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How to Manipulate Human Energy Power
How to Manipulate Human Energy Power
How to Manipulate Human Energy Power
Ebook37 pages22 minutes

How to Manipulate Human Energy Power

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How to Manipulate Human Energy Power is a magical manual that teaches how you can tap and manipulate human energy power. Human energy is very strong once you learn how to use it skillfully. It is worth noting that humans are highly blessed with spiritual energy and power. When you learn to use your mind in a magical way, you can direct your own energies into bringing about whatever change that you desire.


How to Manipulate Human Energy Power reveals the wonders of human energy, as well as how you can control this energy to create positive changes in reality. You are blessed with divine power. You just have to learn how to use it effectively. Many people are unaware of the magical power that they possess. With the right knowledge and magical training, you can manifest your desires in this world. All that you need to do is tap your own energy, which is of a pure and divine source.


Another thing that I like about this magical practice is that it also has a very spiritual approach since it connects you to subtle energy, and reminds me of what we truly are: a soul that is merely having a human experience. This magick is also a learnable occult art. All that is necessary is for you to acquire the right knowledge and to engage in actual magical practice.


How to Manipulate Human Energy Power is also an excellent foundation for beginners, as well as for experienced practitioners who are looking to engage in the kind of magical practice that has clear, significant, and noticeable results in terms of manifestation. This is not the kind of magic that you just have to believe blindly; but rather, it is  a kind of magic that you can truly experience and even perceive with the physical senses.

How to Manipulate Human Energy Power is an invitation to an initiatory form of magic where you will not only learn the essential theories, but you will also be engaged in the actual practices of human energy manipulation. In the process, you may also realize that the power that lies in you is infinite and wonderful -- for it is always connected to the Divine and Pure Source of All Things. Nevertheless, it requires spiritual development and maturity before anyone can reach this level of enlightenment. Do not worry, you do not need to reach this level just to start experiencing the benefits of human energy power. In fact, if you just learn and practice regularly, you will most likely see results in just a few days. From here, you can continue to grow and learn more as you go deeper and deeper into the beautiful mysteries of the craft of divine magick.

Release dateJun 29, 2024
How to Manipulate Human Energy Power

Albertus Crowley

Writer. Magical Practitioner. Christian Witch.

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    How to Manipulate Human Energy Power - Albertus Crowley

    How to Manipulate Human Energy Power

    Albertus Crowley

    Published by Albertus Crowley, 2024.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. June 29, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Albertus Crowley.

    Written by Albertus Crowley.

    Also by Albertus Crowley

    Magick Unveiled

    A Codex on Magical Energy

    A Codex on Elemental Magick

    A Codex on Power Meditation

    A Codex on Spirit Communication

    A Codex on True Energy Healing

    A Codex on Pendulum Magick

    A Codex on the Power of the Third Eye

    A Codex on Energy Vampirism

    A Codex on Sex Magick

    A Codex on Making an Energy Ball

    A Codex on Psychic Shielding Techniques

    A Codex on Telekinesis Magic

    A Codex on Auric Manipulation


    The Sorcerer’s Training Manual

    Astral Projection Manual for Beginners

    The Monolith of Magical Practice

    The Grimoire of Moloch

    Solitary Sex Magick

    The Inner Witchcraft of the Mind

    Psi Ball Manual

    The Christian Witch

    Creating Words of Power and Affirmations

    The Jesusism Spirituality and Way of Life

    A Magical Course on the Pyramid of Magic

    A Beginner’s Guide to Ghost Hunting

    Divination Using Ordinary Playing Cards

    Manifestation Magick for Beginners

    A Handbook on Wizardry

    Dark Magic Manual

    The Way of the Solitary Witch

    Master the Craft of Magical Visualization

    The Sorcerer’s Handbook on Mind Magic

    The Sorcerer's Manual

    Basic Christian Magical Theories and Exercises

    The Divine and Magical Use of the Imagination

    Protection Magick Spells That You Can Cast Instantly

    Mystical Practices to Attain Christ Consciousness

    Mindshift Techniques for Alternate Realities

    Clairvoyance for Beginners

    How to Manipulate Human Energy Power

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