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Warlords Saga II
Warlords Saga II
Warlords Saga II
Ebook870 pages10 hours

Warlords Saga II

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From the Gates of Rantarie, through the Woods of Shavana'Ka and into the Mountains of Ramari on a quest to heal the Heart of Revein'sev. What will they find beneath the Looking-glass lake of the In'gula or at the Coast of the Forgotten at Ba'La Stone? Will they overcome the Ela'voo?

With the galactic unrest from the Warlords losing their blood-lust, the blood spirit threatens to return unless Danielle can remove the Kron'Shulooka from the Realm.

Will Queen Danielle subdue the Shabe'Tu? Find out in this epic fantasy adventure.

Release dateFeb 1, 2024
Warlords Saga II

Brian K. Larson

Brian was born and raised in Seattle in 1959. He grew up in the town of Mount Lake Terrace, a small suburb north of the city. Brian, being the youngest, had two siblings, his eldest brother, Mike and sister, Pam. School was challenging, as Brian suffers with Dyslexia, a learning disability that affects 1 in 15 Americans. That didn’t stop Brian. He was named "bookworm" in school because he always had his nose in a book.Brian received his MBA in 2010 in Business, now writes for fun, living his lifelong dream of writing science fiction books. He enjoys his off time, with his seventh grade sweetheart, Diana Rose now for going on sixteen years. She has been by his side and continues to supports his writing. Brian says that without her encouragement, his dream would never have become a reality. They now live in Marysville, Washington, and enjoy three wonderful kids and eight grandchildren. They range from newborn to thirteen, and he says they are so special and great to have around.It is Brian’s hope that through his writing he will fill hearts with joy to readers all over the world, sparking their imaginations.

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    Book preview

    Warlords Saga II - Brian K. Larson

    Warlords Series

    Book 5


    Some are immune,

    while others will fail.

    The ones who resist,

    are the ones which persist…

    While others seek ruin,

    there is yet one resolution,

    and that is this conclusion

    to this revolution;

    Danielle Cooper she’ll be called,

    when she has been installed,

    her reign will not be forestalled.

    She shall live or she shall die,

    the outcome of her nature

    is wherever the blood takes her…


    this strange Danielle,

    of such great success,

    has drank of young blood

    to great excess.

    Her blood holds the Bron Vis’Ka,

    which will forever remove

    the Kron’Shulooka.

    Forever change her,

    this stranger

    is always in danger,

    but the blood

    will always maintain her.

    The blood will mutate,

    the cure will stagnate.

    Six cycles she’ll do,

    before the seventh holds true,

    the Bron Vis’Ka,

    will be sure to accrue.


    ~ Realm of Revein’sev ~


    Area of Gate


    Danielle sat at a small fire, cooking her latest kill. Two days ago, she crossed the gate into this realm and fought with E’nor’Ta.

    The creature she dined upon appeared similar to the Obernom she saw on Serintin.

    She shivered. Not from the biting, bitter wind, but from the haunting feelings that came with learning more about this place.

    It was dark.

    It was cold.

    There was nothing she would call a sky above her head. The echoing of electrical discharges that sent red, blue and violet auras shooting across what had to be this realm’s heavens. Something above glistened and swirled about between the colored auras that flashed from horizon to horizon.

    Ma’Ruuk sat next to Danielle. He patently taught her how things worked in Revein’sev, grateful for her quick learning ability.

    A thick, grey fog hung close to the ground and covered the light of their fire, hiding them from their enemy.

    What is this fog, anyway, Lord Ma’Ruuk? Danielle removed one skewer from her fire and began gnawing on the tough meat.

    The clinging fog reflected the colors of the auras flashing overhead. She noticed the fog was thicker in the night, if this was night. Everything was so different from Earth.

    This fog is called the Ela’voo. It means Bile Fever of the Realm.

    Sounds gross. Can I get sick from this Ela’voo?

    Not unless you remain here after the Vis’Ka departs.


    Ma’Nuta’Nii is upon us, my Queen, Ma’Ruuk ordered. We must put out our fire and rest, for the Ma’Nuta’Dii will soon quicken.

    This is my second Ma’Nuta’Nii.

    Yes, and you have learned well.

    Why are you helping me? Danielle asked, biting off another piece of meat to chew.

    It is because you hold the Bron Vis’Ka. No other reason, my Queen.

    How long will my Bron Vis’Ka last in here?

    "Here, that is a very good question, my Queen, Ma’Ruuk answered, You should not be here at all, except for the Vis’Ka."

    What happened to my friends? Do they even know I’m still alive?

    That is a question I have no answer for, my Queen. How would I? I have been here in this realm for over TeFi Ma’Nuta’ah.

    That’s Fifteen-thousand years, right? At least that’s what my friend Gornash says.

    Yes, my Queen. Is that a long time?

    It’s a long time for Humans.

    Well, that is not a problem for you any longer, since you become more Antarian with every breath you take. And in death, TeFi Ma’Nuta’ah is only a few Ma’Nuta.

    Well, I don’t plan on dying here. So, do we have to worry about your daughter?

    Ma’Ruuk chuckled, Oh, heavens no, he said with a wave of his hand. She will not find us or cause us any grief. At least, not right away.

    I wish I could tell my friends that I was still alive.

    "You should worry not about your friends. You have more pressing things to concern yourself with. You cannot leave before they are decided."

    "You mean, I can get back to my home again?"

    "Oh yes, you will. That is, if you subdue the beast of this realm."

    You mean the she-beast that I tamed on Serintin?

    No, not that she-beast, no, Ma’Ruuk shook his head. "The one you must tame is the beast of this realm. It is not an extant beast, such as the fire dragon you encountered at the corridor. This beast cannot be tamed by battle. No blow will touch it."

    How am I supposed to tame this beast, if I can’t even touch it physically?

    "With much training and the Bron Vis’Ka, you will tame the beast. This must be done before you lose this Vis’Ka, or I can tell you one thing that will be certain; your friends will encounter the Kron’Shulooka. Grave danger, there will be, if fail to tame this banshee."

    Okay, we should rest, so I will be at my best at the start of this quest, Danielle rhymed.

    Yes, my Queen. Very good, very good indeed. You are beginning to acquire Seer traits.

    Danielle chewed the last of her meat, then kicked dirt to suffocate the small fire.

    Your training will begin as soon as Ma’Nuta’Dii is upon us. A journey we must go before we can start.

    Travel? Where to?

    We will travel to the Mountains of Ramari. It is there, in the foothills and higher ground, above the Ela’voo, that you must train and prepare for the beast, the Shabe’Tu.

