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T-Rex Attack 2: Escape From“Dinosaur” Prison: The T-Rex Attack Series, #2
T-Rex Attack 2: Escape From“Dinosaur” Prison: The T-Rex Attack Series, #2
T-Rex Attack 2: Escape From“Dinosaur” Prison: The T-Rex Attack Series, #2
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T-Rex Attack 2: Escape From“Dinosaur” Prison: The T-Rex Attack Series, #2

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Meanwhile, the Russian President is distraught and embarrassed at losing his nuclear arsenal, and seeks to get revenge against the Americans. He plots to force them into a land war and defeat them in the same way that his forefathers had done to Napoleon and the Nazis. The TT Agents work with an eccentric old scientist to foil the Russian's efforts to transport opium to a drug cartel operating in Mexico.

Release dateJun 28, 2024
T-Rex Attack 2: Escape From“Dinosaur” Prison: The T-Rex Attack Series, #2

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    T-Rex Attack 2 - Sterling Paxton


    It was a beautiful July night in1248 A.D.  The sky was clear, and there was a warm, gentle breeze blowing in from the southwest.  A wolf pack could be heard howling in the distance, while a big beautiful moon was illuminating the surrounding landscape.  The time outpost located there was commanded by Major Earnest Lockwood.  He was pouring himself a stiff shot of cognac before turning in for the night.  It had been a long and tiring day for the balding, thirty-six year old military man.  In addition to overseeing the tear-down of the Russian camp, he had met with the native Mescalero to accept their thanks on behalf of his government.  The natives were very thankful to the Americans for freeing their tribal members from the clutches of the evil Russian Devils.

    These despicable men had abducted and molested many of their family members.  They did this while also forcing them to grow opium out in the blazing sun.  Fortunately, these poor natives had now been released from their chains.  The Major had barely laid down, when the phone on the nightstand began jarring him back to consciousness with its infernal rattle.

    Hello, answered Lockwood, in the grumpy tone, he often used to display his displeasure at being disturbed after duty hours.

    I'm sorry to bother you, sir, apologized the voice, on the other end of the line, but, I thought you should know that Captain Washington was attacked by a Velociraptor.  Apparently, it was the same one that escaped from its cage a few days back.

    Confound it!' exclaimed the major, angrily, Didn't any of the sentries see it, when it came back into camp?"

    The creature didn't return to the base, sir.

    What—? grumbled the major, "Well, soldier, I think its time we quit playing twenty questions, and you tell me exactly what happened.

    Yes, sir, replied the orderly, nervously, As you know, we've had some of our drones out searching for the creature since it escaped, and last night, one of them picked up a large heat signature.  When the drone was sent down to investigate, it sent back images of the Velociraptor attacking a human.  The operator then used its laser to target, and kill the beast.  The attack only happened about a mile from base, and fortunately we were able to get a medical team there in a matter of minutes.  That was when one of the men recognized the victim as Captain Washington.  The team reports that he is in serious condition, but is currently being transported to the infirmary for emergency surgery.

    I see, replied the commander, but, I don't understand what Washington was doing outside the camp?  I gave specific orders that no one was leave camp at night, just so we could avoid an incident like this.

    Well, sir, it seems that Captain Washington intended to go AWOL(Absent Without Leave.)

    —and just how did you arrive at that conclusion, Lieutenant? asked the major.

    Well, sir, there was a sleeping bag along with a stash of food and other supplies at the attack site.  It appears that he intended to stay here in 1248 A.D., when we finished dismantling our base here, and returned home.

    That makes a lot of sense, replied Major Lockwood, with a sigh, I just informed him earlier today that there would be a full scale investigation into his involvement in the death of Colonel Anderson.  I guess the captain's attempt to desert his post is tantamount to an admission of guilt.  Well, I suppose you had better put a guard on him.  The old man had a lot of friends, and one of them might decide to pull the plug on our murderer.  Colonel Anderson was a friend of mine, and if truth be told, I wouldn't mind strangling the man myself.  Well anyway, is that all you have for me, Lieutenant?

    Yes, sir, for now.

    Alright, orderly, but don't disturb me again, unless it can't really wait until tomorrow.

    The following afternoon, when Captain Jamil Washington regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a hospital bed with a needle jabbed in his arm.  He could see a thin tube traveling up to a large, half-full clear bag, that contained some sort of medical solution.  After yawning and rubbing his eyes, he glanced around the room, and that's when he saw the armed guard sitting across from his bed.  The man was intently watching him.  It was then that he recalled the horrible events from the previous night. 

    After a moment, Jamil lied, while saying, Sargent Allen, I don't seem to recall what happened, do you know?

    Sir, replied, the guard, with a grimace, My orders are to inform you that you have been placed under arrest for desertion, and that I am to shoot to kill, if you make any attempt to escape.

    Well, I'm certainly in no condition to try anything like that, replied the injured man, I doubt that I could even get out of this bed without help.

