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Kings requested aid from ancient beings that helped them win their wars for centuries. Growing tired of the cost it paid, the kings had to give them their youngest son to become one of them. They banded together and sent their sorcerers, who imprisoned them in the depths of Vospheron. But now they have been finally set free. Lord Raka, the leader of these abominations, will repay the offspring of these traitors with blood. Will Scar and his friends prevail, or will Lord Raka claim his prize and take our heroes' soul for his own?

Release dateJun 27, 2024

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    VENGEANCE OF THE BODEKA GHOSTS - Frederick Alexander



    Frederick Alexander

    Copyright © 2024 Frederick Alexander

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89157-937-8 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-89157-957-6 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    And said, I will not be your shepherd. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish. Let those who are left eat one another's flesh.

    —Zechariah 11:9 NIV

    Chapter 1

    The Beast with the Sack of Heads

    Chapter 2

    The Deal with Ryker

    Chapter 3

    Raka Meets the Aztecs and Myans

    Chapter 4

    Beware of the Lacandon Jungle

    Chapter 5

    Warriors of Tikal

    Chapter 6

    Release the Tzitzimitl

    Chapter 7


    Chapter 8

    Raka's Betrayal

    Chapter 9

    Downfall of the Goryo

    Chapter 10

    The Yonshi's Sword

    And said, I will not be your shepherd. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish. Let those who are left eat one another's flesh.

    —Zechariah 11:9 NIV

    Chapter 1

    The Beast with the Sack of Heads

    Blood flooded on what used to be clear blue water, blanketing it. There wasn't any sign of aquatic life in it anymore. The sky was no longer its beautiful colors; only a strange mystic color dwelled in its rightful place, stealing the once joyful rays that the sun used to bring. You could not tell whether it was day or night, staying in its grayish ominous state with a storm brewing above in the clouds and horrifying creatures of the abyss flying in and out of the black clouds. This happened after Scar had fled the cavern, escaping Raka before he could devour him, for he has come to steal, kill, and destroy…sound familiar? Scar had made safe distance from his nemesis. His friends quickly sent word back home to gain reinforcements, while Raka laid waste to his old adversaries.

    Kingdoms killing all their heirs, that bastard—how dare he. He felt he deserved this from his long imprisonment, and all that time, man served him, and they betrayed him. The fools ceased giving him their eldest sons to join his ranks, becoming monstrous things with his power and armies. He crushed all their enemies for them, until seven sorcerers had used their magic to stop him and his army taking back the crystal they'd given him. This battle was on another scale of power, decimating the land.

    In the end, the price was grave. Changing these saviors into monsters…they cursed themselves now protecting the tomb where Ezra did his ghastly deed. But did they truly succeed, or had it made matters worse, leaving him in that hell for so long to plot? I know not of how this tale shall end, but I do know that help will always come to the brave tsueno Scar. But nonetheless, the fierce vengeance of Lord Raka has begun. Bones were crushed, men and women were thrown over ledges, houses were set on fire with families in them. Wild mutts fought over who would have the feast of corpses that were rising in number, while many varieties of birds swarmed the air, gathering around the bodies, their young ate their blood.

    The ghoulish army continued on their rampage of horror. Many things that were witnessed were too horrid to speak upon. They roared horrendously, charging kingdoms, shimmering as some began to look like zombies. They scaled up castle walls as soldiers tried to use their primitive weapons. The daft humans…they never learn.

    Where are the sorcerers? They said they'd protect us from them! shouted a man while he ran, holding his child in his arms with his wife behind holding the hand of another of their children. The other four were shortly behind, but unfortunately, one could not keep up. There was a sudden flood of people who came from the side down a back street that blocked the child's way.

    But behind the terrified townspeople was a large ghost, a man-like creature that was swatting people and eating them while dragons soared overhead blowing out fire. Soldiers began to use ancient weapons crafted by the sorcerers that were made just in case they ever escaped their prison. Many kingdoms already have these weapons, thankfully, but the crafty ghouls are in the hundreds of thousands upon Gastaulon City. Too many to smite and kill and again sending them back to where they belong for good. The large creature continued onward as he saw the awe and fear-struct child looking at him. Do not fret, he didn't devour him. Oh, no, something far worse.

    He reached out one long creepy finger and touched his forehead and spoke in a different language as the child's eyes turned an odd color. Then the beast picked him up and opened his mouth abnormally wide and projected an orange mist into his face, setting him back down as his mouth cracked shrinking back to its normal size. He turned his head, fixing his gaze upon a group of women warriors who were holding their own against the vile pale ones. He roared and ran toward them.

    The boy suddenly began to cry as his voice quickly changed into howls, and his body began to grow in size! He had long white hair standing tall with pride. He screeched loudly and climbed up the wall next to him and hopped from building to building and attacked a platoon of men who had just released their special ancient weaponry arrows upon twelve pale ones. They shrieked and growled. Some ran on all fours to them as the arrows made their mark, hitting some between the eyes, tumbling over one another to the ground. As fifty more were coming right after that, You cannot win, you will be our slaves or die! shouted one. Just after those words, men and women who were in purple armor attacked them from the sky upon winged beasts that had three tails and yellow fur with swirls upon their bodies, the color silver.

    Raka watched as this played out. He sighed. This is boring me, so many who chose to fight when it's utterly pointless. He stood tall next to a dragon that had sea moss skin with burgundy stripes on it and sapphire eyes, while he had nine more ghoul brethren beasts surrounding him who were different than a normal Bodeka ghost and each having their own unique powers. One had long red hair with orange eyes. His name was Buratis.

    Brother, when will I—I mean, we go after Scar, this battle here seems it'll take months to conquer them. They've been blessed by those damn sorcerers with the tools to kill us for good. Don't you hear our brothers and sisters dying? asked Ezra.

    Raka turned to face his kin. "Why are you so eager to live, do you now fear death like the humans? We are the Bodeka and we fear nothing. As for Scar, I am not worried about him, for now. I'll deal with him and

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