    I thought you said this fever won’t make me sick?

    It will not, my Queen. However, it will impede your strength. Diminished your Vis’Ka will be, if training is not sustained.

    Well, I guess we shall move out upon first Ma’Nuta’Dii.

    Danielle lay down, but soon was tossing from side to side, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep, but finding she could not. This strange realm kept her wide-eyed and alert.

    For Danielle there was no sleep to be had, but Ma’Ruuk, propped up against a large silver flecked rock, snored until first light.

    Chapter One


    Rising Star of Antares


    The Rocinante


    Race studied his screen from his bridge station as Jed overlooked his console with his XO, Commander Jameson. The short, sharp-jawed man pointed to his screen.

    Jed frowned at the worried look painted on his friend’s face. He stepped over to Race’s console, Whattcha lookin’ at?

    Race glanced up from his screen, Huh? What was that, Admiral?

    Your screen, Race, what’s on your screen that’s captivated your attention?

    Oh, yeah, sorry, Jed, Race leaned closer to whisper, I’m just looking at these design schematics for the cross-ways.

    You’re still trying to figure out a way to program that box to take you to Danielle, aren’t you?

    Yes, Jed, Race sat upright, looked into the Admiral’s eyes, and turned back to the screen, I am… since nobody else is trying to figure out how to get her back.

    Our priority is to make sure Antarian space is safe first.

    It’s been three days, Jed. Sorry, Sir. I meant no disrespect…

    Jed gave Race’s shoulder a gentle squeeze, It’s alright, Race. I know you didn’t mean to disrespect me. We will go after her as soon as the Eridonians arrive.

    We haven’t seen Zetaal since Chancellor Relegon chased him off, Jed. It’s time we try to make connection.

    And I said we have to wait for the Eridonians, Colonel. Look, I promise we’ll give it a try as soon as they do arrive, Jed explained.

    From what I was told, that’s still another day out. I can’t wait, Admiral, Race pleaded, Danielle needs us, I just feel it!


    Race interrupted Jed once more, … You weren’t there, Jed. I was. And so was Ruki’, Gorgon and Darnash, they’ll all tell you we need to try to make contact.

    Have you aligned the field coils for the new trans-inducer circuits?

    Yes, all done hours ago.

    How about the replacement of the energy density generators? Have you changed the configuration from parallel circuits to series?

    Yes. That was completed yesterday. The ship has been configured for twelve low-level jumps or six long jumps.

    How about the Mercury Ion Thruster packs? Have those been recharged? I need my navigator to have full control if Zetaal does show up.

    I have a crew assigned on that. They should be finished within the hour, Race proudly answered, Anything else, Sir?

    Yes, Race, Jed smugly looked down at his friend, There is something else.

    Race turned in his seat and looked up at Jed, Okay, what is it? You need a coupling changed out?

    No, the power couplings were done yesterday.

    Phase controller calibration?

    Nope, not that.

    How about the relays for the shield grid? You have one that needs my special attention?

    No, not that either.

    You’re killing me here, Jed. Tell me, so I can get it done and back to my research.

    I need you to go down to the landing bay and greet Malcom.

    Race rolled his eyes, I knew there was some menial task you had up your sleeve…

    Jed grew a wide grin.

    Hey, wait a minute! Malcom is here?

    Yes, Race. They told us a little bit ago that they’ll arrive a full day early.

    Why didn’t you say something!?

    Didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Besides, the look on your face… priceless.

    Oh, gee, thanks a lot for that, Admiral.

    Sir, The communications officer, Lieutenant Henderson interrupted, The Eridonian saucer is ready for landing.

    Jed turned to Henderson, Tell them to dock in my personal landing bay on this deck. Race will greet them. Inform Chief Kelly of their arrival.

    On it, Sir, Henderson acknowledged.

    Helm, Jed ordered, Hold us in receiving configuration.

    Aye-aye, Admiral, Lieutenant Payne acknowledged.

    Holding course and speed constant at 17,000 KPH.

    Chief Kelly reports that the landing bay is open and ready to receive them. He’s standing by to ensure there’s no issue docking the saucer inside.

    Very well, Jed nodded, giving Race another pat on the shoulder, You better get over to the landing bay, Colonel.

    Thanks, Jed. Now, maybe we can get a message to Danielle that we’re trying to rescue her.

    Bring the Eridonians to the Ward room. We need to talk before we try to send you back in.

    Whatever it takes, Jed, whatever it takes.

    Race jumped from his station and ran off the CSC and turned left. He called down corridor, Make a hole, coming through!

    Race rushed by three crewmen as they headed to their bunks.

    What’s his hurry? Major Rene Simon asked.

    I think the Eridonians just arrived, Corporal Harry Gill pointed.

    Ahh, I see. Well, I better get down to the fighter bay and make sure the Chief has us launch ready.

    Are you expecting trouble, Major?

    As a matter of fact, yes. It’s been a pattern every time the Eridonians show up.

    Corporal Gill chuckled as Rene headed back down to the fighter launch deck.

    Race cut through two more junctions before sliding to a stop next to Chief Kelly.

    What’s our status, Chief?

    Hold one, Colonel, Chief Kelly nodded as he fiddled with the landing bay controls, They just settled into the landing bay. I’m rolling the bay doors closed, now, he reported over the ship’s comm link.

    The ship’s console barked Lieutenant Henderson’s voice, The Admiral says, Race is on his way. You are to escort the Eridonians to the Ward room.

    Race is already here, Lieutenant.

    Oh, he must have double-timed it.

    Race leaned closer to the comm link and panted, I ran.

    Well, the Admiral says that’s good you’re keeping to your name.

    Tell the Admiral, that’s very funny and Race is what I do. Nothin’ else.

    Bay doors are closed and sealed, Kelly reported, Commencing pressurization sequence… landing bay is pressurized.

    Lieutenant Henderson relayed Jed’s orders, Permission to come aboard, open the airlock doors.

    Kelly pressed the controls and the double doors slid apart with a swoosh.

    The saucer ship sat on a central pedestal that protruded below the main spherical shaped part of the saucer. An opening appeared and revealed two short, balding Eridonians standing in their blue smocks.

    They departed their cylindrical pedestal and made their way across the landing bay. Race smiled broadly and broke into a run.

    Race stopped before the Eridonians, reading a story of bad news from their expressionless faces.

    I’m so glad to see you, Malcom, Artemis.

    He held his hand out in front of him, but the two Eridonians ignored his gesture and kept walking. Race shook his empty hand in the air, then relaxed it to his side and fell into step with them.

