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His Brother's Lover
His Brother's Lover
His Brother's Lover
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His Brother's Lover

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Angela Cartwright, a beautiful, young woman whose family returns to Lake Mont, Texas, becomes embroiled in a battle between good and evil. Angela becomes possessed by the ghost of Lizzy Trahan, Travis' lascivious sister who compels Angela to do things she never would have dreamed of doing . . . until she did.
The first young man Angela falls in love with is Travis who has a secret past. Through his own guilt and depression from his sister's death, he lacks the urgency to consummate their love. Getting no satisfaction, she begins passionate love affairs with two brothers, Jarrod and Jason Marziotti. Unaware their father is a member of the Web, she is marked for assassination. Fleeing from her assassin, Angela falls into the strong arms of Cody Chilton who has returned to Lake Mont to solve the mystery of his missing brother.
These men did not envision the hell they would endure, but were all certain that Angela was worth the price they would pay to have her in whatever way they could.
Wealthy people and well-bred racehorses add a touch of southern-style and a feeling that dreams still come true and the good guy (or girl) can win against all odds.
Release dateJun 23, 2024
His Brother's Lover

Lisa Morgan

Lisa Morgan grew up in a small town in rural Texas during the 1970s, competing in local horse shows, rodeos and play days. Throughout her youth, she dreamed of owning and racing her own Thoroughbred and was given that golden opportunity through her mentor and friend, Travis Reaves, at an early age. As a young woman, Lisa fell in love with two brothers, whose parents did not approve of her, especially when it came to her illicit affairs with their sons. These experiences, among many others, were the leading forces that hatched the plot of “His Brother’s Lover.” Throughout this novel, it is highly probable that a variety of the tales told are borne from Lisa’s own experiences, mixed with a lot of Texas bull shit and the fantasies of a woman’s heart and soul. Take your time and get to know this author through the exciting and enticing exploits of Angela Cartwright in her pursuit of love and happiness, which are commodities that can never be bought.

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    His Brother's Lover - Lisa Morgan

    © 2024 Lisa Morgan. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  06/20/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2721-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2722-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024910733

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.




    Chapter 1We’re Moving Home!!!

    Chapter 2Where to Live, Where to Live???

    Chapter 3I Want to Go Home . . .

    Chapter 4Starting Over is Hard to Do

    Chapter 5What Really Happened to Lizzy?

    Chapter 6You Better Watch Out!

    Chapter 7As a New Life Begins

    Chapter 8Welcome Home

    Chapter 9Ride ’Em Cowboy

    Chapter 10Who was that Guy Anyway?

    Chapter 11Meeting New Friends is Nice

    Chapter 12Chico and the Man

    Chapter 13Chico Meets the Man

    Chapter 14Gonna Be a New Man

    Chapter 15A New Life Begins

    Chapter 16Growing Up is Hard to Do

    Chapter 17The Trap is Set

    Chapter 18Gotta Find a Lover

    Chapter 19Ya’ Gotta Have Friends

    Chapter 20Change, Change, Change

    Chapter 21What a Surprise

    Chapter 22Never Mix Business with Pleasure

    Chapter 23Who is that Man?

    Chapter 24Who Do You Love???

    Chapter 25Now, Which JM is That?

    Chapter 26Getting Out of a Sticky Situation

    Chapter 27Let the Races Begin!!!

    Chapter 28We’re Coming Home

    Chapter 29Gotta Get Out of this Town

    Chapter 30Free at Last

    Chapter 31Pain is Pleasure, Pleasure is Pain

    Chapter 32Better Watch What You Say

    Chapter 33Like Father, Like Son

    Chapter 34Revenge is Not Always Sweet

    Chapter 35No, I Wasn’t Invited

    Chapter 36Forbidden Love Affair

    Chapter 37It Pays to Know What You’re Doing

    Chapter 38All a Father Could Do

    Chapter 39You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

    Chapter 40Where Have You Been?

    Chapter 41Gonna Go for a Ride

    Chapter 42What Can I Do to Help?

    Chapter 43You Only Thought You Were Satisfied Before!!!

    Chapter 44Desire Often Leads to Deception

    Chapter 45A Father’s Sins

    Chapter 46It’s Showtime

    Chapter 47Physical and Mental Fitness is a Must!

    Chapter 48Travis’ Triumphs and Tribulations

    Chapter 49May I Have this Dance?

    Chapter 50Whose Your Daddy . . . Whose Your Momma???

    Chapter 51You Only Hurt the One You Love

    Chapter 52Always Watch Your Back . . . Always

    Chapter 53His Mother’s Eyes

    Chapter 54Old Flames Never Die

    Chapter 55Have We Got a Job for You!

    Chapter 56Can I Dad? Can I Mom?

    Chapter 57The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

    Chapter 58When Dreams Really Come True–For Everyone

    Chapter 59I Wanna Be a Cowboy

    Chapter 60My Father, Have You Forsaken Me?

    Chapter 61A Son Pays for His Father’s Sins

    Chapter 62What a Web We Weave

    Chapter 63Could You Remove this Bullet Please?

    Chapter 64Where Oh Where is Angela?

    Chapter 65You’re Safe Now

    Chapter 66Anger is One Letter Away from Danger

    Chapter 67Dealing with Healing

    Chapter 68Can You Lend a Helping Hand?

    Chapter 69Farewell, My Love–Until We Meet Again

    About the Author


    It has been this author’s great pleasure to know and love so many different people. I have been touched by individuals that left lasting impressions on me and my life. First, my loving husband, who gave me the support I needed to fulfill my dreams and ambitions, and I had the opportunity to thank him from the bottom of my heart before he went on to be with Our Lord. Also, my son, who inspired and still inspires me by believing in me and letting me take care of business so to say and work on my novel when he would have rather I be doing something that involved him. His amazement at my work and encouragement strengthened me when I felt tired and weak. Of course, I will always have the deepest appreciation for my mother and father, who were always there for me and believed in me. Even when I needed a little sound advice, they would give it to me along with a hearty go for it!

