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Zor: Zor - a sci-fi adventure, #1
Zor: Zor - a sci-fi adventure, #1
Zor: Zor - a sci-fi adventure, #1
Ebook868 pages14 hours

Zor: Zor - a sci-fi adventure, #1

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Zor Dorelemu Zordoski, son of Di Zordoski, ruler of planet Orgon and future leader of the drom empire, has been kidnapped. Zor's kidnappers decided to leave him on planet Earth, in suspended animation, while they seek to extort their demands from his father. The kidnappers' plan goes wrong when Zor is accidentally released from suspended animation by the prod of a bull's horn. What follows is an epic sci-fi adventure full of steamy hot scenes, as Zor begins to explore the human world and all its complexities, in earnest. Starting with finding females to mate with. No one knows exactly when agreement with Zor's kidnappers might be reached, or when his father, the great Di, might come for him, but when he does, Zor plans to impress him with his achievements right here, on Earth.

Release dateJun 27, 2024
Zor: Zor - a sci-fi adventure, #1

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    Book preview

    Zor - Sasha S.E. Joy

    Chapter One

    Planet Orgon, year -7018

    The year was -7018 . That meant there were 7018 years left before planet Orgon became uninhabitable, forcing them to move again. In Zor’s opinion, this was far too long. It was not that he was pining for his old home, like some of the older droms were. At just 200 years of age, he was young and adaptable, his spirit hungry for adventure. A simple, interplanetary move barely registered on his radar, particularly since the rest of the population had moved with him. The decision had been made on his behalf and rationally speaking, it was a good one. His only difficulty was that he could not agree with it.

    The simple truth was, Zor did not like planet Orgon very much.

    In his opinion – the only opinion that counted, in his mind – it was too plain, too safe and therefore, too boring. How could a fighter like him ever prove his worth in a place like this?

    Zor! Where are you? His mother’s shout reached his keen ears, all the way from the valley. Of course, sound travelled more quickly here, due to the atmospheric difference and the overall peace and quiet – the peace and quiet that he hated. Deliberately, he ignored the call, until it came again, more loudly than before,

    Zor! For drom’s sake, where are you?

    High up on a rocky ledge, Zor stretched languidly, flexing his muscles. His sinewy form balanced easily as he rocked left to right, enjoying the warmth of stone against flesh. Beneath him, the sunset spilled over the valley from two different directions at once. The two Sun stars were spectacular, he had to admit, but he had no time to admire them further, right at that moment. His mother was not known for her patience, and he dared not keep her waiting any longer.

    There’s another reason to leave this sorry planet, Zor muttered to himself, angrily. All he needed was ten or twenty females, to keep him company. With his legs folded beneath him, he teetered on the edge of the precipice, picturing it in his mind. Thus, for the second time, he ignored his mother’s call.

    Zor Dorelemu Zordoski! His mother’s shout was noticeably louder, this time. If you don’t come down here right now, I’m coming to get you!

    Snapped out of his daydream, Zor straightened up hurriedly, his black form outlined starkly against the pale rock behind him.

    Yes, your highness, he said, while leaning forward at a precarious angle.

    A split second later, he was streaming through the air with reckless abandon, his great wings spread wide. But even this thrill was not enough to satisfy him, the experienced flier that he was. What he really wanted, what he wished for more than anything, was to fly a spaceship, like his father and his grandfather and his great-grandfather, before him. Flying was in his blood. It was the Zordoski passion and always had been. There was only one other passion that Zor knew – and that was the passion for their females.

    While Zor’s professional pilot training was yet to commence, his conquests in the latter area were already significant. In other words, when he fantasized about having ten or twenty females on a spaceship with him, it was no flight of fancy. As a young, virile male, he had no difficulty attracting females, particularly given his privileged standing. But privileged standing or no, Zor still wished he could get away, if only for a short while, and so break the boredom of his existence.

    Little did he know that his wish was about to come true, but not in the way he hoped.

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    The kidnappers were waiting for him at the entrance to the valley, on either side of a narrow, mountain pass. There were six of them and they ambushed him easily, thanks to the terrain. Zor had just enough time to scream out the word help, before the energy field closed around him, sealing him from the rest of the world. Through the transparent, shimmering curtain, he saw his attackers grinning at him evilly, while behind them the valley erupted into movement.

    You stupid droms, you’ll never get away with this! Zor shouted at them, at the top of his voice. His words echoed around him, trapped like he was by the powerful field, which tightened as he spoke. Unable to spread his wings, he would have fallen to the ground, if the droms were not holding him up between them. When they moved off, he could only twist inside the bubble, trying to look below him.

    Sure enough, Zor’s guards were on their way, all three hundred of them rising into the air at once. The noise they made must have been terrific, but his captors paid it no heed. Swiftly, they carried him through the air, directly toward a sheer rock wall. For a second, Zor thought they aimed to murder him by smashing him against the rocks, and he closed his eyes in fright. When he next opened them, he was in a tunnel: a narrow opening in the rock formation that he had not even realised was there. Drifting along at dizzying speed, he tried to get his bearings, to find out if anyone was following them. He saw nothing except darkness, wherever he looked.

    Indeed, the tunnel around him was so dark that he could not even see the wings of the drom carrying him. As he waited for his eyes to adjust, he tried to work out how much time had passed, since his capture. The energy field he was in had a limited air supply, and he was breathing rapidly, on account of excitement. Desperately, he tried to calm himself by counting his heartbeats.

    At the count of thirty, his air ran out.

    You’ll never get away with this, Zor thought as he shut off first his breathing and then, his heart. In suspended animation, he kept his large, amber eyes open – the better to stare down his captors, once they released him.

    Above Zor, the kidnappers noted the cessation of movement instantly.

