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The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 5, Journals 52-69
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 5, Journals 52-69
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 5, Journals 52-69
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The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 5, Journals 52-69

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This is the 5th volume completing the 69 Journals. Finally, Lee has a détente with the criminal organizations in the prior Journals he has gotten too expensive as in has reduced their numbers and leadership and what remains is no longer interested in him for now. This just leaves the problems he married into, as his loving bride has upset the religious extremist because she has shown that there may be enough information on psychic phenomena to justify more research. Nowhere did she make a religious statement, but why let facts get in the way of a good grudge. Will Lee ever get to play with his engineering projects as a desire to try out his teenage dream projects is what started him on this long road anyway, and what about the nutcases?

While I will enjoy readers buying each version, there is the original composition as one BIG book, at a lower price than the combined prices. I have been hinting in the others and reading that there is a more affordable way to go. Check out the first one at a discount, and see if you like it, then come back for the whole package if you do. This is all entertainment, or is it something else? You decide.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic Volume 5, Journals 52-69

Ash Nom DePlume

Pen Names are useful for separating the part of me that needs the day job and paycheck from the naughty fun of writing fiction. Between my day job and dyslexia, writing has been a challenge but you cannot keep a good story down. I hope you enjoy the stories. If you do, tell everyone, if you do not, tell me at the contact information in the book. Free access codes for the first Angry Brothers based story, the rest have a small honorarium though from time to time there are free. The Angry Brothers is a free show that can be found on YouTube and in many other places.Hidden in my stories are actual science facts, as well as a mystery or two when I can. I always try to keep the elements of a good story, A little religion, a royal figure, a little sex (sometimes a lot), and a mystery. This makes the shortest story that meets these requirements is, "Good God, the Queen is pregnant; who did it?"I hope the readers like my stories enough to come back for more and, better yet give favorable recommendations to their friends. Please check out my newest website to get more detail on books. If you are interested in proofreading or commenting on a galley copy let me know. It is all good fun and I do enjoy honest feedback even when it is you missed this error.Ash

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    Book preview

    The Psionicist Guild 2 - Ash Nom DePlume

    The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic

    Volume 5, Journals 52-69

    By Ash Nom DePlume

    Editor Ray Rahl

    Copyright January 2012, 2023, 2024 renewal,

    Ash Nom DePlume

    This is a retitling of The Rules of Magic even though published 5 years before another book using the same name. Obviously, the publishing industry cannot tell us apart, and that one has a movie and mini-series while this one does not. I have no reason to believe that author knows about this inconvenience so if you figure out the other work, don’t blame her. This work was previously published as part of the following 9781370332397 eBook, 9781370332397 Softback Book, and 9781370332397 Hardback Book ISBN numbers but is now separated as a stand-alone version .

    Current ISBN: 9798224137176

    All Rights Reserved, so no part may be used, reproduced or story characters without permission of the copyright holders of those characters. Contact can be made via through contact information found at the end of this work, email is also available to reach the copyright holder of this work.

    This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual people living and dead is accidental, or public figures, and the story is not intended for young readers; consider this a PARENTAL ADVISORY of being unsuitable for young and/or impressionable minds or those easily offended. This work contains discussions of the development of psychic abilities, environmentally responsible living, and consensual sex among adults.

