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Cathay Combat: Crimson Tribune, #2
Cathay Combat: Crimson Tribune, #2
Cathay Combat: Crimson Tribune, #2
Ebook332 pages3 hours

Cathay Combat: Crimson Tribune, #2

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In the sequel to Czaritan: Book One of the Crimson Tribune Saga, Tracy, Rush, Benji, Rita, and Darla are back and living a post-Jancrest life at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. As COVID progresses, changes big and small affect each of their lives. Tracy makes shocking discoveries about China, while Benji faces new hurdles in his job as a facility engineer at a local hospital. Rita and Darla struggle with the shifts in their volunteering and elementary school schedules, as Rush attempts to maintain structure in the day-to-day schedule at the offices of the Crimson Tribune. COVID-19 definitely leaves its mark on the Ripleys and former Jancrestians in Cathay Combat: Book Two of the Crimson Tribune Saga.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
Cathay Combat: Crimson Tribune, #2

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    Book preview

    Cathay Combat - Christina Fanelli


    December 2019

    As pages flutter, Tracy looks up from her book to find the source. A gentle

    salt-scented breeze stirs again as she stretches her neck to see past the

    wheeled table with the two empty orange juice glasses and a couple plates still covered in maple syrup.

    The soft white curtain covering the screened sliding door leading to

    the balcony flutters wildly, then gently comes to a rest. Thankful for the clean warm breeze, Tracy drops her shoulders, rolls her head, and rubs her neck.

    She slips in her bookmark and places the book next to her as she takes in the smell of the salty breeze and slides forward on the white loveseat.

    She shakes her head as she walks past the bathroom hearing a faint

    off-tune voice coming from the shower. Rush is trying to sing Remedy with

    The Black Crowes playing from his smartphone. She smiles when she hears

    his voice crack again.

    They have had debates about this song. Rush says the song is about

    freedom, and, yes, Tracy agrees it is about freedom, but he uses freedom

    differently than it is intended in the song. Tracy remembers reading an

    interview with the lyricist, and the band’s lead singer, Chris Robinson, who said the song is specifically referencing freedom from the war on drugs, but to Rush, it means freedom of speech, marketing, and human dignity. Tracy

    showed Rush the interview, but he believed there was more meaning than just

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    that. Sometimes, he seems so narrow-minded; and other times, too open-

    minded, but always right.

    She brushes off the thought and walks across the plush, off-white

    carpet toward the balcony. As Tracy approaches, the curtain billows again

    caressing her as she nears its territory. The bright sun shines overhead

    without a cloud in the sky. She rests her elbows on the stone railing to watch the people below. There are residents keeping their daily schedules, walking without interest in their surroundings, as Key West visitors stop among them to look in the store windows and point to others with smiles and admiration.

    She hears some upbeat instrumental music in the distance and looks

    at the far end of the balcony to find its source. As it gets louder, she stretches her neck. The music’s source starts to turn the corner, coming into view.

    Small clouds crowd the sun, and it sneaks in and out to provide both shade

    and spotlights for the members of the marching band and the dancing

    characters as they pass below.

    The players march in sync, all dressed in matching colorful shorts and

    bright tie-dye T-shirts. As they approach, the sound increases, but the band has stopped between songs. One of the drummers taps their drumsticks three

    times to start the next song, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor.

    As they march below, Tracy watches an assortment of cartoon

    characters following the band and dancing to the music. Mickey Mouse twirls

    with Minnie, then dances apart to generously give out candy to the kids lining the streets.

    A group of young boys and girls come next, performing acrobatics

    and ballet, tap dancing, and tossing batons. Their bright white bodysuits are adorned with gems that flash and streaks of red flames. Following them is

    another marching band playing America the Beautiful.

    This band is introduced with a banner that reads "Veterans of

    Foreign Wars." Members are dressed in army, navy, air force, and marine

    uniforms and playing an assortment of instruments. Many people along the

    street stand as they pass, some saluting in honor.

