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Staring Into the Eyes of a Devastated Woman
Staring Into the Eyes of a Devastated Woman
Staring Into the Eyes of a Devastated Woman
Ebook50 pages50 minutes

Staring Into the Eyes of a Devastated Woman

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About this ebook

This story is about a young girl who thought life was so beautiful until the mirror broke, then she actually saw the truth of horrific events that started taking place in her life. She had nowhere to run or hide, so she went to the streets where her life took her on a journey of no return!

She had to figure out all these obstacles on her own, which was really sad for the most part. Some events were life-threatening, but somehow, she managed to stand on solid ground and take her life back and pick up all the shattered pieces so she could see clearly and live a normal life, even though it would never be the same.

Even as a grown woman, she still had trauma from all the abuse a human should not ever experience in life. It all boils down to watching the company you keep. Not all people have your best interest.

Release dateJun 27, 2024
Staring Into the Eyes of a Devastated Woman

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    Staring Into the Eyes of a Devastated Woman - Sharell Gonzales


    Staring Into the Eyes of a Devastated Woman

    Sharell Gonzales

    Copyright © 2024 Sharell Gonzales

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89315-052-0 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-89315-068-1 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    About the Author

    Free as a bird, living life freely without a care in the world. Just going to school and coming home to a home-cooked meal every day. Then me and my brothers would go outside and play until about seven o'clock in the evening. Then we had to get ready for our shower so we could repeat our day again.

    There were seven of us, and I made eight. Yeah, big family, but soon we would understand the reality of our life at some point. My mother was an old country girl, and my father was a city boy, which very much showed after a while.

    My mom was quiet, had just a mouthful of words when spoken to, which became a problem after a while.

    As I was approaching the age of twelve, I noticed that things on my body started to bloom, and then my menstruation came! My sisters weren't any help! And my mother didn't teach us nothing about any of these things.

    So at school, we would watch videos of how to take care of yourself when starting your period and what to use, and that's how I learned what to do. I was a very shy little girl, but soon that would take a turn as well.

    My father was a man of harsh words who hardly smiled. I was afraid of him.

    So here comes summer, and schools out! I'm happy me and my friends get to go to the pool, hang out, and go look at the little boys, or so I thought. Instead, my sister invited me to go with her, and we took one of my friends along. Well, this guy picked us all up. And before I knew it, we were at a bar having beer. I'm thirteen years old, but I thought it was all fun until it was time to go home. I looked at the time. It was exactly eleven twenty, which was way past our curfew.

    So my sister said to us, Don't worry, you guys are with me, and you're not in trouble. So my sister's guy friend asked if she was ready. She said yes. Well, the party didn't stop there. He took us over to some house on a dirt road where she continued to drink.

    I finally said, I'm tired, and my friend said, Me too, so we got in the car. The guy was drunk, so my sister drove while he was standing on the hood yelling out Spanish words. Of course we were laughing not knowing. If ever the cops would have pulled us over, we smelled like a brewery.

    So it's almost one thirty in the morning, and he turned up his music, so we were all telling him to turn it down so he wouldn't wake our parents. This was not happening since he was drunk to a level of no return.

    So me and my friend got out of the back seat and started walking toward the front porch. My sister was still talking to the guy, so we waited for her. She finally got out of her conversation and said, I'm coming. She told me to go in.

    I said, No! You go in first.

    So she did. Then my friend went in, and I'm the last one. All of a sudden, the hallway light came on!

    Oh my god! There were my mom and my dad looking at me as if I had murdered someone. I heard my mother tell my father to get me, so my father walked calmly down the stairs and punched me so hard in my eye! I couldn't see out of it for months. It was so huge, I didn't even recognize myself. I cried for days. Not only did it hurt my feelings, I didn't understand why

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