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The Creature from the Forgotten Forest: Juvenile fiction, #5
The Creature from the Forgotten Forest: Juvenile fiction, #5
The Creature from the Forgotten Forest: Juvenile fiction, #5
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The Creature from the Forgotten Forest: Juvenile fiction, #5

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About this ebook

In the heart of the mysterious Forgotten Forest, siblings Emma and Jake discover ancient secrets and a wounded creature named Thistle. As they forge an unlikely friendship and uncover the forest's magical inhabitants, they must protect their new friends from hunters and unravel a prophecy that binds them all. A tale of courage, friendship, and discovering true strength in the face of adversity unfolds in this enchanting journey through a world where legends come alive.

Release dateJun 28, 2024
The Creature from the Forgotten Forest: Juvenile fiction, #5

Caroline Marie Coleman

Caroline Marie Coleman is an acclaimed author known for her captivating juvenile fiction books centered around monsters. Her imaginative storytelling brings to life tales that enchant young readers and spark their imaginations. Among her notable works is "The Creature from the Forgotten Forest," a captivating journey into a world where ancient mysteries and unlikely friendships unfold amidst mythical creatures. Caroline's writing resonates with readers of all ages, offering adventures that blend courage, empathy, and the magic of fantastical realms. When she's not writing, Caroline enjoys exploring nature and drawing inspiration from the wonders of the natural world.

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    Book preview

    The Creature from the Forgotten Forest - Caroline Marie Coleman

    Chapter 1: Mysterious Legends

    The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the quaint village of Willowbrook. Nestled at the edge of the Forgotten Forest, the village had always thrived on its peaceful surroundings and close-knit community. But beyond the familiarity of cozy cottages and winding cobblestone paths lay a realm of ancient secrets and whispered mysteries.

    In a cozy cottage with a thatched roof and a welcoming hearth, Emma and Jake sat cross-legged on the worn rug in front of their grandmother, Martha. Her wrinkled hands deftly knitted a colorful scarf as she spoke, her voice a comforting melody laced with age and wisdom.

    Tell us again, Grandma Martha, Emma urged eagerly, her hazel eyes wide with anticipation. She was fourteen, with a wild mane of chestnut hair that cascaded down her back, and an insatiable curiosity that often led her into mischief.

    Jake, her younger brother by two years, leaned forward too, his tousled brown hair falling into his eyes. At twelve, he possessed a quieter demeanor than Emma but shared her adventurous spirit.

    Martha chuckled softly, the knitting needles clicking rhythmically. Ah, the Forgotten Forest, she began, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. It's a place where the old tales come alive, where the trees whisper ancient secrets to those who dare to listen.

    Emma's heart quickened. She loved her grandmother's stories, especially those about the forest. Are the creatures real, Grandma? The ones you've told us about?

    Martha's eyes twinkled with a mixture of amusement and solemnity. Some say they are, my darlings. There are whispers of creatures that roam the depths of the forest, unseen by human eyes for centuries. They say the forest itself protects them, shielding them from prying eyes and curious hearts.

    Jake shifted uncomfortably. Are they dangerous?

    Martha paused, her needles stilling for a moment. Some are, she admitted quietly. But not all. There are gentle beings too, guardians of the forest who keep its balance in check. Legends speak of friendships forged between humans and creatures of the forest, of bonds that transcend fear and misunderstanding.

    Emma shivered with excitement. I wish we could see them, Grandma.

    Martha smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. Perhaps one day you will, my dear. But remember, the forest is a place of wonder and mystery. It demands respect and understanding.

    As the fire crackled in the hearth, casting dancing shadows across the room, Martha continued to weave her tales late into the evening. She spoke of will-o'-the-wisps that danced among the trees, leading travelers astray with their ghostly lights. She described ancient ruins hidden deep within the forest, remnants of a time long forgotten.

    Wrapped in the warmth of her stories, Emma and Jake listened intently, their imaginations ablaze with visions of magical creatures and hidden realms. Outside, the moon rose high in the starlit sky, casting a silvery glow over the village and the looming silhouette of the Forgotten Forest beyond.

    When Martha finally bid them goodnight and Emma and Jake climbed into their cozy beds, their dreams were filled with whispers of adventure and the tantalizing promise of the unknown.

    Little did they know, their journey into the heart of the Forgotten Forest was about to begin—a journey that would test their courage, forge unlikely alliances, and unravel the ancient mysteries hidden within its shadowed depths.

    Chapter 2: The Forbidden Expedition

    The following morning dawned crisp and clear over Willowbrook, the first hints of sunlight filtering through the dense canopy of leaves that marked the edge of the Forgotten Forest. Emma and Jake awoke with a shared sense of excitement tinged with trepidation, their dreams still echoing with visions of the creatures and mysteries their grandmother had recounted the previous night.

    As they descended the creaky staircase of their grandmother's cottage, the scent of freshly baked bread greeted them. Martha stood at the hearth, humming softly to herself as she placed a loaf in a woven basket.

    Good morning, my dears, Martha greeted them warmly, her eyes twinkling knowingly. She had expected this day to come, though she hoped it wouldn't be so soon.

    Morning, Grandma, Emma replied cheerfully, trying to hide her jittery nerves beneath a mask of determination. Jake nodded silently, his thoughts still swirling with the tales of the forest's dangers.

    After a hearty breakfast of warm bread, honey, and fresh milk from the village cow, Emma and Jake found themselves drawn once more to the attic. It was a cluttered space filled with trunks, dusty old furniture, and stacks of yellowed books. Sunlight filtered through a small window, casting slivers of gold upon forgotten relics.

    With Martha's blessing, they began their search for the map she had mentioned—a map that purportedly held the key to navigating the treacherous heart of the Forgotten Forest. For what felt like hours, they rummaged through old boxes and dusty chests, uncovering forgotten treasures and relics of a bygone era.

    Emma, look! Jake's voice echoed through the attic as he triumphantly held up an ancient scroll, its edges frayed with age. The parchment crackled as he carefully unfurled it, revealing a detailed map inked in faded hues of green and brown.

    Emma leaned over his shoulder, her breath catching in her throat. The map depicted winding paths through dense foliage, marked with symbols that hinted at hidden glades and ancient ruins. In the center, circled in faded ink, was a place simply labeled: Heart of the Forest.

    This is it, Jake, Emma whispered, her fingers tracing the intricate lines. This is our ticket to finding out what's really out there.

    Jake nodded slowly, his gaze fixed on the map. But Grandma said...

    I know, Emma interrupted, her voice tinged with defiance. "But she also said some

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