    As the veterans’ music fades, the local fire trucks and ambulances

    arrive followed by the local and state police cruisers with their lights flashing.

    Each of them sending out the occasional bleat from their sirens, returning

    friendly waves and smiles from the people enjoying the parade. Kids wave

    and laugh as they run along the sidewalks in their shorts, dresses, and flip-Page | 2

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    flops rummaging for the gum and candy thrown from the vehicles.

    Tracy smiles as well-toned arms come from behind, encircling her

    waist, followed along by her favorite cologne.

    How’s my beautiful girl?

    Tracy lifts her chin and rubs the back of her head on Rush’s hairy

    chest. Feeling better already. She reaches down and rubs his hand. "You

    missed a beautiful parade."

    Rush tightens his arms. "I have all I need the beauty I need, right


    Tracy turns around. Her long, dark hair, hanging loosely, flutters in

    the wind. "Thank you for this trip. You were right; the sun, smiles, fresh air, and festivities in Key West have hit the spot for me. I didn’t realize how

    much I missed all that on my last assignment."

    You didn’t miss me? Rush asks with sarcasm, his arms spread out

    at his sides.

    "How could I? You weren’t physically there with me, but you were

    always there," Tracy replies as she turns back around and shields her eyes

    from the sun’s glow aimed directly at them.

    Rush starts massaging her shoulders. "I have this whole week

    planned out with lots of fun for us. We have scuba diving, fishing, dancing, wine sampling, poker, biking; you name it, we have it. There are only a couple of them that have actual dates. The scuba diving is tomorrow morning, and

    the bikes are paid for two days later in the week, for us to use for shopping.

    Other than that, we can do whatever you want, whenever you want."

    Is there anything in particular planned for today?

    Whatever you want, baby, Rush replies.

    "I would like to go to one of the sandy beaches, rent one of those

    large umbrellas and a couple of chairs with a cooler full of food and drinks."

    "Do you want me to see about getting us swimming gear, boats,

    floats, or anything for the water?"

    "If you want to go into the water or have some activity, sure, but not

    me. I would just like to enjoy the sun, fresh air, watch the kids have fun, and let my mind relax with a good book and my smartphone games and


    Sounds easy enough, Rush replies as he moves next to Tracy along

    the balcony railing and starts typing into his smartphone. "How soon would

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    you like to go? According to this, Rush turns his phone towards Tracy, we

    can get a ride to a beach that has all that you want and then some. This one has a bar on the beach and a restaurant with a band in the evening, all within walking distance."

    "That sounds like the perfect start, Rush, let’s get this relaxation

    started. Tracy pulls her long dark hair up into a ponytail and heads for the sliding glass door. I’ll grab my beach bag, and we can throw anything else we may need in it, like additional clothes for the restaurant, my hair stuff, your laptop…"

    "Great, I did the transaction. The Uber should be here in about thirty



    That first full day with Rush at the beach was perfect. Most of the

    clouds were gone by the time they arrived at the beach, and the reserved

    package was great. Not only did it have the large umbrella that Tracy wanted so she could read, but it came with folding furniture that could be bent into chairs, beds, and even recliners. Tracy was so relaxed that she kept finding herself asleep with the book on the ground next to her, with her book closed and the bookmark next to it or waking up from the book falling out of her

    hands and smacking her leg.

    Rush did try some surfing but gave up after he clubbed himself in the

    back of the head with the surfboard a couple of times and a few good waves

    knocked him around. He eventually made some friends with young college

    kids looking for someone to join their beach volleyball game, and they didn’t think he could do it. He showed them age not only makes him a great

    volleyball player, but good at keeping up with the beer challenges and shots.

    The afternoon went fast, and they decided to have dinner at a diner

    on the beach with delicious seafood and a loaded bar with extravagant drinks and dancing. The day was perfect for both of them, and it led to several more days that were much needed.

    During the week, the weather was perfect. They went scuba diving as

    scheduled and saw lobsters, nurse sharks, dolphins, stingrays, and wrecks

    while on the inner and outer reefs. The bike rental worked perfect for the

    shopping and wine sampling. Tracy got herself a couple of new colorful

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    summer outfits, and Rush found a new fishing pole and gear.

