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The Restaurant Table Turnover Playbook: Discover the Secret to Explosive Growth by Avoiding These 5 Mistakes
The Restaurant Table Turnover Playbook: Discover the Secret to Explosive Growth by Avoiding These 5 Mistakes
The Restaurant Table Turnover Playbook: Discover the Secret to Explosive Growth by Avoiding These 5 Mistakes
Ebook317 pages3 hours

The Restaurant Table Turnover Playbook: Discover the Secret to Explosive Growth by Avoiding These 5 Mistakes

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About this ebook

"The Restaurant Table Turnover Playbook" isn't your average restaurant guide. It's a comprehensive roadmap tailored to small independent restaurant owners like you, focusing on one crucial factor: maximizing table turnover for unprecedented profitability. While other resources may touch on various aspects, this book offers a deep dive into specific strategies and tactics that directly impact your bottom line.

Your restaurant's success hinges on profitability, and this playbook delivers what you need to make it happen. Expect increased revenue, delighted customers, and newfound confidence in your business.

Don't let hidden mistakes and missed opportunities hinder your restaurant's growth. This book will empower you to identify and overcome the obstacles standing in the way of your success.

“The Restaurant Table Turnover Playbook” offers a clear approach to overcoming the 5 most common pitfalls and implement practical solutions that drive profitability:

Poor Reservation Management: Transform no-shows into loyal customers with best practices that optimize table use.

Slow Service & Kitchen Delays: Reduce customer wait times and boost table turnover with efficiency strategies.

Poor Seating Optimization: Maximize your space, enhancing turnover and guest satisfaction.

Poor Waitlist Management: Keep waiting customers content and use data for an improved experience.

Poor Menu Presentation: Craft visually appealing menus that speed up decisions and service.

In the complex world of restaurant ownership, external factors play a role in your challenges. This book helps you understand how to navigate these factors and make informed decisions that lead to profitability. With the post-pandemic landscape and shifting customer expectations, the insights contained in this book are more relevant and essential than ever. The sooner you act, the sooner you'll see positive results!
Release dateJun 13, 2024
The Restaurant Table Turnover Playbook: Discover the Secret to Explosive Growth by Avoiding These 5 Mistakes

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    Book preview

    The Restaurant Table Turnover Playbook - Donovan Garett


    Copyright ©  2024 AlgoRhythms Studios, Ltd. 

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    PRINT ISBN: 978-1-963267-00-6

    E-BOOK ISBN: 978-1-963267-01-3

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    Why I’m So Passionate

    Restaurants are More Than Places to Eat

    Table Turnover in a Post-Pandemic World

    An Overview of What’s In the Book

    2.Patent vs. Latent Mistakes: Unmasking the Unseen

    Patent Mistakes: The Obvious Blunders

    Latent Mistakes: The Silent Success Killers

    The Golden Blindfold: When Apparent Success Masks Critical Mistakes

    3.Seeing the Bigger Picture: From Situational Blindness to Operational Clarity

    Situational Blindness in Small Restaurants

    Growth Pains & Scaling Challenges

    Why Growing & Scaling Can Feel Overwhelming 


    The 5 Table Turnover Mistakes

    4.Mistake #1: Poor Reservation Management

    Consequences of Poor Reservation Management

    Reservation Management Best Practices

    Key Takeaways

    5.Mistake #2: Slow Service and Kitchen Delays

    Impact on Customer Wait Times

    Service Efficiency Best Practices

    Key Takeaways

    6.Mistake #3: Poor Seating Optimization

    Why Seating Optimization is Critical

    Seating Optimization Strategies

    Key Takeaways

    7.Mistake #4: Poor Waitlist Management

    Understanding Waitlist Management

    Consequences of Poor Waitlist Management

    Waitlist Management Best Practices

    Key Takeaways

    8.Mistake #5: Poor Menu Presentation

    What is Poor Menu Presentation?

    Consequences of Poor Menu Presentation

    Menu Presentation Best Practices

    Key Takeaways


    Staff Training, Technology, Social Media & Reputation Management

    9.Staff Training and Customer Service

    The Importance of Staff Training

    Creating a Positive Workplace Culture

    Staff's Impact on Table Turnover

    Staff's Impact on Profitability

    Continuous Training and Development

    Key Takeaways

    10.Embracing Technology for Long-Term Success

    The Role of Technology in Restaurant Operations

    Key Takeaways

    11.Implementing Technology Solutions in Your Restaurant

    Assessing Your Restaurant's Needs

    Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems

    QR Codes and Virtual Menus

    3rd Party Reservation Systems

    Delivery Platform Integration

    Key Takeaways

    12.Social Media, Reputation Management, and Data Security

    Social Media and Online Reviews

    Data Security and Compliance

    Key Takeaways


    Wrap-Up and Contact Information

    13.Final Thoughts and Contact Information

    Stay in Touch


    Also By Donovan Garett




    In this section, we'll set the stage for our journey together. I'll share why I'm so passionate about the profitability of small, local, independent restaurants. Then, we'll lay the foundation for our discussion of the five most common table turnover mistakes that could prevent your restaurant from realizing its true potential.