    Table of Contents



    Reflective Entry Journal Fifty-Two

    Reflective Entry Journal Fifty-Three

    Reflective Entry Journal Fifty-Four

    Reflective Entry Journal Fifty-Five

    Reflective Entry Journal Fifty-Six

    Reflective Entry Journal Fifty-Seven

    Reflective Entry Journal Fifty-Eight

    Reflective Entry Journal Fifty-Nine

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-One

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-Two

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-Three

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-Four

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-Five

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-Six

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-Seven

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-Eight

    Reflective Entry Journal Sixty-Nine

    Acknowledgments for Chapters 52-69

    About the Author

    Other books by Ash Nom DePlume

    Meet the Editor

    Connect with Ash Nom DePlume


    The best place to hide something is in plan sight, therefore this secret document is hidden in the bookstore. Which means that this document has been repackaged and redistributed by 1793’s chronicler as part of their master plan of telling the truth in a way that is perceived as fiction thereby keeping the secret. In a world with quantum AI the temporal order of things is a bit fuzzy, as quantum mechanics does not follow linear time. This gives us access the Psionicist Guild records today before their formal opening of a training academy, today, when some of these events are taking place. While adapting to the marketing demands of eBook and physical book sellers of yesterday and tomorrow, by reformatting it today, so it can be obtained by the hacker who knowns how to get things published , yesterday, because of events, that happen tomorrow. If you are confused that means you are understanding.

    This results in the uneven Journals are now in a series of 5 roughly equal sized books though the middle one seems to be twice the size of others, instead of a massive book worthy or Russian literature and Tolkien for length. It also means you can read this introductory set on the cheap, before setting down purchase price that looks like an investment portfolio in the rest of the collection or purchasing them one volume at a time.

    The other four volumes are also available as an eBook, whereas the audiobook is a work in progress.


    This the fifth volume or Journals 52-69 of Lee Günter O’Neil, at the time when he recently learned how to access the supernatural potential available within all free-thinking humans. In cooperation with Dept 1793, he has recorded his journey to power.

    As this knowledge is too important to leave on a shelf and trusted to the good intentions of government, it is lucky for me and you the reader of this and the other series I have purloined, that I can beat the security of this online storage service, enjoy. Since these are transcribed from handwritten pages, you will find out in later journals, I cannot confirm if the names have been changed to protect the sources. The journals are not of an even length, which is either how they are recorded or separated into instructional units.

    Eventually this all came under the auspices of the Psionicist Guild in the future, as local governments, planetary, and stellar become too cumbersome and territorial to keep these skills trained and the specialist safe to practice their art.

    It's all good as long as I don't get caught, so enjoy your voyeuristic view into his life. If you meet any of these people, don’t tell them you have been reading their innermost secrets, they might not like it.

    Sincerely yours,

    Your Secret Hacker

    Reflective Journal Entry Fifty-Two

    It has been a couple of weeks, and the bruises have faded, right after the press left. All the windows at Qi and Law’s place have graphene coatings so shooting through the walls will be the only option if you want a projectile to enter the building. I am also exploring some graphene subdermal plates and chainmail, as an invisible tattoo that makes it difficult for high-velocity objects piercing flesh and spreads impacts from blunt objects over the entire body. Sort of like having body armor on all the time. Not great for slower moving sharp knives but not bad for fast-moving ones. It is a work in progress, I need to speak to Gui more about how her protector did this with her and the benefits versus the rewards aspects.

    It is a tossup with visiting the Mainland or going to Stonehenge. Qi has a movie role that will take a couple of weeks on the mainland, so we are all leaning towards that direction. Max and Isabella are heading back to the USA, for some other meetings and other personnel matters. Jack and Jill need to be replaced, and the rest of their team is needing to be rotated too.

    Grandpa wants to head back but wants to meet us when we go to England and more importantly Ireland. It is harvest time, and even though it is not his crop he wants to see what is happening. Someone also needs to check on how Tony is doing with those beehives and such. He feels twenty years younger and is starting to look younger.

    Jacob and Mason are still getting land deals finalized and contracting to get the Stirling engines that I designed built to take advantage of the ground heat. Some electrical generators are also needing to be custom built and all of that takes time and someone to ride roughshod over.

    Sophia and the accountants have a few words about how much extra paperwork we have generated. Some religious nuts tried to break into the Interfaith Center. The new security caught them in the elevator, restricted access and invitation only. It is easy enough to get an invitation, just go to Teresa or her other readers at her bookstore. A little more vetting is in order, this one was close.

    Teresa has developed, the Aura seeing that is starting to come into my vision set. I need to meditate and practice that more. Serena has had it for a long time and never realized what it was before and how much trouble it could have saved her. Bill reference I think.