    They only lost a couple hundred dollars each playing poker but had a

    lot of fun and met a lot of people. Tracy was enjoying herself, and Rush

    seemed to be taking in all kinds of information and sending it to The Crimson Tribune staff for further research.

    Tracy watched and listened closely as a lot of information was sent to

    make sure there wasn’t anything that she wanted to do herself. But most of

    what Rush was sending to his researchers was information other vacationers

    were giving him about their hometowns, and like Rush says, "See if it’s

    something that the world needs to know."

    None of the information struck Tracy’s interest, and she was

    thankful. She wanted to relax on this trip, but she never wants to miss the article that needs to be researched and written. The whole trip seemed to go perfectly until they decided to go fishing.


    The captain of the cruise boat was standing at the head of the pier.

    He was well dressed in a traditional blue coat, white shirt, white pants, and a matching cap. He stood fully erect with a smile, waiting for them with life

    jackets. The cruise boat looked clean and well maintained as it rocked slightly against the piers. The galley and windows all around the cruise boat were

    clean without streaks; the metal along the deck and sides reflected the sun’s rays to make sparkling lights dance along with the reflections on the water.

    Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Ripley, I am Captain Jennings. The

    captain takes the fishing gear from Rush and steps back for them to mount

    the boat.

    "My wife, Lisa Jennings, is below, in the galley, preparing your

    requested lobster. That will be done about halfway through our six-hour

    fishing and sight-seeing trip," Captain Jennings continues as he removes the ropes from the pier, steps onto the cruise boat, heads to the bridge controls, and slowly pulls away from the dock.

    Tracy pats the tan leather seat, shining from good care, next to her.

    She motions for Rush to sit on the double seat after she accepts a glass of

    wine from Lisa. Rush takes the seat and puts his arm around Tracy, pulling

    her snug against him, then kisses the top of her head.

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    Captain Jennings gets the boat clear of the dock and the congestion

    of local fishing boats, then bumps the speed up. We won’t be going this fast for most of the trip, just the launch out, he says as he steers clear of the other boats. I would like to get you to the great fishing spots quick and let you start casting; once you start catching, we’ll discuss what you would like to do next.

    Tracy reaches up, using her free hand to hold on to her broad-

    brimmed fishing hat against the hard wind. She laughs when she sees Rush

    reaching and just barely catching his baseball hat as it flies off his head. Nice save, she says and starts to laugh harder at the ‘bite me’ look on his face.

    We are almost there, Captain Jennings says as he slows the speed

    of the cruise boat and switches to autopilot. He unlocks a couple of the

    compartments and pulls out some fishing gear, nets, baskets, and more. This side of the boat is where I have seen, through the year, where there tends be wahoo, mahi mahi, and snapper. He casts out a baited line and holds it,

    looking at Tracy and Rush to see who is going to take it.

    Rush motions for Tracy to take it, so she walks over.

    Captain Jennings hands her the pole. "Just hold it steady, not too

    tight. If you feel a slight tug, count to three and yank it hard." He walks to the other side of the boat and more towards the back. He motions for Rush to

    come over and says, "This location back here tends to be where I have seen

    the grouper, king mackerel." He casts out a baited line and hands it to Rush.

    I am going to help my wife with your lobster below deck; holler if you would like me or her for anything.

    Just as Captain Jennings’s hat slowly disappears down the steps,

    Tracy feels a jerk on her line. One, two, three, she says and yanks the line.

    The line on her reel starts screeching as the fish pulls away.

    "Lean back, baby, then reel it in as much as you can as you lean

    forward, then do the same; lean back, reel it in," Rush hollers back over his shoulder.

    Captain Jennings, hearing the commotion, comes back up from

    below the deck. Keep the line tight at all times, reeling as you move.

    Tracy leans back and spins her reel, then leans back watching her

    fishing pole bend. It looks like my pole is going to break, she says as sweat starts to bead on her forehead.

