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The Reality about Reality: Returning to the Old Ways
The Reality about Reality: Returning to the Old Ways
The Reality about Reality: Returning to the Old Ways
Ebook187 pages3 hours

The Reality about Reality: Returning to the Old Ways

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If you are looking at the world wondering, what happened to the world I knew? If you are looking at the churches wondering, if they are failing the people? Are you starting to see that the politicians seem to be blatantly, openly lying more than before? the news casters are lying more than before? or do you feel that something just is not the way it should be? you are not alone. more and more people worldwide, are looking at the world in every facet of every country’s society, from top to bottom. what is happening globally is not your imagination. what you are going through is in fact completely normal. the entire concept of what you, and scientist call “Reality” is not accurate, not by a long shot. This is because you have started doing what it is, that all of the prophets, and religions are based on, and what they wanted you to do. start learning personal spirituality and raise your spiritual vibration. meaning that you no longer are caught by the trap of the mind, and ego. you are well on your way, to a spiritual place where you; if you do the work, will become the being they spoke of. free of the reach of the ego, and the mind. the fact that your perception has changed is a sign of this. Let me take you on a journey that will expand your consciousness, blow your mind, and change your soul forever.
Release dateJun 24, 2024
The Reality about Reality: Returning to the Old Ways

Leonard O'Neill

Leonard O’Neill Is an Author of multiple books, a minister of four religious practices. is a Medium, was Knighted by the Holy Roman Catholic Church, has the title of Merlin, Jedi Knight, Minister, and Reiki Master teacher. He has spent his life studying Theology, Spirituality, philosophy, mythology, physics, U.F.O.s, and history. he is the creator of Ancient Aliens Worldwide a U.F.O./U.A.P. Research group on Facebook, the largest of its kind, with more than three hundred thousand members worldwide. Spending more than thirty-five years teaching spirituality, with thousands of hours on his podcast “Orion Rising” since 2016. he is a spiritual life coach, a life coach, and is dedicated to waking up the world one mind at a time.

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    The Reality about Reality - Leonard O'Neill

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    Published by AuthorHouse  06/21/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2625-3 (sc)

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    Chapter One   Introduction into True Spirituality

    Chapter Two   Logos and Creation

    Chapter Three   Theology: The Nature of the Divine, or the Divinity of Nature

    Chapter Four   Life Apart from Life on Earth, and the Gods of Earth

    Chapter Five   Spirituality and Religion

    Chapter Six   What Has Been Happening?

    Chapter Seven   The Way to Ascension: What You Need to Know





    What is everything about?

    Why are we here?

    What is life about?

    These are but a few of the unending number of questions that so many humans ask daily. We spend our entire lives trying to figure out what we are here to do. Some of us go through our entire lives never asking these questions, but most of us spend a good amount of our lives asking these questions—possibly thousands of questions, maybe even millions of questions. What are we here to accomplish? Why are we here? Why were we created? Have we simply evolved from something more primitive? Is there a god? Do we each have an immortal soul? Does any of this matter?

    Religion recruits you; spirituality waits for you to find it. Let me take you on a journey that will expand your consciousness, blow your mind, and change your soul forever.

    All religions are, on the surface, the same. The structure differs, as do the power structure and semantics behind them. The ways in which we go about structuring and embracing a religion differ as well. There may be one god or many gods, male gods or female goddesses or both. I will write more about this later in this book.

    Are you looking at the world and wondering, What happened to the world I knew? Are you looking at the churches wondering if they are failing the people? Are you starting to see that the politicians and newscasters seem to be blatantly lying more than ever before? Or do you feel that something just is not the way it should be? You are not alone. More and more people worldwide are looking at every facet of every country’s society from top to bottom. What is happening globally is not just in your imagination. What you are going through is, in fact, completely normal. All those who are ascending or raising their spiritual vibration go through the same process when they become spiritual beings, not just religious beings. This is because they have started doing what all the prophets and all the religions are based on, what they have said, and what they want us to do.

    Start learning personal spirituality and raise your spiritual vibration; you will no longer be caught in the trap of the mind and ego. You are well on your way to a spiritual place where you (if you do the work) will become the being the religions speak of, free of the reach of the ego and the thinking mind. The fact that your perception has changed is a sign of this.