    The way the smocks of the Eridonians flowed gave the appearance of floating rather than walking.

    We already know Admiral Fitz wishes us to meet at his Ward room, Malcom telepathically said.

    Oh, great, Race grimaced, So, you’re here to poke around in our heads again? I thought you would respect our wishes…

    Malcom’s brow narrowed with displeasure, You do not have the luxury for vocal communications, Colonel Jennings. If you wish to deliver a message to Danielle, you must understand the only way this will happen is telepathically.

    Don’t get me wrong, here, Malcom, I’m grateful you’re here to help an’ all, but I’m still not used to your ways.

    Do not concern yourself with that, Colonel. We have much to tell you. I will speak to you no more until Jed has met us at his Ward room.

    Gosh, Malcom, I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, but what gives with this new attitude?

    Malcom’s face was again without expression. Artemis placed a hand on Race’s shoulder, Forgive Malcom for his impatience. There is much you do not understand. It would be best to leave it at that. We shall wait for Jed’s arrival.

    Okay, if you insist, Race nodded. They had arrived at the Ward room.

    Race reached for the door controls, but the door swooshed open before he touched them. Malcom moved past Race into the room without even slowing to wait for the door to open. The Eridonian’s expression made it clear to Race that he had opened the door.

    Artemis followed with Race on her heels.

    Please, have a seat, Race motioned, I’m sure Jed will be here shortly.

    Artemis and Malcom exchanged glances before Artemis thought to Race, Inform Jed he is late. Malcom says you are wasting time and he grows even more impatient.

    He grows impatient? Race protested, What about Danielle and having to wait three days to hear from us?

    Artemis placed a spindly index finger to her lips, Please, Malcom requires quiet in order to prepare.

    I see, Race nodded, taking a seat at the opposite end of the oval planning table.

    The room was eerily quiet for several uncomfortable moments as Race studied Malcom. The Eridonian was completely still, eyes closed, his lips moving rapidly in silence.

    Race stood and leaned closer to Artemis, What’s he saying?

    Malcom is chanting ancient words. Nothing for you to be concerned about, Colonel.

    You mean he’s actually verbalizing?

    Yes, Colonel. Now please, your constant inquiries will only delay our actions and lengthen our time here.

    Are you going somewhere? Race again whispered.

    All will be understood as soon as the Admiral arrives.

    Yeah, I wonder what’s keeping Jed, anyway?

    As Race finished the words the door opened with a swoosh and a concerned Admiral entered.

    Malcom opened his eyes and glanced over to Jed, Welcome, Admiral Fitz. Please take a seat and I will explain those things we must share.

    Jed nodded, I’m sorry I am late. I was going over the recent sector scans with my Tactical officer, Lieutenant Collins…

    Malcom telepathically interrupted Jed, Yes, Admiral, I understand your concerns for keeping this sector secure. However, no opposing forces are close to Antares. Your concern is unnecessary.

    Again, I do apologize…

    Admiral Fitz, you must silence your mind and focus on the task at hand; messaging Danielle.

    Here, here! Race added.

    Malcom glared at Race for an instant, I realize you wish to get a message to Danielle. I am almost ready to complete this task. You must know that attempting to reach Danielle in Revein’sev will not be easy. There are many obstacles that must be overcome.

    Artemis took over for Malcom, Yes, this is why we must have complete quiet. It will take an enormous amount of resources to break through the barrier to Revein’sev.

    Okay, sorry… Race began.

    Please speak with your mind to us. I know you do not have this ability, but we can facilitate this communication while you are in our presence.

    Okay, I understand, Race answered with his mind.

    Yes, Race, Malcom answered, your voice is calm now. I will relay to you what needs to be explained.

    We’re all ears, Race relayed.

    More like, all mind, Jed added.

    Malcom expanded his attention to the both of them, Now that I have prepared for this task, I can speak directly to you both. You see, we know that Zetaal and his ship are not in this sector. They are raiding for supplies in another quadrant. They must replenish their resources in this manner since they are not welcome in their home system, Theta Centauri.

    Maybe I should dispatch a set of ships if you know where Zetaal will be? Jed asked.

    Yes, Admiral, you should send five ships as they have three in their grouping. However, the Rocinante should remain here.

    Can I get word to my crew?

    I have already dispatched your closest ship’s captains and the location of Zetaal. There they will engage.

    How convenient, Jed thought, I kind of wish I had this ability all the time.

    One day your species will achieve the required consciousness. Now the current matter at hand is reaching Danielle. She needs to hear from her kind to keep her hope of rescue alive.

    Can you tell if Danielle is in any trouble? Race asked.

    Not yet, Malcom answered. Now, Colonel Jennings, if you will avail yourself closer to me. I will attempt to make the connection though the barrier.

    Sure thing, Malcom, Race stopped himself, Oh, sorry, I forgot.

    It is alright, Colonel, now that I have completed my preparations you cannot cause a decline in my thoughts with your voice.

    Race moved close to Malcom. The Eridonian placed a spindly first finger on each of Race’s temples.

    Images of Race and Danielle flashed in Malcom’s mind.

    Danielle stood with her flaming sword, centered in the gateway as the last being moved through the cross-way passage.

    Malcom watched the events play out within the Human’s minds.

    They heard their lost college yelling; I am Queen Danielle of the House of Cooper! You will bow down to me!

    The scene changed. Malcom’s mind showed Danielle standing before E’nor’Ta, her flaming sword held in front of her. She reached inside her waist band and withdrew her seventh and final dose of blood. They watched her pop the cap and drink from the vile.

    The scene in Malcom’s mind changed once more. Now the giant head of a fire dragon issued from the gate. It was the only creature in the corridor. The creature opened its mighty jaws and enveloped Danielle in the flames.

    Danielle charged through the blazing fire creature’s jaws and leaped through the gateway, vanishing into Revein’sev.

    The fire creature shook its head violently as Danielle’s Bron Vis’Ka contacted the full power of the Kron’Shulooka. The fire creature shrank in size until finally the last wisps of flames smoldered as the creature returned to beyond the gate.

    Malcom opened his eyes wide and removed his fingers from Race’s temples. He sat back in his chair.

    Race looked at Malcom, Well, did you get a message through?

    Not so much as a direct message that humans are accustomed too, Malcom verbalized, but yes, I feel that Danielle is aware that we attempted to contact her.

    Hey, Race pointed, You’re talking.

    Yes, Colonel Jennings, Malcom responded, "This task is complete. I no longer need to use my telepathy, since you prefer us not to poke around inside your head all the time."

