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Finding Her Strength
Finding Her Strength
Finding Her Strength
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Finding Her Strength

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She has no idea how beautiful she is. He knows exactly how to show her. Forbidden or not, Levi is coming for his woman.


Harper: Levi has muscles for days, warm brown eyes, and a grin that makes me feel things I've never felt before. He's also fifteen years older than me and my dad's business partner.

I'm a shy, chubby college kid with no worldly experience to speak of, despite the efforts of my best friend. She encourages me to flirt, which I have no idea how to do, and then somehow I end up with my first kiss.

Levi is addicted to me one minute and then shuts me out the next. Can I trust him to be there for me when I need him the most?

Levi: Was Dan's daughter always this breathtaking? God, she's sweet perfection. The kind of curves that could bring a man to his knees, a sparkling smile that rivals the sun, and an air of innocence around her that makes me want to dirty her up and protect her at the same time.

She has no idea how beautiful she is, and I want to be the one to tell her every single day. It should bother me that she's fifteen years younger than me. Or that her dad is my business partner and one of my closest friends. Or that I'm in the middle of a messy lawsuit.

I've tried fighting my feelings for her, but one afternoon seals our fate…


PublisherCameron Hart
Release dateJun 27, 2024
Finding Her Strength

Cameron Hart

Hello. I'm Cameron Hart, and I write sweet steamy romances. I’m a USA Today Bestselling author with over forty books available. I write romance with lots of heat, plenty of sweet, and just enough drama to keep things interesting. I graduated from the Iowa Writer’s Workshop in 2012 with a degree in creative writing. When I’m not working on my next book, I can be found reading, crocheting, doing yoga, and chasing around my grumpy cats. **What to expect from a Cameron Hart book: Lots of heat, plenty of sweet, and just enough drama to keep things interesting. No cheating, safe, guaranteed HEA!**

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    Finding Her Strength - Cameron Hart

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    One look at the stunning waitress carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, and I’m a goner. I wasn’t looking for a sweet little thing with auburn hair and more baggage than I can fit on the back of my bike, but there’s no going back now. She’s mine. I’ll prove to her I’m more than capable of handling her past and making her feel safe again.

    Chapter 1


    "Oh. My. God. That is your dad’s business partner?" Emma practically drools as she gawks at Levi. Not that I blame her. He’s one fine specimen of a man.

    God. I’m such a nerd.

    Yeah, but can you keep your voice down? I say.

    Harper, you know I’m physically incapable of doing that.

    I laugh and swat her arm, pulling her back into the kitchen where I’m finishing up dinner. It puts me at ease, having her officially out of earshot from the den where Levi and my dad are discussing business.

    Emma has been my bestie since sixth grade when my dad and I moved to Tampa after my mom skipped out on us. She took pity on the chunky, awkward new girl starting school in the middle of the year. I had just finished paying for my lunch of mac n cheese and steamed veggies and was standing in the front of the lunchroom, staring at all the tables full of kids I didn't know.

    I remember wondering if I should just eat in the bathroom like the loser I knew I was. Just as I was turning around to walk out, Emma looped her arm in mine and practically dragged me over to her table, plopping down next to me and introducing me to Hillary, Laura, and Maddi. I have no idea what the other three girls are up to, but Emma and I have been inseparable ever since. She even moved with us to Atlanta when we were sixteen.

    We are roommates now, both in our last year of college. She’s a journalism major while I majored in business with a focus on marketing and finance. I’m good at it, and I knew it would make dad proud. Or, at least I hoped it would. He’s been less than enthusiastic about my life choices since my mom took off.

    If you can’t behave, I’ll send you back to the apartment on an empty stomach, I threaten.

    You wouldn’t! She gasps dramatically. You cooked a fucking smorgasbord for us in this fancy-ass kitchen, and I was promised free food. Plus, Levi is nice to look at.

    I roll my eyes. "First of all, language. You know my dad hates swear words. Second of all, Levi is like fifteen years older than you."

    First of all, Emma mocks me, "Your dad is kind of a dick. He swears all the time, so his double standard of ‘ladies shouldn’t have dirty mouths’ is fucking stupid. And second of all, who cares how old Levi is? He’s gorgeous. How have I not met him before?"

    He lives in Chicago. Levi and my dad were partners and best friends back when we lived there. When we moved to Tampa, my dad started a branch of their investment firm there. And then when we moved here to Atlanta, he did the same. So, they are business partners, but they each run their own branch.

    What is he doing here now?

    I don’t know. He showed up late last night, I guess. Dad called me when he got here, saying he was staying in my room because of the renovations to the rest of the house. Then asked me over for dinner so I could we could catch up or whatever. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him.

    Emma gives me a skeptical look. Your dad didn’t ask you. He told you. And he didn’t invite you over for dinner, he made you cook it.

    "He strongly suggested I come over. And I like cooking."

    "God, Harper. You don't have to defend the man. You are a grown-ass adult. He's a controlling asshole and he demanded that you come over and cook dinner because he and his useless trophy wife treat you like Cinderella. And you are a chicken, so you forced me to come with you."

    "I did not force you. I told you I was going to my dad’s, and you jumped at the chance to have a free dinner!"

    "And boy am I glad I did! Dinner and a show," she laughs, wagging her eyebrows.

    I glare at her, but end up laughing, because she’s totally right. Levi is freaking hot as sin, and the fact that he slept in my room last night has my stomach in knots.

