    Chapter 36   We Are All Larry!

    Chapter 37   The Box

    Chapter 38   They Will Follow You

    Chapter 39   Unwanting

    Chapter 40   Getting Unstuck

    Chapter 41   You Cannot Escape You

    Chapter 42   Being Cari

    Chapter 43   Release What You Were Taught

    Chapter 44   Death Is Beautiful

    Chapter 45   Relationships

    Chapter 46   Praying Brought A Hippy

    Chapter 47   How I Got Here

    Chapter 48   One Step

    Chapter 49   Unplug & Forge Ahead

    Chapter 50   Recap

    Chapter 51   Surrender

    Chapter 52   12 Strangers - Dark Secrets

    Chapter 53   Squeezing The Sponge

    Chapter 54   Finding Faith

    Chapter 55   Ego

    Chapter 56   I Chose My Way Here

    Chapter 57   The Flipside

    Chapter 58   Books As Bread Crumbs

    Chapter 59   Introducing Season Two



    W e don’t know how many books are coming out of Cari. Other than the beginning of the second book, everything else comes from a panel. The only time you will hear words from Cari with no influence from the other side is the beginning of book two. We are preparing you for this.

    Cari started writing her first book after her trip to Sedona in May, 2021. She experienced her first sudden paranormal performance months after the writing process began. You will notice the difference.

    The first book was predicted to become her second book. It is the follow up story to this overview. Having this overview will help understand where she was when she wrote the book.

    As the Sedona story unfolded, Cari was the only one writing it. The Sedona story is now Season Two. Becoming Immaculate is now the first book. It is the overview, and written in her present voice, with the Panel’s influence.

    We are trying to explain how the voice in this book will come across. It is not normal. Cari is not like someone who channels someone, and only that voice comes through. In this book, Cari and her story comes from many perspectives. We all butt in as needed.

    Her task is to write and share what she has gathered, and to not concern herself with anything else. These words are urgent. They must be shared. Every time she wants to process the way things are supposed to be done; we urge her to move forward. Everything will be handled as needed. There are no errors.

    Because of time, she waived the editing service sample they offered. It was made clear the content is what matters here. The editor of the books is on the way. They are right here; they just don’t know it yet.

    In the summer of 2022, Cari was removed from being in charge of her body. It was taken over. Cari, the human was there, but she was resting inside. Basically, her consciousness was given a break. It went to sleep.

    Forces outside of Cari were working hard to make change happen to people who wanted her help. Cari could not have done the work that had to be done. We borrowed her. Using her vessel, we put her live on Facebook to announce what she was doing. It was horrible.

    She made multiple videos during that summer that Cari, the human, would never do. When she came back around and was almost brave enough to witness what she produced, she did not like what she saw. She was unedited and unfiltered. But she knew she had to let it be. She watched a little, and just walked away. They were made for a reason.

    It was during this time when Cari’s writing went from telling a story, to us butting in. Everything written in the books will come from multiple perspectives; we were all there.

    Try to visualize a room with a panel on the stage, including Cari, sharing this story; all from their individual perspective. This is how the pronouns and voices come across. It will sound like a few people; it is.

    The fourth book in this series will cover what happened that summer, and why it is too hard for Cari to revisit the material on her own. She is being prepared to release her story, which is the most unreal experience you can imagine.

    After the first three seasons are released, her village to help with season four will show up.

    Referred to often in the book is John, my ex-husband; Hannah’s dad. We are very close. John O. is someone from my early twenties. We’ve been soul siblings our entire lives; even after I broke off the engagement. We lose touch for long periods of time, but we always reconnect.

    The other relationships in my past will all be referred to as Larry. Names and titles don’t matter. The story will be told no matter who the cast and crew were.

    Try not to allow your human brain to throw you into judgement as you move through this story. Remember it is Cari’s story. She lived it. Every little stitch. It had to come out.

    Be the person who listens to the story and doesn’t find fault along the way. There are many who will need to read this. Let them find it. Find peace within yourself.



    R eferencing an interview I did with Dan Erickson in December 2021, he shared how every choice we make every single day is all part of us writing the story of our life. What are we going to put on the pages? Are we going to have long, drawn out chapters with the same drudgery over and over? Are we going to have exciting, fun and brilliant times that we love to share and talk about?

    We get to write the story of our life. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your situation is. Every page we turn is another day in our book. How are you going to fill these pages? What choices are you going to make along the way?

    Will your pages be filled with blame because someone did you wrong, and you are carrying that pain? Are you riddled with illness and disease? Are you stuck for some reason? What are you going to put on your page for today? Think about it. Will it be the same thing as ten pages ago, or are you going to flip the script and change the scene today?

