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How To Become The Richest Man In The World
How To Become The Richest Man In The World
How To Become The Richest Man In The World
Ebook305 pages3 hours

How To Become The Richest Man In The World

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About this ebook

"How To Become The Richest Man In The World" is a book written by anonymous entity, release in the most critical time in human history where the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. Due to this widening gap, people cannot be sastified with being average. People become billionaires or they die poor. People need to aim the status of the richest man in the world in order to become billionaires. 


This book actually teaches people how to become the richest man in the world. This book is written by analyzing some of the richest people on earth. You will learn how your government prevent you from ultra wealth, demystifying tricks and myths about financial world like "Starting a business will make you rich". This book teaches you the only way to ultra wealth is innovation and creativity. You will also learn what make people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos richest folks on earth like the value of their stocks, how they sell their stocks to investors without any profit.


You will encounter marketing campaign inside this book where you can make money by creating TikTok videos about this book. This book is version 1.0.0 unlike any other books and will keep updating with the help of your feedbacks. You can also submit your valuable feedbacks in our Discord server and make money. 


You will find this book the most unbiased financial book of all time. Encouraging people how to become the richest man is unsustainable for the world. That's why government will try to ban this book. So, you need to make sure you read it before it got banned. 

PublisherMyat Myo
Release dateJun 29, 2024
How To Become The Richest Man In The World

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It’s really is the most unbiased book. You will find why starting a business never meant to make you rich.

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How To Become The Richest Man In The World - Myat Myo


I live in a war-torn third world country and wrote the most unbiased financial book of all time. I named the book How To Become The Richest Man In The World because it'll literally teach people how to actually become the richest man in the world. There is a reason why I wrote such a book.

I live in one of the Asian countries where currently a severe civil war is breaking out. Life is painfully hard here. People are literally lining up in this hot weather just to receive donated food. This situation is getting worse and there's no sign of getting better. My mom works incredibly hard, pouring her blood and sweat into raising me as best as she can during these difficult times. She also tried to encourage me to go to college but I denied since it doesn't align with my dream. My dream is to become the richest man in the world one day. I know this is a stupid dream as someone who was born and grew up in a poor country. My purpose is to work on my dream regardless of if it's possible or not.

I also worked tirelessly day and night, without taking any breaks. One day, I decided to start my own online startup from my little room to lift my family out of poverty. However, I only have $200 in crypto savings. Despite my efforts to find investors, none are willing to invest in someone from a third-world country. Additionally, I faced difficulties with payment services due to heavy sanctions on my country. I had no choice but to learn. The internet has helped me access a lot of financial knowledge.

So, I just consumed a lot of knowledge in my dark room and didn't go out a lot. I have no friends, no girlfriend, no social life at all. All I have is my dream and my crappy laptop that my mom bought me in 2019. Regardless of reading many financial books, I learned nothing that would help me to work on my dream. Almost all financial books emphasize saving and investing, but everybody knows these strategies alone don't necessarily make you wealthy.

So, I started studying some of the richest people in the world and I found out that they become rich by making their companies most valuable and owning majority of ownership in their companies. I decided to capitalize on this knowledge by writing an eBook. This is how the book came into existence. One thing I've learned along the way is that teaching people how to become the richest person in the world is incredibly challenging. However, I promise to work hard and improve the quality of this book for those who support me and my family during these difficult times.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to my mom, whose unwavering support and hard work made this journey possible. Without her sacrifices, I wouldn't be here today. I also want to thank everyone who purchased this book. Your support not only helps me pursue my dream but also aids in the survival of my family. Your belief in my vision means more than words can express.



Welcome to How to Become the Richest Man in the World. This book is all about breaking the mold of typical financial advice. You’ve seen plenty of books on how to be smart with money, but this one’s got a bigger goal: showing you how to build wealth that puts you among the world’s richest.

What sets this book apart? It’s not about small savings or just getting by; it’s a step-by-step guide to making you the richest man in the world. We’re skipping the usual tips on pinching pennies and budgeting. Instead, you’ll learn about big ideas for growing businesses, mastering global markets, and seizing opportunities that could make you super wealthy.

We used artificial intelligence to make this guide smarter and faster. The AI has pulled out the best bits to give you a clear path to riches. We consistently iterate based on your feedback and update the ebook. The ebook will start with version 1.0 unlike any other book. The latest version of the ebook will be available on our Shopify store. To access the latest version, please purchase from our Shopify store(

Why write this book? Because there’s a crisis brewing. The gap between the rich and everyone else is getting scary wide. And let’s be real: a lot of financial advice out there is misleading, keeping most people from ever joining the ranks of the ultra-rich. You need to become a billionaire to escape from this upcoming financial crisis. In order to become a billionaire, you’d better aim for the top spot. That’s why this book is here to change that narrative.

