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Ocean Adventures: Michael's Life on the High Seas
Ocean Adventures: Michael's Life on the High Seas
Ocean Adventures: Michael's Life on the High Seas
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Ocean Adventures: Michael's Life on the High Seas

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"Ocean Adventures" is about a young 17-year-old man named Michael who sells everything they own to live aboard a Cruise Liner. That is when he learns to breath underwater, scale the ship and have respect for Marine life. He finds a young lady and loses her to departure of the ship. He then finds another woman who has the same love for the ocean

Release dateJun 23, 2024
Ocean Adventures: Michael's Life on the High Seas

Sheryl Nausley Fry

I began writing novels because I was held hostage by a scammer which is why I wrote "A Scammer's Hostage" it is not a fun thing to be held a prisoner, even if it was not in person. I believe scammer's should be exposed and inform people how to tell a scammer from a normal person.

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    Ocean Adventures - Sheryl Nausley Fry

    Ocean Adventures

    Ocean Adventures

    Michael's Life on the High Seas

    Sheryl Nausley Fry

    Ingram Spark Publishing

    Ocean Adventures


    Title Page


    1 A New Beginning

    2 Discovering the Underwater World

    3 Life aboard a Floating Paradise

    4 Skilled Sailing

    5 The Depth's of Wonder

    6 Protecting Marine and Ocean Life

    7 A Love Found and Lost

    8 Sea of Solitude in Love

    9 Love on the High Seas

    10 The Dream Wedding

    11 The Arrival of the Babies

    12 Journey of Childbirth

    13 Doubling the Love

    14 Life on the Ocean

    15 Raised on the Sea



    Title Page

    Ocean Adventures

    Michael’s Life on the High Seas


    Ocean Adventures follows the journey of Michael and his family as they swap their conventional life for an extraordinary existence on a cruise liner. As an 18-year-old, Michael meets Melanie, a daring and free-spirited girl who opens his eyes to the ocean's marvels. She teaches him unique skills like breathing underwater without equipment and scaling the ship's exterior, igniting his fascination with marine life. His passion drives him to enroll in an adult Marine Biology course, setting him apart as the only young adult on board to do so.

    Michael's personal growth continues as he experiences love, with Kathryn becoming his lifelong partner. Together, they embrace the adventurous lifestyle of the cruise ship, eventually welcoming twins—a boy and a girl. The couple raises their children amidst the vast ocean, turning the world into their classroom and the ship into their playground.

    Throughout their voyage, the family faces many challenges but also savors moments of pure joy. The cruise liner offers them a unique opportunity to explore the globe, immerse themselves in diverse cultures, and forge connections with fascinating people.

    Ocean Adventures is a heartwarming and inspiring tale of a family who boldly chooses a life of adventure. It serves as a reminder to seize life's opportunities and pursue our dreams with determination and passion. The story encourages readers to embrace their passions, explore the world, and appreciate the ocean's beauty and its incredible inhabitants. It also highlights the importance of protecting our planet and making a positive impact on the world around us.


    A New Beginning

    Michael stared out at the endless horizon, the sun dipping below the waves in a blaze of fiery colors. In just a few days, he would turn eighteen, but today marked the beginning of an adventure he had never expected. The idea of trading their static suburban life for one on a cruise ship had seemed like a wild dream, yet here they were.

    Can you believe we’re actually doing this? Michael’s mom, Susan, asked, her voice brimming with excitement as she joined him on the deck.

    Michael grinned, feeling the ocean breeze on his face. It feels surreal. But it is exactly what we needed. No more boring routines.

    His dad, Tom, walked up, clapping Michael on the shoulder. This is it, son. A chance to see the world and make some incredible memories.

    The decision had not come easy. They had spent months debating, weighing the pros and cons, before finally deciding to pack up their lives and embark on this journey. Now, as they watched the shoreline recede into the distance, the excitement was palpable.

    The ship was a marvel of modern engineering, with every luxury and convenience they could imagine. But for Michael, the real thrill lay in the promise of adventure and the unknown. He was a few days away from adulthood, and the world was his oyster.

    The first few days on the ship were a whirlwind of new experiences. Michael quickly found his sea legs and immersed himself in the myriad of activities available. One evening, as he wandered the upper deck, he stumbled upon a girl about his age perched on the railing, gazing out at the ocean.

    Hey there, Michael called out, walking over. Mind if I join you?

    The girl turned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Not at all. I am Melanie.

