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Echo: The New Dawn: Book 8
Echo: The New Dawn: Book 8
Echo: The New Dawn: Book 8
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Echo: The New Dawn: Book 8

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Desperate for a cure, Amanda will trade anything. Even her supernatural echo power.

Plagued by schizophrenia, Amanda often has trouble distinguishing the insights of her supernatural echo power from her delusions. Her medical dilemma catches the interest of Cordovan geneticist Jack Fisher, but she soon discovers there’s a fine line between a patient and a test subject. Even worse, the treatment for her disease might also erase her power.

With Amanda left vulnerable by her half-finished treatment, the crew is on a race to save both her and the test subjects. But their lone ship is no match for the Cordovan’s advanced technology. Can Amanda use her power to save the other test subjects before her consciousness is erased?

Echo is the thrilling continuation of the New Dawn science fiction series. If you like complex characters, clashing cultures, and supernatural powers, you’ll love this multi-realm space opera.

Release dateJun 21, 2024
Echo: The New Dawn: Book 8

Valerie J Mikles

I'm an aromantic, asexual, agender person who is currently using she/her pronouns. Writing has given me the opportunity to discover and represent so many identities, and in turn find myself. I feel like diverse identities should exist in literature without being a central aspect of the plot. I have created several short films about asexuality, inspired by my own journey to self-discovery. Learn more about my creative side and my writing at http://www.valeriejmikles.comI'm also a PhD astronomer and former black hole hunter. I defected from academia and currently work for NOAA as a Senior Systems Engineer on a polar-orbiting weather satellite. My motto in life is that I can be everything I want, just not all at the same time

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    Echo - Valerie J Mikles


    #1 The Disappeared – Oriana’s crew became the target of the Terranan Guard after a former Disappeared, Amanda Gray, escaped her Elysian prison and resurfaced. Leveraging the power of the Elysians, disgraced Guard, Diana Solvere pursues Amanda across the expanse of outer space. In the fight for their lives, Oriana loses their pilot, Corey, and the ship crashes far from home.

    #2 Sequestered – Sky and Hawk join the crew when Oriana makes a narrow escape from Rocan, a dying city in desperate need of Oriana’s resources. In exchange for Hawk’s help, Captain Danny Matthews promises he will find and bring back medicine to save Hawk’s people.

    #3 Trade Circle – While exploring the ruins of an ancient city, Danny and Saskia fall victim to a deadly disease. Sky reaches out to the nomadic tribes in the area and invites a heap of new trouble when her spirit-carrier nature is revealed. Although Oriana’s crew is offered medicine, the demanded price of Sky’s life is too high, and they rush to save her.

    #4 Hybrid – Oriana arrives in Boone expecting a technologically advanced civilization only to find a ghost town. The sole survivors of the destruction are two human-spirit hybrids, Kerris and Liza. Realizing that Hawk is a hybrid as well, Liza becomes convinced Hawk can teach her how to undo the destruction of Boone. When a nearby tribe realizes that Liza may be able to resurrect their lost family members, they force her to try, and trigger an even worse destruction.

    #5 The Gray Market – Danny and Tray learn that their mother was once in the business of capturing hybrids and selling their powers. In their absence from Quin, Lois Ketlin has risen to power by stealing their mother’s technique, and she is determined to destroy the Matthews brothers in the process. In the aftermath of Ketlin’s defeat, Morrigan and Chase join the crew to escape the city and start their lives fresh.

    #6 The Confluence – While in the process of saving Sky, the crew uncovers Deivon Parker’s plot to break into the realm of the half-breeds using a modified artificial gravity source called the Confluence. When the crew realizes this special stone could punch a hole between the physical and spirit realms, and possibly destroy the solar system, they bring down the entire government to stop him.