    This thing you call reality is not what you think it is. What does this mean? The entire concept of what you and scientists call reality is not accurate—not by a long shot. It is missing at least half of what you need to know to ascend and find your way to heaven. I use the term heaven only because most of you believe that this place is your goal. You are not far off. There is some truth to this. However, that being said, there is a lot between your being here and your ascending to heaven. The path to this place is not just from this one lifetime to the lofty place conceptualized by the religions of the world. I am not saying it is not a place, and I am not saying it is unattainable. I am saying that there are more things you must do before you can ascend to this place once you leave this density. However, we need to start at the beginning. I will not start with the beginning of creation; this would take far too long and would spawn many more questions, conversations, and debates that would take an entire book (which I may spend time on at some point in the future). I will, instead, begin at the start, or creation, of the soul.

    Everything—and I mean everything—is alive. It is life. Creation is life. Not everything is self-aware; not everything has a soul/spirit. This condition of soul/spirit is the ascension process of life into self-awareness. Everything evolves. Everything has a beginning, a middle, and a return to source. There is no ending.

    Everything in the universe is based on a combination of governing factors that have to do with harmonics, mathematical waveforms, and electromagnetic waveforms. Everything is governed by the golden ratio (1.618) and Nikola Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 theory. As below, so above. A rainbow is made when white sunlight passes through water droplets where it is bent and split into seven separate colors. Only by being balanced can each individual color/vibration/soul/spirt tune to the most efficient vibration or frequency. A coherent and cohesive combination of all seven color points becomes the one light. This is the way a human works as well; it is in all things. It is this that governs all life. It is what governs the very universe itself. It is in this way that all life—every particle, everything—has its equal and opposite, its opposing or balancing element.

    Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. However, this is less than half of the full equation. It is based only on the friction-based energy creation method. It does not factor in the theory that for every action there is an equal and opposite non-reaction. This is part of the spiritual understanding of the Logos, the Creation, the Infinite Creation, and the Infinite Energy brought with infinite understanding (inner-standing) of what the Logos is. (I will use the term inner-stand throughout because the word understand implies that you stand under an idea or person; you are under their influence or spell.) We must inner-stand what the Logos is, where and whom it came from, and why it exists. Denying this knowledge leads us to not being able to use the Logos. Ignoring this knowledge deprives us of ever understanding more than one-fourth of how the universe works. This will remain the same forever until you repent (reverse the course of your soul) of your ways. You can spend a million lifetimes ignoring this if you wish. And, as is the case with mainstream science, you will never ever solve anything. You will only trade one energy for another one. Once you get to the subatomic particles, you’ll see they’re beyond your reach. Yet you lack the inner-standing to know why you cannot figure it out. Some people on this planet have hidden this knowledge away from you behind closed doors, flaunting it in your face and laughing as you ignore the reality in front of you. Some have figured it out only to hide from the demon that is the cabal, the breakaway world government made up of people who think they own us all—whatever you call the religion of evil. I call these people the controllers. However, they are losing; they cannot stop us any longer from bringing the world vibration up to break the conditioning. It is how it was planned to be. It is the way it was meant to be.

    Everything in the universe is created and governed by golden ratio (1.618) and Nikola Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 theory. That equation is God’s equation! It literally is the Logos or the action set forth by the Logos. To master it without a machine is not very difficult; yet it is almost impossible. I say that only because of the conditioning and brainwashing of the ego/mind. This is what we call reality or evil—the powers that should not be doing and have been doing for all time.

    What does this mean? We will cover this shortly. In this book, I will be giving you a lot of general information that will pertain to the soul/spirit, the way it works, and why things are the way they are for the soul/spirit in every way that can be explained. I will also give you as much information as I can in a short time about what you loosely call reality. I will write other books to explain in far more detail all the things I will outline in this book. I will be talking about spirituality and physics in ways that will baffle and astound most and scare and anger some.

    I will expand the minds of all my readers if I do my job right. Most of you will have many questions; I hope to spark in you the need to look into things much more than you already are. Do not believe a word I will say to you. Look it all up; discover it all for yourself. Read! Learn! Expand your mind and consciousness!