    Is he out? the leader asked, without looking back.

    Like the second sunset, came the confident reply.

    The leader reached for a tiny apparatus fastened to his belt and started speaking into it, rapidly.

    Ready the ship, we’re almost there, he instructed. And when you’re done, release the messenger. The father must bow to our will, this time, if he ever wants to see his son again, alive.

    The drom immediately behind the leader piped up, uncertainly, Do you really think our plan will work, Xi? Di Zordoski has been blackmailed before, with no success.

    Xi slowed down imperceptibly, while glancing behind him and fixing his inferior with a cool stare.

    I’m well aware of that, Krivi, he replied. That’s why we’re taking his favourite son to a place, where not even a great Di like Zordoski will be able to find him. And we’re going to leave him there, for as long as it takes. Years, if need be.

    Poor bastard, Krivi said, laughing. Imagine being suspended for that long, on some foreign planet. He thought for a moment longer, before adding, By the way, where are we taking him?

    There was a quiet laugh from the tunnel ahead.

    I guess it’s safe to tell you, now, Xi said. In a quieter voice, he went on, It’s a little planet a couple of galaxies away. Inhabited by life forms not too different from us, only not so advanced, obviously.

    What’s it called? another of the followers asked, curiously.

    Xi’s voice dropped another octave, as he replied,

    We haven’t named it, as yet. But its inhabitants call it, the Earth...

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    Planet Earth, Australia, Year 2069

    It was never the intention of the kidnappers to spend much time on planet Earth. The sole purpose of their visit was to drop off their hostage and depart, preferably before anyone could trace them to the location. With time being of the essence, the leader of the group did not feel they had a lot of choice, but to pick a spot at random. When one of his followers asked, reasonably, what would happen if the locals found their precious hostage, Xi told him to get the tagger.

    Satisfied? he said, as he punched through the energy field and into the body beneath, tagging it for ease of tracking. Now, no matter where he gets to, we will be able to locate him.

    His subordinates shifted uncomfortably.

    Yes, but what if something happens to him? one of them asked, quietly. We need him alive, at the end of the negotiations.

    Closing the hole in the energy field, Xi spun around to face them.

    Please, tell me you’re joking, he said, scowling. Even if the puny inhabitants find him, they won’t know how to get through the field. At best, they’ll take him somewhere and put him on display.

    The droms nodded, everyone except Krivi, who still was not satisfied.

    But suppose, just suppose, Krivi said, looking at Xi nervously, that someone does release him, by accident. What then?

    Xi stared at him fiercely.

    Then, the earthlings will get to feel his rage, he said, and he smiled. And we’ll just have to save them from him, when we return.

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    At a large homestead in the Australian outback, known simply as the Brahman cattle station, Alison Dirk sat up in her bed, staring at the bright stars flickering in the distance. A hard worker, Alison was usually asleep before nine pm, but tonight she was too excited to sleep. Tomorrow was the start of a great cattle drive and for the first time her father was allowing her to take part. At twenty years of age, she felt it was about time. Tall, shapely, with long, black hair reaching almost to her waist, Alison had been fielding calls from male suitors for a few years now. It stood to reason that if she was old enough to date, she was old enough to go on a cattle drive.

    The only difficulty was that she could not seem to get to sleep, despite how tired she was. Already, the stars were swimming before her eyes – one of them even seemed to be floating upward through the night sky. Irritated, she rubbed her eyes and when she next looked up, the moving star was gone. She sank down between the sheets gratefully, closing her eyes.

    I’m going to sleep now, she announced to the empty room. A few minutes later, she kept her promise, succumbing to the need for rest, at last.

    The Northern Territory was a vast place and its cattle properties some of the largest in all of Australia. The land that Alison’s father owned covered an area of more than 12,000 square kilometres and managing it was no small feat. No less than fifty men worked on the station during the dry months, most of them young and single. Having grown up around the stockmen, Alison was well used to them. The fact that she would be the only woman in a group of twenty people setting off on the cattle drive, did not phase her. After all, she was her father’s daughter – proud, stubborn and an accomplished horsewoman in her own right. She knew how to handle herself in most situations and her confidence knew no bounds.

    On this particular trip, however, Alison’s confidence was about to be badly shaken. That was because on this trip, she was about to experience something she had never experienced before: the unstoppable fury of an alien prince, after being awoken from a lengthy slumber, by a sharp prod of a bull’s horn.

    It happened on the third day of the drive, some two hundred kilometres away from home.

    The shiny sarcophagus was resting in the middle of the stock route, as though it had been placed there on purpose. The large Brahman cattle shied away from it like they did from most metallic objects, giving it a wide berth as they passed. Riding alongside the herd, Alison noticed it splitting up, which caused her to stand in her stirrups for a better look. On seeing what looked like the roof of a plane, she galloped to the site of the disturbance, pulling up in a cloud of dust, next to the capsule. She scratched her head in confusion, before taking off her hat and waving it at one of the men riding past.

    Peter! she hollered at the top of her lungs. Get over here, now!

    In seconds Peter was there, raising his own cloud of dust.

    Whatcha got there, Ally? he asked, eyeing the silvery capsule with suspicion. D’you reckon it’s a plane wreck?

    I don’t think so, Alison said. I mean, I’ve never seen a plane like it.

    She struggled to calm her horse, which was prancing around nervously.

    Let’s take a look inside, it’ll only take a minute, she suggested, and Pete agreed readily. They were due for a smoko, anyway.

    Five minutes later, they had located a panel on the side of the strange contraption that looked like it could be a door. After fumbling around, Alison managed to press the correct button and the curved sheet slid silently to one side. Peering into the darkened cabin, Pete and Alison failed to see the large, black body, lying motionless before them. Which was why they were both so shocked when their vision finally adjusted.