    Before tackling the 5 table turnover mistakes, though, we'll first discuss the fundamental differences between patent and latent mistakes, then take a deep dive into situational awareness (or lack thereof), which is an aggravating factor for why table turnover mistakes often persist for so long.

    I'm thrilled to be on this journey with you.

    Let's begin.

    Chapter 1


    Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.

    Arthur Ashe


    FIRST AND FOREMOST, thank you for taking a chance and buying this book. It has taken many early mornings, late nights, sticky notes, interviews, advice from friends and colleagues, and plenty of sips of bourbon to get here.  

    I'll start off with a confession.  Putting together a book like this can be quite a challenge.  Not only are there many different types of restaurant operating models, but the pace of change influencing the restaurant industry today is truly staggering.  

    If you have read any of my other books (thank you), you may have noticed that they focused on showing how to get diners into your restaurant through marketing, advertising, social media, etc., and on keeping them via well-crafted loyalty programs. However, in this book, we'll shift the focus a bit and discuss what to do with them once they arrive.

    Why I’m So Passionate

    At this point, you might be wondering why I’m so passionate about small, local, independent restaurants.  Well, the answer is both simple and complex.  So, I'll start with the simple answer.

    As is often the case throughout history, new challenges and opportunities require new thinking, strategies, and tactics.  The COVID-19 pandemic has required all businesses (including your restaurant) to fundamentally rethink how they operate.

    Most notably, the way that restaurants reach and engage with customers has been irreversibly altered.  The "good old days of simply hanging out an open" sign and expecting word-of-mouth to do all of your advertising for you are long gone. 


    Because people no longer aimlessly wander around the neighborhood as they once did.  As a result, there is a strong chance that you may open your doors and hardly anyone even knows your restaurant exists – that is, if you don’t invest in marketing.

    Today’s consumers are much different from those of past decades.  They are distracted by the world around them. So, since they aren't actively looking for your restaurant, you must put forth the effort to find them

    You must be on the internet, apps, and platforms that they frequent.  They demand convenience and are rarely willing to wait more than a few minutes for anything.  Small restaurant owners who fail to realize this miss valuable opportunities to reach, attract, engage, and retain customers.

    My professional career began over 30 years ago with a keen interest in hospitality, foodservice, and restaurant operations.  However, a series of serendipitous events led me into technology, software engineering, web design, and strategic marketing. 

    Today, as the owner of a web design and restaurant marketing agency, I am on a mission to support small independent restaurant owners who lack guidance and know how to navigate the challenges that the post-pandemic economy has introduced.

    Okay, well, that was the simple answer.

    Here’s the more complex answer.

    Restaurants are More Than Places to Eat

    As we get older, there are many things that we simply don’t remember anymore.  However, a good meal at a restaurant with people we care about is not one of them.  Good meals shared with friends and family are some of our fondest memories, whether at home, on vacation, or during a special occasion.

    In fact, McDonald’s has been counting on this strategy for decades. 

    How so?

    Well, thinking back as a kid, who can forget the rush of excitement when the car suddenly turned into the McDonald’s drive-thru?  The eager anticipation of a Happy Meal always seemed to brighten the day, no matter what was going on in life.

    Because all of those positive childhood memories are deeply ingrained in the subconscious minds of McDonalds’ customers, they instill a sense of fondness for the brand.  Over time, this fondness turns to staunch loyalty.  Once instilled, loyalty simply needs a trigger to activate buying behavior.

    What's the trigger?

    It could be a commercial during your favorite TV show, a billboard, or a marketing campaign.  Years, even decades, later – these fond childhood memories can be instantly brought to the forefront of our conscious minds with advertising.  This is one of the many genius strategies that has helped McDonald’s gain monumental success for generations.

    In a larger sense, restaurants represent much more than just a place to eat.  They offer unique opportunities to sample cuisine that is expertly prepared.  Restaurants are where we can enjoy an outing with friends and family, conduct business in a less-stuffy environment than a drab conference room, or have an intimate moment with someone we care deeply about.  

    Small local independent restaurants offer us an opportunity to sample the flavors of distant lands without having to travel to another country.  They are a window into the soul of another culture and a way for all of us to find some semblance of unity in a bitterly divided world.

    As a society, we need restaurants not just to survive – but to thrive.  In fact, we need restaurants now more than ever before.  Notwithstanding the economic benefits they provide our local communities, the sobering truth is that nowadays, a large segment of the population simply cannot cook.  Even worse, they lack the skills to properly shop for wholesome ingredients to make nutritious meals at home.  

    It seems that over the past five decades or so, we have lost our way as a society.  We have gradually prioritized the pursuit of fun and entertainment – over necessary life skills such as learning to cook, clean, or change a flat tire.  Since the late 1970’s, dual-income families have become the norm, frequently leaving practical skills such as cooking in the shadows.  

    Now, I won’t get into a personal diatribe here, but suffice it to say that you have something truly special if you are a small restaurant owner.  Something worth saving.  Something worth sharing.  Something worth preserving.  

