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Love Me Louder
Love Me Louder
Love Me Louder
Ebook42 pages16 minutes

Love Me Louder

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About this ebook

"Tyler Hurula's chapbook, "Love Me Louder", cuts a path through a thicket of pain and leaves poetic breadcrumbs for others to find their way home, which is to say, back to themselves. The very existence of this chapbook breaks one family's cycle of violence. In these pages there is an essence of being fed-up, though the grief and rage is rendere

Release dateJul 7, 2022
Love Me Louder

Tyler Hurula

Tyler Hurula (she/her) is a poet born and raised in Denver, Colorado. She is queer, polyamorous, and a pet parent to two cats. Her poems have been published previously in Anti-Heroin Chic and Aurum Journal, Rat's Ass Review, and Gnashing Teeth Publishing. Her poems feature love, polyamory, family, growing up, and being queer. She values are connection, authenticity, and vulnerability, and tries to encompass these values in her writing as well as everyday life.

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    Book preview

    Love Me Louder - Tyler Hurula

    Love Me Louder

    Tyler Hurula

    A picture containing logo Description automatically generated

    Querencia Press, LLC

    Chicago Illinois


    © Copyright 2022

    Tyler Hurula

    All Rights Reserved

    No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission.

    No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with the written permission of the author.

    Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.


    ISBN 979 8 9860788 3 0


    First Published in 2022

    Querencia Press, LLC

    Chicago IL

    Printed & Bound in the United States of America

    Love Me Louder:

    A Family Portrait




    Biting Back

    God as Accomplice

    So Mad He Can’t See Straight

    Kickball Red




    Why I Hate Holidays: A Glimpse into Christmases Past

    Forgiveness has Eight Wobbly Legs

    Inheritance Disguised as Decision

    My Mother’s Leftovers



    My Mother, the Artist

    Lady of Leisure


    Advice From My Grandmother, From Her Perspective

    The Day I Found God in a Purple Rug

    Holy Me

    Notes on Previous Publications


    I carry my mother’s grief, 

    pickpocketed it as a child.

    It kept growing and growing

    and now it growls 

    from beneath my bones.

    It began before I could bite– 

    when I could kick

    her bruises from the inside out.


    If houses hold families,

    and families have secrets,

    my house was buzzing,

    There is always chocolate

    in the back right corner

    of Mom’s side

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