    "No, I gave you one of my best fishing poles, Mrs. Ripley, just keep

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    reeling it in and move a little closer to side of the deck."

    This thing must be huge, Tracy says as the sweat drips off her

    head. My muscles in my whole body are starting to hurt.

    Captain Jennings grabs the net and screws it into the long pole. "You

    got it, Mrs. Ripley, I can see it, you’ve got it pretty close. I will net it once you get it closer. Keep going."

    With her teeth clenched and sweat freely dripping off her chin, for

    the first time she looks away from her fishing pole and to Captain Jennings

    holding the net. She leans back and starts reeling in again.

    One more good pull and you got it, Mrs. Ripley! Captain Jennings

    says just as the wahoo’s face breaks the surface.

    He wraps the net around it and pulls it in. "Nice catch, Mrs. Ripley,

    that has to be at least four feet long!"

    Tracy collapses on her knees once the resistance is gone. Rush comes

    up behind her, picks her up, and carries her to one of the leather swivel seats.

    I’m done fishing for today, she says as Rush hands her the glass of wine.

    Captain Jennings grabs his measuring gear. "Mrs. Ripley, that is a

    four-foot, three-inch, eighty-two pounder! Nice catch!" He turns to Rush.

    That is going to be pretty hard to beat, Mr. Ripley.

    Rush nods his head. I’m used to it. He gives Tracy a cynical smile.

    Captain Jennings goes below deck and comes back up a few minutes

    later. Your lobster should be done shortly. We will stay here so Mr. Ripley can fish some more before we eat. He turns to see Tracy taking a picture of the fish she caught with her smartphone.

    He held his hand out motioning for her to give him the phone and

    for them to surround the wahoo. He snaps a couple pictures and hands

    Tracy’s phone back to her. "We will eat the lobster here, then move to the

    shipwreck you wanted to see on the scuba dive tour."

    The lobster was delicious. Mrs. Jennings brought up steamed Brussel

    sprouts, garlic mashed potatoes, and strawberry shortcake. Rush bragged to

    Mrs. Jennings about how well Tracy did hauling in the wahoo as Tracy

    scrolled through the pictures on her phone.

    Time to pull the anchor and head for the shipwreck, Captain

    Jennings says as he stands from the table and starts stacking the plates for Mrs. Jennings, who takes over as he goes to lift the anchor.

    Tracy and Rush rise from the table and head for the deck to watch

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    the slower trip to the wreck. The sky is beautiful, and their stomachs are full.

    I’m ready for a nap, Tracy says as she leans against Rush and takes pictures with her phone of some jumping dolphins in the distance.

    Captain Jennings stops the cruise boat and drops the anchor. They all

    put on their scuba gear and head for the boat’s edge to jump. They dive into the water and see the most beautiful, colorful tropical reef fish, turtles,

    octopus, eels, rays, and more. They swim around all the different parts of the shipwreck and see the old-fashioned deck, controls, and helm. It is beautiful, and they definitely got their money’s worth.

    Tracy is the first to come out of the water; she is refreshingly

    exhausted. She places the lanyard with the plastic case protecting her phone next to her along with the flippers. I hope the pictures it took down there come out as beautiful as what I saw. Slowly, she walks to the back of the deck to make room for Rush and Captain Jennings to come back on deck. She starts to remove

    her gear.

    As she’s gathering the gear, she hears Rush talking about making

    plans for them to do this trip with them again the next time they come to Key West, that they had such a great time. Captain Jennings looks happy at the

    offer as he lifts the anchor and starts the motor.

    Mrs. Jennings comes up from the lower deck with a smile and starts

    to help Captain Jennings close up the ship. After one kick of the motor, they are on their way back to the dock.

    After Tracy and Rush gather all of their scuba gear, they drink the last

    of their wine just as they pull into the dock and confirm, with a business card exchange, they would make this trip again with Captain Jennings.

    Rush grabs the fishing poles and gear he carried onto the cruise boat

    and steps onto

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