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Increasing Your Prophetic Gift (Revised Edition): Developing a Pure Prophetic Flow
Increasing Your Prophetic Gift (Revised Edition): Developing a Pure Prophetic Flow
Increasing Your Prophetic Gift (Revised Edition): Developing a Pure Prophetic Flow
Ebook177 pages2 hours

Increasing Your Prophetic Gift (Revised Edition): Developing a Pure Prophetic Flow

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"Increasing Your Prophetic Gift (Revised Edition): Developing a Pure Prophetic Flow" is a comprehensive guide designed to equip individuals seeking to enhance and expand their prophetic abilities. Whether you are new to prophetic ministry or have been operating in this realm for years, this book offers valuable insights, practical strategies, an

Release dateJun 25, 2024

Bill Vincent

Diving deep into the realms of spiritual awakening, Bill Vincent embodies a connection with the Supernatural that spans over three decades. With a robust prophetic anointing, he has dedicated his life to ministry, serving as a guiding light and a pillar of strength in Revival Waves of Glory Ministries.Bill Vincent is not just a Minister but a prolific Author, contributing to the spiritual enlightenment of many through his diverse range of writings and teachings. His work encompasses themes of deliverance, fostering the presence of God, and shaping Apostolic, cutting-edge Church structure. His insights are drawn from a wellspring of experience, steeped in Revival, and fine-tuned by a profound Spiritual Sensitivity.In his relentless pursuit of God's Presence and his commitment to sustaining Revival, Bill focuses primarily on inviting divine encounters and maintaining a spiritual atmosphere ripe for transformation. His extensive library of over 125 books serves as a beacon of hope, guiding countless individuals in overcoming the shackles of Satan and embracing the light of God.Revival Waves of Glory Ministries is not your typical church – it’s a prophetic ministry, a sanctuary where the Holy Spirit is given the freedom to move as He wills. Our sermons, a blend of divine wisdom and revelation, can be experienced on Rumble, immersing you in the transformative power of the Word: a deeper exploration into our teachings, visions, and the manifold grace of God, visit on a journey of spiritual discovery with Bill Vincent, and let the waves of revival wash over you, unveiling the divine power and boundless love of God!Podcast: sure to check out our new videos Downloads From Heaven!Donate: Bill Vincent (PREACH, TEACH AND PROPHETIC MINISTRY) to your Event:

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    Increasing Your Prophetic Gift (Revised Edition) - Bill Vincent

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    The following are some suggestions for reading books written by Bill Vincent.

    The prophetic writings of Bill are like hearing God speak. The grammar may be stretched, but the message comes straight from the love that God has for his people. Bill was concerned that extensive editing might water down the profoundness of the revelation.


    As we continue to read through this book, Increasing Your Prophetic Gift, you are about to experience a personal awakening. First things first, we are going to talk a little bit about your heart, and then we are going to talk about where God is taking the Body of Christ. After that, we are going to go over some fundamental principles so that you can get your feet wet, and then we are going to discuss the type of character that a prophetic person needs to have in order to be pure. The more that you read, the further we will delve into this topic. As you become aware of the expansion that God has planned for your gifts, I have no doubt that he is going to anoint you. In the final chapter, your newly honed gift will be activated and you will receive it. You are curious as to how I can be so certain about this. The reason for this is that I work together with another author, and his name is Jesus. You should feel encouraged as you read this, and you should make an effort not to skip ahead. That is the equivalent of searching for the answers to a crossword puzzle that are written backwards.

    Chapter One

    A Contrite Heart

    There is no doubt that we are moving into a time period characterized by increased levels of spiritual activity and conflict. Because of this, the first chapter of this book is titled to begin with a contrite heart. I believe that we will see something that is significantly different from what we have seen in the past, with the remnant that qualifies experiencing some degree of breakthrough. Those who qualify are those who have positioned themselves before God with humility and contrition, and who are terrified by His Word.

