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Reconnecting: Tales of Adventure, Travel and Life
Reconnecting: Tales of Adventure, Travel and Life
Reconnecting: Tales of Adventure, Travel and Life
Ebook263 pages3 hours

Reconnecting: Tales of Adventure, Travel and Life

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In this delightful collection of hilarious and heartwarming tales, George Mahood will leave you both entertained and inspired.


From an unforgettable family road trip down the West Coast of the USA to the ludicrous escapades of an ornamental kingfisher, each story brims with his usual wit and charm.


Laugh out loud at the greatest stag-do that never was, investigate the curious case of a local litterbug, join George on his various sporting pursuits, meet the snowman who lives in his freezer, and enjoy many other adventures.


Perfect for fans of travel, humour, and feel-good stories, Reconnecting… invites you to rediscover the magic in life's little moments and find joy in the unexpected.

PublisherGeorge Mahood
Release dateJun 28, 2024
Reconnecting: Tales of Adventure, Travel and Life

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    Book preview

    Reconnecting - George Mahood


    Tales of adventure, travel and life

    George Mahood



    The Greatest Stag Do That Never Was

    Family Road Trip USA - Part One

    The Beautiful Game

    The Kingfisher - Part One

    Sycamore Gap

    Family Road Trip USA - Part Two

    A Snowman in the Freezer

    The Kingfisher - Part Two

    Hairy Styles

    Family Road Trip USA - Part Three

    Wordle Club

    The Kingfisher - Part Three

    Off Menu

    A Raccoon on Meth

    O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

    Monthly Marathons

    Family Road Trip USA - Part Four

    The Muffin Man - Part One

    The Great CD Purge

    Jobocalypse Now

    The Kingfisher - Reader Stories

    Married to a DRW

    The Muffin Man - Part Two

    Family Road Trip USA - Part Five

    Six Months of Reconnecting

    Stay Connected with Reconnecting

    Also by George Mahood


    Copyright © 2024 by George Mahood

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    This edition published 2024 by George Mahood.

    The Greatest Stag Do That Never Was

    My friend Mark and I were given the honour of being best men at the wedding of our friend Damo (who claims his grandma invented banoffee pie). One of our main duties was organising the stag do/bachelor party.

    After extensive research (looking for anywhere with cheap flights and accommodation), we settled on Portugal’s capital – Lisbon. Lisbon is an exciting and vibrant city, with lots to see and do, lively bars and beautiful beaches nearby. We found a great hostel in a perfect location and got it all booked.

    Eighteen of us were going and Mark and I sent out an email to everyone with the details of the weekend.

    Well, everyone except Damo.

    We decided to have a bit of fun with Damo and tell him we were going somewhere completely different.

    We settled on a small, remote fishing village in Iceland called Bolungarvik (population 995) for our fake stag do destination.

    Bolungarvik, Iceland

    Bolungarvik, Iceland

    Coincidentally, all four of the previous stag dos our group of friends had been on began with the letter B: Berlin, Barcelona, Bratislava, Bochum. Picking a destination beginning with B would help convince Damo that we had chosen it just to continue the B theme.

    We followed up our email about Lisbon with another all about Bolungarvik.


    It's done, we're booked!

    After months of intensive research, we decided on Bolungarvik as the destination for Damo's Stag Do.

    It looks a brilliant place. It's a village in North-West Iceland that we have read is going to be the next Prague. More importantly, it begins with B.

    We will be staying in a fishing lodge close to the beach. We've been in regular contact with the owner, named Maria, and she's got lots of activities planned for us. These include hunting, fishing and a horse riding tour of the geysers. The Euros football will be on TV, and Maria has promised that she'll get her old set working in time. There's very little in the way of night-life, but Reykjavik is only a 5.5 hour bus journey away. It advertised itself as being closer, but it turned out that was by sea-plane.

    George and Mark

    To make the story more convincing, we invented our own fictional character – Maria. She would be our host for the trip and could answer any questions we had via email. She was our only point of contact.

    And Maria was me.

    I then forwarded everyone Maria’s confirmation email.


    To: George Mahood

    Helo george

    Thank you. Money in account my now. You very quick.

    I confirme booking for 13 Juni to 16 Juni. 18 peoples.

    We look forwarde welcom you in Bolungarvik.

    It beuatifully.


    To his credit, Damo tried his best to sound enthusiastic. He even went as far as ordering a guidebook about Iceland (Bolungarvik barely even got a mention).