It’s more than just a book; it’s a financial revolution because it is important to spread awareness of the widening gap before it’s too late. It’s about not settling for less and aiming for the top. It’s your ticket to joining an elite group and making sure you all have what it takes to succeed in a world where wealth is becoming more concentrated.

As we kick off this adventure, remember that version 1.0 is just our starting point. I’m counting on your feedback to make the next version even better. Together, we’ll keep pushing the limits and learning how to climb to the very top of the wealth ladder.

Let’s dive in.


Who is this book for?

This book is for the young men seeking to escape the impending financial crisis, as the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen.This book is also crafted for the dreamers, the visionaries, and the exceptionally ambitious souls who aspire to become billionaires, or even claim the title of the richest person in the world. It is for those who see wealth not just as a means to luxury, but as a tool for profound global impact.

If your ambitions soar higher than mere financial planning or stability—if you’re driven by the desire to carve your name into the annals of history through monumental achievements—this book is for you. It’s for the innovators who want to disrupt industries, shape economies, and change societal norms.

This isn’t a manual for the content. It’s a manifesto for the relentless. It’s for those who are ready to embrace risk, challenge conventions, and push beyond the boundaries of what’s considered achievable.

So if you’re aiming to accumulate wealth that will not only secure your own future but also empower you to make a lasting mark on the world, you’ve found your guide. Let’s set forth on this extraordinary journey together.


How to use this book?

This book is your roadmap to unparalleled wealth, and it’s split into two main parts.

Part One: The Essentials This is the core of the book, the must-know strategies and insights that are non-negotiable on your journey to becoming the richest man in the world. It’s packed with critical information that lays the foundation for your financial ascent.

Part Two: The Knowledge Base Here, you’ll find a wealth of information that supports and expands on the essentials. It’s a collection of knowledge that’s important to understand as you build your fortune.

If you come across topics that you’re already familiar with, feel free to skip ahead to new information. Use this book as a guide, a reference, and a source of inspiration. Dive into the essentials, explore the knowledge base, and start building your path to becoming the richest man in the world.


Spread awareness of the Financial Revolution and make money

Spreading Awareness: Spreading awareness is a marketing strategy where anyone can earn money by promoting this ebook on TikTok. You must create a TikTok video about this eBook. You will receive $5 if your video gets 100 views. Additionally, you can earn: $10 for 1,000 views and above, $20 for 10,000 views and above, $40 for 100,000 views and above, $80 for 1,000,000 views and above, $160 for 10,000,000 views and above, and $320 for 100,000,000 views and above. Your video needs to be pinned on your TikTok account. Please include ( in your bio. The engagement on videos must be authentic. If any irregularities are detected, creators will be permanently banned from the campaign. Add English subtitles if you speak in a non-English language. We'll announce the end date of the program soon. So, hurry to create videos and earn money before it concludes. You can create the video however you like, but you may want to include some of the following elements:

-narrative(mentioned below)

-Highlight how this ebook teaches people to become the world's richest, unlike any other financial book.

-encourage people to buy ebook from Shopify store  to get latest version

-encourage people to buy ebook before government ban

-add hashtags like #finance, #money, #investing, #financialfreedom, #wealth, #howtobecometherichestmanintheworld, #ebook, #moneymindset, #billionaire, #fyp, #trending, #viral, and etc (you don’t need to use every hashtag)

-image of ebook cover

-encourage people to join the revolution by spreading awareness and make money

-encourage people to give valuable feedbacks and make money

-teach people something from the ebook

Step1-Create, upload, and pin your video on TikTok

Step2-If your video reach 100 views, get video link and submit it on Discord server(

Step3-Get paid $5 immediately

Step4-If the video reach 1,000 views, submit the same video link on Discord server

Step5-Get paid $10 immediately and repeat this process until video reach 100,000,000 view

Narrative: The society will collapse soon due to the gap between the rich and poor globally widening. According to the World Inequality Report 2022, the richest 10% of the world's population has accumulated 76% of the wealth generated since the mid-1990s, while the poorest half of the population has only received 2%. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated this trend. Moreover, the growing concern over job displacement caused by AI is alarming. Only those who can invest in AI will accumulate wealth, exacerbating inequality. You need to aim big. You cannot just have a normal job and be average. You need to become a billionaire. In order to become a billionaire, you must aim to become the richest man in the world. However, for everyone to become a billionaire is unsustainable and that’s why the government will ban this book. So read this book as soon as possible before they ban this book. If you’re late and cannot get a hold of this book, you will be left out and will die poor.

Feedback: Teaching people how to become the richest man in the world is tough. That’s why the first version of this book is not perfect. However, we’ll improve the next version with all of your feedback. Your thoughts are invaluable. Give your feedback on our Discord server( Any valuable feedback will get paid proportionate to how valuable it is(only valuable feedback). People who give valuable feedback may also be highlighted in the next version’s credits, celebrating our collaborative effort to enhance quality.