    Pete’s scream of holy crap, coupled with the action of leaping several feet backward, sent the cattle running off, in all directions. Slightly more in control of herself, Alison took a few steps back, before stopping dead herself.

    Did... did you see that? she stammered, gazing at the capsule in horror.

    No, I just felt like screaming for the fun of it, Pete said, darkly. Removing his hat, he wiped his sweaty forehead, before asking, What the hell is that thing?

    Alison gave him a withering stare.

    How the hell should I know? she asked. But we better gather everyone and find out. I’m not leaving some corpse to rot on my father’s property, like this.

    It took three of the stockmen – burly, strong blokes, every one of them – to extract the body from the cabin.

    Fuck, he’s heavy, one of the men remarked, while holding onto the legs and lowering them slowly onto the ground. He scanned the alien shape briefly. He, it, whatever it is.

    With their fear almost gone, they all leaned over the body, examining it with undisguised curiosity. In the bright light of day, the drom’s large, amber eyes stared back at them fixedly, its pupils two tiny pinpricks in the centre of the glowing orbs. Wrapped in its translucent cocoon, the long, sinewy form appeared frozen, notwithstanding that it showed no signs of melting in the heat. Nor was this the only strange thing about it. Casting their eyes over the naked figure, the gathered humans could not deny its similarity to their own shape. At the same time, they could not ignore the differences – notably, the sheer size of the creature, the texture and colour of its skin, and lack of any obvious sex organs. The folded wings did not grab anyone’s attention, for the simple reason that they resembled a sheet of plastic.

    Ok, I’m just gonna come out and say it, Pete said, at length. I don’t think this here, is any kind of human.

    There were murmurs of acquiescence from around him.

    For once, I agree with you, mate, Alison said, shaking her head. The problem is, what are we gonna do with it? We can’t take it with us and if we bury it, the dingoes will prob’ly dig it up and eat it.

    Well, you can’t leave it where we found it either, Pete said, reasonably. It’s the find of the century, this is.

    They discussed their options for some time, until the practical necessity forced them to stop and gather the cattle, which had spread out far with no one to keep them in check.

    It was as they were rounding up the last of the recalcitrant bovines that the accident happened. Alison saw the giant, randy bull mounting one of the cows, too close to the capsule. The cow, mooing loudly, walked toward the shiny object, instead of away from it, prompting Alison into action.

    Geddaway! she shouted, urging her horse forward and cracking her whip above her head. Surprised, the bull dropped to all fours and spun its head around, down low. As it did so, the tip of its long, curved horn pierced the inert form lying at its feet.

    Alison screamed when she saw it, convinced that her priceless discovery was about to get trampled.

    Then she saw the bull fall to its knees. Inexplicably, its horn seemed to have become stuck in the ground and as she raced toward it, Alison reached for the coil of rope tied to her saddle.

    Hang on, you dumb beast, she yelled. I’m coming to get you!

    They were the last words she would speak before all hell broke loose.

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    The worst thing about suspended animation, Zor always thought, was that you had no idea what was going on around you, whether your eyes were open or not. Regardless of how well you prepared yourself, it was always a shock to come back in a different time and place. This, however, was nothing compared to the circumstances he now found himself in. Since his last memory was of the kidnapping, it was also the first thought he had upon waking. Blinded by the light, he did not even wait for his lungs to fill with air, before starting to defend himself from his opponent, whose great bulk was looming over him threateningly.

    That was the one good thing about suspended animation, Zor thought grimly. It took next to no time to snap out of it.

    Prepare to die, Zor said to his opponent, as he grabbed hold of the strange, curved weapon and twisted it away from himself.

    Moooo! said the bull, falling to its knees.

    Moo? Zor said, imitating the sound perfectly. In his own tongue, he continued, Is that your way of begging for mercy?

    He blinked to clear his vision – then stared in wonderment at the odd creature huffing and puffing on the ground beside him. What the drom was it?

    Right then, he heard a female shouting incoherently. Looking up, he saw the rope flying through the air toward him and ducked to avoid it. In doing so, he released his hostage, who mooed once more, before getting to its feet and running away.

    Coward! Zor shouted after it, while backing away, on all fours. In the shade of the transport capsule, he crouched down, making himself into the smallest target possible.

    The female advanced toward him, sitting astride another creature that he had never seen. She had stopped shouting, which made him all the more wary of her, so that he hissed at her as she approached. At this, the large, four-legged creature rose up on its hind legs and Zor saw the female clinging to its neck, trying to control it. Presently, she lost the battle and toppled to the ground, with a scream. As the second four-legged creature disappeared in a cloud of dust, Zor looked at the female and grinned.

    Looks like it’s just you and me, now, he said, and he pounced.

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    Alison first realised that the alien was alive when she saw it moving away from the bull. Was it her imagination, or did she see it holding the bull by the horns, a split second before this? She was not sure, and she did not want to wonder about it, either. Simply finding out that the alien creature lived, was scary enough. She tried to urge her horse to move, to get away, when a snake-like hiss caused it to rear. It was a very sudden, very big rear and it took her entirely by surprise. She screamed as she fell, aware that the alien was watching her from just a few metres away.

    Please God, don’t let it eat me, she prayed, as she rolled painfully to her side and sat up. Over the sound of galloping hooves, she heard it speak. She did not understand a single word, nor did she have to. The alien’s black, hairless face was much like a human’s and when he grinned at her, she could read its expression every bit as easily. She also could not miss the row of glistening, white teeth being displayed, with incisors much longer than a human’s. Realizing it was meant to frighten her, she cried out in alarm,

    No! No!

    But it was too late, because it was already moving, pouncing on her with its long arms outstretched, its fingers curled like claws.

