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Monster Mayhem at Midnight Mansion: Juvenile fiction, #3
Monster Mayhem at Midnight Mansion: Juvenile fiction, #3
Monster Mayhem at Midnight Mansion: Juvenile fiction, #3
Ebook78 pages56 minutes

Monster Mayhem at Midnight Mansion: Juvenile fiction, #3

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About this ebook

Join Alex, a fearless 12-year-old with a knack for solving mysteries, as rumors draw them to the haunted Midnight Mansion. Inside, they discover a gathering of friendly monsters hiding from a sinister past. Together, Alex and their newfound allies uncover Dr. Vex's dark experiments and face monstrous guardians in a thrilling battle for the mansion's fate. With courage and teamwork, they unravel secrets, forge unbreakable bonds, and ensure that Midnight Mansion's legacy shines bright with bravery and friendship.

Release dateJun 28, 2024
Monster Mayhem at Midnight Mansion: Juvenile fiction, #3

Violet Lynn Bishop

Violet Lynn Bishop is an acclaimed author known for her captivating juvenile fiction books centered around monsters. Her imaginative storytelling brings to life tales that enchant young readers and ignite their imaginations. Among her notable works is "Monster Mayhem at Midnight Mansion," a thrilling adventure where bravery meets supernatural mystery. Violet's stories resonate with readers of all ages, offering adventures filled with courage, friendship, and the triumph of good over evil. When she's not writing, Violet enjoys exploring new places and drawing inspiration from the wonders of the natural world.

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    Book preview

    Monster Mayhem at Midnight Mansion - Violet Lynn Bishop

    Chapter 1: The Haunted Mansion

    Alex had always been drawn to mysteries. From an early age, the allure of hidden secrets and unexplained phenomena captivated the 12-year-old's imagination. With a mop of unruly dark hair and eyes that shimmered with curiosity, Alex was known among friends for always having a knack for finding trouble—or adventure, as Alex preferred to call it.

    It was a crisp autumn afternoon when Alex first heard the whispers about Midnight Mansion. The rumors circulated like leaves caught in a playful breeze, drifting from one corner of the schoolyard to another. Some said the mansion was cursed, haunted by restless spirits who roamed its halls at night. Others claimed it was the home of strange creatures that only came out under the cover of darkness.

    Alex sat with a group of friends under the sprawling oak tree that shaded their lunch spot. Sandwiches were half-eaten, and laughter filled the air as they traded stories of bravery and fear. Sarah, a spirited girl with freckles sprinkled across her nose, leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper.

    You know, they say Midnight Mansion isn't just haunted. It's infested with monsters, Sarah said, her eyes widening dramatically.

    Alex's ears perked up at the mention of monsters. Monsters? What kind of monsters?

    Who knows? replied Jacob, a tall boy with a perpetual grin. Could be ghosts, werewolves, vampires—anything you can imagine. But they only come out at midnight.

    Alex felt a thrill run down the spine. Midnight. The witching hour. The perfect time for an adventure. I don't believe in ghosts or monsters, Alex declared boldly, though the words were tinged with uncertainty.

    Prove it then, teased Emma, a quiet girl who rarely spoke but always listened intently. I dare you to go to Midnight Mansion tonight at midnight. See for yourself if it's just a spooky old house or something more.

    The challenge hung in the air, daring Alex to accept. Heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, Alex nodded slowly. Fine. I'll do it.

    Cheers erupted from the group, mixed with nervous giggles and murmurs of disbelief. Alex had accepted the dare, and now there was no turning back.

    As the afternoon faded into evening, Alex's mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. Midnight Mansion loomed large in Alex's imagination—a sprawling, decrepit structure on the edge of town. Its once-grand facade now weathered and worn, windows boarded up like blind eyes staring into the night. The mansion had stood abandoned for decades, its history shrouded in mystery and local lore.

    At home, Alex pretended to focus on homework, but the words blurred on the page. Instead, thoughts drifted to the impending adventure. Would there really be monsters lurking in the mansion's shadows? Or was it all just a figment of overactive imaginations?

    Dinner passed in a haze, conversation flowing around the dinner table as if nothing out of the ordinary was about to happen. Alex's parents, caught up in their own world of grown-up concerns, didn't notice the restless energy that hummed through their child. After washing dishes with practiced efficiency, Alex retreated to the safety of the bedroom, claiming tiredness as an excuse to escape further questions.

    Nightfall descended like a velvet curtain, stars twinkling in the ink-black sky. The clock on Alex's bedside table ticked relentlessly towards midnight. The hour approached with a slow inevitability that both thrilled and unnerved Alex.

    At eleven-fifty-nine, Alex slipped out of bed and crept to the window, heart hammering against ribs. The neighborhood slept peacefully, unaware of the adventure unfolding just beyond their sight. With a deep breath, Alex pulled on a hoodie, laced up sneakers, and grabbed a flashlight—just in case.

    Silent as a shadow, Alex slipped out the back door and into the cool night air. The journey to Midnight Mansion was a blur of darkened streets and rustling leaves. The mansion loomed closer with each step, a foreboding presence against the night sky.

    Finally, Alex stood before the wrought-iron gates that guarded the mansion's entrance. The gate creaked ominously as Alex pushed it open, the sound echoing through the stillness. Moonlight filtered through skeletal branches, casting eerie shadows that danced on the ground.

    Heart pounding, Alex approached the mansion's front steps. Each creak of the wooden boards echoed loudly in the silence. With a trembling hand, Alex reached for the door knocker shaped like a gargoyle's head and hesitated for just a moment before rapping it sharply against the door.

    For a long moment, nothing happened. Then, just as Alex was about to turn away, the door groaned open on rusty hinges, revealing a yawning darkness within.

    Alex hesitated, nerves tingling with a mixture of fear and excitement.

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