    Then there’s my other family and friends . . . my sisters and brother who stood at my side and guided me along life’s path, being loving siblings who watched their baby sister rise to her feet and get on with her life. They have all inspired me through their strength and wisdom.

    My friends have been a lasting encouragement on a daily basis for they all want to be a character in the novel and live vicariously through them . . . and I mean characters . . . in this work. There is one man whom I would especially like to thank and that is Travis Reaves. Travis has also gone on to be with Our Lord and I can only hope he is as proud of me as I am to have known him and benefitted greatly by his vast wisdom and generosity. Without him, I would have never had the opportunity to fulfill one of my greatest dreams . . . to own and race a Thoroughbred horse. Yes, Travis’ dreams were the dreams of others for he had achieved his goals and wanted to help others achieve theirs. Thank you, Travis. I will never forget you.

    To all those I have failed to mention, please do not take it to heart for if it were not for you, I would never have had the fortitude to withstand my own self-doubts and fears. Your belief in me has enabled me once again to get off my buttocks and take care of business.




    Where is She???

    As the life drained from her body, she looked into his dark, sinister eyes trying to figure out who he was. She kept asking him, Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Strange tingling sensations were felt from all parts of her body . . . she could barely breath as her heart strained with every beat. She had visions of memories past . . . her riding horses with her Mommy as a very little girl . . . the day her Daddy brought home her little brother, but not her Mommy . . . that wonderful day when her Daddy brought home a new horse just for her . . . the night when she lost her virginity . . . her high school graduation . . . her last kiss . . . then the light became ever so bright . . . her heart pounded in her chest for the last time as she was pulled into the light and passed away to a peaceful, tranquil place beyond the light.

    Once through the light, her Mommy was there waiting with her arms open wide and a broad smile on her face. Others were there that she had known and loved, but the one she truly loved had remained behind.

    Her body was found later that evening when he came to pick her up. They were going to tell her Daddy they were getting married. When no one answered his knock on the door, his heart sank in despair and fear. He felt a presence surrounding him, but was unaware of who or what it was. His only concern at that time was . . . where is she? When he found her, he hoped she was in a deep sleep, but he knew the look of death and that was what he saw.


    Chapter 1

    We’re Moving Home!!!

    I got the job, I got the job! We’re moving home!!! Oh, her Daddy was so happy when he got the word he’d landed a new job with the Lake Mont Police Department. Reed Cartwright had been interviewing in several other cities, but really wanted the job there because Lake Mont was where he had been born and raised. Working hard to get his degree from the University of Houston in Criminal Justice, he had been systematically promoted from a patrolman to a Sergeant on the Houston Police Department (HPD). During those years, Reed had become an honored member of the HPD’s Mounted Patrol. Those memories as a mounted patrolman were some of his fondest memories with the HPD because he was getting paid for doing one of the things he loved most, riding his horse, Lucky.

    Now, working for the Lake Mont Police Department (LMPD), he hoped he would have a chance to really make a difference and do the right thing for all the people he cared so much about in his home town. He would begin as a Detective with the rank of Sergeant working in the Officer Plan, as the LMPD called it, which stipulated that if a prospective police officer graduated from a qualified university with a Criminal Justice degree, he or she would begin LMPD and be evaluated to determine which area of law enforcement they were most suited to work in. Reed hoped they would determine he could work in the Vice and Narcotics Department, but understood that decision would not be up to him. There were so many things he wanted to bring to the LMPD that he had learned during his illustrious career with one of the largest police departments in the country.

    Could it really be true he would be returning to the life he remembered, or had things changed so much he wouldn’t even recognize the quiet small city he’d loved so much?

    Lea, Reed’s wife, was exhilarated, but worried that Reed’s sweet memories of the past eluded him from what may really be going on in Lake Mont in the present. She had kept in closer contact with her friends there than Reed had been able to since he was going to school and working full time. Some of the things she heard surprised her about what the most prominent people there were actually doing to make ends meet. Although she was skeptical about what she heard, she wasn’t going to pretend nothing was going on until she was sure of it herself. There was too much at stake to go into this situation with her head in the sand.

    What bothered Lea most was the fact that the people who were allegedly involved in criminal activities were very prominent men who they had known and some they had even gone to school with. There was one man in particular who was Reed’s mentor throughout his high school baseball career. This man had been an essential part of Reed recovering from the horrendous knee injury that ended his baseball career. She hoped and prayed that the rumors she’d heard were not true. If they were, it could really cause Reed personal and professional problems if he was placed in the Vice and Narcotics Division. He would have to make the choice and do the right thing, as she believed he had always done in the past.


    Chapter 2

    Where to Live, Where to Live???

    S hortly thereafter, Lea and Reed put Angela, their only child, on a bus to their church’s summer camp and began the journey home to Lake Mont, Texas. Although Reed had gone there to interview with the Chief of Police, Derek Carter, he hadn’t had the time to drive around and see what neighborhoods would be best for them to begin their new life. Reed had called Lester Walker, a high school buddy who had a real estate office in Lake Mont, and made an appointment for Lester to meet them at 1:00 p.m. that day.

    You’re still wanting a house where we can keep horses, aren’t you? Lea asked Reed.

    Reed looked at her like she’d lost her mind. Isn’t that something we’ve always wanted, a place where we can sit and drink a cup of coffee in the morning and watch our herd graze on dew-moistened grass? Hasn’t that always been at the top of our list of things we wanted? When did you lose your mind, anyway? he asked in all honesty, slightly alarmed.