    #7 Premonition – Amanda shares a premonition with the Nolan Magistrate, and begins a search for a half-breed hiding among them. Accused of colluding with spirits, Danny and Sky are taken prisoner. Tray and Saskia save the Magistrate’s son and negotiate a trade for the lives of their crew. There’s just one problem—their hostage doesn’t want to go home. Corin Toulane joins the crew to escape persecution.


    Danny Matthews – After his stepfather rejected him, he moved to Terrana, only to be caught in a Revolution. After the Revolution, he became part of a Citizens’ Channel, transporting refugees from Terrana to Aquia. At many points, he found himself captured, interrogated, and abused by the Terranan Guard. He became captain of Oriana after reuniting with his estranged brother, Tray.

    Tray Matthews – He comes from wealth, but grew up not knowing he had a brother. After a falling out with his father and a messy divorce, he went seeking family and has been clinging to his brother ever since. Tray hopes to salvage a relationship with his teleporting son, despite his ex-wife’s desire to keep them apart.

    Saskia Serevi – A former Terranan Guard, Saskia joined Oriana’s crew three captains ago after a paralyzing injury drove her from service. She takes the mantle of the stoic warrior, but also nominal mechanic and medic. She and Tray have a romantic relationship.

    Amanda Gray – A former Disappeared, she died in captivity multiple times, and she’s learned that her lost memories can never be restored. She has a strong connection to the spirit realm, and has recently discovered that she can echo the powers of hybrids. She also suffers schizophrenia, and often has difficulty parsing her spirit-world insights from her delusions.

    Douglas Hawk Hwan – Hawk is an engineer whose aptitude for machines comes from a hybrid nature. He’s learned that he can unlock doors, jam weapons, and turn electrical devices off and on with the power of his mind. He worries about his children growing up with untapped hybrid abilities, but feels like he can’t go home without medicine for his people.

    Sky – A spirit-carrier, she has no ability to communicate with the Seer that possesses her. She has lived her life as a traveler because she fears if she stays in one place too long, Spirit will find a way to kill her and jump into a new host. Although over a hundred years old, Spirit keeps her looking young.

    Dr. Morrigan Zenzele – After Lois Ketlin, the reigning drug lord of Quin, killed her parents, Morrigan used drugs to escape her pain. She credits Tray’s arrival and need for her as motivation for staying clean. She joined Oriana’s crew as a doctor because she is no longer allowed to practice medicine in Quin.

    Chase Du Plessis – Chase met Danny five years ago when they designed and built the Bobsled together. His passion for building and fixing ships drew him to Kemah to help with Oriana’s repairs. When he discovered his fiancée was pregnant with another man’s baby, he joined Oriana’s crew to escape. On Terrana, he suffered a debilitating injury to his dominant hand, and has limited dexterity.

    Prince Corin Toulane – Corin has suffered abuse for years for protecting same-sex couples during his city’s Festival. When he fell in love with Hawk, revealing his own sexuality, they were both beaten, and thrown in a river to drown. Rescued by Tray, Corin found a second chance on Oriana, and asked for sanctuary. His mother, trying to make amends, faked his death to help him flee.


    Rain poured over the rolling hills, pounding on the hull of Oriana . The deafening noise drowned out the sounds of conversation, laughter, anxiety, and nightmares echoing through the halls. Gusts of wind rocked the ship, and rising water threatened to sweep it away.

    Former Prince Corin Toulane had never lived outside of the protection of a dome and being trapped on a grounded spaceship made him feel claustrophobic. The spaceship was almost as old as the settlements on Aquia. Its name, Oriana, harkened to a spirit of one of Aquia’s oldest religions, which no one on the ship seemed to follow despite everyone knowing that spirits existed. One of their crew members was even possessed by one. A week ago, that thought would have consumed Corin, but now, his view of the world had changed… to one of perpetual rain.

    For about three months when he was sixteen, Corin had apprenticed as a shepherd, and he’d learned to recognize approaching storms so they could herd the sheep to shelter before the rain began. Oriana had been parked on this rocky plateau in the foothills of a nearby mountain range for almost a week, and there was no sign the rain would let them leave any time soon.