    As the alien’s hands gripped her wrists, Alison felt as though two bands of steel were tightening around her flesh. Despite her terror, she fought like a wildcat, to escape it, kicking and screaming at the top of her voice.

    Nooo! Nooo! Nooo!

    The grip around her wrists tightened, the creature tugging her closer, unheeding of her kicking and screaming. To her horror, it did not stop there, but proceeded to pull her arms above her head and lift her off the ground. When it had brought her to its eye level, it opened its mouth and echoed her cries back to her, in her own voice,

    Nooo! Nooo! Nooo!

    Then it cocked its head and waited, while Alison grimaced in pain.

    Put me down, now! she demanded, feeling as though her arms were being pulled from their sockets. You have to put me down, or you’ll rip my arms out!

    The amber eyes regarded her calmly, its pupils expanding all the while.

    Put me down, now, you have to put me down, or you’ll rip my arms out, the alien recited, matching her pitch exactly.

    Alison thought it was making fun of her and she kicked out furiously, trying to retaliate.

    Beast! Bastard! Asshole! Alien! she spat a new insult with each kick, wincing when her foot connected. Striking at the creature was akin to striking stone.

    She finally stopped when she lost feeling in her arms. Swinging in the air before the creature, she let her head fall forward, exhausted. Then she did something she had never done in her life. She begged.

    Please, she murmured, hoarsely. Please.

    The alien brought its face closer, so that she could feel its breath on her skin. In a surprisingly deep voice, different to the one it had been using until now, it said,

    Please, Zor.

    As it proceeded to lower her to the ground and loosen its vice-like grip on her wrists, Alison sighed with relief.

    Zor, she said, looking up, is that your name?

    The black face was expressionless, but the large amber eyes regarded her with undeniable intelligence.

    Zor, it said. Beast. Bastard. Asshole. Alien.

    Alison suppressed a chuckle.

    That pretty much sums it up, she said, smiling. The creature looked like it was about to smile back, when unexpectedly it tensed and turned its head away.

    Following the direction of its gaze, Alison saw Pete and the rest of the men lined up a small distance away, with their guns held at the ready. Their faces were pale with fright but determined all the same.

    Don’t shoot! she yelled, urgently. It means us no harm!

    The men looked at her like she was insane.

    Walk away, Ally, while you still can, Pete warned, releasing the safety on his shotgun. Alison was about to protest more plaintively, when she felt the alien leaning over her, wrapping a long arm around her waist.

    No, Zor, please, she said, her fear returning. In the back of her mind, she told herself she was safe – the men would gun the creature down in seconds, if it tried to hurt her.

    She was about to yell out to them again when she saw their expressions change. Whereas before, they were afraid, now they were positively petrified – and she had no idea why.

    Then she saw a shadow, on the ground before her: an impossibly large, winged shadow, like that of a bird.

    Oh my God, she breathed, turning her gaze upward.

    Oh my God, the alien repeated, mimicking her. Above its head, the great, black wings were stretched out high and wide, in readiness.

    Too late, Alison thought, as the shots rang out around them. The alien was already moving, running toward the men as fast as a galloping horse. In the next instant, it had launched into the air at a jump, and she heard, as well as saw, its leathery wings move. Within seconds, they were flying high up through the air. Held in the alien’s steel grip, Alison screamed and trembled and screamed some more. In response, all she heard was:

    Please, Zor.

    This time, she was certain he was taunting her. She was also certain it was a ‘he’ – though how she knew this, she could not say.

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    Flying in a straight line, Zor ascended to an altitude of some 500 metres, or 1,640 feet, before leveling off. Gliding along on currents of air and wrapped in his own energy field – which also helped him fly – he took his time scanning the topography below him, looking for prominent features like mountain ranges and water. With his sharp vision, he found both within minutes and began to circle, preparing to descend. As he did so, he kept a firm hold of the female, with both arms wrapped around her torso. Her weight was an encumbrance, but not a significant one. Back on Orgon, he often carried much heavier objects, as part of his training. Since the atmosphere of the new planet was similar to the one, he was used to, he had no trouble adjusting his flight to suit.

    On approaching the water hole that he had espied from above, Zor banked sharply to one side then applied the brakes. This involved changing the angle of his wings, so that they caught the air instead of slicing through it. At once, the ground rushed toward him, and he thrust his powerful legs forward just in time. Bouncing lightly off the sandy bank, he continued to flap his wings for as long as it took to come to a complete stop. Then he walked over to the shade of an odd-looking plant and very carefully set his passenger down. The female seemed to have gone into suspended animation, but on checking her vital signs he found her still breathing. How strange. He prodded her gently in case she was faking it. When she did not respond, he rustled his wings and turned away. It was a warm day and the waterhole looked clean and inviting. He may as well cool himself while he waited.

    Alison came to with the sound of splashing water in her ears. Confused, she turned her head toward it and blinked. The last she remembered, they were in the middle of a dry plain, with the nearest river crossing a couple of days’ ride away. But then, as she took in the new surroundings, her mind cleared and her most recent memory came back to her, in great detail. She sat up quickly and stared around her – and when she saw him, she cried out involuntarily, her eyes widening in fear.

    Standing waist deep in the turquoise lagoon, the alien’s sinewy, jet-black body glistened, his bright eyes burning in his dark face. He must have noticed she was awake before she made a sound, because he was looking at her intently, as though waiting for her to make the first move. Predictably, Alison froze, gazing back at him in helpless fascination. She remained so frozen when he moved, watching as he spread out his wings and shook the water out of them. He kept them spread above his head, while strolling slowly toward her, and it made him look even bigger, more frightening to behold. Alison wanted to get up and run, to scream and to fight, but instead she stayed frozen in position, watching him approach. Then, as he closed the distance between them, she cowered down, prostrating herself at his feet.