    The more he read, however, the more depressed he got. He discovered that Bolungarvik was actually a nine-hour transfer from Reykjavik by coach, and that beer was £8 a pint (this was back in 2008 when beer was about £2 a pint in the UK). The activities were not to his taste either, as Damo’s email to me shows:

    In all seriousness, I really can’t go horse riding. My whole face explodes, and once my eyes were so swollen that I couldn’t open them. Also, sorry to put a mucker on plans but I’m not keen on hunting. I’m a bit pro animal now since we got a dog, and even give money to the RSPCA on a monthly basis, so would be kinda two faced of me to kill them.

    Sorry, I will just chat to Maria while you do that stuff.

    We knew Damo was allergic to horses, which is why we chose horse riding as a (fictional) activity for the stag do. And we knew he wouldn’t want to go hunting. None of us would, which made it all the more amusing. I wanted to be a good friend, or at least pretend to be, so replied to Maria to highlight some of Damo’s concerns.

    From: George Mahood

    To: Maria Hafou

    Thank you Maria. I'm glad that the money was transferred ok.

    Just a couple of quick questions for you....

    A few of the group are not too keen on hunting, as they don't like killing animals. Also, one of the group is very allergic to horses so won't be able to do the horse-riding tour. Are there any other activities that these people could do instead? Also, you mentioned in an earlier email that you would be able to sort out some beer for us, as there are not many places to drink nearby. Could you confirm that this is possible, and how much the beer will cost, because we have noticed that alcohol in Iceland is very expensive.

    Thank you very much, and we are all very excited about visiting Bolungarvik soon.

    Kind regards


    Maria replied within minutes. It was almost as if she was expecting my email.

    From: Maria Hafou

    To: George Mahood

    Helo george

    It not problem. There lot to do in Bolungarvik if dont want to hunt. Lot nice walking, swimming pool which being finish and old fishing museume. Hunting is most fun but. And peoples dont kill animals to much. They not very good shooting.

    My sister she teaches icelandic dancing and she come Bolungarvik on saturdays for lesson. You want to try? It most fun.

    Yes beer is expesive in Iceland. We get cheap beer but in Bolungarvik and we buy lots for you. The hunter men they drink Víking Gylltur. It very good.

    We look forwarde welcom you in Bolungarvik.

    It beuatifully.


    At this point, Damo began to question things. He doubted Mark and I would be stupid enough to book a stag do in such a remote part of Iceland, with so little in the way of things to do, or places to eat and drink. He decided that maybe we were up to something, so he sent Maria an email directly, politely asking for details about the dormitory sleeping arrangements (just in case she was real), assuming that he would get a ‘delivery failure’ notification and then he could prove that Maria was not real and the whole thing was a windup.

    What Damo didn’t realise was that although Maria was fake, her ‘’ email address was an actual working email address that I had registered. He didn’t tell me he had emailed Maria. But, being Maria, I obviously knew. Maria sent Damo a polite reply answering his questions and, from then on, Damo believed everything Maria said.

    Damo had been chief organiser for all our other weekends away. He loves that sort of thing and is very good at it. He hated not being in control of this situation. Which made it all the more satisfying for the rest of us. I was forwarding all of Maria’s messages to everyone (including Damo), and the others were brilliant at going along with it in any group replies, and excluding Damo from any replies that might give the game away.

    Several of the group replied to me privately saying they had been sharing the Bolungarvik saga around their office and their work colleagues were desperate for updates.

    Damo then sent me a series of agitated messages.

    Damo: You have officially stressed me out, well done you! Which day were you planning on going to Reykjavik?

    Me: I don’t know. Maybe both?

    Damo: It is a 580 mile round trip. It takes nine hours each way!

    Me: Maybe just one of the days then. We’ll go for a whole day and sleep on the way home.

    Damo: I am worried about it being mega expensive. Someone I know has been to Iceland and they say it costs a fortune.

    Me: Don’t worry. There’s nothing to spend your money on!

    I wasn’t done yet. Wanting to make sure there were other activities for us to do – seeing as Damo had vetoed the horse riding and hunting (the spoilsport) – I sent Maria another email.

    From: George Mahood

    To: Maria Hafou

    Hi Maria

    Sorry for all the questions.

    We noticed on your website a picture of a golf course. Will it be possible for us to play golf while we are out there? If so, could you let me know how much it costs and if we can hire clubs.

    Thank you


    She replied…

    From: Maria Hafou

    To: George Mahood

    Helo george

    Yes we have golf course here in Bolungarvik. It have 14 holes. Last year it have 18 holes but hole 13 and 14 and 15 they fall into the sea. Hole 6 is where fishermen they put all the fish bodies so it not nice.

    The golf it is very much nice. Olof Maria Jonsdottir she is very very good golf woman and she play golf in Bolungarvik here in 1998.

    Yes we have golf club you can borrow.

    The cost for golf is I think 2000kr about.

    We look forwarde welcom you in Bolungarvik.

    It beuatifully.