    When they made their appointment to meet, Lester told Reed there was a magnificent piece of property with a modest two-story, brick house on Manchester Road about three miles out of town. It had four bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths and a large family room with two French doors going out to the pool. When Reed told Lea about the house, she asked, What’s modest about that? Reed reminded Lea, Remember, on Manchester Road, a huge mansion was being built by Austin Trahan about the time we left to move to Houston? It had several stables, outdoor and indoor arenas and a training race track for his race horses. He knew that the properties on one side of Manchester Road bordered Lake Monticello and hoped the property Lester was showing them did too. Besides loving horses, they also loved swimming in the lake and to go boating and fishing. They wondered if the house they were going to look at was close to the mansion Austin Trahan built. They couldn’t wait to see the house. Lea silently said a prayer that this house would be just the one they had dreamed of all these years.

    All of a sudden, their world was changing. It was a great time to be moving home to Lake Mont. School was just out for the summer and the whole family could move at once. While Angela had gone to be a counselor at their church’s summer camp for the next two weeks, Reed and Lea were going to stay in Lake Mont to look around for a house until they found just the right one.

    Although they would be moving within the next month, Reed felt his home had always been in Lake Mont. Memories about the friends he had left would come to him while he patrolled the streets of Houston, thinking back to his high school days, his friends and confidants, those he could trust no matter what. He couldn’t wait to get back and rekindle those old flames of friendship. Could they still care about him as much as he cared about them? Only time would tell. He would do the best he could to recreate those friendships that helped pull him through what, at the time, had been the most rewarding, but most difficult time of his life.


    Baseball came naturally to Reed. He could remember when he was a toddler, he would go with his Mom to the city ballpark to watch his Dad, Aaron Cartwright, play baseball on Lake Mont’s Minor League team, the Gators. Reed was always extremely proud of his Dad on those occasions. At age 23, Aaron Cartwright was a big man, over 6' 4, with large, muscular arms and legs. He had a broad chest with a slim waist that came from being a longshoreman at the docks when he was working his way through college. Aaron always seemed to be working his way through something, a project at home or a big case at the office. After Aaron became an attorney, he decided to stay in Lake Mont and began his legal practice back there in the early years." After being a sole practitioner for twelve years, he was elected to serve as the District Attorney and became well-renown for his legal expertise, which eventually led him to being elected to the bench as a State District Judge.

    In 1972, President Richard Nixon appointed Aaron Reed Cartwright to be a United States Federal Judge for the Eastern District of Texas, a position he still proudly held. Although he fully enjoyed his career as a Federal District Judge, his real passion had always been and still was baseball. As a young man, he hoped to go to the Major Leagues after college. But fate had other plans for him and he decided he needed to stay home to care for his mother and sister after his father had been killed on a covert mission during World War I. It had been a struggle all during his youth, and, through thick and thin, Aaron Cartwright was and had remained a man who could always be counted on to do the right thing.

    Due to his own parents’ preachings and examples of doing the right thing, Aaron was considered a man another man could count on. Reed never once remembered his Father turning his back on someone in need. In fact, Reed had always tried to be the kind of man his Father would be proud of, and he hoped his Father acknowledged that Reed was trying to carry on the family tradition, in some way or another, through his work as a policeman. Reed brought criminals to justice and Aaron dolled out the justice the convicted criminals rightly deserved.

    When Reed turned down Manchester Road, he quickly became aware of how much the property had been developed over the last eighteen years. In the early days of Lake Mont, Manchester Road had been a farm road with farming as the main economic source for those residents thereon. They both could look down the road and see well-kept estates with beautiful fences and landscaping as far as their eyes could see. This part of Lake Mont was really several salt domes which gave the area a hilly appearance. The road was curved and the view was breathtaking. Lea looked at Reed with a big smile and crossed her fingers that the house Lester would show them would be just what they were looking for.

    It was like when they were first married and had so many hopes and dreams that they could spend a whole afternoon dreaming of the future that laid before them. Although their life together had been a happy and gratifying one, there was still that list they kept referring to when they would talk about their lifetime goals. A home where they could have horses and a country atmosphere was certainly tops on the list.

    From a distance, they could see the FOR SALE sign with Walker Real Estate written in big letters, and were hopeful that this was the one. They saw a grey Ford truck out front and Lester had said he would be driving a Ford truck. When they drove into the driveway, they saw Lester just getting out of his truck. Lester hadn’t seen either Lea or Reed since their 10-year class reunion, and was so glad to see them at this time and especially for this reason. Lester heard Lea came to town ever so often to see her friends, but had not talked to either of them since that time so long ago. He could tell by the expressions on their faces that they loved the house.

    Why didn’t you tell me this place was this awesome? Reed asked.

    I didn’t want to get your hopes up or scare you away, Lester replied. I’ve had several families look at this place, but no one has been able to swing the deal. We’ll talk about all that in a few minutes. Before we get into the price and terms, let’s just enjoy the scenery. He knew this house all too well. He had shown it to over fifteen different families, but none of them could come up with the bucks.

    At that time, they became aware of how huge the beautiful oak trees in the front yard were. They were magnificent. All three of them standing together with their arms linked couldn’t get around either of the three oak trees. They framed the house perfectly and gave it a cool, shady appearance.

    The focal point of the house was the front porch, which stretched across the entire front of the house. There were six white columns supporting the roof and porch swings on each end of the porch with a ceiling fan hanging over each one. The house was a deep, dark red brick with dark forest green and white trim. The white front door had a large, oval stained-glass window with the image of a Palomino horse rearing on its hind legs with its long, white mane and tail flowing in the wind. Lea got shivers as she stepped through the front door and looked into the house for the first time.