    Zor saw the female assume the submissive posture and the male inside him stirred. He had seen many a drom female do this prior to mating, displaying the same mixture of fear and excitement. True, they were a different species, but in his experience the signals were universal, and exceedingly easy to read. He squatted down beside her, his outspread wings forming a tent above his head.

    I know you can’t understand me, he said, noting how her breathing quickened at the sound of his voice. But believe me, I can understand you, better than you think. I have travelled through space and seen many things, met many species more primitive than yours.

    Here, he paused and reached out to touch her. She flinched as he did so, but settled down quickly when she realised that he did not mean to hurt her. Zor took his time stroking her shiny, black hair – the part of her that intrigued him most. Out of habit, he kept talking to her, making sure to keep his voice soft.

    You’re quite small, for a female, Zor said, eyeing her up and down. Small and pale. That must be why you need to cover yourself... Well, don’t worry. When I take off your coverings, I’ll make sure to shade you from the Sun. You’ll be very comfortable, I promise you, my little female.

    Listening to the smooth, softly spoken words, Alison felt herself relaxing. The alien’s large hand was stroking her gently, more gently than she would have thought possible for a creature of his size and strength. She tried to estimate how tall he was, without the wings, settling at last on approximately eight or nine feet. She was just guessing the size of his wingspan when he surprised her by tugging at her shirt.

    Hey, what are you doing? she cried, trying to swat his hand away. He grabbed hold of her wrist in mid-air and very casually, twisted her arm behind her back. In response, Alison began to struggle violently.

    Let go of me, you big brute! she shouted, twisting her body, trying to pull free. He stopped her by pushing her onto her back and leaping on top of her, straddling her at the waist. Alison saw his wings moving, helping him stay balanced, while he leaned forward and pinned her wrists down, over her head. She screamed and bucked under him wildly, furious at his unfair advantage.

    Undeterred, he kept talking to her – and though she could not understand the words, she caught his drift all too clearly.

    Stop your screaming, little female, Zor was saying, gazing at her in amusement. We both know you want me, just like all the other females want me, back on Orgon. They would each give their right wing to trade places with you, right now...

    Alison screamed again, louder than before. The sight of the alien smirking at her was almost too much to bear, his voice grating on her nerves. She tried bucking him off once again and when that failed, she lifted her head off the ground and spat at him. Naturally, she missed, for his face was not close enough to hers, but the effect she achieved was the same.

    The alien roar was so loud, so deafening, Alison’s next scream died in her throat. Silent and trembling, she watched him lean down, into her face. His amber eyes glowed hotly as he stared at her, so that she could not look away if she wanted to. When he next spoke, it was in a harsh, imperial tone. The tone of a creature used to being obeyed.

    Do you know who I am? Zor said, knowing she could not understand yet willing her to do just that. I am Zor Dorelemu Zordoski, son of the great Di Zordoski and the future Di of the drom empire. For two hundred years I have been training for this role, and if it were not for the traitors who kidnapped me, I would be at the training hall now, learning how to fly a spaceship. To say that I’m angry would be a vast understatement... So, if you think you can defy me, little female, go ahead and try. I will teach you a lesson in humility – and I’ll enjoy doing it, so help me drom.

    By the end of the monologue, Alison was so scared she was in danger of hyperventilating. Seeing that it was her turn to speak, she opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She swallowed, trying to calm her rapid breathing, the sudden rapid beating of her heart. Finally, with the alien’s large eyes watching her expectantly, she squeezed out,

    I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please, Zor, don’t be mad at me.

    He made a sound deep in his throat, not unlike a growl. Then, very slowly and deliberately, he leaned in even closer and licked her across her face. His tongue was big and raspy, like a cat’s, and she moaned as she felt it, aware that if she moved he would take it as an insult.

    Sensing her distress, he pulled back and said,

    I’m sorry, Zor.

    For a moment, she did not know what he meant, but then she saw his eyes narrow angrily.

    I’m sorry, Zor, she repeated after him and he inclined his head in satisfaction. He made her repeat it a dozen times more, before finally signalling her to silence.

    In the next moment, he was ripping her shirt open, exposing her bare breasts. This time, she did not try and fight him. She just trembled as his hands ran over her skin, squeezing her breasts, one by one. But when she felt him undoing her trousers, she could not help herself.

    Please, Zor, she begged, only to have him throw the words back at her, in her own voice. Humiliated, she stopped, letting him undress her in silence. He set her clothes aside with care, before leaning over her again. Practically paralysed with fear, Alison saw his large, black wings curling down and around them, enclosing them completely.

    Then his hands were on her, examining her in the darkness and despite herself, she began to moan.

    Please, don’t hurt me, she pleaded breathlessly, in-between the sounds, hoping he could understand her.

    Zor could understand her perfectly.

    Don’t worry, little female, he told her, as he caressed her pale skin, which was softer than any skin he had felt before. Mating is my specialty... also, it is an important part of being a ruler. Of course, I don’t know if we are truly compatible, but I will do my best to give you what every female desires...

    With that, he opened the slit in his groin and let the first of his tools out. The drom referred to them as tools, because to them, that was what they were: tools for impregnating females. Each male drom had two such tools – long, flexible appendages that could be enlarged at will, to precisely fit the female. Zor was expert at gauging the size of the drom females, but he knew little about the female he was with right now. Accordingly, he took longer than usual to familiarize himself with her body, while touching her only occasionally with his tool. Judging by her reactions, she did not mind in the slightest and that was as it should be. He was, after all, one of the best.