    Damo was getting increasingly annoyed and worried about what was beginning to sound like the stag do from hell. All of our previous weekends away had been in big cities with lots to see and do.

    Damo’s brother was coming on the stag do with us, and Damo sent him a message privately (which Marcus then forwarded to me).

    Marcus, this is stressing me out. I don't wanna spend my stag do in a quiet village in the middle of nowhere with just an old lady to talk to........oh and some local dancing!

    Marcus (who was in on the joke, obviously) went along with it and told Damo to chill out and be a bit more positive about Bolungarvik.

    The prospect of Icelandic dancing didn’t excite Damo, but I hoped the idea of golf might give him something to look forward to.

    I sent Maria another message to get more details.

    From: George Mahood

    To: Maria Hafou

    Thank you Maria.

    When you say you have 'golf club', do you mean you have several sets that we could borrow, or just the one club? There are 18 of us and I don't think we will be able to bring our own clubs with us.

    Also, thank you for your sister's kind offer, but I don't think we will take part in the Icelandic dancing. Those that aren't doing the hunting will be happy to walk around the local area and visit the fishing museum.

    We look forward to seeing you soon.



    Maria replied (straightaway again. Did she not have anything better to do?):

    From: Maria Hafou

    To: George Mahood

    Helo george

    Yes we have 1 golf club. The golf man he tell he have no puter club. He say you all use one club.

    I tell my sister about no dancing. She say ok. She show peoples fishing museum not dancing.

    Saturday night I cook for you traditionale Icelandic cookery. You eat kæstur hákarl and súrsaðir hrútspungar and selshreifar and pancakes. It much good.

    We look forwarde welcom you in Bolungarvik.

    It beuatifully.


    These weird Icelandic delicacies mentioned by Maria were:

    kæstur hákarl – fermented shark

    Súrsaðir hrútspungar – sour ram’s testicles

    Selshreifar – pickled seal flippers

    I particularly liked Maria’s addition of pancakes at the end.

    I assumed Damo would do his own googling, but trying to be an attentive best man, I replied to Maria with concern over one of her Icelandic menu options – Selshreifar (seal’s flippers).

    From: George Mahood

    To: Maria Hafou

    Thanks Maria

    That sounds delicious!

    We are a bit confused about the Selshreifar. It says on the internet that seal's flippers are only eaten if the seals are hunted by the servers. Does this mean that you will be hunting the seals or we will? I'm not sure that the group would be too happy to hunt seals. We are looking forward to the pancakes though!

    Thanks again


    Maria’s reply:

    From: Maria Hafou

    To: George Mahood

    Helo george

    Yes you in group who hunt will hunt the seals. They live only 2 mile from here in Bolungarvik. They more easy to shoot. Reindeers they too quick for you and whales they not come near Bolungarvik. They go south Iceland.

    We look forwarde welcom you in Bolungarvik.

    It beuatifully.


    Damo had known me for 20 years. There is no way he would believe I was happy to go seal hunting. I’m a bit surprised he thought I was happy to do any sort of hunting, to be honest, but I reassured him that we would not be taking part in any seal hunting. Unless Maria was really persuasive, of course. I also told him to look on the bright side that at least we weren’t going to be killing whales. And we still had the fishing museum to look forward to. That didn’t make him any happier and I did start to think he was deeply regretting choosing Mark and me to be his best men. I think he was even regretting us being his friends.

    I heard from Damo’s fiancé Liz that he had not slept for three days since the stag do plans were announced. He had been lying awake all night, getting anxious about the trip, which was not for another two months.

    As much as we were enjoying it and wanting to drag it on for a little longer, it was getting too cruel for poor old Damo and it was time to come clean.

    I went to the local book shop and bought a guidebook to Lisbon and then wrote one final letter from Maria.

    I called over to Damo’s house on Saturday morning and gave him the book wrapped in a paper bag and the letter. I had not seen Damo for a few days. It was one thing telling lies to him over email, but there is no way I could have kept up the charade when speaking with him face-to-face. Especially when I saw the sadness in his eyes. He looked tired and stressed and not at all pleased to see me.

    ‘I bought you a present,’ I said, handing him the wrapped book and the letter.

    ‘What’s this?’

    ‘It’s a letter for you. And a gift.’

    He opened the letter and read it.

    Helo Damo

    I very sad to speak.

    My lodge in Bolungarvik here it burn up in fire. My sister she hit candle on floor when she teach icelandic dances. My lodge it now deaded.

    Do not worry for me. My brother he build me cabin by golf course away from fish bodies. It very cold but I drink Viking Gryllr and keep warm with hunter men.

    Do not worry for your holiday in Bolungarvik here. I change your aeroplane to Lisbon. It big village near Portugal. It much very nice. It not nice as Bolungarvik you will have fun

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