    This is the story of your life. It’s an empty book and it starts right here. What are you going to start with that will captivate me to want to keep reading? Make your story magnificent. Why would you want to settle for anything less?

    Every single one of us is here to write the story of our life. Will yours be a comedy? Drama? Documentary? How do you want your story to unfold? You can decide that right now, and start that book about the story of you today.

    The six-part interview with Dan Erickson can be found on my website under the videos tab.



    W hy are you buying books about a spiritual journey? What is the end-game you are hoping to find? Do you ask yourself these questions? I am asking because if you don’t, you should stop your journey right here. Park your spirit like so many have before. If you can’t handle the fact that this journey is actually to a destination, get off of the path. Step aside and move over. Make way for those who truly want to find their Holy Grail.

    You can’t believe there is an actual destination. I realize this now. This is why so many of you are stuck. You are reading all the right books, following the best gurus and doing the most tried and tested meditations. You are moving out to nature and emptying your house of excess garbage. You are feeling divine as you are doing so much of the work necessary to get here. But where is here?

    When I give you the answer to that question, you call me a false prophet and tell me that I can’t be real. How can that be? I am real. I am right here, and I am exactly what I claim to be. I can’t lie to myself. Because I work for God, I cannot lie to him. If there is anyone else you can lie to, it is not my boss.

    I realize people can’t wrap their brains around my reality. Even some of my dearest friends who have walked this walk with me and talked this talk with me. When I tell them who I am and who I work for, even they tuck tail and run.

    Why are you on this journey if you don’t think it has a place to land? There is a final destination and when you get here, you know it.

    It is a lot like the ear ringing many people have; tinnitus. You only hear it when you are looking for it.

    My entire life has been a mad search for something. It wasn’t until I went looking back at my life and I realized I was no longer in search mode. I didn’t even realize at some point over the last seven years, the search was over. I was at the place I had been looking for; I didn’t realize I stopped looking for the next thing.

    I have had tinnitus as far back as I can remember. It is true. It isn’t always there. It is only there when I listen for it.

    You are on the journey to here. There is a here. But you can’t allow yourself to believe me. Believe me, it has taken me my entire life to prepare for this experience. If I didn’t move beyond the hard knocks of growing up, I couldn’t get here. It took me all of these seven and a half years to believe it myself.

    Please think about this. There are many lightworkers out there trying to fearlessly share their light, but in doing so, they fear you will call them a liar. This work is not for sissies. When you step beyond fear and speak the truth, you must be prepared for incredible backlash. This is why most people do their work silently.

    Because I don’t care what you think about me, I am fearlessly sharing. I know that once the silent workers see how pushing beyond fear is all they need to do, they will be as loud and proud as I am. We will all find each other and create the most powerful community on the planet.

    You, also on the same journey, want to knock them down and judge them. The journey begins when you stop looking at others as if they are doing something the wrong way. There is no wrong way. There are no rules. They came with a plan of their own, just like you. Leave them be and look at your journey. What are you not doing that they are triggering in you? It is never about them.

    If you are not ready to step into the next level of reality, please park your spirit and don’t cast stones at us. If you are not able to take that step, why would you cast that stone? What have we shaken loose in your heart that you are not dealing with?

    Do not judge those on this journey, bless them. Clear the path so the light can shine through. I hear we are needed desperately on this planet right now.

    I had to drop the entire victim story of my 30+ years to move on. Then I had to experience another 30 years of stories that I had to move beyond. The difference between me and you is I moved out of each story when I knew it was over. How I felt told me it was over. Icky feelings, action required. It was simple.

    We don’t listen to ourselves. We defer our lives by handing them over to others who know better. How can another human being who just like you is living inside of their skin bag trying to figure it all out know what is best for you? Think about this. Your mother who merely carried a seed into a full-grown plant can’t know what is stirring madly inside of your heart. No one can know this but you.

    This is what my story is about. I have been unsettled my entire life as I have known it can be great. I kept moving through all of the other stories until they turned to muck. When it became too difficult to trudge through the sludge, I felt off. I would get sick. I knew I was out of alignment. I knew when to pull the trigger and move beyond a story.

    It took a lifetime of personal experiences to get me here, but I chose my way here. When I stopped making choices that were for everyone else, I started to feel good. When I said ‘no’ to the things I always said ‘yes’ to, I felt delicious. How I felt when I treated myself well became all I knew how to do. If I treated you good, neglecting me, I felt horrible inside.

    This is all an inside job. When you turn around your intention from always doing for others, and first love yourself, you find a well of love and abundance within your soul. When you start with you and follow your heart, it leads you into your lane. Once you walk for a moment in the lane that feels perfectly designed for you, you will feel off when you slip out of it.