    The captain had opened the rear hatch earlier to counter the musty smell, and the summer rain made the whole ship hot and humid. Corin stood by the door, debating stepping into the rain to rinse off the layer of sweat coating his skin, but with his cracked ribs still healing, he didn’t relish the idea of changing his clothes after.

    Bolts of lightning shot through the sky, making the scene flash as bright as day. The hillside turned red as the rain loosened the soil and made mudslides. Trees swayed back and forth in the wind, pelted by heavy rain. Corin gasped at the rumble of thunder, which agitated his ribs, making him gasp even harder. The Virp on his wrist beeped, the medical alert program detecting his distress, and he tapped the screen to indicate that he didn’t need help.

    Corin! Tray Matthews called, poking his head through the middeck hatch. You all right?

    Corin couldn’t shout without hurting himself. Last week, he’d been beaten to a bloody pulp, tied up, and thrown into gator-infested waters. Hateful slurs had been carved into his skin, and sometimes he could still feel the knife slicing his skin. Tray had dove into the river and saved Corin’s life.

    Corin tapped his Virp again so he could whisper his response.

    Fine, Corin said. It hurt to talk.

    Good. I’m closing the door before my hair gets any bigger, Tray said. He had dark, shoulder length hair, that had frizzed out to double the size of his head. Corin’s fine, chestnut hair was weighed down by sweat and oil. If you start up the stairs now, you might get to the galley in time for lunch.

    Corin laughed, which felt good for his soul, even if it hurt his body. His previous attempts to navigate the stairs were part of the reason for the medical alert program on the Virp. He shuffled toward the stairs, one arm loosely guarding his ribs. The longer he was on bedrest, the stiffer his limbs became. The ramp behind him started to close, catching water and dumping it into the airlock, where it drained again. This ship was incredible, and Corin couldn’t wait to see what it was like to take it into space!

    Tray disappeared through the hatch, leaving Corin alone at the base of the stairs. Corin had a bed on this level, in a passenger bay situated between the infirmary and the crew lounge.

    The cargo bay had two vessels in it: a single engine glider, and a gravity-powered capsule. The room spanned almost the full height of the ship, making it the least claustrophobic, and also the least climate stabilized. As far as cargo, Oriana held three boxes of moonslate carried back from Terrana, one of the Aquia’s moons.

    The moonslate fascinated Corin. His people, the Nolans, didn’t have spaceships, and the last moonslate that passed through their city had come centuries ago when the planet was in crisis and the domes were rapidly being built to protect survivors.

    Glancing up the stairs, Corin checked to make sure he was alone, then snuck to the storage spot under the stairs and considered the three massive boxes. Pressing the control panel on one, a latch released, and the lid of the box glided sideways. Moonslate was strong and sturdy, and the raw ore had crystalline threads that ran through the black rock. Even in its raw form, power radiated from it. Corin felt its pull instantly.

    The stones didn’t just emanate artificial gravity, they somehow channeled power between this realm and the realm of spirits. The crew called them Confluence stones. Corin heard a scream come from the lower deck, and he jumped in surprise. Pain shot through his body, setting off the medical alert bracelet again.

    Corin? Douglas Hwan called, his voice coming through the Feather even though he was standing at the top of the stairs. The others called him Hawk, but he said he preferred hearing his name from Corin’s lips. He was a hybrid with spirit power over machines, and the Confluence stones made him jittery.

    There was another scream from the lower deck. Two sets. Amanda and her doctor, Morrigan.

    Saskia, Danny! Medical bay! Amanda! Douglas hollered, charging down the metal stairs. Dust rained down as boots clattered on the stairs and Corin ducked his head, struggling to clear his throat without coughing.

    In the middle of the bay, Douglas whipped around and locked eyes on him. Or rather, his eyes locked on the open box.