    It brought to mind a story that was documented in the life of Smith Wigglesworth, who was known for his work as a healing evangelist. It involved the disclosure of a vitally important secret in his walk with God as well as the channeling of divine power through this great champion. Wigglesworth made his way to New Zealand in 1922 to participate in a number of healing campaigns there.

    At the time, he was unknown to the leadership of New Zealand; however, a number of different pastors rented the Wellington Town Hall in order to host the meetings with a great deal of confidence. The Lord was miraculously present and active, bringing salvation and healing to a great number of people. Because the services were so well received, additional meetings had to be scheduled; each one was attended by as many people as possible, and throughout them, God healed even the most severe cases of illness and disease. At the end of the campaign, one of the host pastors asked Wigglesworth, while they were walking along the seashore together, what the secret was to walking in demonstrations of God's power. Wigglesworth gave a response that went something like this: I am sorry you asked me that question, but I will answer it. I am a man with a broken heart. Eleven years ago, I lost the person in my life who meant the world to me—my wife. Following the funeral, I went back to the cemetery and laid a wreath on her grave. I had the urge to pass away there. But God called out to me and instructed me to get up and get out of there. I told Him that I would go preach the gospel if He would give me a double portion of the Holy Spirit—both my own and my wife's. God was gracious to me and granted my request. On the other hand, I travel the seven seas by myself. I am a man who lives alone, and there are many times when all I can do is cry and cry my heart out. Wigglesworth believed that the key to having success with God was to have a heart that was broken and contrite.

    Psalms 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

    Wigglesworth emphasized that what he carried in God was not something that should be envious of, but rather what he envied was what the last generation would see. The two men continued to walk along the seashore of New Zealand as Wigglesworth spoke. Wigglesworth explained that he had three open visions with the Lord during his time in the wilderness. At the time of these meetings in 1922, two of them had already been accomplished in their entirety. On the other hand, he indicated that the third would take place after he had passed away. Wigglesworth provided an explanation, saying, Oh, it was incredible! Amazing! I am unable to reveal the mysteries of God, but I want you to remember that I said, This revival that we have had is nothing compared to what God is yet going to do."

    The pastor to whom these comments were made recorded that he had a clear understanding that Wigglesworth was referring to the spiritual outpouring that would occur within the generation prior to the return of the Lord. He made the following statement: It was quite evident that the evangelist had a special vision granted to him of the coming outpouring of the Spirit in an unprecedented manner in the days just before our Lord comes to snatch away the Church.

    Evidently, Wigglesworth was able to catch a glimpse of God's plan for the time that we are living in now. Wigglesworth is known to have accurately prophesied, while he was in South Africa in 1936, what is now commonly referred to as the Charismatic renewal. This information is documented. Along with a great number of other champions from the past, he was granted the ability to prophetically observe and foretell what our generation can look forward to experiencing in God. Despite this, we must meet the same requirements as Wigglesworth and the others did in order to be considered for the position. It is a terrible tragedy that Wigglesworth was not able to save his beloved wife Polly. Despite this, it brought about something in him that God was able to use to bring about the transformation of an entire generation. Although it is possible that we will not go through the same kind of loss that Wigglesworth did, our ultimate goal is to present ourselves before God in humility and genuine brokenness of heart as a result of our condition and the urgent requirement for godly character at this time. Increasing Your God will not despise such a heart, and he will anoint you with the powerful demonstrations of his Spirit if you have such a heart. After attending the meetings in New Zealand, I came away with the impression that a significant challenge had been posed to both my life and the life of the leadership of God, namely to elevate the level of our consecration and devotion.

    He is deserving of more than what we have been able to give him up to this point. It is obvious that many people across the Church have made significant sacrifices in order to witness the revelation of His Kingdom. Despite this, on the corporate level in general, we need to strive for something greater.

    There is a pressing requirement in the present for clear and honorable leadership, along with a credible prophetic voice, to emerge and provide guidance and divine wisdom. With more and more focus being placed on the establishment of God's divine government, there has been a corresponding increase in the need for a biblical understanding of God's promises for the generation living at the end of the age. Those who are being groomed and prepared for positions of governmental responsibility receive obvious spiritual endowments as part of the process. There has never been a time when there was a greater need for the spirits of wisdom and revelation than there is right now.

