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My Billionaire Boyfriend
My Billionaire Boyfriend
My Billionaire Boyfriend
Ebook74 pages55 minutes

My Billionaire Boyfriend

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"My Billionaire Boyfriend" follows Emma's journey from heartbreak to empowerment after billionaire Alexander Black proposes a breakup. Emma rebuilds her life, launching a successful venture, exposing Alexander's deceit, and advocating for women's rights. With newfound love and resilience, she embraces a future filled with limitless possibilities.

Release dateMay 5, 2024
My Billionaire Boyfriend

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    Book preview

    My Billionaire Boyfriend - xiaobu

    My Billionaire Boyfriend

    By  XIAOBU

    Chapter 1: The Proposal

    The city skyline was bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, casting a golden glow over the opulent penthouse of billionaire tycoon Alexander Black. Inside, the air crackled with anticipation as Alexander prepared to make a life-altering decision.

    Emma, his girlfriend, entered the penthouse excitedly, unaware of the storm brewing in Alexander’s mind. She wore a simple yet elegant dress, her dark hair cascading gently down her back. As she stepped into the grand living room, her eyes lit up at the sight of Alexander, seated at the head of a lavish dining table adorned with flickering candles and exquisite china.

    Alexander, this is... breathtaking, Emma breathed, her gaze lingering on the romantic tableau before her.

    Alexander rose from his seat, his piercing blue eyes fixed on Emma with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. I’m glad you think so, my dear, he murmured, his voice tinged with an unfamiliar edge.

    As they settled into their seats, a tension hung in the air, palpable yet unspoken. Emma couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss, but she pushed aside her unease, determined to savor the evening with her beloved.

    The meal began in silence, the only sound the soft clink of silverware against porcelain. But as the courses progressed, Alexander’s demeanor grew increasingly distant, his gaze fixed on some distant point beyond the confines of the penthouse.

    Alexander, is everything alright? Emma ventured, her concern bubbling to the surface.

    He looked up, his expression inscrutable. Emma, there’s something I need to tell you, he began, his voice measured yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

    Emma’s heart skipped a beat as she braced herself for what was to come. Had she done something wrong? Was their relationship in jeopardy?

    I... I think we should end things, Alexander finally confessed, his words hanging heavy in the air.

    Emma felt as though the world had come crashing down around her. End things? But why? She searched Alexander’s face for answers but found only a mask of detachment.

    I don’t understand, she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

    Alexander sighed, his gaze flickering with a mixture of regret and resolve. Emma, you’re a wonderful woman, but... but I think it’s time we went our separate ways. Our relationship has run its course.

    Tears welled in Emma’s eyes as she struggled to process the magnitude of Alexander’s words. How could he be so cold, so indifferent? Had their love meant nothing to him?

    But... but I love you, Alexander, she choked out, her voice trembling with emotion.

    He reached across the table, his touch cold and distant. I know, Emma. And I care for you deeply. But sometimes love isn’t enough.

    Emma felt as though her heart had been ripped from her chest. How could he be so callous, so indifferent to her pain? Had she misjudged him all along?

    As the truth of Alexander’s betrayal sank in, Emma knew that she had a choice to make. She could either succumb to the pain and despair consuming her, or she could summon the strength within to rise above it.

    With a steely resolve, Emma pushed back her chair and rose to her feet. I think you should leave, she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her.

    Alexander looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes. Emma, please... let’s talk about this.

    But Emma shook her head, her resolve unwavering. There’s nothing left to say, Alexander. You’ve made your decision, and now I’m making mine. Goodbye.

    With that, she turned on her heel and strode out of the penthouse, leaving behind the man who had shattered her heart into a million irreparable pieces.

    As Emma emerged into the cool embrace of the night, tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the rain that began to fall from the heavens above. But amidst the pain and despair, a flicker of determination ignited within her soul.

    She would not allow Alexander Black to define her worth. She would not allow his betrayal to extinguish the flame of hope burning within her heart.

    Chapter 2: Doubts Unveiled

    The penthouse was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, casting shadows across the elegant dining table where Alexander and Emma sat. Emma’s heart raced with excitement as she awaited the words she never expected to hear.

    Emma, Alexander began, his voice tinged with an unfamiliar edge, there’s something we need to talk about.

    Emma’s brow furrowed in confusion, her hand pausing midway to her wine glass. "What is it, Alexander? You seem...

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