    The entry hall was lined with beautiful, ornate wallpaper which was a deep emerald green with soft, gold-gilded leaves pressed into it. To the right stood a turn-of-the-century antique hat rack and washstand. Next to the hat rack was a beautiful flower arrangement with purple and magenta irises shooting to the ceiling. When Lea focused her eyes downward into the family room, her heart melted. It was like walking into a Better Homes & Garden magazine. Just the thought that her family could live there thrilled her to the marrow. She extended her hand to Reed’s and felt his damp palm. She knew all too well that meant he was excited about the place. They stepped down a couple of steps into the sunken family room. There, facing them, was a huge stone fireplace with a cedar mantle. The walls were a light oak panel with crown molding around the ceiling. Hanging from the ceiling were two brass and oak ceiling fans, each with five frosted tulip globes.

    As they turned to the left, there were three huge windows and two sets of French doors. Looking out the windows, a pool glistened in the sunlight. The pool was so large and deep and it had a one-meter diving board and a three-meter diving board. Reed was glad to see that on the other end of the pool was a Jacuzzi. He would love soaking in that Jacuzzi after a long day on the beat, reflecting over the day’s events.

    Both of them were ecstatic. They couldn’t believe their eyes. I’ve got to sit down and take a deep breath, said Lea, as she flopped down on the forest green leather couch.

    Well, I’ll give ya’ll a little tip. This place comes completely furnished, all you gotta do is move in and bring your clothes, Lester taunted them, Lea, that could be your couch you’re sittin’ on. She savored the thought as she ran the palms of her hands softly over the rich texture of the leather. Reluctantly, she joined them as they slowly went through the rest of the house. It was absolutely magnificent.

    When they went outside, the view of the back yard and pastures was just as beautiful. There were white wooden fences around the house and pastures, plus a newly-erected, ten-stall barn, which still needed a little more work to be completely finished, but was ready for stalling a few horses just the same.

    After they had gone through the pool house, barn, tiny green house and the dog kennels that Lizzy had used to breed her famed shelties, Lea was almost certain they couldn’t afford the place. She looked at Reed with those sad puppy dog eyes of hers, ones she had used on several occasions in the past. He just grinned and beared it, not wanting to get his hopes up either. They were afraid to ask how much money the place went for, but Reed felt confident he could swing the deal.

    There was a little secret he had kept from Lea through all their years together. Many times during the last twenty years, he’d been tempted to touch his nest egg, but had always been able resist the temptations. He never told Lea his secret because he was afraid she would influence him to dip into it on those many occasions when a little extra money would have helped out a hell of a lot and gone a long way to make their lives easier and more fulfilling. He really didn’t think she’d mind him not telling her about the money if they were able to get the house.

    They all sat down and a nervous silence fell over the room. No one really wanted to talk about how much the house was going for, but it had to be discussed.

    O.K., Lester, ole’ buddy, ole’ pal of mine, how much money are we talking here? Reed asked, not really wanting to hear the price.

    Reed, I know the man who owns the house and for you, he may be willing to go down on the price a little bit. Remember Austin Trahan? Lester asked.

    Of course, I remember Austin Trahan. Doesn’t he own the huge mansion just up the road?

    Well, that mansion now shares the north fence with this property. Austin bought this entire side of Manchester Road over twenty-five years ago when old man Manchester died. He built this house for his daughter, Lizzy. Did ya’ll hear she died of an apparent heroine overdose over nine months ago? He’s been real upset about her dying the way she did and, at first, wanted to hold onto the place for his son, Travis, who’s now eighteen.

    ‘He’s Angela’s age. At least she’ll have a neighbor close by to run around with,’ Reed thought to himself.

    Anyway, he’s figured that holdin’ on to this house ain’t gonna bring her back. He’s priced the house at $400,000. Some folks say he don’t really wanna sell the place if he’s asking that much for it. Lester waited for this news to settle in before going further.

    Hearing about Lizzy’s death got Lea really upset. She’d known Lizzy and had heard the rumors she was involved in drugs, among other things. She just sat there with tears welling up in her eyes, slowly cascading down her cheeks. Reed put his hand over hers and gave her that little squeeze that meant everything would be alright. She was concerned that Reed had gone over the deep end even considering buying a house for that much money, but she also knew that that little squeeze had a significant meaning.

    How much do you think he’d take for the place right now? I mean, if we signed the Earnest Money Contract today, would he take $225,000? Reed countered.

    I don’t know. Reed, you left this town a young man and returned a real man. There’s been a lot of shit happening in Lake Mont since you left. I’ll call Austin right now and talk to him. He knows ya’ll are coming out here today and’ll be waiting for me to give him a call. Just give me a minute and let me go call him.

    Lester stepped into the master bedroom and called Austin. After a couple of minutes, he came out of the bedroom with a slight sweat on his upper lip and a smile across his teeth. Austin’ll be right over. He can’t wait to see ya’ll. He wants to talk with ya’ll about the whole deal directly and not get anythang screwed-up by me.

    Reed felt a little queasy. He was close to spilling the beans to Lea about his nest egg. It wasn’t that he never meant to tell her, it was a secret he had kept to himself for many, many years. Since he had inherited the money when he was twelve, it had had over 28 years to grow. He couldn’t believe it himself, but he had almost a million dollars in CD’s, stocks and bonds. Sometimes he had to pretend it wasn’t there just so he could go to sleep at night and stop dreaming of ways to spend it.

    Just a few minutes later, the front door opened and in walked Austin Trahan, looking like a tycoon from the get go. Wearing a grey felt fedora atop sandy blond hair, his steel blue eyes were set out by his dark, golden tan. Although he was stocky, he wasn’t overweight by any means. As Reed stood to shake his hand, memories flooded over him and he felt flushed. He wondered if Austin remembered the time . . . .

