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Winning At Being You: Seated In Your Rightful Place
Winning At Being You: Seated In Your Rightful Place
Winning At Being You: Seated In Your Rightful Place
Ebook72 pages46 minutes

Winning At Being You: Seated In Your Rightful Place

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About this ebook

Have you ever suspected that there’s much more to you than you currently display? Perhaps a version that even you are unaware of? If you were persuaded that there is a prolific person inside of you, wouldn’t you want to be introduced? Today is your day to begin the journey to find YOU - the yielding, open-minded, unrelenting version of yourself. Give yourself permission to view life through a different lens. This book challenges you to do the work of a profiler - analyzing every nook and cranny of your DNA. Once you begin to discover the most intimate things about yourself, you gain access to the keys for living at the highest level. Unlike most motivational books that can only recommend powerful strategies for the behavior you want to see - John McConnell shows you how to put life in slow motion, so you come face to face with your true essence. William Shakespeare said, “No legacy is so rich as honesty.” Let’s get honest with ourselves. Stop just getting by with your talents and personality. Take your rightful place by using everything you have to win. Your THRONE is awaiting you!
Release dateMay 16, 2024
Winning At Being You: Seated In Your Rightful Place

Dr. John D. McConnell

Dr. John David McConnell is the owner of Prolyric Productions Publishing Company. Born and raised in Kansas City Kansas, John received his Bachelor of Science degree at Saint Mary College in Leavenworth, Kansas. John taught grades 2 through 8 over the span of his 27-year career as a public-school educator. 20 of those years were with the Houston Independent School District. In 2016 John received his doctorate in sacred music from Christian Bible Institute & Seminary. His war chest of badges includes Christian, father of two sons, educator, actor, singer, songwriter, worship-leader, Certified Christian Counselor, and author. John exited his teaching career in 2022, and is currently pursuing his literary and songwriting careers full-time.

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    Book preview

    Winning At Being You - Dr. John D. McConnell


    at BEING You

    Seated In Your Rightful Place


    © 2024 Dr. John D. McConnell. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.


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    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2455-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2456-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024907614

    Published by AuthorHouse  04/30/2024





    Chapter 1 Managing Your Choices

    Chapter 2 Recognize Your Triggers

    Chapter 3 Living With The Consequence

    Chapter 4 Succeeding Through Pain

    Chapter 5 Learning To Forgive

    Chapter 6 Experience TOTAL Freedom

    Chapter 7 The High Cost of Low Living

    Chapter 8 Expectation is Connected To Declaration

    Chapter 9 What Can You Live Without

    Chapter 10 Don’t Fall Into The Trap

    Chapter 11 Your Testimony Is Your Resume

    Throne Proclamations

    About the Author


    This book is dedicated to everyone who has ever felt worthless. If you have ever felt like your dreams don’t matter, this book is dedicated to you. If you’ve been unable to figure out how to finish the things you’ve started, this is your book. There is a kindred spirit amongst those who share unique experiences. We don’t always get a chance to meet face-to-face, but this book is our meeting ground. You are not weird, worthless, or inadequate. You’re still evolving into who you shall be. I meet some of you within every venue I attend, and it’s gratifying to know that I am not alone in my pursuit for my best life. To everyone who has felt like an outcast, and that you should quit - don’t do it! Your happiness, wholeness, and true destiny is contingent upon your fight. Allow the words of this book to fan the flames of your passion to win at being you!



    I am a Christian author. Any example, anecdote, or analogy used in this book presupposes God as Lord.

    The Throne is often referred to as ‘the office of the ruler’. Monarchs — kings and queens — sit on thrones on special ceremonial occasions, and so do religious figures such as bishops and popes. It represents the power of the dignitary who sits on it and sometimes confers that power.

    Imagine your life as your kingdom (where you reside). There is a hierarchy within your kingdom, which should have you seated in the king’s chair. This seat represents your kingdom’s chain of command. It’s not only about how others see you, but how you see yourself. Power flows down from the head, and if anyone is elevated above you (in your kingdom) - your life is out of order. It’s time you take back the throne by unlocking the door to your true identity. You can’t be your absolute best without first knowing who you are.

    Usually, we read books through the filter of the author’s accomplishments. We tend to qualify or disqualify the message based on the popularity of the vessel. Although I do draw from some personal experiences in this book, I make a valiant effort to distance myself from your results. If you truly work certain principles, the

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