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    Alison was burning up and it had nothing to do with the hot, Northern Territory air. Encased by the alien’s giant wings, she was protected from the harsh rays of the Sun completely – and yet, she could feel her skin sizzling, everywhere he touched. His large hands roamed her naked body in continuous, ceaseless movement, pausing only to squeeze briefly, at her buttocks, breasts and thighs. The sensation was one of being groped by a bear, if one could imagine a bear with hands. She squirmed desperately and threw her head left to right, but she did not try to lower her arms or push him away. Resistance was not only futile, but dangerous, too. Besides, if she recalled correctly, he had no sex organ with which to penetrate her.

    It was as Alison was thinking this that she felt something warm touch her thigh. Since both alien’s hands were on her breasts at the time, it could only mean one thing. In disbelief, Alison raised her head – and screamed,

    Oh God! No!

    The alien penis was the scariest thing she had ever seen. Long and thick, it seemed to have a life of its own, as it moved and twisted through the air like a python. At the sound of her scream, it stopped only briefly, before resuming its dance. Meanwhile, the alien laughed.

    Oh God, no! he mimicked her, with much mirth. Sliding his hands along her body, he came to her thighs and started pushing them apart.

    There was nothing she could do, to stop him. He was simply too strong. As he opened her legs and ran a hand over her pubic mound, she trembled helplessly.

    Please, Zor, she begged, more earnestly than before. Please don’t hurt me.

    Her words fell on deaf ears. The alien’s attention was focused on her body and her body alone. Alison moaned as, with infinite tenderness, he parted her pink labia and slid a finger inside her. His fingers were much longer than a man’s and she felt him prodding her deep, examining her insides. While he worked, he slid his free hand up along her body, to her full, rounded breasts. He massaged them gently and squeezed her nipples, so that she threw back her head and arched her back off the floor. She barely noticed when he replaced one finger with two – then three and four. But then, as he stretched her beyond what was comfortable, she cried out in sudden pain.

    He responded by leaning down and biting her breast, hard. Distracted by the fresh burst of pain, she did not register the hand sliding between her buttocks, at first. She was still moaning and rubbing her breast, when she felt him push inside her rear entrance. He was using just one finger, but it was enough to make her cry out in a panic,

    No, please! Not my ass!

    As before, he appeared not to have heard her. With one strong hand, he pushed at her chest to keep her down, while with the other he continued to explore her anal opening, much like a doctor might. Throughout the rectal examination, Alison squirmed and cried, communicating her discomfort in the only way she knew how. The probing continued unabated and to her utmost humiliation, she felt her asshole stretching to accommodate him. Then, while her buttocks clenched and unclenched around his fingers, he brought his head between her legs and started licking her. Slowly. Leisurely. Keeping one hand on the inside of her thigh, over her madly beating pulse, he licked her along the length of her clit with his big, raspy tongue, over and over again.

    Alison’s legs opened wide, her hips tilting upward, closer to his face. In all her life, she had never felt such pleasure and as the licking continued, she felt the tightness building inside her. Completely unselfconsciously, she reached down and placed a hand on his head – the head of an alien, smooth and hard to the touch, like the rest of him. Mindlessly, she caressed it, scratched at it, while his tongue worked at her hot core, inflaming her further with each long, languid lick.

    Mmm... Mmm... Mmm... Alison moaned, loudly, desperately. The hot tongue licked her once, twice, three times more. At the third lick, the orgasm exploded through her body in waves, cum squirting out of her at the same time. She screamed while it happened and thrashed around. Were it not for his strong arms holding her, she would have flipped over and buried her face in the sandy ground.

    Still with his head between the female’s legs, Zor absorbed it all in silence. But then, as her screams of pleasure subsided, he crawled on top of her, letting his weight pin her down.

    So, my little female, he said, smugly. You do want me, after all.

    It was not a question, nor did she understand the words, but she shook her head, as though to deny it. Zor laughed, while caressing her inner thighs with his impressive appendages. In the heat of the moment, he had allowed them both to surface and he used them now with great skill, while edging ever closer to his goal. The female had two holes and he intended to plug them both – and stretch her and fill her with his seed. Propped up with his chest above her face, he ground his hips against her still throbbing mound, watching in satisfaction as she twitched and moaned. She was ready, or as ready as she would ever be, he thought.

    And then, he took her.

    Trapped in post-orgasmic bliss, Alison registered the twin snakes sliding along her thighs as pleasure, at first. But the moment the first of them started to push inside her, she tensed. As lubricated as she was, she could feel her tight core stretching, while the head of the alien phallus swelled inside her, rubbing against her walls. Before she could begin to come to terms with the intrusion, the second of the appendages was nudging at her anus, which was slick with her own juices. She tried to move, to wriggle away, but his hips held her pinned, his knees pushing her legs further apart. Swiftly, too swiftly to allow her to cry out, he slid inside her rear passage, expanding as he went. Simultaneously with this action, he plunged the rest of the way into her pussy, filling both her holes at the same time and letting his twin appendages rub against each other through the thin wall that separated them.

    Alison’s mouth opened in a silent scream. Speared by the twin prongs, one of which was still snaking its way deeper into her anal passage, she writhed and threw her head back, on the verge of passing out from a strange mixture of pain and pleasure. Soon, she was whimpering, her body vibrating under his, her legs twitching helplessly.

    Zor watched her dispassionately, secure in the knowledge that he was doing her no harm. He wanted to hear her voice while he mated her, however, and so he paused and said,

    Please, Zor.

    Thus prompted, she began screaming,

    Please, Zor! Please, Zor! Please!

    That’s better, he said, and he started to move inside her. To his delight, he quickly discovered that her rear passage was very deep and stretchable, while her front hole was wet and tight, sucking at him with each move. This caused him to drill her hard, certainly harder than he originally intended. Swept away by his own passion, he showed her no mercy, not even when it became obvious that she was weakening and begging him to slow down.

    Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon, he told her as he rooted her – but of course, soon was a relative term, where the drom were concerned.

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    The waterhole that Zor had chosen was in a remote area. Thus, there was no one to witness the events that transpired, no one to hear the screams of a young woman, echoing from the rocks above. The birds flying past were the only ones to observe the strange, winged creature – but not the woman herself, since most of her body was hidden from view. Deep down, Alison knew all this and yet, she could not stop screaming. Prior to today, she had let only one man penetrate her and that, very briefly. The alien creature was fucking her mercilessly, in two holes at once, and he had been going for what seemed like forever. What was more, he knew exactly what she was feeling. She could see it in his eyes, the eyes that never left her face, while he took her.

    It was this knowledge that caused her to break down, in the end. The realisation that she was totally helpless, spitted deeply on the alien’s twin cocks, like some wanton whore. What’s more, a part of her was enjoying it, and he knew it. That was why she could not make him stop, even when she begged. He saw right through her, and he went on ignoring her, taking his pleasure, for minute after agonising minute. Awash with humiliation and a strange, dark excitement, Alison begged him to let her go one more time and then she started crying, proper. Never mind that she had always been strong, arrogant even. Right at that moment, she was nothing, no one. She was his toy, a piece of meat to be fucked and then discarded, after being debased completely. She cried still harder, at the thought.

    The twin cocks continued to move inside her, sliding in and out, one after the other. Each time one of them pulled out, the other one moved in, spearing her so deep, her stomach heaved. He was very methodical about it, increasing the tempo slowly but surely, while she sobbed helplessly. Toward the end, as the thrusts sped up and both appendages swelled and hardened, her sobs turned to screams of pleasure, a never-ending soliloquy that tested her lung capacity to the extreme. He drilled her even faster then, lifting her off the ground at the same time, so that she shook and trembled, with her head thrown back and her hands trailing in the sand.

    Aaagh! Aagh! OhGod! she screamed, pitifully, not realising how pleased it made him.

    Plunging deep into the female at a crazy speed, Zor felt his groin tightening and by this he knew that the first of his many loads was on its way. He gripped her more tightly around her waist and pulled her onto him, watching as her pale skin bulged outward where he pushed against it from the inside. He held her spitted for a while, savouring the moment, his twin tools throbbing and pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Finally, with the ear-piercing screams of the female ringing in his ears, he closed his eyes in ecstasy and started pumping into her. Within seconds, his thick, black spunk started dripping out of her, telling him she was filled to the brim. Evidently, the capacity of the little female was a lot less than what he was used to, and he worked to stop the flow, not wanting to waste any of it.

    This accomplished, he pulled out slowly. In truth, he could have kept going a lot longer, but the poor little thing did not look like she could take it. As he retracted his tools, she started convulsing, a sign that his seed was doing its work.

    I’m sorry, he said, as he laid her down gently. He used the only words of her language that he knew, so that she might understand. Then he folded his wings and lay down next to her, wrapping her in an embrace.

    Alison heard him speaking, but she was unable to acknowledge the words, such was the pain tearing through her insides. Time and again, as her body convulsed, she screamed and she cried, wishing only for the agony to end. Through it all, he held her against him, so that eventually she began to perceive he was helping her, strange as that seemed. When yet another convulsion came over her, she grabbed onto his arm and flattened her back against him, deriving comfort from his presence. She did not even mind when he wrapped his leg around her thighs, helping to keep her still. He had fucked her to the point of exhaustion, crawling through her body like he owned it. If he wished to hold her and so help ease her suffering, so be it. She no longer had it in her to fight him.

    Unbeknown to Alison, her extraordinary lover was reading her body language and thinking the same thing.

    Good little female, sweet little female, he murmured, as he held her. You’re mine now... and you know it, don’t you? Don’t worry, you’ll feel better soon. Then I will mate you again, many times... you and the other females that I find.

    It took another half an hour for Alison’s convulsions to end – an eternity for her ravaged body. By the time it happened, she was bathed in sweat, the sand sticking to her skin, wherever she touched it. Relieved at the cessation of pain, she did not care, but relaxed against the alien that held her, with her head resting on his arm. Worn out as she was, she was about to drift off to sleep, when she felt him moving, lifting her up. She lay limply in his arms, too weary to open her eyes, right until he lowered her into the water. It was not cold, but she still gasped as she felt it, gazing up at him in shock.

    He smiled at her expression and leaned down to kiss her. As his mouth fastened onto hers, Alison whimpered then fell silent. The alien’s lips were full and soft, but it was his tongue that did most of the work. Long and firm, it filled her mouth much like his twin cocks had filled her insides, probing ever deeper, toward the back of her throat. Before she knew what was happening, he was tilting her head back and lifting her up and out of the water. She felt the sleek hardness of his torso as he held her close and instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his neck, helping him support her. Her legs kicked out in the water, before they too wrapped around him. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a gust of wind struck her face. In a panic, she realised they were lifting into the air, but there was nothing she could do about it. In the position she was in, gagging on his tongue, she could not even scream.

    It seemed he was counting on this, because he never broke the kiss as he let out his tools in mid-air. With her pussy and ass stretched out invitingly, she could only tremble as he slid inside, leashing her to him securely. In vain, she scratched at his shoulders – the powerful creature that he was, he did not even flinch, but started fucking her slowly, purposefully. For the second time that day, Alison felt like a toy, the only difference being that this time, the pain was somewhat less. She did not know if this was because she was getting used to him, or because he was taking more care. Either way, she cried a lot less and squirmed a lot more, than before. Then, as the tempo increased, she felt her clit rubbing against his pelvic muscles and she started to get aroused. His tongue was still in her mouth, of course, and she sucked on it eagerly, the way she would a cock.