    Reed and Lea, good to see ya’ll again. It’s been too damn long.

    Great to see you too, Mr. Trahan, Reed replied shyly, shaking his hand.

    Mr. Trahan! Hell, call me Austin. It scares me when somebody calls me ‘Mr. Trahan.’ Let’s sit down and see what we can do about getting you folks into this here house.

    Reed and Lea sat down facing Austin. Lea had never really met Austin. Although she had seen him around town, at social events in general, she never had a conversation with him or been introduced to him. He really seemed like a nice old country boy who had done good . . . real good.

    I sorta feel silly talking about buying the first house we’ve looked at. I thought it would take us several days before we found something that would fit the bill. We’ve only looked at this one. Reed said.

    You can look all you wanna, but you’d be hard-pressed to find a place as fine as this one. Lester, did you tell them about all the amenities that go with this deal? Austin asked.

    Well, I hadn’t gotten to them yet, besides, I thought you’d like to fill them in on what they got coming if they buy this place, Lester replied.

    This place comes with lotz more than meets the eye. As ya’ll know, this piece of property sits on a salt dome. For you, Reed and Lea, I’m willin’ to give ya’ll the oil, gas and mineral rights to this piece of property. Along with those, there’s 175 acres adjacent to the property, just behind the barn, that stretches up to my fence line. We’ve got 3 ponds, the largest one’s gotta pier built out over it for fishing. There’s an artesian well in one of them that’s naturally fed by an aquifer that runs along this property.

    While Reed was taking all of this in, his heart was beating so hard, he thought they could hear it when everyone was silent. When he realized Austin was waiting for a response, he asked, Would it be possible for us to drive out in the pastures to look everythang over?

    Sure it would. We’ll load up in the truck and go take a look.

    When they walked out one of the French doors, a cool breeze whistled by, bringing with it the sweet smell of roses. Lea loved gardening and looked forward to the next few months when she could fix up the flower beds and begin planning for a garden for the next spring.

    They all got in Austin’s truck and went through the gate in the back yard. Reed was more excited than he could believe. This was a dream come true for all of them. They went past the barn and through the gate at the back of the property surrounding the house. There were six 15-acre paddocks along the fence line, each with a small shed and water trough that had a gate going through to the right-of-way. He hadn’t expected those to be there and was dreaming about the prospect of having horses and taking care of the place.

    "The first pond is over this little hill here. Each pond is stocked with bass, catfish and perch. We used to go fishing a lot when Travis was younger. Since he’s gotten messed up with horses, he spends most of his time at the stables or track. As the truck bounced along on the way back to the house, everybody was smiling and happy taking in the beauty of it all. They were all about to achieve a goal that was long overdue.

    Reed, would you like to go over and see the landing strip we use for my airplane and chopper? Austin asked. We can drop Lester and Lea off at the house and go for a ride to catch up.

    Sure, that’d be great. Honey, would that be okay with you? Reed asked Lea.

    Certainly it would. Lester and I have some catching up to do too. Lea responded, taking Lester by the arm as they got out of the truck and walked away, leaving Austin and Reed on their own.

    We’ll see you guys in a little bit. Reed hollered back at Lea and Lester as they drove off down a dirt road. Reed could tell Austin had been riding back on these roads a long time, the bumps didn’t slow him down one bit.

    When they pulled up to the landing strip, Austin stopped the truck and turned to Reed. There was silence while he looked Reed straight in the eye. Finally he asked, Well, ya’ll gonna take the plunge? I’m ready to deal with you today. The place needs someone here taking care of it. I’ve got folks to mow the yard and keep the house and pool clean, but I really want a family in there who wants to build a lifetime of memories right there, right now.

    Reed thought for what seemed like a long time. Then he said, Austin, unless I’ve been reading Lea’s reactions to all this wrong, I really do believe she’d be happy here and I know I’d be too. As for my daughter, Angela, she’d be thrilled. What’s your bottom line price you’d take for the place? Reed held his breath waiting for Austin to respond. Austin hesitated for a moment before he began.

    Reed, your Daddy and I go way back, and I mean wwaaayyyy back. Your Daddy’s one of the greatest men I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. Did he ever mentioned anything about me and our past together? Austin waited for Reed’s response.

    Austin, the truth of the matter is Daddy never discusses anyone else’s business or private life with me or anyone else for that matter. He keeps those sort of things strictly confidential. I’ve always admired him for being able to keep a secret no matter what.

    Back in the 1950’s, I’d just begun my own construction business. Before that, I worked for Collier & Sons Construction Co. ever since I was a junior in high school, and I learned a lot from the Colliers over the years. I guess when I went out on my own, I pissed Old Man Collier off. He was indignant to me when I resigned and told me I’d be crawling back in a year at the most. It hurt me so much when he treated me that way. His oldest son, Jack, had been working there longer than me and I thought he really didn’t need me. To tell the truth, I was tired of working for a man who wouldn’t make his own son do the things he was ordering other men and boys to do. Even the simplest thing, he’d get someone else to do. It took me a while to get use to him coming in and giving me orders while Jack just sat there, smiling like he had one over me all the time, which he did. Austin thought for a moment before going on.

    During the first years of having my own construction business, things started happening I couldn’t believe. My men’d up and quit on the spot, on any given day, saying they had a job with the Colliers making a dollar or two over what I was paying them. Sometimes, I’d be out on a job expecting to get materials delivered to the job site only to find out the lumber yard couldn’t or wouldn’t fill my order for one damn reason or another. At first, I really tried not to let it bother me too much because I knew Ole Man Collier was pissed off at me because I’d quit on him and started my own business. I knew they were doing these things to get back at me and make it harder for me to succeed. The Old Man didn’t mind too much until I started doing pretty damn good, if I don’t say so myself. Austin paused to reflect on what had taken place years ago.