    Reflective Journal Entry Fifty-Three

    We are in Xi’an which was called Chang An, the last time the elf was here, I mean Gui. She is loving the attention she is getting dressed in very old style court clothing (that she got before Xi’an was the capital), with her long white/translucent hair, out of a horror movie set that is very popular in this part of the world. Everyone thinks she is just an ‘affected’ child which is true. She is still twisted as a corkscrew but improving, another year or two and she will be just outright weird. I keep thinking of River Tam from Firefly, and it is a tossup as to who is nuttier, or more potentially dangerous, Gui wins for deadlier. Gui also can move small things telekinetically and has a long time to be very good at it. For fun, she causes transmutation to silver of other elements.

    You can tell when she is doing it because first, the room heats up then when she hit Iron, the room gets really cold as those reactions are endothermic. As it is hot out this is not unappreciated for the first part, and is on the second part. It is also unnerving as she is a loose cannon and liable to blow our cover at any moment. But she has managed to stay off the radar for millennium, before her mental rebuild. I need a drink.

    We had to cross at Shenzhen, because our flight to Xi’an was originating there. Customs was easy and quick. Baggage limits are low unless you pay extra. The first class helped on that. Security at the airport was efficient. I am afraid my first impression of the mainland is that they need plumbers. Until we hit the five-star hotel, I was sure every drain trap in the country lets sewer gasses back out.

    In short, a lot of places that I was interested in, smell like shit. Gui said they knew better back in the days when the Emperor controlled things, but it smelled then too. She blames the Cultural Revolution for destroying pride in craftsmanship. Her dress made a long time ago was all done by hand, and thanks to knowing how to make the silk stronger, it has lasted. I think she did the carbon fiber thing that I have been doing to her dresses. Today’s computer-controlled clothing lack the personality and spirit that goes into a quality handcrafted and tailored dress. If the jewels are real the Emperor must have paid for it. Much prettier than what is on TV for the period shows.

    Gui laughs a lot at those shows. The teeth were not so pretty, and it was an effort not to stain or dirty the cloth, as it is hard to clean. Her ability to alter her clothes gave her the time to plan and plot to stay alive and unnoticed. The rest of the court and their servants were always busy just keeping the clothes presentable to the court. Keeping your body clean was difficult too and hot water was a challenge to come by. She wanted to know if the hot spring bathing was still in Chang An. We have to remind her it is now Xi’an. Her comments are not in a language that any of us can translate. Whoever is renaming the cities, better not meet up with her, she has a few things to tell you.

    Her descriptions of the wall when it was being built is interesting. Why did they build that there and wait until they excavate over there and there all the time? Apparently, at Terra Cota Warriors, there is a whole treasure trove of things that they have missed. They also have missed that ‘Magic’ was alive and well during this time, so much of this did not take as many people as believed, happened faster. Also, the First Emperor had reason to want an Army in the afterlife. He earned some ‘Magical’ enemies who may chase him across to other realms when the stars align for the trip just right. Can they chase him into death, she did not know.

    Serena is having a good time visiting all the Temples to see what variations they have on palm reading and fortune telling. Ninety percent of them are charlatans, Houdini would be so proud. The other ten percent had something going, though there was usually something wrong. When she met one gifted person, she could do amazing things, but cannot tell the difference between a ten and hundred RMB note. Her senses of priorities are such that without a caretaker, she would starve in the street.

    The Falun Gong person we meet, had the magic aura thing, but at a very low level. The most impressive thing about her, is that she was not selling anything or trying to get money, just wanted to pass the word, on a better way to self-awareness and enlightenment. Considering that the Chinese government hates them this is a difficult task, as any potential student could be an agent. It is too bad that some Falun Gong practitioners including the founder are closet racist.

    The food is very different here. Do not ask what something is made out of, unless you don’t want to eat it. Hotpot can be good, but if you get one made to local standards, you may need ice cream to sit your ass in to put out the fire. The dumplings and local sweets are great, and the clothing and souvenir stuff is a lot of fun, and good prices too.

    There is a superstition for everything and everyone has some of them. The street behind the Drum Tower with all the shops and ethnic

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