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What Happens in Prison
What Happens in Prison
What Happens in Prison
Ebook72 pages48 minutes

What Happens in Prison

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Dominique, a 36-year-old black man, has spent most of his life in and out of the prison system, leaving him with a checkered past and a long criminal history. Fresh out after an eight-year sentence, he vows never to return to the life that has caused him so much pain. With a new job and a small apartment, Dominique seems to be on the right path. He even meets Tara, a beautiful woman who brings hope and stability into his life, and their relationship quickly becomes serious.

But Dominique harbors a dark secret from his past—Ronald, his prison boyfriend, is about to be released and wants to continue their relationship. Ronald's obsession and determination to reclaim Dominique threaten to unravel everything he's worked so hard to achieve. As Dominique struggles to hide the truth from Tara, the tension escalates, leading to explosive confrontations and dangerous altercations.

When Ronald starts spreading lies and causing trouble in Dominique's neighborhood, the stakes are raised. Dominique must choose between the life he's trying to build with Tara and the pull of his past with Ronald. Can he keep his dark secret hidden, or will it destroy everything he's fought for?

With gritty urban dialogue, raw emotions, and shocking twists, *What Happens in Prison* delves into the harsh realities of street life, love, and betrayal. Dominique's journey is filled with he said, she said drama, long prison sentences, baby mama issues, theft, murder, adultery, and the constant struggle to stay on the straight and narrow. This story of redemption and revenge will keep you on the edge of your seat, with an ending that provides closure but leaves you thinking about the choices we make and the lives we lead.

*What Happens in Prison* is a gripping, suspenseful tale that paints a vivid picture of the underside of city living, filled with profanity, sex, and violence. It's a raw, explicit, and engaging narrative that captures the essence of ghetto and street life, making it a must-read for fans of urban fiction.

PublisherRachael Reed
Release dateJun 28, 2024
What Happens in Prison

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    Book preview

    What Happens in Prison - Rachael Reed

    Also by Rachael Reed


    Once a Cheater

    Passport Bro

    What Happens in Prison





    Rachael Reed


    Copyright © 2024 by Rachael Reed

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, Resold, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or otherwise

    Chapter 1: Fresh Out

    Chapter 2: A Glimmer of Hope

    Chapter 3: Secrets from the Past

    Chapter 4: Building Trust

    Chapter 5: Ronald's Looming Release

    Chapter 6: Juggling Lives

    Chapter 7: The Streets Are Talking

    Chapter 8: The Ultimatum

    Chapter 9: Fallout

    Chapter 10: Spiraling Down

    Chapter 11: A Moment of Clarity

    Chapter 12: Making Amends

    Chapter 13: Rebuilding Trust

    Chapter 14: Ronald's Revenge

    Chapter 15: The Confrontation

    Chapter 16: Moving Forward

    Chapter 17: Closure and Hope

    Chapter 1: Fresh Out

    Dominique stepped out of the prison gates, the heavy door slamming shut behind him. He inhaled deeply, the air tasting different, freer. At 36, he had spent more years inside than out, but this time, he vowed things would be different. He adjusted his worn backpack on his shoulder, feeling the weight of his past but determined to forge a new future.

    Yo, Dom, you really out this time? shouted his old friend Rico, who was waiting by a beat-up Chevy.

    Yeah, man, I ain't goin' back. This time it's straight and narrow, Dominique replied, his voice full of resolve. He climbed into the passenger seat, the car reeking of cigarettes and old fast food.

    Good luck with that, Rico laughed, but there was a hint of respect in his eyes. You need anything, you holler at me.

    Dominique nodded, appreciating the offer but knowing he needed to stay clear of Rico’s world if he wanted to make it. They drove through the city, the streets teeming with life and chaos. It felt both familiar and foreign, a place where he'd made so many wrong choices.

    The first few days were rough. Dominique crashed on Rico's couch while he pounded the pavement looking for a job. Most places took one look at his record and turned him away. He felt the frustration building, but he refused to give in.

    Yo, you ain't got no idea how hard it is for a brother tryna go straight, he vented to Rico one night. Everywhere I go, they look at me like I'm still locked up.

    You gotta keep pushin', Dom. Ain't nobody said it was gonna be easy, Rico replied, handing him a beer.

    Finally, after weeks of searching, Dominique landed a job at a local warehouse. The pay was crap, and the hours were long, but it was honest work. The supervisor, Mr. Harris, was a tough but fair man who didn't ask too many questions about Dominique's past.

    Just show up on time and do your job, and we won't have no problems, Mr. Harris had said during the interview.

    With a job secured, Dominique found a small, run-down apartment in a rough part of town. It wasn't much, but it was his. As he unpacked his few belongings, he felt a sense of accomplishment. This was the first step toward the life he wanted.

    Dominique fell into a routine, working long hours and keeping to himself. He avoided old haunts and old friends, knowing they were traps that could pull him back into the life he was trying to escape. Nights were the hardest, the silence filled with memories of mistakes and regrets.

    One night, while walking back from work, he passed a group of young men hanging out on the corner. He recognized a few faces from his past, but he kept his head down and walked faster.

    Hey, Dom! Ain't seen you in a minute, one of them called out.

    Yeah, man, just tryin' to stay out of trouble, Dominique

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