    After a while, these things started getting to me because I’d gotten married and had a wife and baby depending on me to bring home the bacon. I just tried to let it roll off my back and hoped and prayed that thangs would get better. That wasn’t the case. Things got worse, a lot worse.

    On one particular morning, I woke up in a pretty sour mood. The situation had gotten a lot more complicated because one of my men got hurt due to the fact I was having to fix equipment on my own because I couldn’t get anyone in town to accommodate me. I’d had enough. I went in Old Man Collier’s office and let him have it. I told him if he didn’t leave me and my business alone, I’d kill him. I know I shouldn’t have gone over there, but the problems were beginning to hurt my family and others. The men who stood by me through all of this, they’d have to go home some days without work because we couldn’t get the materials to continue working. Austin thought carefully about what he was about to say, knowing that Reed knew nothing of this.

    Reed, what I’m about to tell you is something I ain’t told no body since I told your Daddy. Can I trust you to keep this between us? Austin asked.

    Austin, what you discussed with my Daddy’s never left his lips. I pride myself on being the kind of man he is. If you thought you could tell him, you can tell me. Reed honestly replied.

    When I told Old Man Collier I’d kill him, I meant it. After I got to his office, all the disgust I’d been holding back for him welled up inside me. It was like a storm had been brewing for a long time and the lid finally blew off. I hadn’t planned how I was gonna kill him, I just knew I was.

    After I busted into his office, Jack came in and was trying to pick a fight with me. I told him my fight was with his old man, not him. Jack just laughed and told me that his Daddy and him were one in the same and if I had a beef with his old man, I had a beef with him. I only swung once. I hit Jack square on the nose and broke it. Blood went everywhere. He couldn’t believe it. First, he looked at me in shock. I guess he thought I was the same coward who use to say ‘yes, sir, yes, sir’ and not my own man. He quickly realized I was serious and mad as hell. Austin stopped to collect his thoughts. Hearing the scuffle, Old Man Collier walked in and just started laughing. I wasn’t sure if he was laughing at me or Jack, all I could tell was he thought the whole damn thing was funny.

    It didn’t take me long before I was swinging at him. When I hit him, he fell to the floor and just laid there. It scared the shit outta me. He looked like he was unconscious or even worse, dead. I thought I’d killed him. So, before I left, I went to him and felt for a pulse in his neck. I was relieved it was still beating. Kneeling down beside him, I began to pray that God’d forgive me for letting my anger get the best of me and that Old Man Collier would live. I really didn’t want the old man to die.

    Reed was blown away. He’d never heard any of this. He knew Old Man Collier had died, but didn’t know why or how. He was still real young and only knew of Mr. Collier because he’d speak to his Dad when they were in town or at the Country Club.

    The truth is I thought I’d killed Old Man Collier. I really did. I was ready to go to the police and tell them what I’d done. But, instead, I called your Dad, went to his office and told him the whole story. He advised me to go home and he’d take care of it. He called Richard O’Malley on the LMPD and asked him if he’d check out Old Man Collier’s office and see if anything suspicious was going on. O’Malley went over there and caught Jack sneaking Old Man Collier’s body out of the office. Old Man Collier wasn’t dead then, but he probably would have died if O’Malley hadn’t intercepted Jack. Jack swore up and down he was taking Old Man Collier to the hospital, but O’Malley suspected he was going to dump his body somewhere and implicate me. The whole thing got pretty messy, but no charges were ever brought against me for assault and the Colliers finally laid off my ass so I could get some work done. Austin sighed. It had been a burden he had carried for a long time. One he had only shared once, with Aaron, and now with his son.

    Well, that son-of-a-bitch deserved to have his lights knocked out. So, you broke Jack’s nose and knocked the Old Man out? Way to go. Reed was laughing. He had had to put up with a lot of shit in his line of work too and had wanted to punch people’s lights out every once in awhile.

    The bottom line is this. We can work out a deal that’ll cover my loan and get ya’ll into that house. I’ve always felt like I owed your Daddy a lot of money for what he did for me. No telling what might’ve happened if O’Malley hadn’t caught Jack putting his Daddy in the back seat of his car. I’ve thought about it many a time, and I feel that Jack was gonna take Old Man Collier out and dump his body and let him die on his own because he didn’t have the guts to finish the job himself. That’s got to be worth something. Austin said.

    What figure do you have in mind? I mean that house is at least 2,800 square feet, it’s got a pool with a Jacuzzi, a real nice barn, greenhouse, paddocks, ponds, and whatever else I missed. I can’t imagine what you’d want for the place. Reed waited for the bad news.

    Reed, I wouldn’t do this for anyone else, but, like I said, I owe you for what your Daddy did for me. He never would accept a dime for what he did and I figure that 20 years of interest on say a $1,000 worth of attorney’s time comes out to about $20,000, more or less. And, one thing else, Jack’s son, Robert, he’s been hounding me to sell the place to him. No way I’d do that. There ain’t enough money for him to get a hold of that there house. If you can cover my note, which is roughly $112,000, I’ll owner finance the house at 7.25%. Can you live with that? Austin smiled.

    Live with it, I am able to do that for sure. To consummate the deal, they shared an earnest handshake. Reed was so happy, he couldn’t wait to tell Lea and Lester they had a deal.