    Well, thank you, Malcom. Apology accepted.

    I did not apologize for anything.

    Yeah, ya’ did, Race smugly smiled, It’s called passive-aggressive apologizing.

    That was a passive-aggressive statement, an inaccurate one. Mine was not a passive-aggressive apology, Malcom calmly answered as he fidgeted in his seat.

    Race pointed at Malcom once more, See, and you’re uncomfortable, too.

    I am uncomfortable because this thing you call a chair is uncomfortable for Eridonians to sit in.

    Oh, okay. What’s next Race asked, changing the subject.

    Take us to your medical bay where you nearly killed yourself attempting to save Danielle.

    Jed stood to his feet and motioned, Right this way, Malcom, Artemis.

    Chapter Two


    Alpha Aquilla

    Rapier Battleship


    Zetaal gaged each station’s readiness from his command chair, Helm, sssteady asss she goesss. Tactical, maintain weaponsss readinesss. Ssstand by, he hissed.

    Yesss, Commander, his navigation officer, Zeotha, acknowledged, We are on approach to the Aquilla outer ring.

    Zester, Zetaal ordered his communications officer, Open a channel to Aquilla Prime.

    Channel isss open, Commander.

    "Thisss is Zetaal from the Theta Centauri, commanding the Rapier. Ressspond."

    Commander, Zetaal’s tactical officer, Talust, reported, Five corsair classss ssshipsss are incoming on an intercept courssse.

    No resssponssse from Aquilla Prime, Commander, Zester reported.

    Zetaal’s first officer leaned closer to him, Commander, I feel they remain sssilent knowing of our treassson.

    Yesss, Zeatha, my trusssted Firssst, I do believe you are correct.

    Talust glanced from his weapons console, The corsairssss will be in weaponsss range in two ssantronsss.

    Weaponsss sstanding by. Sshieldsss at maximum, Commander.

    We are recsseiving a transssmisssion from the lead corsssair, Commander, Zester reported.

    Put it on overhead.

    "Captain Zetaal of the Rapier, static crackled over the speakers, You are to change course away from Aquilla Prime. Failure to comply will result in your destruction! You will not be warned further!"

    I would sssay they are not pleasssed with usss, Zetaal smiled.

    They will be in weaponsss range in thirty ssantarosss, Commander.

    You are correct, his first nodded.

    Tactical: target their lead ssship and commencsse firing when in weaponsss range!

    Target is locked, Talust reported. Engaging ssshipss in five santaros… three, two, one… Firing main batteries!

    Zetaal’s ship flew toward the five corsairs. Their three forward turrets sent their rapid-fire report. The corsairs broke off in three separate directions, the lead ship accelerated into the Rapier’s ion cannons. The impact sent blue energy bolts arcing across the hull.

    The four remaining corsairs flew around Zetaal’s ship. Two formations of two ships each fired their turrets as they circled the battleship in different directions.

    The firssst ssship was a decoy, Commander, his tactical officer reported, Target locked on three of the four remaining ssshipss.

    Keep firing! How are ssshields performing?

    Ssshields are holding at ninety-five percssent. These ssshipss are no match for usss, Commander, Talust smiled.

    Excssellent! Zetaal smiled. Excssellent indeed! Can you get ssseeker missilesss locked?

    The corsssairss are too sssmall for the ssseekerss to target lock, but it will give them one more problem to deal with.

    Do it! Zetaal’s First ordered.

    Helm: bring usss around, Zetaal ordered.

    The ssseeker missssiles are unable to target lock, Commander, Talust reported. Perhapss we sshould launch a ssquadron of fighterss.

    They would love nothing better than for uss to launch fighters! No, I sense thesse are all decoysss to keep uss off-guard.

    You are correct, Commander, Talust nodded, The sseeker misssiless have a target lock on two desstroyer classs shipss in bound from their ssixth moon terminator!

    I knew it, Zetaal exclaimed. FIRE!

    The two sseekers have hit their targetss, Talust reported, Minor damage only! We are no match for thessse two shipss and the corsairss.

    Zetaal relented, Navigation: plot a courssse to our fall back coordinatesss. Resilic: Zetaal ordered his engineering officer, Prepare the jump drive.

    Jump drive is online and ready, Commander.

    Courssse is sset for Tau Csseiti, Cron reported, We are five jumpsss away.

    Helm, engage!

    Engaging jump drive in thirty santaros.

    Commander, Talust reported, The two destroyersss will be on usss in twenty santaros."

    Lock all weaponsss! Zeotha ordered, Fire at will until we jump!

    Plasma cannons blazed at the two destroyers. The four corsairs continued to hammer at the Rapier’s shields. The two large Aquillian destroyers fired two missiles each as they closed the range.

    Incoming missilesss, Commander! Talust shouted, Firing countermeasuresss!

    Three of the missiles were intercepted by the Rapier. One shot past their defenses.

    Bracssse for impact! Zeatha warned.

    The Rapier shook violently with the missile strike as the ship’s forward screens lit up. The brilliant flash blinded the helmsman for a moment.

    Commander! Talust panicked, Ssshields down thirty percssent! Three sssupport ssshipss have jussst jumped into the sssector! There are two human and one Antarian!

    How clossse? Zetaal ordered.

    Ssstill out of range, Commander. They are not a threat at their current distancesss, but I suggessst we no longer attempt return to Alpha Aquilla.

    Jumping ssship! Zetaal’s helm reported. Jump complete. Four jumpsss remain.

    Very well, prepare for our next jump sssequence and recharge all weaponsss, Zetaal ordered.

    Zeatha pointed as he gave the crew orders, I want damage reportsss and repair teamsss dissspatched at oncsse!

    We sssuffered minimal damage, Resilic reported. Ssshieldss are down to ssseventy percssent. Repair teamsss are disspatched. ETA for repairsss are three santagons.

    Helm, maintain courssse and ssspeed.

    Acknowledged, Commander, Cron nodded as he flew the Rapier.

    Next jump isss in five santrons. Then a five santagon cool down before procsseeding to jump number three.

    Where are my damage reportsss! Zeatha ordered.

    There are five turretsss offline. Three plasssma cannonsss damaged, but functional. Hull plating remainsss ninety-ssseven percssent intact. Initial repairsss to our hull breechesss are holding. Ssshieldss are holding at ssseventy-three percssent.

    Focusss repairsss on thosse ssshieldss, the First officer ordered. Then get thosse turretsss back online! The cannonsss can wait until lassst.

