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Passport Bro
Passport Bro
Passport Bro
Ebook60 pages41 minutes

Passport Bro

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Trae's life in the hood is nothin' but drama and dead ends. Sick of the baby mama drama and the constant grind, he takes a leap and gets his passport, ready to find somethin' real outside the trap. His first trip to Colombia is like a dream—beautiful women, vibrant culture, and the escape he's been craving. Enter Isabella, a stunning Colombian queen with curves for days and a smile that could kill. Trae thinks he's hit the jackpot, but little does he know, he's just a pawn in her dangerous game.

As Trae falls deeper into Isabella's web, he's blinded by love and lust, agreeing to send packages back to the States. But when the Feds kick down his door, he's hit with the cold reality—he's been movin' drugs for a queenpin. Locked up and betrayed, Trae's world crumbles, and he's left to fight for his life in a courtroom that don't care about his sob story.

With the streets buzzing about his downfall, Trae struggles to rebuild, jaded and cautious of everyone around him. Just when he starts to find his footing, Isabella resurfaces, stirring up old wounds and new dangers. Trae's forced to confront his past and make a choice—stay trapped in the cycle of betrayal and violence, or break free and build a future on his own terms.

"Passport Bro" dives deep into the gritty, unforgiving streets, where love can be a trap and trust is a luxury. This urban fiction thriller is packed with suspense, betrayal, and raw emotion, painting a vivid picture of life on the edge. Will Trae find redemption and peace, or will the streets claim him once and for all?

PublisherRachael Reed
Release dateJun 28, 2024
Passport Bro

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    Passport Bro - Rachael Reed



    Rachael Reed


    Copyright © 2024 by Rachael Reed

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, Resold, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or otherwise

    Chapter 1: Dreams of Escape

    Chapter 2: Welcome to Colombia

    Chapter 3: Honeymoon Phase

    Chapter 4: The Return Home

    Chapter 5: Packages of Trouble

    Chapter 6: Under Surveillance

    Chapter 7: The Bust

    Chapter 8: Life Behind Bars

    Chapter 9: The Court Case

    Chapter 10: Gossip and Scandal

    Chapter 11: A Ray of Hope

    Chapter 12: Picking Up the Pieces

    Chapter 13: The Aftermath

    Chapter 14: Isabella’s Return

    Chapter 15: A New Beginning

    Chapter 1: Dreams of Escape

    Trae sat on the stoop outside his building, rolling a blunt, his phone in his other hand. He was scrolling through video after video of black men living it up in foreign countries—beautiful women, sandy beaches, a lifestyle that seemed light-years away from the grimy streets he knew too well.

    Yo, Trae! Rico called out, walking up with that familiar swagger. You still watchin' them Passport Bro videos? Man, you serious about that shit?

    Trae took a long drag, blowing out a cloud of smoke. Yeah, man. These dudes out here livin' the dream. Thinkin' 'bout gettin' my passport, takin' a trip.

    Rico laughed, shaking his head. You really gon' leave all this behind? The streets don't let go easy, bruh.

    Nah, I'm serious, Trae said, flicking ash off the blunt. Tired of all this drama. Baby mama always trippin', cops always on my ass. Gotta be a better way.

    Rico leaned against the wall, nodding slowly. I feel you, man. But you gotta be careful. Ain't all sunshine and rainbows out there.

    Trae shrugged, putting out the blunt and pocketing his phone. I know, but I gotta try. Ain't nothin' left for me here.

    A week later, Trae was at the post office, filling out passport forms. The process was slow, but he felt a spark of hope for the first time in years. He paid the fees and sent off the paperwork, his mind already imagining the possibilities.

    Back at his apartment, the reality of his decision started to hit. The place was a mess—clothes everywhere, dishes piled high, and the smell of stale weed hanging in the air. Trae knew he had to get his shit together. If he was serious about this move, he needed to clean up his act.

    He spent the next few weeks hustling harder than ever, stacking cash for his trip. Nights were spent dodging cops and rivals, the constant tension gnawing at him. But every time he felt like giving up, he reminded himself of the life waiting for him overseas.

    Finally, the day came. Trae's passport arrived in the mail, and he booked his flight to Colombia. The excitement was mixed with a healthy dose of fear—he was stepping into the unknown, leaving everything familiar behind. But he was ready. Anything had to be better than this.

    The plane ride was a blur of nerves and anticipation. Trae watched the clouds outside the window, his mind racing with thoughts of what awaited him. As the plane descended into Medellín, he felt a surge of adrenaline. This was

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