    Close the box. Close it! he hollered, running over. He pushed Corin aside and slammed the lid shut, locking it. Corin hit the ground, seeing stars. He couldn’t help but cry out, and the pain worsened. The stairs rattled and the deck plates vibrated beneath him, as if to punish him for opening the box.

    Bébé, Douglas whispered, kneeling over him and cradling his face. What happened? Did she open the box? Did she take a Confluence?

    Every breath ached, but if he could die looking at Douglas, he’d die happy. I opened it, he admitted.

    Why? Douglas looked over his shoulder, toward the hatch again, and shook his head.

    I’m sorry, Corin said. He didn’t have a reason, and was disappointed in himself for betraying the person he cared deepest for. I won’t… He didn’t have enough breath to finish the promise.

    Lie still. Shh, Douglas said. This is bad. Very bad.

    Saskia heard two sets of screams, one from Amanda and the other from Morrigan. Zipping down the forward ladder, she landed in the cramped crew lounge and the open hatch gave her a clear view of the empty hall. Drawing her stunner, she crept into the hall.

    The captain barreled down the hall from the other direction, shouting Amanda’s name, not caring to exercise caution or stealth.

    Saskia! Help Morrigan! he hollered.

    The screaming stopped, and Danny wrestled Amanda into the hall. Amanda waved a medical Virp and shouted Morrigan’s name. Danny pulled her clear of the door so Saskia could get in. A light spattering of blood dotted the gray countertops. Morrigan hid under the bed, using a stool to jab at Saskia’s feet when she got close.

    What happened? Saskia asked, catching the leg of the stool and tugging. Releasing the stool, Morrigan cupped both hands over her bleeding cheek, sobbing. Saskia pulled Morrigan’s hand off her cheek and shuddered in revulsion at the broken needle protruding from the skin.

    Well, that’s a problem, Saskia joked, steeling her nerves as she examined the wound. The needle pierced through Morrigan’s cheek and splintered her tongue.

    I came for meds, Amanda moaned from the hall. She hung in Danny’s arms, weary but tense. I didn’t mean to hurt her. Something took over me. I didn’t mean to!

    It’s those Confluence stones. Corin opened the box, Hawk said, striding angrily down the hall. She must have picked up an echo. I felt something, too.

    You didn’t stab anyone, did you? Saskia asked, glancing up, worried that Morrigan wasn’t the only victim.

    Captain, we have to get those things off the ship. Now, Hawk scowled, his eyes narrowed. They go, or I go. I don’t even care if I die alone in the rain.

    Get Chase and get working on a plan, Danny said, keeping a tight grip on Amanda.

    You didn’t happen to sense a healer out there, did you? I could really use a healer echo, Saskia said.

    You’re not giving her a Confluence! Look what she did! Hawk cried. He tried to rush the infirmary, but Danny grabbed him by the elbow and shoved him back toward the cargo bay.

    Either of you know why Morrigan used a needle today and not a jet? Saskia asked.

    She was inserting the med-cap. So much for that plan, Danny said, wrapping both arms around Amanda again. When they were flying without gravity, the subcutaneous medicine capsule didn’t work as well, but now that they were on the ground, the steady medicine release was meant to save them from Amanda’s highs and lows. That meant Morrigan had a broken capsule and three-months-worth of anti-psychotics coursing through her body. Saskia had to find and extract every piece of the capsule.

    If I give you an anesthetic, will it kill you? Saskia asked Morrigan. She pried the first part of the broken needle out of Morrigan’s cheek, and the puncture wound left behind looked tiny.

    Morrigan’s hand moved rapidly, writing the letters on the bed.

    Detox. You’re asking for Detox, Saskia said. The Detox drug would counter the drugs Amanda had injected into Morrigan’s tongue, but it would also neutralize any anesthetic Saskia gave her. Can it wait until I get this out?