    This, my friend, is why I do what I do.

    Okay, moving on.

    Table Turnover in a Post-Pandemic World

    As I sit down to write this book in late 2023, I am reminded that while consumer preferences and attitudes have been gradually shifting for decades, the COVID-19 pandemic upended all of our lives in just a few short months.  In fact, the entire restaurant industry has faced unprecedented challenges over a very short amount of time.

    In the wake of the pandemic, small restaurants, in particular, have had to adapt – rethinking business models, sanitation practices, and customer engagement strategies. While delicious food remains at the heart of your establishment, it's time to also shift your focus beyond the food and pay close attention to the operational aspects of your restaurant. Ignoring this critical facet can be a costly mistake.

    In today's competitive environment, surviving and thriving requires a holistic approach. Exceptional meals are just one part of the equation. You must also master the art of efficient restaurant operations, including the art of table turnover.

    Table turnover is the rate at which tables in your restaurant become available for new guests. Think of it as the heartbeat or pulse of your establishment. It is a measure of your restaurant's efficiency in serving customers and directly impacts your profitability. The more efficiently you can turn tables without compromising the dining experience, the more revenue your restaurant can generate.

    You may wonder why this matters so much. The answer lies in the numbers: industry research shows that increasing your table turnover rate by just a few percentage points can significantly boost your bottom line. But this isn't just about making more money in the short term; it's about ensuring your restaurant's long-term success and sustainability.

    By the end of this book, you'll be armed with the knowledge and strategies needed to avoid the five most critical table turnover mistakes that many restaurant owners make. If left unaddressed, these mistakes will hinder your restaurant's growth, profitability, and customer satisfaction. 

    An Overview of What’s In the Book

    The goal of this book is to help you lay the foundation for long-term success in the fiercely competitive restaurant space.  In the following chapters, we will meticulously dissect each of the five critical table turnover mistakes that can threaten your restaurant's growth and profitability. 

    In Chapters 2 and 3, we’ll lay the foundation for why the majority of small restaurant owners don’t take the time to look closely at their operations.  We’ll take a deep dive into the psychology behind this by discussing latent vs. patent mistakes and situational blindness.  

    In Chapters 4 through 8, we’ll discuss the following 5 table turnover mistakes: 

    1. Poor Reservation Management.  When handled incorrectly, this can lead to disorganized seating, customer dissatisfaction, and lost revenue. Ineffective reservation systems may result in overbookings or underbookings, disrupting your restaurant's flow and profitability.

    2. Slow Service and Kitchen Delays.  The second pitfall is slow service and kitchen delays. Lengthy wait times irritate diners, often prompting them to leave before finishing their meals. This can tarnish your restaurant's reputation and erode customer loyalty.

    3. Poor Seating Optimization.  Incorrect table arrangements, oversized tables, or suboptimal layouts can lead to inefficient use of space, hindering your ability to accommodate more guests. Addressing these inefficiencies is crucial for improving your restaurant's bottom line.

    4. Poor Waitlist Management.  Mishandling guests waiting for a table can result in frustration, negative online reviews, and potential customer loss. Effective waitlist management is one key to preserving your restaurant's positive reputation.

    5. Poor Menu Presentation.  Lastly, cluttered, confusing menus can lead to indecision and longer ordering times. Your menu should entice, inform, and streamline the ordering process.

    In Chapter 9, we discuss staff training, customer service, and the impact that your staff has not only on your table turnover rate but also on forming memorable impressions of your restaurant in the minds of your diners.

    In Chapters 10 and 11, we discuss the role of technology as the binding agent in helping to ensure smooth operations.  Today’s restaurant management systems are more than credit-card machines – they can help support a robust and efficient table turnover rate. 

    In Chapter 12, we'll cover some miscellaneous topics, including Social Media, Reputation Management, and Data Privacy.

    Armed with knowledge, strategies, and practical insights, you will be well-equipped to transform your restaurant into a well-coordinated entity that excels both in the kitchen and in guest service. Are you prepared to embark on this journey toward operational excellence and increased profitability? 


    Let’s go.

    Chapter 2

    Patent vs. Latent Mistakes: Unmasking the Unseen

    There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.

    Aldous Huxley


    Many years ago, I worked with a team of software testing engineers for a set of advanced systems that performed complex risk-scoring algorithms for the financial services industry. 

    The software took hundreds of pieces of information about a person, combined it with information from other sources, and generated a score based on the risk that person posed to the company.  There were hundreds of billions of possible combinations.  

    What’s the point?

    Well, in troubleshooting the output of a system like this, you’ll see two types of errors.  The first type of error is a system-generated error.  Something obviously didn’t go right.  Either an invalid combination was generated, a piece of information wasn’t entered, or something else went wrong.  

    The second type of error was much more insidious and complex.  It was the case where a score was generated without error, but it was incorrect. 

    So, how do you test a system with billions of possible combinations? 

    How do you know which result is correct?  

    Without going into all of the geeky, gory details of how we went about solving this problem, the point here is that there were only two types of errors.  The first was a patent error – or one fairly obvious to identify.  The second one is a latent error – one

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