    What if he went through my things? And he saw what a total dork I was in high school?

    Okay, not just in high school. I’m still a huge dork. I only go out when Emma drags me out of the library and shoves me in her car to take me to a rando bar or party. I mean, I still have my v-card. At twenty-one, that’s practically unheard of in this day in age. There I go again. Who says, this day in age? Seventy-year-old cat ladies, that’s who.

    Emma’s phone goes off, and I’m thankful for the distraction. Her eyes go wide, but she quickly schools her face before sending the call to voicemail. I wait for her to make some sassy remark or curse whoever called, but she doesn’t say anything.

    Want some soda? I ask, hoping to change the subject and help her out of whatever just happened.

    You really shouldn’t be drinking anything with that much sugar, Harper. The shrill voice of my stepmom, Tracy, echoes through the kitchen as she steps into view. It’ll only add to your...generous physique. She eyes me up and down, no doubt taking in my huge hips, bubble butt, and thick thighs. Her words, not mine.

    I should be used to her criticism by now, but it still hurts. Her words touch on old wounds and insecurities she inflicted in the first place.

    I’ll take a coke, and you should have one too, Harper. You’re fucking gorgeous and those hips don’t lie, Emma chimes in. God, I love her so much.

    Language! Tracy snaps.

    Whatever. I’m not your kid, Emma dismisses her out of hand.

    "Step-kid," Tracy corrects.

    She's never liked me. I'm just thankful I only had to live with her during high school. Four years did plenty of damage to my self-esteem. Emma has done her best to build me up, but she doesn't really get it. She's so beautiful, with her black hair, blue eyes, and size four waist, not to mention perky boobs and an apple bottom butt, she is practically fighting off guys on campus. Nevertheless, I appreciate her standing up for me since I have yet to develop a backbone for myself when it comes to my dad and Tracy.

    Emma opens her mouth to tell Tracy off, but dad and Levi walk in, interrupting her. She closes her mouth right away and smiles at Levi. A pang of jealousy spikes through my veins, which is ridiculous. He'd for sure go for her over me, especially seeing us side by side. She's so much more stunning than I am, hands down. That is if he were to go for one of us. He’s probably got a line of women vying for his attention. Or, shoot, he’s probably married. Why didn’t I think of that before? He’s only five years younger than my dad. Geeze Louise.

    "Oh, Levi! It’s so good to finally meet you, Tracy says. She’s darn near swooning over him, right in front of my dad. I’m sorry I was asleep when you showed up last night."

    Levi looks annoyed and a bit uncomfortable. He certainly doesn’t return her look of pure lust, which strangely makes me giddy inside.

    Tracy, he says, matter-of-factly. He holds out his hand, but she pulls him in for a hug, kissing his cheek.

    He looks physically pained by her closeness, which again, makes me giddy. In fact, I actually laugh under my breath.

    Levi pulls away and Tracy is left wobbling before she finds her footing. My dad shoots her a glare and she has the decency to look scolded.

    Levi, this is Emma, my daughter’s best friend. I’m not sure why she’s here. I get the same disapproving glare my dad just gave Tracy.

    You know you love me, Dan, Emma says, not missing a beat.

    That’s Mr. Crawford, Emma, he warns.

    Whatever. Good to meet you, Levi. She smiles at him and I just know he's probably already drooling over her.

    To my surprise, he hardly looks at Emma, opting instead to hold my gaze. Levi pulls his hand away and steps around her so he’s standing right in front of me.

    And who are you? Levi asks, keeping his brown eyes on me. His gaze drops to my hips, moving their way up to my chest, before meeting my eyes again. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he was checking me out.

    I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. As fine as he was from a distance, he's even more gorgeous up close. Levi has dark brown hair that’s short on the sides and longer and messy on top, like he's been running his fingers through it. With the hint of grey at his temples, he looks sophisticated and hot. His strong jaw and angular nose only add to the whole effect, which is basically a freaking Roman statue. I mean, he's chiseled alright. He's just wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, but holy cow does he wear them well. And let's not forget his intense brown eyes and soft pink lips, slightly curved up at one side in the sexiest smirk, like he knows exactly what I'm thinking about right now.

    This is my daughter, Harper, my dad answers for me.

    Right. Harper, Levi repeats, softer. Almost a whisper. It’s clear he doesn’t remember me, and honestly, I’m questioning whether I’ve ever met this man before. Sure, the last time I saw him was ten years ago, but I’d think I would have remembered the stunning man in front of me.

    Levi’s hand reaches out for mine and I let him take it in a handshake. The instant he touches me, I feel a shock course through my body, making me gasp. We never break eye contact as he shakes my hand and then just holds it, circling his middle finger on the inside of my wrist, causing goosebumps to break out over my arm. I swear those eyes peer into the very depths of my being like they're trying to learn every single thing about me.

    I’m Levi, He says. I just nod, unable to actually form any words at the moment.

    Tracy clears her throat, breaking whatever spell Levi just cast over me. I drop his hand, immediately missing the warmth of his skin on mine.

    Shall we go to the dining room? Dinner will be ready any minute now, Tracy says, giving me the death glare. Harper can finish up and serve us.

    Her tone brooks no arguments.

    Yeah, I finally find my voice. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.

    Tracy nods, and my dad leads her and Levi out to the dining room, leaving me practically breathless, with Emma gawking at me. I don’t even want to hear what she has to say right now.

    Chapter 2


    As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.


    The last time I saw her must have been a

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