    Morrigan wrote the letter ‘N.’ Her eyes welled with tears and she stayed as still as possible, but everything below the neck was trembling. Fearing Morrigan would go into toxic shock if she delayed, Saskia loaded a jet with Detox, making the dose high enough that it would act quickly. Next came surgery, and for that, Morrigan was going to be awake.


    Danny sat Amanda on the infirmary’s second bed and held her in place while he called up her chart on the computer. Morrigan was good at keeping charts, and she’d taught him how to read her notes so that he could identify and administer Amanda’s meds when she needed them. Given the circumstances, he wasn’t sure he should re-use today’s cocktail, but Amanda seemed fine now. If it was the Confluence that had triggered her, then this was his fault.

    That’s not how you do it, Amanda said, leaning away. He didn’t have time to argue. Bracing her shoulder, he pressed the jet to her arm and injected the drugs.

    Okay, let’s go, Danny said, packing up the meds and setting the jet to be cleaned. Saskia and Morrigan don’t need an audience.

    I could use a nurse, Saskia said, not looking up from her work.

    I can help, Amanda volunteered.

    Ha ha, you’re very funny, Danny said, pushing her down the hall. Amanda shuffled along, her head hanging in shame. She would have been a great nurse, or a pilot, or anything if she could just beat this schizophrenia.

    When he got to the bay, Chase and Hawk had dragged one of the crates out from under the stairs, and Hawk was explaining his plan. Hawk’s concept was simple. He wanted to add a rig to the Bobsled, and re-jig the gravity lift so that the vehicle didn’t push off its own cargo. Chase Du Plessis, Danny’s best friend and former fling, knew the Bobsled inside and out. Hawk engineered things by intuition and Chase by experience.

    I get that we don’t like the raw stone, Chase said, sitting on the crate. "But what about the other grav-sources on the ship? We have a whole grav-drive, the Bobsled, Sky’s grav-gun, and even a few tools in the kitchen and the infirmary."

    Chase’s fingers ran tentatively across his collarbone, just under the fading bruises on his neck. He’d become a pile of injuries since he’d join the crew.

    Tray dumped the kitchen tools after he got locked in that grav-chamber, Danny said. Tray, Danny’s younger brother, was sensitive to artificial gravity, to the point where his arteries would dissolve when he was exposed to it. Using gravity for propulsion, directing the gravity away from Tray, seemed fine. But the last time his doctor put him in a grav-therapy chamber, he’d nearly bled to death. Now he was more paranoid about the little tools.

    I’m just saying, Chase said. Amanda’s episodes aren’t a new thing. She’s been having them ever since you brought her on the ship.

    But she wasn’t channeling powers then, Danny argued.

    Maybe she was. You don’t know, Chase said.

    I want these things gone, Hawk said forcefully.

    You know it’s still raining, right? Sky asked, trotting down the stairs, her blonde hair still damp from the shower. Her white travel clothes and ever-present satchel said she was ready to run either way. The rain had made them all stir crazy.

    I don’t care. We’re dumping this Confluence now, Hawk growled. Amanda stabbed our doctor.

    Amanda crossed her arms and shrank behind Danny, hiding from Sky’s surprised look.

    Did you conjure a sword? Sky asked, a hint of intrigue in her eyes.

    Needle. Face. Saskia could use a hand, Danny said, rubbing his brows. He’d trade patients, but Amanda tended to get shot when he left her in Sky’s care. Anything in your medical kit that can dull pain without drugs? We had to Detox her.

    Never know until I try, Sky said, patting her satchel. Don’t fly off without me.

    She disappeared through the lower hatch and Amanda peeked around Danny again. Corin, she whispered, pointing to the stairs. Corin lay on his back next to the remaining two Confluence crates.

    He’ll be fine, Hawk grumbled bitterly. Taking him to the infirmary isn’t going to help, is it?

    Tray, I could use your help in the bay, Danny vrang. He wanted to help Hawk and Chase, but he couldn’t do that and take care of Amanda and Corin. He needed more hands.