    Yesss, Commander, Acknowledged Resilic. The shieldsss alone will be fully repaired within the santagon.

    Sssee to it, Resilic. I ssshall not take a broken ssship into battle!

    No, Commander, Resilic nodded, "The Rapier will be fully operational before we arrive at Tau Ceti."

    "Have we heard word from the Allegiance?" Zetaal asked.

    "Nothing from Captain Raylam and the Allegiancsse, Commander," Zester reported.

    "What about the Hunter?"

    A transmissssion came in from Captain Krister moments before we jumped.


    They are on their way to our current target sssystem.

    They’re heading to Tau Ceti?

    Yesss, Commander, Zester acknowledged. They ssshall arrive one santagon ahead of usss. Their message saysss they will wait for our arrival. Meet them just outssside Tau Ceti’s ssscanning range.

    Good newsss, Zester, Zetaal nodded, Good newsss indeed. We ssshall enter their sssystem together. They will have no alternative but to agree to our demandsss.

    Beginning sssecond jump sssequence, Cron reported, All ssystemsss are ready.

    Commencsse jump! Zetaal ordered.

    The Rapier vanished from space and reappeared at their intended location. The ships engines whined as they spun down.

    Beginning five sssantagon cool down ssscycle.

    Very well, Zetaal rose from his command seat, Continue ssscanning thiss ssector for hosstilesss. Launch a fighter ssquadron to maximize our sscanning radiuss.

    Very well, Commander, Talust acknowledged.

    I will be in my quartersss. Come for me five santrons before the next jump.

    Zetaal stepped off the ship’s bridge and made his way down the corridor.


    Alpha Aquilla

    The Aurora Starship


    Captain Brice watched the Centaurian ship jump from the sector on his view screen. His XO, Commander Lamar Compton, slammed his fist on his console, We missed him!

    Yes, we missed him again. But not by very much, Captain Brice smiled. Each time we intercept him, we’re a just a little bit closer. Next system, he won’t have time to get away!

    Here, here, Captain, Commander Compton cheered.

    "The Cossack and Chimera have completed their jumps and are forming up," Captain Brice’s tactical officer reported.

    Thank you for that, Mister Patton, Commander Compton nodded.

    Lance, Brice began, Continue scanning the sector for any additional hostiles.

    Aye-aye, Sir, Lieutenant Patton acknowledged. I’m already scanning four Corsair class and two Destroyers, now on an intercept course.

    Mister Sullivan, Captain Brice ordered, Open a channel to Aquilla Prime.

    Yes, Sir, Lieutenant Sullivan nodded as he worked his console, "Channel opening… Attention Aquilla Prime, this is Earth ship Aurora, we come in peace. Repeat this is the Aurora, we come in peace. We are in pursuit of the Theta Centaurian, Zetaal. Do you copy us?"

    Tactical, report on those ships, Captain Brice urged.

    They’re backing off, Sir, Lieutenant Patton reported. They’re changing course back to Prime.

    I’m receiving a transmission from Aquilla, Sir.

    Patch them to the overhead, Rodney, The XO pointed.

    Aye-aye, Commander, Lieutenant Sullivan nodded.

    After a few seconds the overhead speakers crackled the high-pitched voice of an Aquillian, It is good to see you return, Captain Brice.

    Prime Minister Korilin, Captain Brice answered, It is good to hear your voice again.

    Captain Brice, the voice rang over the speakers, You missed Captain Zetaal.

    Yes, Minister, but only by seconds this time.

    We were worried that you wouldn’t return soon enough. His ship still carries some damage from their encounter at Antares.

    Is he trying to solicit repairs?

    He continues to try, Captain Brice, Minister Korilin answered, "Do you know where his other two ships are? The Allegiance and Hunter?"

    "Not exactly, but we think they’re on their way to Tau Ceti to persuade them to be of assistance."

    I agree, Captain. That would be their next logical target. They are roughly five or six jumps to reaching them.

    Captain Brice glanced over to his helm officer, "Lieutenant Gardner, plot our jump course to Tau Ceti. Mister Sullivan, contact Cossack and Chimera to make ready. We need to leave now if we’re gonna have any chance at beating him there!"

    Lieutenant Dee Gardner glanced from her console, We can make Tau Ceti in four jumps, Commander.

    "Sending word to the Cossack and Chimera, Sir," Lieutenant Sullivan reported.

    Minister Korilin, Captain Brice began, I’m sorry we can’t stay for a visit, but if we’re going to catch Captain Zetaal, we must leave now.

    Understood, Captain Brice, Minister Korilin responded, Please give my best regards to Captains Hughes and Rent’Kaa.

    "Will do, Minister Korilin. Be safe. Aurora out."

    Lieutenant Sullivan fiddled with his console before reporting their status, "Sir, the Cossack and Chimera are tied into our jump drive."

    Course is plotted and set, Captain Lieutenant Gardner reported, All ships are jump ready.

    Begin jump sequence, Commander Compton pointed. All stations reporting green and go.

    Jumping to first coordinates in thirty seconds.

    All hands, prep for jump! Captain Brice ordered.

    Jumping in fifteen… ten… five… four… three… two… one… jumping fleet!

    The three ships vanished from Alpha Aquilla. The stars bled and then solidified once more. The fleet reemerged at the coordinates for their first jump target in only three seconds.

    All ships reporting in. Jump complete, Sir, Lieutenant Sullivan reported.

    How soon before our next jump sequence? Commander Compton asked.

    We can move to our second jump coordinates in five hours, Dee reported. Then we’ll have two more jumps before another five hour cool down for our last.

    So, we’ll make Tau Ceti in ten hours? Captain Brice asked.

    Affirmative, Captain, Dee nodded.

    Begin jump drive cooling protocol.

    The three crews filled the five-hour wait with drills, maintenance, and fine tuning the ships systems.

    Chapter Three


    Sigma Draconis

    HMS Bristol


    It was great visiting with you Trygg, Captain McCartney said as he shook the Draconian’s hand.

    It has been a pleasure, Captain. I don’t know how to thank you, really.

    You’re most welcome. Anything we can do to help rebuild Draconis.

    Well, thanks to your help, we’ve now restored power to two orbital platforms.

    As soon as things quiet down with those rogue Centaurian ships, we’ll return to help you more.

    The generosity of Humans never ceases to amaze us, Commander Rothgarson set his free hand on top of their clasped hands. And your hospitality is always appreciated.

    The pleasure is all ours, Trygg.

    Commander Iverson stood next to his Captain, smiling at the departing Draconians, Styer, next time you can be our hosts.