    Immediately, when she did this, his thrusts became faster, harder and more brutal. The twin snakes swelled and stiffened, stretching her so it hurt. Regardless of this, she continued to get aroused, her hips gyrating helplessly, her mouth sucking at his tongue, trying to take it all in. He obliged her readily, penetrating all three of her holes, until she could barely move. On the verge of passing out from the pain come pleasure – come pain, Alison came. Her orgasm was so powerful she did not think it would ever end. She shook as though electrified, aware of every cell in her body, from the tips of her fingers to her toes.

    At that moment, Zor released her from the kiss.

    Aaaah! Aaaah! Aaaah! Alison screamed, as he knew she would. Screaming, however, was not enough. She had to say his name, acknowledge his possession of her. He placed his lips against her ear and said,


    Her body jerked and her eyes opened wide.

    Zooor! Zooor! Zooor! she cried, obediently. He felt her body clenching around him, and he held still, allowing her to finish.

    Then he pumped her full of his seed, for the second time.

    Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ

    Please, I can’t take any more of this.

    Alison’s words were slurred, her body absolutely still on the sandy bank. Following her second sexual encounter with the alien, she had suffered yet another attack of convulsions and it had drained her of almost all energy. Through drooping eyelids, she watched Zor lean over her, his eyes narrowed in concern. He gave her a quick once-over, before reaching down and placing his hand on her forehead. It was such a familiar gesture that she never doubted him, never guessed what was coming. She felt her breathing getting slower and she closed her eyes, wanting only to sleep.

    But then, inexplicably, her lungs stopped working.

    The feeling was all the more disconcerting since her nose and mouth were not covered. By rights, she should have been able to draw breath, yet she could not. Opening her eyes, she stared wildly at the dark creature leaning over her, as though to say:

    What are you doing to me?

    If he was perturbed by her expression, he did not show it. Instead, he remained totally detached, gazing at her in silence while she first gasped and then fought madly to escape. He stopped her easily by placing his free hand over her abdomen and pushing down. His strength was enormous, and she could not get away, no matter what she did. Before too long, her vision blurred and with that, she knew she was lost. In a last-ditch effort, she raised one arm and scratched at his flat stomach. Then there was darkness, endless, infinite darkness. Her eyes closed and she knew no more.

    Above the female’s inert form, Zor closed his amber eyes.

    Don’t be afraid, little female, he sent the words out, straight to her mind. You are not dead, only suspended in time, until I can bring you to a safe place.

    Naturally, she could not respond in the state she was in, but it did not matter. Now that he had established a connection, he had no trouble accessing her memories. He took some time sorting through them, eager to learn more about her, including her language. His extraordinary mind worked at almost full capacity, while he absorbed the information: everything from her earliest childhood, through to adolescence and finally, adulthood. He paused briefly when he came to images of airplanes. Interesting, he thought, wondering where he could find one. Her memories gave him no useful clues and he moved on, sorting through the rest quickly.

    Once done, he fetched the female’s outer coverings – they were called clothes, he now knew – and dressed her. Then he looked at the sky. The day was almost at an end and that meant it would be dark soon, leaving him little time to search for shelter. He bent down and scooped the female into his arms.

    You’re lucky you’re in suspended animation, he said, spreading his wings. This could get a little scary for you.

    A few seconds later, he was in the air, rising vertically at a speed that could only be described as breathtaking – that is, provided one was breathing to begin with.

    Chapter Two

    Day Two on Planet Earth – the incident at the QC Bar

    If there was any chance that Zor’s presence on Earth would go unnoticed, it was extinguished irrevocably when he found his way to Alice Springs, or Alice, as it was commonly known in those parts. One of Northern Territory’s largest towns, Alice had a population of more than 25,000 people, which swelled during the tourist season by several thousand. Aside from the necessary amenities, the town had its own airport, placing it on the map of many international travellers. On this particular day, however, it also placed it on the flight path of an alien – because it was a passing Qantas plane that first drew Zor’s attention, as he flew fast and high through the night sky. Undetected by the pilot, Zor followed the airliner almost all the way into landing, before veering off. A couple of minutes later, he began his own descent, straight into town.

    What happened next saw the town of Alice Springs permanently etched in the annals of history – and not in a good way.

    It was ten in the evening on a Thursday night and the QC bar and restaurant was doing a roaring trade. It was always this way during the tourist season. Easily distinguishable from the locals, the elegantly clad men and women sat together in groups of two or more, drinking, talking and laughing. Among them were sisters Sally and Karen, on holiday from England. Young, blonde, and obviously single, the two women were attracting a good deal of attention and were doing their best to ignore it. Seated at a small table for two, they kept glancing out the window – and so were among the first to spot the large, black shadow gliding silently toward them.

    Hey, is that a bat? Karen asked, frowning.

    Where? Sally said, following her gaze.

    A second later, they both jumped up and backed away, nearly overturning the table in their haste. At a table next to them, a couple of locals looked up then shrugged their shoulders.

    She’ll be right, mate, they said, as yet unconcerned by the display. It was a typical Australian attitude, but on this occasion it backfired badly.

    The window next to which the men were sitting did not so much break or even shatter, on impact. It disintegrated into a million tiny pieces – sharp shards of glass that blew in over the crowd, slicing through skin and flesh and even clothes of anyone in the immediate blast zone. As the bloodied victims fell to the ground, the rest of the patrons scattered, screaming.

    It’s a bomb! Get out!

    Some of them made it out of the building before the doors slammed shut. The rest of them fell back, gazing up at the huge, black shadow outlined against the ceiling.

    God save us, someone whispered, making the sign of the cross.

    "God is a fictitious concept, a figment of

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