    Yes, sir, but some people have been know to do physically amazing things, when their freedom depended on it' answered the Sargent, and, you should be aware that I will not hesitate to carry out my orders, if necessary.

    It doesn't sound as if you like me very much, Sargent Allen.

    You would be correct in that assumption, sir.  Colonel Anderson was a nice old man, and didn't deserve to be pushed off the rocks by you, and eaten by a T-Rex.  There are many here who feel the same way.  You're just lucky that its me guarding you, and not one of the others.  There are many here who would like nothing better than to see you dead.

    Is that so, Sargent, well, I would remind you that I haven't been convicted of any crimes as of yet, and am therefore and innocent man in the eyes of the law.

    Yes, sir, but I'm sure that will change once you stand trial, answered Sargent Allen, with a sneer, especially, after the way you tried to run away.

    Are we still at the base in 1248 A.D.?

    Yes, sir, but the colonel said that he was sending you back, as soon as you are able to travel.

    What about the rest of the personnel here? asked Jamil, When will the shutdown be completed?

    It won't, I overheard Colonel Anderson say that the government intends to maintain a permanent base here.  It seems they want to study the natives, and the local fauna, responded Sargent Allen, and, I guess that means none of us will be returning home anytime soon.

    Would you tell the medic I need some painkiller for my shoulder, asked Captain Washington with a groan.

    The serial killer then closed his eyes, and contemplated how he could use the information that he had just received.  As Jamil lay there fighting the off pain, he knew that he wasn't in any condition for an escape attempt, but that didn't stop him from gathering as much info about his environment as possible—should the opportunity arise.

    The Navy SEAL knew that if he was transported back to the Twenty-First Century, then it would be much more difficult, if not impossible to hide out after escaping.  The distant past offered so many more opportunities for a man seeking to start a new life.  Now that he knew the U.S. intended to maintain a permanent presence here, he would have to change his plans accordingly.  If he managed to get away, he would have to leave this area for good.  Jamil knew that meant he might have to travel several hundred miles to find the safety he was seeking.  Perhaps, he would have to go all the way down to what would eventually be called South America in a few hundred years.

    After a restless night wondering about his future, if in deed he had one, Jamil heard footsteps outside his hospital room.  A few moment later, he saw a familiar figure entering the room.  It was Captain Jose Guzman, the head of camp security.  Jamil realized that the man must have come to ascertain whether he was in good enough condition for transport back through the time tunnel.  He then to grimace, as if in great pain, while trying his best to look as haggard and unhealthy as he could.  He saw Guzman give him a hard look, that didn't contain the least bit of friendliness, or concern for his physical well-being.

    So, how are you feeling, Jamil? asked Captain Guzman, in a tone that showed he didn't care in the slightest.

    I'm not feeling very well at all, grimaced Washington, while trying to exaggerate the state of his illness, In fact, I was in so much pain last night, that I couldn’t get to sleep.  I just feel terrible all over.

    Captain Guzman walked over close to the bed and stared down at Jamil, before replying, Major Lockwood told me to use my own discretion, as to when you would be able to be transported back for trial, and I've decided that you're going back first thing in the morning.

    But, I'm not strong enough for that yet, complained Jamil, while desperately hoping to delay long enough for him to recover, and attempt an escape.

    The security chief glanced around the room, and then whispered in a soft voice, I couldn’t care less how well you feel, you're going back tomorrow, even if it kills you.  You know there are a lot of people around here that are going to stand in line to spit on your grave, when you get what's coming to you, and the sooner the better.  There's going to be some vibrations when we take you through the tunnel, and I hope every single one of them tears a hole into your wicked soul.  Oh yeah, if you're got any crazy idea about leaving here, just remember there are security cameras watching your ever move, and the guards have orders to shoot to kill.

    With those parting words, Guzman turned and left without a backwards glance.  The injured serial killer slowly exhaled while feeling a great deal of disappointment at what had just happened.  Tomorrow was much too soon for an escape attempt, given the condition he was in.  Without some intervening miracle, it appeared that any escape attempt would have to be done under much more challenging circumstances, in the distant future. 

    True to his word, the following morning, Captain Guzman arrived with half-a-dozen armed men.  They quickly picked up Jamil and transferred him onto a wheeled platform.  He was then taken outside to a waiting four wheel utility vehicle.  As he was being loaded onto a mattress lying in the back of the transport cart, he noticed that there was a small crowd gathered around watching what was happening.  Among them was a man that he knew very well

    It was Jack Bodaway.  He had been the leader of SEAL Team 6 when it had gone after Osama bin Laden.  In fact, he had fired the fatal bullets that had killed the infamous terrorist leader.  Soon after that Jack had been reassigned as an agent in the newly created Time Travel Service, and Jamil had been selected to be his replacement.  Later, Captain Washington and his team had worked with Bodaway to capture the Russian base, and free the natives that had taken hostage. 

