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Knees in the Garden
Knees in the Garden
Knees in the Garden
Ebook109 pages38 minutes

Knees in the Garden

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About this ebook

Knees in the Garden is a moody caress of a collection. Rodriguez exemplifies a clear-cut devotion for the intricacies words can convey. These pieces traverse crescendos of melancholic and passionate loves to dance through the kindling of a righteous feminine rage. This work is a testament to self-respect and control and the ability to surrender

Release dateJan 13, 2023
Knees in the Garden

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    Book preview

    Knees in the Garden - Christina Rodriguez

    Knees in The Garden

    Knees in the Garden

    Christina D. Rodriguez

    A picture containing logo Description automatically generated

    Querencia Press, LLC

    Chicago, Illinois


    © Copyright 2023

    Christina D. Rodriguez

    All Rights Reserved

    No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission.

    No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with the written permission of the author.

    Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    ISBN 978 1 959118 10 7

    First Published in 2023

    Querencia Press, LLC

    Chicago, IL

    Printed & Bound in the United States of America



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    Oracular Spectacular

    Sources of Rays


    Knees in The Garden

    Mother Tongue

    Le Duc

    Coffee Hour and Street Fairs

    Movie Night

    Bare Bones

    Music Lessons

    Sunken Ships

    Bear Witness


    Driving to Chicagoland

    Swedish Sphinx: The Wikipedia of Garboism, A Cento

    Sunday, Boiling


    Jas on the day you break your heart



    We Talk


    Falling in The Internet

    Grasping the Mirage

    In between

    Dear Person: Epistle #1

    Wildflowers in Your Head



    Notes on Previous Publication



    The desire to be loved...

    I was once told that I have a melancholy way about life. Maybe it comes from the trauma of a childhood that was filled with rejection by my peers because of my appearance or the lack of love between my parents and their lack of ability to walk away from something that wasn’t working sooner. Witnessing hurt, witnessing bad decisions, witnessing cruelty without thought. In front of me, in the flesh, love was received cautiously.

    My first safe love was music. I didn’t always have a lot, but I was always surrounded by ways to hear music. My most precious gift was a Sony Walkman that I received at the age of six. My mom, often listening to the oldies station, set my radio there. Curiously, as any six-year-old would do, I wandered away to another point of the dial. CD 101.9, the smooth jazz station of New York. It was the first kind of love that wasn’t cautious. I love all types of music, but smooth jazz takes me to a place I was not able to describe succinctly until my late twenties, when my pen became my ultimate instrument and way to love.

    I started writing poems at the age of thirteen. I was already a vivacious reader and wrote plenty of diary entries, love notes to undeserving little boys and even silly short stories that won a prize or two. But with poetry, I could roll everything into one perfect (or at least perfect to me) poem and maybe someone would fall madly in love with my words, my wit, my confessions…with me. I wanted to be seen in the way listening to music made me feel, in the way reading books transformed me

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