    First, I will explain the process of what is happening to you and why. I will explain how we learn and how and why those of us who know this information speak the way we do. The human mind works differently for each being; however, we learn in one of seven ways, or by some combination of one or more of those ways. I will not go into all the details of those ways. Some will think I am longwinded or repetitive. If you do detect that, it is because I am, in fact, speaking in parables. What is a parable? A parable is a short story, or sometimes a combination of short stories, that exemplifies a particular point or moral outcome. Parables are told in different ways to reach as many people as possible and help them to inner-stand the single point being discussed. Those of us who are aware of just how people learn and inner-stand try to reach as many people as we can with our words. We are the guides. This becomes difficult at best when we are trying to reach as many beings as we can.

    I will start by blowing your mind with a truth that some of you are thinking about, some of you know, but most of you have not thought of. This is not any fault of yours. Few achieve this truth but all are striving toward—or in fact not striving toward—and do not know about. However, I am not the only person to know this. I will show you in history, in your religions, in your sciences, and in philosophy that this has been pondered for thousands of years, only to be missed by most. It is in everything; it is right in front of you at all times, yet it is usually unseen.

    This third dimension—what you perceive as reality—is, in fact, just a school for children. We are all just children here. For here is the first place we become self-aware. We do not know why we are here, what we a are here for, or who created us.

    We only know this place—what we can see, hear, taste, smell, touch, and perceive. This is done on purpose so that we can become. We start with no knowledge of everything. The progression of what we are to do and learn here is to become a spiritual being. We begin our journey with nothing, so we rely on what we can learn. We then learn from our parents, family members, teachers, and interactions with others. All of this you already know. We are, at the same time, experiencing everything. We learn from this. Everything we perceive as realty is based on what we perceive combined with what we learn. And yet we still have more influences from a part of ourselves that we need to learn from. This is in a few parts: ego, the thinking mind, and the pain body. The truths we perceive are combined with cultural norms individual to, and represented by, the part of the world we are brought up in. As we become more spiritual, as this happens, we start to perceive the world differently than we have in the past.

    Through experience, learning, knowledge, perception, inner-standing, you should never stand under anyone. This is a large part of what each of us is supposed to learn. It is the largest part of why we have been held back from learning and becoming that which is and what has been our true potential. This place that we perceive as reality is, in fact, by its very design, part of the trap of the mind. However, it is necessary—in fact, vital—to your development and ascension to becoming a spiritual being.

    What is the progression of the being/soul/spirit/entity/complex/totality? It is creation of life, the first density and first dimension.

    What is the difference between dimension and density? I will start with dimension and then speak about density. Science tells you that this place we live in is in fact reality—the third dimension. When philosophers are asked to break down or explain what this means, they will tell you of a progression of and an explanation of what the first, second, and third dimensions actually are. You can look this up. They are right in many ways to describe the place of perception as this reality as something derived from only that which is perceived—only that which can be tasted, touched, smelled, felt, or seen. This is what they call proved, and it is, in fact, only physical. This physical, however, is the dimension only. This definition never will explain that which is not physical; it cannot ever explain to you what and who you are other than what your flesh is, where it is, what it does, why it does. Nothing more than this.

    There is a second half to you and what and who you are that science has been denying or trying to deny for most of time. This is the density—that part that they cannot explain or define, and they say it is not real because they cannot touch it or feel it.

    At this point, I would like to enlist the aid of some words used by a wise man who wrote in the year 604 BCE (before the common era, which began in the year 1), more than 604 years before Jesus was even born. His name was Lao Tzu, and he was a Chinese philosopher. He wrote, He who looks will not see it, He who listens will not hear it, He who gropes will not grasp it, the formless nonentity, the motionless source of motion, the infinite essence of the spirit, is the source of life, spirit is life. He said much more too; I suggest you look into his text known as the Tao Te Ching, which translates as The way. Density is the place that is the second half of our so-called reality. It is where and what your soul is both in and of. It is the nonphysical, the spiritual. To explain this in what we call third dimension, it is only one-half of what makes you and this place. Science is just now starting to embrace this notion.

    To some of you, these ideas that I am going to explain and lay out for you may seem a bit strange. This is normal. I will suggest that you not believe any of what I am saying. Yes, I did just

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