    Feeling good will start to be important to you. You will realize that when you feel good, you have much more love and attention to pour on others who need your light. You see the impact you have on others as they are drawn to your light.

    I could not have known that turning over every rock, and looking under every leaf would take me to a final destination. It was when I realized I was no longer searching; I surrendered and said, what’s next? That was when I was introduced to an idea I didn’t have in my world my entire life. I found out where all of the magic and wonderment that helped me find the strength to walk this path came from. I found out that I had never been alone and that is why I always felt so good. I was with my best friend and I had been my entire life. I just hadn’t been formally introduced until I moved to the Oregon Coast.

    That was when I met God.

    The road to enlightenment merely starts here. You get here by putting one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

    From someone who deeply hated herself for over thirty years of her life, I am sharing my story.



    F or Connie who constantly says to me, Why don’t you just finish your books? It’s because I wasn’t done living out the storyline. You can’t write a story unless you know where it’s going. Without an ending, you are aimlessly shooting toward a blank screen. You can’t know what the feeling is and how to direct it until you know the ending.

    You will meet Connie and a bunch of my friends over the course of four books. Connie has been on this ride with me the entire time.

    My spiritual journey started over seven years ago. Until the aha moment, that concept hadn’t crept into my brain. I always knew I was more than my body; I just didn’t know anything else.

    We had a bible, but we never went to church. I didn’t know why we had it or what we were supposed to do with it. We dusted it. There was no way I would ever attempt to read it. The pages were thin and frail with gold around the edges. The font was so small with words that made no sense. There were numbers, and symbols. The language. It was so Shakespearian. What would I do with such a book? My mother never mentioned it. Even my sister Donna who was an avid reader never picked it up to give it a go. We had no God, Jesus or religion at all growing up. Owning a bible did not help.

    I believe this is part of the reason I found the way to enlightenment so easily. I was a blank canvas with no beliefs to erase.

    My sister Donna died in October of 2020. Left in my very small family is me and my big sister, Lynn. She lives with her husband of 46 Years outside of Las Vegas.

    The three of us went through hell together growing up. A little religion would have been a gift. We had no one or nowhere to vent about what was happening in our world. We didn’t speak amongst ourselves either. We just experienced living in hell. When it wasn’t hell, we tried to make it as much fun as possible. We were trying to survive and we didn’t even realize it as kids. I don’t know how we would’ve gone through our young lives without each other. We were tight. But the thing is, it was all we knew. It was our normal.

    Connie has been by my side and watched as I went from normal operating human to the Zen-like creature I became years ago. Staying the course and following my arrow, it brought me all the way to the top of the emotional scale charts. The top line. I live there every minute of every day.

    My sister hasn’t been with me on this journey. We talk on the phone at times, but we haven’t seen each other in a long time. She knows I have changed into something she doesn’t understand or recognize. I know she sees it; she just can’t wrap her brain around it. I know it has taken me seven years for me to comprehend that I am living in a way I didn’t know could be a reality. I don’t even think they talk about this in church. I’ve never heard of anyone living the way I do.

    I am writing this first book for my sister. I want to help her understand this crazy journey I signed up for. It can’t make sense to anyone, I get this. I am still trying to explain it to me. This book is a quick overview of the entire process. In this book I share what I stopped doing and what I started doing every step of the way.

    This book had to be delayed because all of the words that I have to say are timely. I had to wait to learn lessons so I could put them in so everyone can learn from this.

    In the last few years, I have been elevated to a world where my entire community consists of Swami’s, shamans, spiritual teachers, healers, magical, and mystical souls. People who leave their body for recreation.

    Even those elevated souls who have been on this ride with me up until now, they cannot believe or comprehend what I have become. I know there are others out there like me. There has to be. We will find each other after this book is released; meaning those who are enlightened and living full time in the fifth dimension.

    Once you get here, you realize there is no turning back. You would never even consider it because you can’t. It’s like living in heaven, but your body is still with you. You are completely functioning as a healthy human, but you are in this world, and not of it.

    There were multiple aha moments for my awakening. When one of these lands in your lap, it immediately puts your needle in your groove. You are locked in on a path. Once you feel the beauty of being in alignment with yourself, you will crave more. When the record skips, you will move heaven and earth to get your needle back in the groove because you love how it feels to be in the right place.

    This is all I’ve done. It is all explained. I share how I went from your chubby kid sister with bad teeth, and huge boobs, to a woman of great peace.

