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Whimsical Tales from Mother Goose's Garden: Juvenile fiction, #4
Whimsical Tales from Mother Goose's Garden: Juvenile fiction, #4
Whimsical Tales from Mother Goose's Garden: Juvenile fiction, #4
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Whimsical Tales from Mother Goose's Garden: Juvenile fiction, #4

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Embark on a whimsical journey with Daisy, a curious young girl who discovers a magical garden behind her grandmother's cottage. Filled with talking animals and enchanted plants inspired by nursery rhymes, each chapter unveils new adventures as Daisy befriends characters like Jack the mischievous rabbit, encounters giants atop beanstalks, and navigates mazes with Little Bo Peep. Join Daisy and Jack in unraveling mysteries, outwitting tricksters, and exploring the wonders of a garden where imagination blooms and friendships flourish under starlit skies.

Release dateJun 28, 2024
Whimsical Tales from Mother Goose's Garden: Juvenile fiction, #4

Julia Faith West

Julia Faith West is an acclaimed author known for her enchanting juvenile fiction books inspired by nursery rhymes. Her storytelling brings beloved characters to life in new and imaginative adventures that captivate young readers. Among her notable works is "Whimsical Tales from Mother Goose's Garden," a collection that invites children into a world where nursery rhyme characters come alive in magical settings. Julia's books inspire creativity and a love for storytelling, weaving lessons of friendship and discovery into every tale. When not writing, Julia enjoys exploring nature and finding inspiration in the wonders of childhood imagination.

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    Book preview

    Whimsical Tales from Mother Goose's Garden - Julia Faith West

    Chapter 1: The Enchanted Daisy Patch

    Daisy sighed as she gazed out of her grandmother's kitchen window. Raindrops pattered against the glass, casting a dreary pattern on the garden beyond. It was the third day of her stay at Grandma Rose's cottage, and while she loved spending time with her grandmother, the weather had kept her indoors. At seven years old, Daisy was bursting with energy and curiosity, and being cooped up inside was starting to feel unbearable.

    Maybe the rain will stop soon, Grandma Rose said, stirring a pot of soup on the stove. Then you can explore the garden. It's quite magical, you know.

    Daisy perked up at the word magical. Magical? What do you mean, Grandma?

    Grandma Rose chuckled softly. Oh, it's nothing, dear. Just an old woman's fanciful tales. Why don't you go read a book? I'll call you when lunch is ready.

    Disappointed but obedient, Daisy wandered over to the bookshelf in the cozy living room. She pulled out a dusty old book with a worn cover and curled up on the plush sofa.

    As she flipped through the pages, Daisy's mind drifted back to Grandma Rose's words. *What if there really is something magical in the garden?* She wondered, her imagination stirring. *Talking animals, maybe? Or maybe plants that dance?*

    Just then, a loud thump echoed from the hallway, followed by the unmistakable sound of something scurrying across the wooden floor. Daisy jumped up, dropping the book in surprise.

    Who's there? she called out, cautiously approaching the hallway.

    Out from behind a corner darted a small, fluffy white rabbit. It skidded to a stop and looked up at Daisy with bright, curious eyes.

    Oh! Hello there, Daisy said, kneeling down to the rabbit's level. Where did you come from?

    The rabbit twitched its nose and hopped closer to Daisy. It stood on its hind legs and nudged her hand with its nose as if asking for attention.

    You're a friendly one, aren't you? Daisy giggled, scratching behind the rabbit's ears. What's your name?

    The rabbit hopped in a circle and then bounded back down the hallway. Daisy hesitated for a moment before deciding to follow. The rabbit led her through twists and turns until they reached the back door.

    You want to go outside? Daisy asked, glancing back to make sure Grandma Rose wasn't watching. But it's still raining.

    The rabbit thumped its foot impatiently and pushed against the door with its nose.

    Alright, alright, Daisy whispered, turning the latch and cracking the door open just enough for the rabbit to slip through.

    Without hesitation, the rabbit hopped out into the garden, and Daisy hesitated only a moment before slipping out after it. Raindrops fell lightly on her face as she stepped onto the soft, damp grass. The garden was a riot of color, even in the dim light filtered through the clouds. Flowers of every shape and hue swayed gently in the breeze, and vines twisted around trees in intricate patterns.

    Wow, Daisy breathed, taking in the beauty around her. Grandma was right. This place is magical.

    She turned to thank the rabbit for leading her here, but it was already bounding away, disappearing into a tangle of bushes. Daisy laughed and chased after it, her worries about the rain forgotten.

    The rabbit led her deeper into the garden, past beds of tulips and rows of fragrant herbs, until they reached a secluded corner hidden behind a large oak tree. There, nestled among a patch of daisies, was a sight that made Daisy's eyes widen with wonder.

    A small, round creature with a cracked shell sat forlornly on a stone wall, its face hidden in its hands. Beside it, a miniature ladder lay discarded in the grass.

    Oh, hello, Daisy said softly, approaching the creature cautiously. Are you okay?

    The creature lifted its head, revealing a comically sorrowful expression. Oh, woe is me, it moaned. I've lost my pieces, and now I'm in pieces myself.

    Daisy blinked in surprise. Are you... Humpty Dumpty?

    The creature nodded sadly. Indeed, that is my sorry state. I fell from my perch atop that wall and shattered into these bits. Now I fear I'll never be whole again.

    Daisy looked at Humpty Dumpty thoughtfully. But maybe we can help you, she said, glancing around for inspiration.

    Just then, the rabbit returned, holding a small basket filled with what looked like eggshell fragments. It dumped them at Daisy's feet with a flourish and nudged them towards Humpty Dumpty.

    Humpty Dumpty gasped in delight. My pieces! You found them!

    Daisy and the rabbit worked together, carefully fitting the pieces together like a puzzle. With each fragment placed, Humpty Dumpty's spirits lifted, and soon he was whole once more, sitting proudly on the wall.

    Oh, thank you, thank you! Humpty Dumpty exclaimed, beaming at Daisy and the rabbit. You've done what no one else could do. You've put me back together again!

    Daisy smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. I'm glad we could help, Humpty Dumpty.

    Humpty Dumpty nodded solemnly. You have a kind heart, young girl. And you, little rabbit, he added, giving the rabbit a playful nudge, you're quite the adventurer.

    The rabbit thumped its foot proudly and hopped in a circle.

    So, what now? Daisy asked, glancing around the garden. What other wonders are waiting for us?

    Humpty Dumpty chuckled. Oh, my dear, this garden is full of surprises. But you'll have to discover them for yourself. I must bid you farewell for now.

    With that, Humpty Dumpty toppled off the wall with a soft thud and rolled away, disappearing into the daisies.

    Daisy watched him go, a smile tugging at her lips. Well, Mr. Rabbit, she said, turning to her furry companion,

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