    Jamil noticed that Jack was no longer wearing the special native buckskin clothing, he had seemed to favor so much back then.  He was now dressed in one of the black suits that the TTS agents wore, while interacting with the natives.  When the injured man looked at the former Navy SEAL leader, he was met with a hard unemotional stare.  For a moment, Jamil was angry that his former friend had already convicted him without a trial.  This quickly turned to embarrassment, when remembered that he was actually guilty of what he had been accursed. 

    A couple of minutes later, the young serial killer felt relieved when the vehicle finally transported him away from there.  He didn’t like  hateful stares of those glaring at him, with disgust in their eyes.  Four minutes later, the utility vehicle pulled up in front of a large field where the time tunnel was scheduled to materialize.  There was eighteen minutes still left to go, as Jamil lay there with the hot sun beating down on him.  He could feel the sweat breaking out on his forehead, and dripping down to sting his eyes.  If that wasn’t bad enough, the pain in his shoulder was becoming stronger.

    Jamil turned towards Captain Guzman, and said, The pain is getting worse, can I get some painkiller?

    You be a good boy, and maybe I'll have the medic give you a shot when we get on the other side, replied Jose, in a disdainful tone of voice.

    Please, I really need—

    You heard me, Captain Washington, now quit acting like a baby, and show a little gumption, if you can.

    The long minutes seemed to pass like hours as the excruciating pain was torturing the injured man's body.  It felt like hot needles sticking into the very center of his soul.  After what seemed to be an eternity, a soft humming sound could be heard.  Then a large, misty blue swirl appeared out of the thin air, and quickly stabilized into a solid tunnel.  Then several men armed with M-16's came out of the interior and stood near the entrance.  Their job was to inspect the area, and guard against any unwelcome intruders, who might try to force their way into the tunnel.  Once assured that everything was as it should be, the leader motioned for the support personnel to begin offloading supplies.  It was military protocol to do this, before any supplies or returning passengers could be allowed inside. 

    As Jamil lay there gritting his teeth in pain, he couldn’t help thinking about all the gruesome ways, in which he would like to torture and murder Captain Guzman.  A short time later, the okay was given to allow him to enter inside the swirling blue time vortex.  He managed to breathe a sigh of relief when the vehicle finally began moving.  However, as soon as the utility vehicle began rolling inside, the prisoner could feel the vibrations began to shake his body.  As bad as the pain was before, it now became much worse, and he soon passed into the blissful release of unconsciousness.

    As the large blue swirl began vanishing again, Jake Bodaway stood there with his muscular arms folded across his chest.  He then sighed while staring down at the green grass growing near his feet.  It was hard for him to comprehend, why a man he considered a friend, would stoop to committing such horrible crimes.  Earlier that morning, the TTS Agent had been in Major Lockwood's office when a preliminary FBI report came in.  It contained a mountain of circumstantial evidence linking Captain Washington to other murders.  This included two at a Texas university, he had attended prior to joining the military.  It was clear that the man's attempt to go AWOL, was an admission of guilt.  The young serial killer was now going back to the Twenty-First Century, to face the justice he so rightly deserved.

    In a moment, Jack remembered what he had to do and went to make preparations.  He armed himself with an M-16, and a sidearm.  He then walked over to the base motor-pool, to sign out one of the four wheelers.  Twenty minutes later, he arrived at the Mescalero camp, and went to find his friend Gray Wolf.  The Mescalero brave was sitting with his mate Little Deer down by the stream that ran near the camp.  Both jumped up quickly when they saw him coming, and hurried to meet the man who had done so much to save their tribe from the Russian Devils. 

    Although, the TTS agent was a Twenty-First Century man, he had much in common with these natives from 1248 A.D., than the people from his own time.  Jack had been especially recruited for this mission because he was a Mescalero.  In fact, his name Bodaway, meant Fire-Maker, in their native language.  During the short time he had been here in the distant past, he and Gray Wolf had become very good friends.

    Da go Te' greeted Gray Eagle, with a warm smile, Welcome to our village, Fire-Maker, perhaps we could go hunting together while you are here?

    Thank you, my friend, replied Jack, I wish that I could, but I have much to do before I have to return home tomorrow.

    You are returning in the blue tunnel?

    Yes, my chief demands that I come home, replied Jack, with a sad shrug of his shoulders, Perhaps there will be time, if I am allowed to come back here again.

    Fire-Maker, you do not sound too sure that you will be able to return here once you have left, said the Mescalero brave.

    That's true, my friend, and it makes me very sad.

    Then, Fire-Maker, I wish you a safe journey, and may the Great Spirit watch over you and the members of your tribe.

    Chapter 2

    Three months later, the President of the United States was sitting in his office listening his advisors.  When they finished,he stood up, and went to look out the window, while doing some thinking.  He could still see some of the damages caused by the dinosaur attack on Washington D.C.  Most of it had been repaired, but there were still some patches of bare earth that had been reseeded.  It would still be many weeks before they regained their former glory.  The high metal fence had been rebuilt, and no one that hadn't known of the recent attack, would have noticed any difference in its appearance.  The easiest thing to repair had been the swimming

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