    So, they sped even faster back to the house. Lea had already told Lester she really wanted the house, but wasn’t going to get her heart set on it just yet. There was so much in the house she already loved. The dining room furniture was absolutely gorgeous. As was the rest of the furniture throughout the house. Better than anything they’d ever had in the past. Even though she was hoping she wouldn’t have to go back to work when they moved home, she was willing to do almost anything to afford this magnificent house. Of course, that was if Reed thought they could afford such an extravagant home. Over the years, she always felt confident they would be able to get something like this home. In their quest, they had lived modestly during the years and tried to save as much money as they could whenever possible. Having always been lucky in many aspects of their life, she believed this would work out for them.

    What Lester was telling her about all the folks they had gone to school with intrigued her. Since he’d stayed in Lake Mont all these years, he was up on all the scoop . . . who married who, who ran around with who, who got divorced because they were running around with someone. She loved that kind of stuff. She always enjoyed the mushy gossip in their neighborhood and at her job. Sometimes she’d fantasize she was having a torrid love affair with the neighbor across the street and would laugh at herself because she was really madly in love with Reed after all these years. She’d only made love to one other man and hoped Reed would never find out about it. That was something she secretly worried would come back to haunt her once they moved back to Lake Mont. It was her number one priority to make sure nothing ever surfaced about her little fling as she liked to think of it. Although it had been an extraordinarily exciting event in her life, there was no man on this earth who excited and pleased her like Reed. He was great in and out of bed and that was all she needed.

    We’re back . . . Reed opened the door and practically ran in and grabbed Lea up and swung her around. Hope you like your place, ma’am. Would you like to move in real soon or go back to Houston and live on Crestmont Street the rest of your life? Reed chided her.

    No, I thought we’d stake up a tent in the back yard and see if camping out was more our style, Lea responded. You crazy, man, of course I am ready to move in. But, could we step in the bedroom and talk for a minute?

    When they closed the door, Lea grabbed Reed and laid one hell of a kiss on him, tongue and all. Just thinking about her little fling got her horny as hell. She hadn’t thought about that day in her life for some time.

    Lea, wait until the neighbors leave. We don’t want to start rumors that we’re horny old bastards that can’t wait for the neighbors to leave before we jump in bed. Reed laughed.

    Just what did you and Austin talk about while you were gone that made this deal so easy? Lea asked. She knew something must have happened that made the deal feasible for them on a policeman’s salary.

    Trust me, all I wanna know is do you want this house or do you wanna look around before we jump in neck deep? Reed asked her. Please, let me just say that with what we’ve saved over the years and what I’ll get back on my pension since I left the HPD, I know for a fact we can swing the deal and get into this house, Reed confidently assured her, thrusting his jaw into the air in an effort to ward off any negative comments Lea might come back with.

    Reed, you’ve always been straight up with me in our marriage. If you believe we can afford to buy this house and maintain our current standard of living, I’ll back you all the way. We’ve come this far on your good judgment. I sincerely believe we can do whatever it takes to keep our heads above high water, Lea responded.

    It was true. Lea believed so much in Reed that she would lay down her soul for him. She knew he wasn’t perfect, but for the last 24 years, he had possessed her heart and soul, he had never let her down and had always supported her throughout their relationship. She felt she was the luckiest woman in the whole world to be Reed’s wife.

    I love you with every breath in my body. I can’t imagine my life without you. Sometimes, I hurt inside when I think about how my life would have been without you. I’ll follow you anywhere, do anything, as long as we’re together, it doesn’t matter. Lea began slowly, looking deeply into his beautiful green eyes.

    Reed couldn’t believe it would be possible he could love her more than he did right at that moment. He took her in his arms and kissed her so deeply, she felt that old familiar stirring in her that she tightly nudged her body into his, creating a heat between them making her want him in the worst way, right then and there. Lea quickly lifted her skirt and grabbed Reed’s head and slightly pushed him down her belly. He knelt to the floor and gave her a deep kiss before he plunged in. His tongue quickly became the serpent looking for the ripe apple. She breathed deeply as he probed his tongue inside her, licking the sweet nectar that ran from within her. He loved eating her like that, right on the spot at the most unexpected times. She could hear Lester and Austin talking in the other room. She just laid her head back against the wall, trying to concentrate on the orgasm that was creeping up her insides, waiting to blast through her head.

    Reed quickened his pace, trying to get her off as fast as he could. Although he loved making love to Lea whenever and wherever they could, he had other business to take care of. As he began to suck harder and harder, he could feel the insides of Lea’s vagina gripping at his tongue, trying to hold it inside her while he flicked at her clit. That’s the way she liked it, with his beard slightly burning the insides of her legs, causing the slightest pain, emphasizing that pounding in her to the point of explosion. Then, just as she was cumming, Reed stuck three of his fingers inside her, churning her to a deluge of cum, running down his fingers, into his mouth.

    Reed, you naughty little boy, what have you gotten all over your face and hand? Lea taunted him, "come let Mommy clean you up. She took his head in her hands and laid a deep kiss all over his lips, slurping the taste of herself into her mouth. She loved the way she tasted on his lips.

    Lea, let’s clean up and go back in the living room with Austin and Lester and get this deal ironed out. I have other plans for you young lady, just be thinking deep throat and you’ll know exactly what’s ‘up’ for you tonight. Reed held Lea tightly for a moment before going into the master bathroom and cleaning his face and hands. He looked at the bathroom through the mirror as he was washing his face. He didn’t know if his heart was pounding because of what he and Lea had just done or because what he saw in the mirror. When he thought about this being his bathroom in the next few days, he couldn’t believe it. There was marble all over the place, from the double sink vanity, to the marble Jacuzzi to the marble walk-in shower. If this place was modest, then someone must have changed the meaning of that word or something.