    When they checked on Corin, Amanda’s nursing instincts seemed to kick in. One of the quirks of her dying and being resurrected was she’d inherited some part of the healer’s power. It allowed her to see pain, but she couldn’t do anything about it. As cogent as she seemed in the moment, Danny couldn’t trust the peace.

    Moonslate is valuable outside of grav-tech, too, Chase pointed out. "It’s the strongest metal-stone out there. It’s in every dome. It’s in the hull of Oriana."

    Chase, if you don’t want to help Hawk, help Corin, Danny said, helping Corin sit.

    Are you kidding? Chase smiled, hopping up from the crate. Look at my hand! This is the first time I’ve been able to hold a wrench in weeks.

    And what have you done with that wrench so far? Danny asked.

    I’m about to hit you with it, Chase said cheekily.

    If you hit my brother, you’re walking home, Tray hollered, the glower on his face saying he didn’t approve of the joke. Tray was ten years younger than Danny, ten shades darker, and a full head shorter. Where Danny wore the rugged clothes of a laborer, Tray preferred the finer fabrics of an aristocrat. His clothes were often askew these days because he and Saskia liked to sneak off for quick romps. All the time.

    Chase smirked. I’d ask you if you’re grouchy because you’re past the honeymoon phase of your relationship, but—

    Maybe I should go find her and cheer myself up, Tray said, turning back up the stairs.

    Tray! I need you, Danny called, peeking out from under the stairs. Still glowering at Chase, Tray strode down the stairs. Danny pushed Amanda toward him. Hold onto her while I help Corin.

    Have you been getting into my Confluence again? Tray asked, linking Amanda’s arm with him. Even when she was at her worst, he took a light-hearted, social tone with her, and they managed to connect through music lyrics or flicks.

    I think he opened the box, Amanda said, pointing to Corin. I had a blackout.

    She stabbed Morrigan. Didn’t you hear all the screaming? Danny asked.

    Sorry, I was trying to get a message to Quin. Sikorsky’s ship lands in two days and I’m worried what he’ll do to my son, Tray said, masking his concern with a smile. Sikorsky was Tray’s ex-father-in-law. He was a hybrid and a crime boss, and he’d blackmailed the crew using Tray’s son as a ransom.

    We took down a government for him, Danny said.

    But we didn’t let him keep it, Tray said. I’d hate to give up this quest before we get a rain-free day to really search, but I’d feel better if I could at least get a message to Mikayla.

    I’m sure she’s getting your messages. She’s just not answering, Danny said. Tray and his ex-wife had a strained relationship, and she was part of the reason he wasn’t home now.

    Comms are down, Danny. We haven’t been able to send a message since we landed on this side of the world, Tray said. As far as she knows, we died on re-entry.

    Danny rubbed his face. He hadn’t even noticed their isolation. He didn’t have the attachment to Quin that Tray did. There was a single communication relay that connected Quin to Terrana, but the global network had turned to dust after the war.

    Well, we can hang the plan to dump the Confluence and go back, Danny said. Sikorsky would buy the stock.

    We told the acting Governor of Terrana that we would not sell it in Quin. If we sell Sikorsky that much Confluence, he’ll use it to enhance his teleport power and finish his coup, Tray said. Hawk, how soon can you get rid of these things?

    "Thirty minutes if Chase would just use the wrench," Hawk said.

    The Cordovan healing rod in Sky’s medical kit kept Morrigan’s pain level manageable during the surgery, but also kept sealing the wound before they extracted all the shards of broken capsule. After two hours, the wound was cleaned, the Detox working, and Sky was disappointed she’d missed out on her chance to fly the ‘sled. Hawk and Chase were out dumping the last load of Confluence stones, and Saskia went to find comfort from Tray. Sky was surprised to find Corin alone in the ward room, hunched over a console.

    His eyes closed, he pressed a Feather to his ear, and listened to a message from home. He’d run from Nola in the middle of the night, but his family knew that Oriana was heading

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