    Michael. So, what is a fearless girl like you doing up here?

    She laughed; a sound as free as the wind. Just enjoying the view. The ocean is full of mysteries, you know. Have you ever tried breathing underwater without equipment?

    Michael raised an eyebrow. That’s not possible.

    Sure, it is, Melanie said, hopping down from the railing. Come on, I’ll show you.

    The next morning, Michael found himself in the ship’s pool, skeptical but curious. Melanie proved a technique she called The Siren’s Breath, and to his astonishment, he managed to stay underwater longer than he ever thought possible.

    That’s incredible, he gasped when he surfaced. Where did you learn that?

    Melanie shrugged. My grandpa was a diver. He taught me all kinds of tricks. Want to see another?

    As days turned into weeks, Melanie and Michael became inseparable. She showed him how to scale the ship’s exterior, much to the crew’s amusement and occasional annoyance. They explored every nook and cranny of the vessel, finding hidden spots to hang out and watch the stars.

    One evening, as they sat on the ship's bow, Melanie turned to Michael with a serious expression. What do you want out of this adventure, Michael?

    He thought for a moment, looking out at the dark expanse of water. I want to learn. About the world, about myself. I want to do something meaningful.

    Melanie smiled. Then you are in the right place. The ocean has a way of teaching you things you cannot learn anywhere else.

    Life on the cruise ship was anything but monotonous. Michael enrolled in an adult Marine Biology course, the youngest student by far. His enthusiasm and curiosity earned him the respect of his peers and instructors.

    One afternoon, during a lecture on coral reefs, the instructor, Dr. Hayes, noticed Michael’s intense focus. You have a real passion for this, Michael. Have you ever considered a career in marine biology?

    Michael nodded, excitement bubbling up. I have thought about it. There is just so much to discover and protect.

    Dr. Hayes smiled. Well, you are in the right place to start. Keep at it, and you will go far.

    As the months passed, Michael’s life on the ship became a blend of learning and adventure. He formed close bonds with the crew and other passengers, creating a sense of community he had never felt before. And amidst it all, his friendship with Melanie deepened, though it remained just that—a friendship.

    On the eve of his 18th birthday, as the ship sailed under a canopy of stars, Michael stood on the deck, feeling a profound sense of freedom and possibility. He looked out at the vast, dark ocean, knowing that this was just the beginning.

    Here’s to new beginnings, he murmured to himself, a smile playing on his lips. And to all the adventures still to come.

    Michael lay in bed that night, unable to sleep. The gentle rocking of the ship was a constant reminder of how different his life had become. He could hear the distant hum of the ship's engines and the occasional call of seabirds. His mind raced with thoughts of the future and the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

    The next morning, he woke up early and headed to the ship's gym for a workout. As he lifted weights, he thought about how much he had already changed in such a brief time. The physical exertion felt good, grounding him and giving him a sense of control.

    After his workout, Michael grabbed a quick breakfast and headed to the ship’s library, where his Marine Biology class was held. Dr. Hayes greeted him with a nod and a smile.

    Good to see you, Michael. Ready for another day of learning?

    Always, Michael replied, taking his seat.

    Today's lecture was about the intricate symbiosis between coral and algae. As Dr. Hayes explained the delicate balance that kept coral reefs alive, Michael’s mind wandered to the vivid coral reefs he had seen during one of the ship's excursions. He remembered the feeling of weightlessness as he floated above the colorful underwater world, marveling at the diversity of life.

    After the lecture, Michael stayed behind to ask Dr. Hayes some questions.

    I was wondering, Michael began, how much human activity is affecting coral reefs? I mean, I have read about bleaching and pollution, but seeing it up close... it is just so different.

    Dr. Hayes nodded solemnly. It is a significant problem, Michael. Climate change, overfishing, and pollution are all taking a toll. But that is why it is so important for people like you to get involved. Awareness is the first step toward change.

    Michael left the library with a renewed sense of purpose. He found Melanie lounging by the pool and joined her.

    Hey, brainiac, she teased, shading her eyes from the sun. How was class?

    Eye-opening, as always, Michael replied. Want to go for a swim?

    They spent the afternoon diving and swimming, practicing the techniques Melanie had taught him. Later, as they dried off on the deck, Michael felt an overwhelming sense of contentment.

    Do you ever think about the future? Melanie asked suddenly.

    Of course, Michael said. "But I try not to stress about it too

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