    Ephesians 1:17-19 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

    We, like Daniel and his three friends who were held captive in Babylonia, have an urgent need for the impartation of divine wisdom and knowledge, in addition to intelligence in all forms of writing and literature. It is of the utmost importance that our dreams and visions be interpreted and we are in desperate need of this.

    Daniel 1:17 As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

    In my experience, developing a close friendship with the Lord is the precondition for any kind of genuine spiritual leadership to emerge. He once revealed to His disciples that from that point on, He would no longer regard them as servants but as friends.

    The mysteries, secrets, and strategies of God are revealed from that place of intimacy. These revelations communicate the thoughts and goals that the Father has for this generation. As a result, cultivating a friendship with Jesus ought to take precedence over the pursuit of a spiritual office as our primary goal. As we walk with God in the manner of Enoch and delegate authority within the Kingdom, we will come to a better understanding of who we are and what we are destined to become.

    I have done a lot of research and writing on the life of Daniel, who was a man who was greatly admired and cherished a great deal in Heaven. The Lord revealed to me that Daniel was a model for the subsequent generation that he anticipated. Daniel and his three companions offer a prophetic illustration, in many respects, of the manner in which the Lord will prepare His people for unique end-of-age responsibilities. The Lord has given us a promise of deliverance, and the captivity that natural Israel endured at the hands of the Babylonians serves as a precursor to that promise. Daniel 1:17 provides a description of the unique authority that Heaven bestowed upon these faithful young men.

    The Lord bestowed upon them, through the power of the Holy Spirit, revelatory knowledge as well as intelligence in a variety of areas pertaining to writing and literature. The Lord imbued them with a unique set of skills that enabled them to comprehend and articulate spiritual understanding and the wisdom of heaven. Daniel was particularly endowed with a supernatural perception into a variety of different kinds of visions and dreams. They were given a specific impartation from God that enabled them to excel in the apprehension of wisdom and the scholarship of governing. The Lord bestowed upon him, through a process of spiritual transference, the blessing of exceptional knowledge and exceptional capacity in all forms of written work, particularly literature.

    When the Lord finds hearts that are dedicated to obedience and loyalty in this day and age, he will follow this pattern once again. Saints who follow the example set by Daniel and his three companions will be given access to vast treasuries filled with revelatory insights and supernatural knowledge pertaining to the Bible, creation, science, the arts, and a wide variety of other topics. These treasuries will be entrusted to these saints.

    Those people whom God will use to provide a prophetic standard for those who are spiritually strong, know their God, and carry out great exploits are being raised up by God.

    They will have a personal relationship with God and will participate in the heavenly realm of revelation. They will have a great spirit within them that will grant them acute perception and understanding, allowing them to decipher their dreams and visions, make sense of revelatory experiences, and find solutions to difficult and puzzling problems. They will be individuals who are shown the things that will occur in the future after responding to an invitation to come up here and gaining comprehension from the throne room.

    During a prophetic encounter that I had a few years ago, the Lord made it very clear to me that the verses Daniel 1:17 and Ephesians 1:17 are spiritually connected to one another. In the prior chapter, we talked about these two biblical passages, but not in great detail.

    These are two passages that are parallel to one another and state the same promise from two different time frames. The first is from the Old Covenant and describes the ways in which God dealt with his people during difficult times while also pointing to a day in the future when the supernatural will intervene in the lives of people. The other is expressed in the New Covenant, which records the heritage of the saints for all future generations to see.

    In spite of what we may believe to be our own limitations, the Lord is a Spirit that gives life.

    He has made a promise to infuse our mortal bodies with His Spirit, which will give us life, and to grant us the spirit of revelation, which will give us access to mysteries, secrets, and revelatory knowledge as our inheritance in Him. Both of these things will be our legacy in Him.

    At the turn of the 20th century, many people who attended Maria Woodworth-Etter's meetings reported being caught up in the Spirit

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