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Broadcasting Live From A Cemetery Called The Mind
Broadcasting Live From A Cemetery Called The Mind
Broadcasting Live From A Cemetery Called The Mind
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Broadcasting Live From A Cemetery Called The Mind

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Broadcasting Live From A Cemetery Called The Mind

The birth of consciousness is raw energy the conception of the imagination.

Watch as life transforms a thought from a raw image into a thought

a dream will ultimately become a living memory in the mind and reality.

Release dateJun 29, 2024
Broadcasting Live From A Cemetery Called The Mind

Nkosinathi Ncala Jehovah Flow

Poet  From South Africa. A diverse style of poetry  Influences of the following genra Literature Philosophy Psychology Philosophy

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    Book preview

    Broadcasting Live From A Cemetery Called The Mind - Nkosinathi Ncala Jehovah Flow

    Table of Contents

    Broadcasting Live From A Cemetery Called The Mind

    About the Author

    Book 19 Broadcasting Live From The Cemetery Called The Mind

    1.How Would The Mind Project Consciouness Without Thought?

    2.Broadcasting Live From The Cemetery of The Mind.

    3.The Paradigm of The Spectrum of Light?

    4.The Beginning of Eternity.


    6.The Observation of Time As Life Is Coming Alive.

    7.Unearth The Minerals of The Mind You Will Find Heaven.

    8.The Key That Unlocks All Doors 

    9. What If God Is The Sun

    10.The Frequency of Silence is Synonymous With Sound.

    11.The Hierarchy of Life ( The Flow Is Called The Distance ).


    13.Light Speed Motion The Frequency of Darkness 

    14.Compressing A Negative Thought Into A Positive Thought

    15.Dismantling A Vibration Breaking The Command of Concentration.

    16.Be Immersed In The Splendour of The Universe Float On A Cloud

    17.The Space Between 2 Breathes 

    18.The Distance Between The Grave & Heaven

    19.The Mind is An Extension of Reality.

    20.The Colony of Thought

    21.What Is the Force Exerted On Consciouness Needed For The Thought To Exit The Mind?

    22.The Attributes of Thought

    23.Iscariot ( Jew Dust Close Enough To Betray ).

    24.I Decided To Follow A Thought From Birth Till It Left The Mind

    25.Let Us Perform An Operation On Thought & Examine Is Thought In Good Standing With God?

    26.Understanding The Notion of Thought.

    27.How To Plant A Seed of Doubt

    28.Do You Know How To Get Close Enough To Consciouness Close Enough To Penetrate Thought.

    29.The Capacity of Thought

    30.The Key That Unlocks All Doors To The Psyche 

    31.The Nature of Instinct 

    32.The Broken Mind Dislodged Thought Consciousness Is Winded And Is On The Ground

    33.The Contrast of Opposites

    34.Why Do We Bury The Dead?

    35.The Contrast of Truth Is The Expansion of A Lie.

    36.Fear Is Terrified of Being Alive 

    37.Perhaps Death Is Disguised As A Shadow

    38.The Derivative of Life Versus The Constinents of Death.

    39.The Fruits of The Living Soul ( Agents of Deceit )

    40.Angular Consciousness Obstructing The Flow of Light The Rise & Esteem of Darkness. 

    41.The Earth is an Aquarium:

    42.Flow of Light The Rise & Esteem of Darkness. 

    43.The Centre of Breath Is Life.

    44.The Thought That Could Not Breathe Naturally Suffocated The Flow of Consciouness

    45.Upon The Submergence of Thought What Will Become of The Known Mind?

    46 Dislodge Consciouness & Disband Thought

    47.The Conceptualization of The Image

    48.When Thought Transmits A Dream Into Reality.

    49.May Your Past Be Deceased Buried In The Future.


    How Would The Mind Project Consciouness Without Thought?

    Projection is the relaying of information intellectually visually 

    and physically the metamorphosis mind matter and spirit.

    The duality of the mind over reality. 

    How would the mind project consciouness without thought?

    What is thought?

    Define the mind?

    What is consciouness?

    What is the state of the unconscious?

    What is the relevance of the projection of thought?

    How else would the mind express itself or were not 

    for consciouness?

    The barrier between mind and reality is consciouness.

    Yet define consciousness?

    Consciousness is a medium.

    Consciouness is the vehicle that transports thought 

    from one destination to the next.

    Let us examine how else would thought express itself

    without consciouness?

    Would you be able to see without thought?

    Visually you would not be impaired 

    You would be conscious yet how do you interpret a image 

    without association identifying the knowledge of its existence.

    Hearing how ISNA sound interpreted.

    When you hear a dog barking you ascertain the sound come from here.

    You follow the decibel to the source?

    The noise came from there.

    Is that process is this analogy the use of thought?


    By being conscious.

    Being cognisant is thought.

    The fact that there are variables.

    Constinents. There is life.

    There is projection of sound.

    There is mirroring by association.

    The sound came from here.

    There is association.



    The relevance of the moment is now.  


    How Would The Mind Project Consciouness Without Thought?

    The mind would not be able to project holistic consciouness

    with the absence of the thought.

    Without thought consciouness is limited 

    and does not have the scope of its 5 senses 

    Seeing touch smell taste hear.

    Let alone can consciouness perceive reality without the presence of thought.

    Nkosinathi Ncala I Am Mars

    Broadcasting Live From The Cemetery of The Mind.

    Stars are the colony of the moon.

    Stars are a reflection of the moon.

    The moon is the male moon.

    Stars are female moons.

    Stars are little moons.

    Stars are fertile agents of light.

    Consciousness is light.

    Shades of light.

    Then concept of darkness is a perspective of intelligence.

    The awakening of wisdom.

    The prospects of success are eminent with danger.

    The concept of failure is ridden with blind spots 

    what mirrors are made off.

    Take a moment to gaze upon a stars.

    Stars can only be seen at night.

    Stars grace the heavens in the night time.

    What happens to stars in the day time?

    Do stars see stop shinning?

    When you see a shooting star.

    Make a wish.

    When you see a falling star, may we have a moment of silence.

    A twinkling star be anxious make the right choices 

    you may be faced with a decision make the right 

    choice some consequences have a lifetime bearing.

    Stars reflect light from the moon in regulated portions.

    Watching over life and regulating the currency of the spectrum

    of darkness and light.

    Stars are made of gas.

    Methane octane and propane primarily.

    What is the composition of the

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