    Sorry Lynn. The nickname my sisters called me was based on what they witnessed on my body. They called me: Fung, buck, nose, carp lipped, carrot-top, teeth. Yes, I had many issues. I remember hiding in a closet to eat a sandwich and potato chips because when they saw me eat, they always teased me. This was the easy part of growing up. Thank God I had my sisters.

    When I realized since she’s never seen or heard much about that version of me, my own child couldn’t comprehend her mother was ever suicidal or depressed. She’s heard some of my stories, but she sees a very strong woman before her. How can she even comprehend something that she cannot see? In this book, I will show her the contrast and the extremes about how I went from that, to this.

    People who are scrappy survivors tend to fight harder to stay alive. If I didn’t have the childhood from hell, I wouldn’t be where I am. I would be much more content in a simple life. I have never been content.

    I will share some of the highlights and lowlights of our childhood. And then I will breeze through my life as a victim and how I moved beyond it. You were very much a part of my life during that emotional time I was experiencing. That’s what a big sister is for. You were much appreciated and still are.

    After the walk back in time, I will break down the details as I walk through finding the trail of bread crumbs I left for myself to find. The path was a series of books, meetings and miracles that brought me to this level of awareness. It truly was just a change in how I thought and did things. Everything turned from outside of me to inside of me. All of this is an inside job.

    As I move through the book and explain things that you need to do. Please know I am not speaking to you, my sister. I am being very general for anyone who is ready to take the next step.



    A s I am writing this, I’m currently living in Oregon. Anyone who knows me knows that is subject to change quickly. I imagine by the time this is published; I will be long established, most likely in Mount Shasta. Then again, it could be Maui. Definitely subject to change.

    I lived in Washington the last 27 years. My sister has never left Southern Nevada. We are very close, and always in touch. My sister has no idea what has happened to me. It has been so fast, and so insane, there’s no way she could’ve been going on this journey with me unless she lived next door.

    Growing up, Lynn came first, then Donna, I was the baby. Being the middle child, Donna was convinced that she was adopted. The poor thing never got to see a picture of an aunt in Kansas who was her doppelganger.

    Nothing makes me happier than knowing my big sister is happy, and seems very fulfilled as she moves along with the love of her life. She has a retirement date on the books. I want to see her done with commuting, and all of the responsibilities she has never shirked once in her entire life. I want her to be free.

    All three of us knew we had to be scrappy, work smart, and make life happen. We were never going to go without again. I knew we would all be strong and relentless. We would do anything necessary in order to survive. Sometimes, that wasn’t so pretty.

    I want Lynn to know about that weird thing she doesn’t understand about me. The thing that she can’t possibly figure out, but she desperately wants to understand. I also want her to know that she will never lose me. I will always be here for her. In so much more of a beautiful way.

    I have become something completely foreign to the life we knew growing up. It is actually pretty cool. In these books, I am explaining how I came to know and understand the secret to life. How I understand the secrets of our universe. I know who we are and why we are here. In seven years, everything has changed.

    The only one who’s been on this journey with me was my ex-husband. My daughter went to college in 2018, so she missed out on much of the paranormal experiences that started unfolding for John to witness.

    John, my ex-husband, does not believe in God, or that there’s an afterlife, or reincarnation. His belief stops with when you die, you’re gone forever. Nothingness. Having someone next to him who drops to the floor to receive a transmission from who knows where; and watching the same person channeling and doing automatic writing. This is something an atheist does not want to take with them into tomorrow. He was very good at forgetting what he didn’t want to know. His God is the mountains.

    My daughter is on her own path. She will discover what she discovers.

    The story is truly unbelievable, mystical and magical. This overview of my life will lead up to understanding how book number two was even able to take place.

    Season One explains who I am now, and what happened to make this magic so available to me. We all have the same power in our ruby slippers, I just went for it. I got tired of having a miserable life. It wasn’t working the way I was living, so I decided to surrender and throw in the towel. I decided to let my path unfold for me. I was certainly not carving a good one on my own.

    It is my duty to share my experience. There really is a place we all want to get to while we are on this rock. It is the purpose to get through everything, to see your life stories, and to understand them from the other side. There is so much growth potential.

    No one can actually know anything about the other side, because we come here with the intention of forgetting. If we all knew we were unlimited beings with mystical and amazing powers that would create a beautiful reality for us, what would be the point? That’s what life is like on the other side of the veil. We come here to fully express, live and feel emotion.

    We (our higher selves) are watching our stories unfold right before our own human eyes, every day of our life. We forget when we get here. We go beyond the veil in hopes that we give ourselves enough light to find our way back. We come here to remember. We come here with specific lessons we want to learn. I love the vision of a massive Cari, being a puppet master manipulating me as I walk through this planet.

    When you get through all of the lessons and earth-planned

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