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Why Do We Bury The Dead & Crusify The Living
Why Do We Bury The Dead & Crusify The Living
Why Do We Bury The Dead & Crusify The Living
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Why Do We Bury The Dead & Crusify The Living

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Why do we bury the dead and crusify the living?

The image conceptualizes the thought 

the thought lives in the mind leaving the mind to be a living dream fighting for survival in reality.

We mourn the dead we scorn the living. What is the meaning of life? Perhaps we will find meaning in the after life.

Release dateJun 29, 2024
Why Do We Bury The Dead & Crusify The Living

Nkosinathi Ncala Jehovah Flow

Poet  From South Africa. A diverse style of poetry  Influences of the following genra Literature Philosophy Psychology Philosophy

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    Why Do We Bury The Dead & Crusify The Living - Nkosinathi Ncala Jehovah Flow

    Table of Contents

    Why Do We Bury The Dead & Crusify The Living

    About the Author

    Book 18 Why Do We Bury The Dead & Crucify The Living

    Nkosinathi Ncala I Am Mars

    1. The concentration of consciousness.

    2.Looking Inside A Thought What Will You Find?

    3.Today Is Live ( Humanity We In The Presence of The Gods ).

    4.Jeopardy Double Crossed Honour 

    5.The Sun Projects Rays of Light Resonating With The Spectrum Bringing Life Alive.

    6.The Sun Is Alive The Moon Is Dead Nkosinathi Ncala I Am Mars

    7. Glutonny

    8. Mental Health

    9. The Corpse

    10.The Angel Between A Tri Angle The Circumference of A Circle

    11.Meditate Till  The Dimension of Reality Collapses.

    12. Speak

    13.How Thought Is Conceived

    14. Lyrical Orgies Introduction

    15.The Impaired Thought 

    16.When Consciousness Has A Septic Memory Is Consciousness Wounded.

    17. When Consciousness Has A Septic Memory Is Consciousness Wounded.

    18.Plastic Dries Quicker Then Sand

    19. Dream 1 The Octopus and The Serpent 

    20. Dream 2 The Dead Elephant

    21. Dream 3 Ants On The Door 

    22. Dream 4 Waking Up To Eternity

    23. Dream 5 The Lion In The Den 

    24. Dream 6 The Fox In The Fox Hole 

    25.Dream 7 The 8 Eyes Balls Left Eye & Right Eyes Pairs of God & The 3 Primary Goddesses of Creation

    26. The Dairy of An Angel Intercepted By A Satanist

    27.The 8th Dimension Look Consciousness In The Eye.

    28.The Capacity of Thought

    29.2 Rays of Light Beam From The Sun

    30. Glitches & The Simulation

    31.Shadows Have No Soul They Are The Spirit of The Dead

    32.Life Is The Pure Source  of Natural Light Watch As The Image Comes Alive.

    33.Whoredome Watch Your Mouth Player ( What's Constitutes How? You Me Pimp )?

    34.The Misconception of Fear

    35.Umbilical Flow

    36.Welcoming A Stranger You Are Now In The Presence of An Angel

    37.The Sun Bleeds Gold The Moon Is Littered With Diamonds.

    38.Seeds Venom And Silvia 

    39.The Distance Between 2 Stars Is Parallel To Breath.

    40.What Came First Birth or Death?

    41.Mediation & Yoga 

    42.As A Thought Pierces The Layer of Consciousness

    43.What Is The Force That Birthed Life. Creation.

    44.Looking Within The Boarders of The Mind

    45.The State of Thought

    46.What Are The Primarily Ways of Thinking? What Are The Different Forms of Thought?

    47.Unearthing Layers of Consciousness.


    Nkosinathi Ncala I Am Mars

    The concentration of consciousness.

    Versus the density of thought.

    Determines the altitude of perspective.

    The relevance of circumstance is ever relevant to adversity.

    The becoming of the moment is the declassification of yesterday

    history is embedded in today essentially the moment is a reflection of 

    of the future mirroring eternity.

    A perspective on how you see reality.

    For instance we meet at a restaurant or coffee shop.

    It is our 5th physical date.

    On the socials WhatsApp and snap chat we seem 

    to be computable. Yet before we add each other on the Facebook 

    Twitter and Instagram we physically having lunch.

    I have learnt to sit still.

    Give moderate eye contact.

    Speak when asked to.

    Yet to just list is the best way to be heard.

    Are you following me?

    Ask leading question.

    Be silent and give affirmative body language.

    The more comfortable your date is the more she opens up.

    You will catch a glimpse of a smile.

    Laughter will cancel a frown.

    Suspense will build.

    Proverbial butterflies will swirl in your tummy.

    Goose bumps.

    The thought of the first kiss is coming alive

    the possibilities of kissing her today are probable.

    The content of the conversation.

    She keeps talking about other guys.

    His biceps.

    His abs.

    His lips.

    His hazel brown eyes.

    Well in the back of your head you could easily fantasise about 

    about the girl 4 rows from your table 

    Seated by the window.

    Black dress green top 

    Natural afro hair 

    Gorgeous no make up a tease of mascara.

    She is all alone.

    She keeps glancing at you.

    You old enough to know she is not into you 

    She can tell you into this girl she is saying all the wrong things.

    Commanding the wrong attention.

    Now you have been distracted.

    You nolonger listening you passive.

    Body language is non responsive.

    You irritable.

    Your face changes.

    You glaring.

    She picks it up are you ok?

    Now you staring.

    She is now a little uneasy.

    Her shoulder toughens up.

    Her words run dry.

    Her face turns cold.

    She says she lost her appetite.

    You are ok?

    She looks at you.

    And she rolls her eyes.

    The next 10 minutes you waiting for your food to arrive.

    You both rush the meal.

    Ignoring the waiter each time she comes to check 

    if you enjoying the me.

    You have not made eye contact with other in 17 minutes.

    The room temperature is as cold as morgue.

    Yet a corpse has more life then both of you right now.

    Your heart bleeds deep down in your deepest thought 

    You know you will never see her again.

    Who is to blame for this reality?


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