    Looking forward to that, Commander, Styer Valbrandrson said while he shook the Commander’s hand.

    The two departed, turned and entered their shuttle as Captain McCartney and his XO stepped out from the landing bay.

    Crew Chief Perry entered the control sequence to seal the bay doors, Depressurizing Bay. Chief to Lieutenant Scott, the Draconians are ready to depart.

    Lieutenant Scott nodded, "Roger that, Chief. Commander Valbrandrson is departing the Bristol now."

    Commander Iverson dropped his smile, Whew, that was one of the most boring dinners I’ve been to in ages.

    Captain McCartney reluctantly nodded his agreement, Thanks for puttin’ up with them ‘an all, I owe ya’ one.

    Commander Iverson and Captain McCartney walked side-by-side, Well, I’ll hold you to it, Sir.

    Captain McCartney chuckled as the two made their way to the Command Support Center, I’m sure you will, Commander.

    "What are XO’s for, Sir?"

    They’re for annoying the hell out their Captain, that’s what they’re for, McCartney chuckled once more.

    Arriving at the CSC hatch, the sergeant of the guard snapped to attention and announced their arrival, Captain on Deck!

    At ease, men, Captain McCartney ordered as he took the three short steps down to the command pit of the Bristol.

    SITREP, Commander Iverson barked.

    All stations reporting ready for jump. Mercury Ion Drives are online. The energy density generators are primed for two jumps before cool down.

    Isn’t this ship equipped with redundant EDGs? Captain McCartney asked as he glanced over to his XO.

    Yes, Sir, Iverson acknowledged, Unfortunately, three of the five EDGs are down. We need parts from Epsilon in order to effect repairs.

    It’s okay, Lieutenant, McCartney smiled at April Hopper, his navigator, I just hope the Eridonians warranty is good on these ships.

    Yes, Sir, thanks you, Sir, Lieutenant Hopper smiled.

    "In coming message from the Excalibur, Sir," Lieutenant Scott reported.

    On overhead, McCartney ordered.

    "Bristol, Excalibur, the voice echoed over the ship’s speakers, I have Excalibur Actual for you, Sir. Go ahead, Sir."

    This is Captain Rollins, is that Captain McCartney I hear?

    Go head Captain, what’s your status?

    "We just got a message from the Claymore and Royal, Sir. They’ll meet up with us at the secondary jump coordinates. They’ll be flying CAP to ensure the sector is clear during our cool down procedures."

    We’ll be able to shorten our CDP by an hour, I’m told, so hoping for only a four-hour layover.

    "What about the Renault and Reaver?"

    "They have been reassigned to Captain Martin’s fleet from the Jannali. They’re reconvening at Betelgeuse to hold that sector just in case the Admiral’s mission at Antares fails."

    Let’s just hope Admiral Fitz doesn’t fail, McCartney grimaced, I don’t think thirteen ships will hold back an entire Antarian fleet.

    They’ll do all they can, Sir.

    Very well, are you tied into our navigation? We should get underway, or we’ll be late for our own party.

    Aye-Aye, Sir, Captain Rollins acknowledged, The board is green.

    Very well, Captain. We’ll see you at the second jump coordinates. This will be two tandem jumps, McCarty ordered, Mister Scott: cut the channel. NAV: set condition green and go for jump. Helm: take us out of orbit to safe jump distance.

    "The Excalibur acknowledged, Sir," Lieutenant Scott replied.

    Jump coordinates synchronized. We are green for jump condition in two minutes, Lieutenant Kabatski confirmed.

    Lieutenant Mangini glanced from his console, Thrusters at Full power. Mercury Ion Drives are at full power.

    Safe distance in thirty seconds, Sir, Kabatski reported. Confirming jump synchro-lock. Both ships reporting green for first jump.

    Jumping in five... four… Lieutenant Mangini counted, three… two… one… jumping!

    Both fleet ships jumped across the distance of space to their first coordinates in three seconds.

    Report, Commander Iverson ordered.

    "The Excalibur is NAV tied off our starboard beam, Sir," Lieutenant Scott reported.

    "How long before the second jump?’ Captain McCartney asked.

    Two minutes for jump drive respool, Sir, the Helmsmen answered.

    Very well, the captain praised, "Confirm NAV tie in with the Excalibur. Reset the EDG’s and relay second jump coordinates."

    One minute to jump drive respool, Kabatski reported.

    Confirming jump coordinates… the board is green and go.

    Thirty-seconds, Kabatski counted.

    "The Excalibur is confirmed with positive NAV lock. Jump drive cycled and green for jump condition."

    Secondary jump in five… four… three… two… one… Jumping! Lieutenant Mangini reported.

    The two ships vanished from their current position. Bristol came to a stop at their second jump coordinates.

    Report, Iverson ordered.

    Sir, Lieutenant Scott reported, "There was a dropped data packet back to the Excalibur. Their NAV computers failed final sync."

    Scan the sector, the XO shouted. Are the other ships here yet?"

    No, Sir, Lieutenant Scott reported, There are no ships in our scanning range.

    Launch the CAP, Commander Iverson ordered with pointed finger, "and find out where the hell the Excalibur jumped to!"

    The Chief has reported we’ve launched a squadron of three fighters to run CAP until our other ships show up.

    I want at least ten fighters. Get our eyes out as far as we can!

    Aye-aye, Sir, Kabatski acknowledged, I’ve relayed the launch orders… the Chief is launching more fighters as well as two ACE support.

    Keep those two ACE ships in range of five of those fighters at all times, McCartney ordered, If that’s too thin, don’t be shy on sending out more ACE ships. We have plenty of resources.

    Aye, Sir, Kabatski nodded, Chief Perry, launch a total of four ACE. Repeat, four ACE Support! Chief Perry confirms, Sir. Four ACE support ships have launched.

    Sir, Lieutenant Scott reported with raised eyebrows, Two ships just jumped into our sector! They are right on top of us. Wait one… Sir, CAG reports he’s got visual; they’re ours, Sir!

    McCartney sighed. Mister Scott, get ‘em on the horn! And you can commend Major Sherman for the quick response on that visual.

    Aye, Sir, Scott acknowledged, "Incoming message from the Claymore. Patching to overhead…

    Captain McCartney, the voice crackled, good to see you, Sir. We’re only scanning your ship. What happened to the Excalibur?"

    Captain, Tillman, we had a jump sync failure. My team is searching for them.

    I’ll get my team working on scanning out there for them as well. By the way, Katheryn says howdy.

    "How’d she come up with commanding the Royal?"

    Captain shortage.