    Scuze me, sir, can a lady get in here to wash up her juicy pussy? Lea laughed as she slid by him. She was holding her skirt up just enough that he could see her pubies peeking out below the hem. She knew what it took to keep his fires burning. As she strode by him, she swung her butt out and slightly popped him with her hip. He couldn’t wait for them to leave, he had more in store for her than she could hope for.

    As they walked back in the living room, Austin and Lester were aware of the glow about both of them. Austin was beaming when he held out his hand and shook both Lea’s and Reed’s hands. You two are something else. I can’t wait for you to go back to Houston, get Angela, pack up your shit and get back here for good. I’ve been wanting neighbors like ya’ll for as long as I’ve lived here. I know my Lizzy’s smiling in Heaven knowing you three’ll be living in her house. God Bless Her. Austin was silent for a moment, dropping his head in reverence to Lizzy’s memory. I believe with all my heart she’s here in spirit. I feel her presence when I’m here.

    Everyone in the room felt a slight chilling breeze run through their hair. The hair on the back of Reed’s neck stood on end. He’d never really believed in ghosts, but had an open mind to the idea. At that particular moment, he felt Lizzy’s presence, like she was standing inside the circle of them, trying to reach them, but unable to. He felt like they all were aware of her being there. Austin was the first to speak, a little faintly at first.

    Reed, Lea, Lester, I believe you’ve all met my Lizzy? Austin asked, not really expecting a reply, he continued, let’s get the ball rolling on the particulars about this deal so we can all go about our business, is that alright with ya’ll? Austin was trying to focus on the sale of the house, not on the loss of his prescious daughter. Lester, you got one of them there Earnest Money Contracts in that briefcase of yours? Austin quizzed Lester.

    Yes, sir, I do believe I’ve got one in here. Let me get a couple out so everybody’s got one and we’ll give it a go through to see what ya’ll got on your mind.

    After they had finished negotiating the deal and signing the Earnest Money Contract, Reed took out his checkbook and wrote Austin a $2,000 check. Before he handed it over to Lester, he looked at Lea to make absolute sure she still wanted to do the deal. What he saw affirmed the question for she was gleaming with happiness. Their eyes met and she smiled that million dollar smile that always melted his heart. As she smiled, she nodded her head in affirmative, giving him her okay.

    Would you two love birds like to stay in this nest tonight instead of going to a hotel? Austin asked Reed and Lea.

    You bet, we’d love it. Reed replied, looking at Lea with anticipation of what the night would hold for them.

    Lester, I know that’s not the way things are usually done, but I want to give Reed and Lea the run of the place while they’re in town until the paperwork’s done. I’ll give Hank a call and see if we can get the paperwork moving and hopefully close this deal before the end of the week. Reed, would that fit into your plans? Austin asked, hoping Reed and Lea could hang around until they signed the papers.

    Reed didn’t hesitate because Angela was at summer camp for two weeks and their beloved German Shepherd, Semper Fi, was staying with the Nelson’s breeding to their dog. He was looking forward to spending the night in his new bed with his woman making love to her like they were teenagers.

    Lester was thrilled about this whole day. Although he had prayed he would sell the house as soon as possible before his loan was called in, again. He hadn’t expected this at all. Unfortunately, he owed too much money to the wrong people. The commission from this sale would take care of only a small portion of what he owed. It made him sick to think he’d practically hand over all the money he was going to make on this deal. Why, oh why, did I get myself into this mess? I’m a weak bastard, that’s why. he answered himself.


    As soon as they left, Lea turned to Reed, ran to him, jumped into his arms, and wrapped her legs around his waist. He almost fell over from the weight of her, but managed to stumble over to the couch before collapsing on it.

    They were laughing, hooting and hollering so loud, they thought they’d wake up the dead. When they quieted down, they heard laughter coming from the back bedroom. A strange shiver ran down Reed’s neck again. He looked at Lea and asked, Did you hear that . . . did you hear that? Lea looked at Reed with a strange look in her eyes. Hear what? She didn’t want to admit she had heard laughter, she didn’t want to think about it right now. All she wanted to think about was that big dick she’d soon have in her mouth.

    Reed, I’m hungry, what do you have to eat in there? Lea asked as she was unzipping his jeans, sliding her hand into the warmest place on his body. In great anticipation, she pressed her fingers into his jeans and as she slid it out into the open air, she could smell his faint aroma that began to fill the room, sending her into a frenzy. She slid off the couch onto the floor, as she did, he lifted his hips off the couch and lowered his jeans to the floor, opening his legs so she could fit right into her spot.

    With the added room, he began to grow bigger and bigger. Gripping her hand around him, she could feel him harden until the veins were bulging, filled with blood. As she lowered her head to him, she looked up into his eyes and smiled that smile. He closed his eyes and laid his head back onto the couch, waiting to be taken to a higher plane in life.

    In her approach to him, she looked at his full size and swallowed, breathing in deeply, trying to take in as much air as possible. She was glad she’d worn waterproof mascara, she knew she’d be crying tears of joy in a few minutes. Pulling him down to her face, she swung him into position. The aroma filled her nostrils as she ran her face all over him, touching her cheeks, nose, eyes and lips on the softest skin on his body. She could feel herself getting excited just as she knew she would.

    She kissed him on the head of his penis, then slowly opened her mouth and extended her tongue, feeling the moisture coming from him, tasting it made her stop and catch her breath. This was just the beginning, as she opened her mouth and let him in she began rolling her tongue around, giving it a lube job so it could slide even deeper down her throat. Then, as she began to swallow him, he put both of his hands on her head and slightly pushed her head down him, causing her to feel him at the back of her throat. He grew even bigger as he did this, giving her a slight orgasm.

    Reed was quaking inside as she pumped up and down him. He loved the way she ate him, taking all of him he had to give. In turn, she gave him pleasure in

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