    Well, you can tell Captain Dixon I’m looking forward to one of her special desserts when things quiet down.

    "She told me you would ask, so, yeah, dinner on the Royal. All fleet captains in sector are invited."

    "Tell her I’m looking forward to it. In the meantime, we have a lost ship out there. Have the Royal launch a squadron with ACE support and coordinate your CAP with ours through my XO. I’ll reassign my fighters and ACE support group to run a couple short jumps outside normal scanning range and see if they can spot them."

    Sounds like a plan, Sir. Captain Tillman out.

    His voice faded to static as the CSC continued running jump calculations.

    Get me Major Sherman, McCartney ordered.

    Channel is open, Sir, go head, Captain.

    "Major, I want you to coordinate two groups of five fighters and two ACE support each. Perform a jump-search grid. Have one group go back to our starting jump and one halfway. Run some scans and then return. I’m hoping one of your fighter groups will run into the Excalibur."

    Aye-Aye, Sir, Major Sherman acknowledged as he flew his fighter before switching to a secondary channel, "Listen up! Fighters Red-1 through Red-5, form up on my wing. Blue-1 through Blue-5, split off and form a second group. ACE support: split off, two in each group. Captain Anderson, you command Blue-1 and will jump back to the secondary and begin your scan.

    "I’ll take Red-1 group to our first jump coordinates and scan there. Scan for twenty minutes and then jump back and report. If we still haven’t found them, the Bristol will provide new coordinates for us to try. We’ll have one more shot at it before we have to switch birds."

    Major Sherman’s radio crackled Captain Anderson’s acknowledgement, "Alright, Blue-2 through -5, form up and sync our jump drives with mine. Ace -3 and -4, you’re with us."

    We’re all set here, Captain Anderson, Sherman confirmed, "Good hunting… Bristol, Red-1, we’re jumping to primary coordinates in ten seconds. See you in twenty minutes."

    Roger that, Major, Lieutenant Scott replied over his comm link.

    In three… two… one… jump!

    The five fighters and two ACE support ships jumped back to the primary coordinates in five seconds.

    Whew! What a rush! Major Sherman exclaimed. Okay, split up and begin your scans.

    "This is Ace-1, we’re not scanning the Excalibur here. Suggest moving toward our secondary."

    "Affirmative, Ace-1, let’s get as far as we can before we jump back. Maybe we’ll get lucky."

    "Ace-1, 10-4."

    Major Sherman flew at their top sub-light speed as the five fighters and two support ships fanned out in their grid search pattern providing cover for the ACE support ships, Beginning scan of grid 5-1 through 5-5, Ace-1 answered.

    "Ace-3 reporting scan of grid 6-1 through 6-5."

    "Ace-2 reporting scan of grid 2-1 through 2-5."

    "Ace-4 reporting grid scan of 3-1 through 3-5 commencing."

    "Once we complete this gird we’ll return to the Bristol for new coordinates, Major Sherman ordered.

    The fighter squad split up into their grids and begun scanning for the Excalibur.



    Between Jump Coordinates


    As the Excalibur came out of jump. Within two seconds of the streaking stars returning to normal the ship’s navigation officer spoke up.

    "Sir, the Bristol is not with us," Lieutenant Hopper reported.

    Move to alert status, Commander Becker ordered.

    Captain Rollins slammed his fist on his console, NAV: report, what happened?

    There was a corrupt data packet on our return sync that caused our NAV computers to set the wrong coordinates, Sir, Lieutenant Hopper reported.

    Do we know how far off course we are?

    I’m working on it, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir, the NAV computers are rebooting. Jump drives are offline until they’re back up. We’re stuck here for at least twenty minutes before we can recalculate the next jump.

    Let’s get some eyes out there, Commander Becker ordered, At least one squadron running CAP. I don’t want to get caught off guard if we run into any Hostiles out here!

    I’m on it, Sir, Lieutenant Bradley nodded, Chief Hunter, the tactical officer relayed, Launch our CAP! Bradley glanced from his console, The Chief is launching yellow squadron in two minutes.

    Any sign of ships out there, Captain Rollins asked.

    Nothing yet, Sir, We’ll know more as soon as those fighters can start reporting in."

    Understood, Rollins said, holding on to his console, studying the ship’s status.

    Anything yet, Commander, Rollins asked.

    Mister Fulton, report!

    Nothing to report, Sir, all ACE support ships are clear.

    Put the engineer on line, Rollins pointed, I need the Chief!

    Patching through now, Sir, Lieutenant Fulton nodded, Go ahead, Chief.

    I know, I know, you want to find out if we can be jump ready sooner than twenty minutes, am I right, Sir?

    You read me correctly, Chief. Well? How about it?

    I could bypass the NAV control system from here, but Lieutenant Hopper will have to be extremally arcuate on the coordinates.

    Rollins turned to Hooper, Can you do it, Lieutenant?

    Without using the NAV computers? I can give it my best shot, Sir.

    I need to know if you can or not, April. I don’t want to come out of jump inside a star now.

    Sir, Chief Hunter began, If anyone can program a jump without the NAV computers, Lieutenant Hopper can, Sir; she’s the best in the business.

    You hear that, Lieutenant, Rollins smiled, You’ve got a fan.

    Thanks, I appreciate your confidence, Sir, but I don’ know, Sir. It’s pretty complicated.

    Not to mention risky, Commander Becker nervously added, Notwithstanding star jumps, we could jump anywhere, really!

    I understand your concern, Ray…

    Lieutenant Fulton interrupted his Captain, "Sir, Ace-3 reports bogie in bound!"

    Patch that ship over comm! Becker ordered.

    The speakers ended their static with the voice of Ace-1, "Excalibur, I have visual on bogie. They’re transponder code confirms they’re the Allegiance, one of Zetaal’s known rogue ships!"

    How far out are they?

    Five minutes, Ace-3 reported, And they’re weapons are hot. They’re launching fighters, now!

    "Captain Wallace, Excalibur, Lieutenant Fulton began, engage all fighters to Ace-3’s position. We’re going to hold this line until the Excalibur can jump!"

    How soon can you rig the engines, Corey, Rollins asked.

    I can get it ready in seven.

    Okay, do it, Chief, the Captain turned to address April, Lieutenant, you’re up. Plot the course. You have six minutes.

    No worries, Sir, I’ll have it in five. April finished under her breath, No pressure…

    We’re gonna need every fighter we have out there, Becker surmised, Mister Foster, get word to Captain Wallace that he’ll have to hold them off for two minutes.

    Aye, Sir, Foster nodded.

    Set condition one throughout the ship, Captain Rollins ordered.

    His XO began barking orders, Action Stations! I repeat, ACTION STATIONS!

    Alarms across the ship rang out, alerting the crew to make ready for battle.

    Mister Bradley, Captain Rollins added, Prepare the ship for battle; full power to shields, arm all turrets and ready our PDS.

    Aye, Sir, Bradley reported, Shields at one-hundred percent. All turrets are armed and ready. Point Defense Systems online.

    Chief Hunter reports all forty fighters are away with ten ACE Support ships, Lieutenant Fulton reported, "Excalibur to CAG, you’ve got thirty fighter and seven ACE support on their way to your location."

    "Roger that, Excalibur, Captain Wallace reported, We’re engaging twenty enemy fighters in one."

    Becker studied his scanner, We’ll have them outmatched if they can get there in time.

    Until then, Captain Rollins added, they’re facing two to one odds for a full minute!

    Helm, Commander Becker ordered, Change course to meet up with Captain Wallace! Flank speed!

    Aye, Sir! Helmsman, Lieutenant Ruben Russell acknowledged.

    "Mister Bradley, target the Allegiance and open fire!"

    "Firing forward fifty cal. Turrets… Ion Cannons charging… target locked! Firing cannons!

    The giant engines of the Excalibur roared to life, sending the ship at full speed toward the Allegiance. Her forward turrets spat round after round at three-second intervals and her ion cannons shot pulses of blue energy. The parcels of destruction sped into the void between the ships as Excalibur closed in.

    Helm, Captain Rollins ordered, held fast by his combat restraint system, Hard to starboard! Engage PDS!

    Aye, Sir, Russel nodded as he turned the ship.

    The tactical officer engaged the point defense guns, sending hundreds of explosive rounds into the path of the approaching ship.

    Captain Wallace’s voice came over the comm, We’ve splashed five enemy ships. We’ve lost three! Reinforcements just arrived! The tide is about to turn on these bogies!

    Keep up the good work, Captain, Rollins praised. "We’re engaging the Allegiance!"

    Enemy rounds hit the Excalibur’s hull, exploding against the ship’s shields.

    Shields holding at eighty-percent! Bradley reported. Their shields are buckling, Sir!

    Target missiles on that weak spot, Commander Becker ordered.

    Aye, Sir! Missiles locked.


    Bradley pressed his firing sequence and three missiles streaked through the projectile-filled battlespace and impacted the side of the enemy ship.

    Fire erupted across the hull as the missiles ripped it open.

    Their shields are down! Bradley reported.

    Captain Wallace says, they’re turning, Sir. There are only six remaining enemy fighters and they’re breaking off their attack!

    Hold steady out there, Captain, Rollins warned.

    They’re not breaking off, Sir, Bradley reported, They’re just turning their other side to us and they’ve launched ten more fighters!

    Sir, Chief Hunter broadcast over his wireless, The engines are online and ready!

    The course is programmed and ready, Captain, April reported.

    Recall all fighters. Battle landing protocols! Prepare the ship for jump, Becker exclaimed.

    All fighters are on their way back, Sir, Bradley nodded, Jump ready in twenty seconds!

    Terminate PDS, Captain Rollins ordered, "Helm: change course away from the Allegiance! All hands, prepare for emergency jump!"

    All ships are in, Chief Hunter relayed, We’re jump ready, Sir!

    Jump the ship! the XO ordered.

    The Excalibur came to a stop at the coordinates Lieutenant Hopper programmed.

    Report, Commander Becker ordered.

    The sector is clear, Sir. No hostiles, but I’m not scanning our other ship either.

    "Get those NAV computers back online and figure out where the hell we are before the Allegiance decides to come after us!"

    We have some time now, Commander, Rollins smiled, We bloodied their nose pretty good, scanning the battle report, They lost seven fighters. We lost four. That, and the gaping hold we punched in their port hull, will keep them from any battle for some time.

    Stand down from action stations, Commander Becker ordered, Set condition two throughout the ship.

    And get us a fresh CAP out there.

    Aye, Sir, Fulton said as he began relaying to Chief Hunter, Captain Gray is up next for CAP.

    Roger that, launching in one minute, Hunter reported.

    Chapter Four


    ~ The Realm ~

    Woods of Shavana’ka


    Danielle ran after the quick-footed Antarian, Ma’Ruuk. She jumped over rocks and sprinted through purple grasses. The sky still held nothing but the arcing and undulating color flashes for as far as could be seen.

    Ma’Ruuk darted around and over small, barren trees, snapping limbs and dropping them in different directions as he ran;

    Danielle stopped, and bent over with her hands on her knees, Wa-wait up, Ma’Ruuk! I need to rest!

    Ma’Ruuk darted over and through several branches, then he stopped and felt the loose sand beneath his feet. He quickly returned to Danielle.

    As he came to her side, he rested a large harry hand on her shoulder, It is the Ela’voo that is making it difficult to breath for you, is it not?

    Ye-yes, Danielle panted, her color returning to her face as she took in deep breaths through her nose and exhaling it slowly through pursed lips.

    Ah, you know some training exercises already.

    Danielle looked up at him and noticed he was not as tall as he was before, Breathing? Yes, I trained back on Earth for Kensyobudo. That’s one of the core learning; how to control ones breathing.

    Most excellent, Ma’Ruuk chuckled. We shall rest a moment. We have yet a short journey before we are above the Ela’voo. But first we must cross the woods of Shavana’ka. Then we will ascend the foothills to the Mountains of Ramari.

    How long will that take? Danielle asked as she stood upright and looked Ma’Ruuk in the eyes.

    It shall take another Ma’Nuta’Hii, Ma’Ruuk pointed down the trail. And I shall say, you are looking more Antarian with each passing ma’na’ta.

    I’m am feeling more Antarian. I just wish I could hurry up and grow that second pair of lungs, Danielle puffed.

    I am sure you will grow those soon enough.

    Danielle wavered before resting her hand on a nearby rock to support herself, Ohh…

    My Queen, what ails you?

    I don’ know… I feel dizzy…

    Is it the Ela’voo?

    No, this is… something different… oh man… I know what it is.

    Tell me this thing, my Queen.

    It’s a message from my friends. Malcom… the Eridonian… he’s making contact with me… or… trying…

    Danielle sat back to the ground with her legs crossed and eyes closed, It’s… it’s Race… my friends… they know I’m alive… they’re… they’re going to attempt rescue… yes… rescue.

    Ma’Ruuk grabbed Danielle’s arm and yanked

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