Volunteer: We’re also welcoming volunteers. You can join us as a volunteer to help create a revolutionary book. You can join us on the Discord server(




Have you ever dreamed of being the world's richest person? Is it even possible for individuals to become the richest person on Earth? Well, unfortunately, it’s not for everyone. But it's a dream many share, even though some might dismiss it as unachievable. Reality often feels far from our dreams as we struggle to make ends meet. You can ask anyone on the street if they'd like to become the richest person in the world, and while some might find it an odd or unreasonable question, deep down, most people share a common desire for the highest status and power. In an imaginary scenario where a red button could instantly grant them the highest status, power, and wealth, almost everyone would press it.

However, if achieving the same status, power, and wealth required hard work and dedication, 99% would likely opt for the easier route and then attribute their failure to luck. These people are the ones that fall into the middle class and lower class. What is the problem with being middle class and lower class? The answer used to be Nothing or None of your business. You could live your life to the fullest while in the middle class. You could still be happy and fulfilled while in the lower class. But that is not true anymore. We've seen a significant shift in the sustainability of middle-class and lower-class lifestyle in the twenty-first century. It's no secret that the middle class is diminishing, and the lower class is battling to maintain its place in society in some regions.

Fortunately, the gap between the middle class and the elite is not a barrier, but a bridge that's becoming increasingly easier to cross. This bridge symbolizes increased opportunities for advancement. With the right combination of knowledge and dedication, it's possible for anyone to traverse this bridge and join the ranks of the elite. The key to this transition is innovation. By harnessing the power of innovation, you can redefine your economic status and ascend from the middle class to the elite. In this book, you're gonna learn how to innovate and how to monetize your innovation to the point that you can become the richest man in the world.


Some of the wealthiest

Homeownership has long been regarded as an essential element of many people. However, fulfilling this ideal is becoming increasingly difficult for many people, particularly those in the middle class. Home prices have risen in recent years, making it more difficult for consumers to save for a down payment, qualify for a mortgage, and afford monthly payments. While the wealth gap between rich and poor continues to widen, with the top 1% controlling an increasing share of the world's wealth, the net worth of the upper class is truly astounding. In reality, the wealth of the richest individuals is so enormous that it is difficult to understand. At the time of writing,

1.Elon Musk - $250 billion

Elon Musk is the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, and he has been instrumental in revolutionizing the electric car industry and space technology. He also owns Neuralink, a neurotechnology company, and The Boring Company, a tunnel construction company.

2. Jeff Bezos - $207 billion

Jeff Bezos is the founder, chairman, and former CEO of Amazon, the world's largest online retailer. He also owns The Washington Post and Blue Origin, a space exploration company.

3.Bill Gates - $176 billion

Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft, the world's largest software company, with Paul Allen in 1975. He has since stepped down as CEO but remains a board member and major shareholder. He also runs the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on global health and education initiatives.

4.Warren Buffett - $140 billion

Warren Buffett is known as the Oracle of Omaha for his investment prowess. He runs Berkshire Hathaway, which owns a diverse portfolio of companies, including insurance, retail, and manufacturing firms.

5.Mark Zuckerberg - $120 billion

Mark Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook in 2004 while he was a student at Harvard University. He later dropped out to focus on the social network full time. Today, Facebook is one of the most valuable companies in the world, and Zuckerberg also owns Instagram and WhatsApp.

6.Amancio Ortega - $116 billion

Amancio Ortega is the founder of Inditex, the parent company of fashion retailers Zara, Massimo Dutti, and Oysho. He also owns a stake in the Spanish energy company Enel.


7.Carlos Slim Helú - $107 billion

Carlos Slim Helú is a Mexican business magnate who controls América Móvil, Latin America's biggest mobile phone operator. He also owns stakes in Mexican construction, consumer goods, and banking companies.

8.Larry Page - $104 billion

Larry Page is the co-founder of Google, the world's largest search engine. He served as CEO of Alphabet, Google's parent company, until December 2020. He also owns Nest, a home automation company, and Calico, a biotech firm focused on aging and longevity.

9.Sergey Brin - $102 billion

Sergey Brin is the co-founder of Google and served as its CEO until 2001. He currently holds the role of president of Alphabet, Google's parent company. He also owns a stake in 23andMe, a genetic testing company.

10.Jim Walton - $99 billion

Jim Walton is the son of Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart. He inherited his father's fortune and serves as the chairman of Walmart, the world's largest retailer. He also owns a stake in First Solar, a solar panel manufacturer.

They are holding billions of dollars in their hand while the majority of people are struggling. What the hell did they do to acquire such massive wealth? Why do only a small number of people hold the majority of wealth? Well, in this book, you're gonna explore the REAL paths that the wealthiest people took and analyze what you can do about it and learn what you need to learn.


Why you need to aim the top

The world is witnessing a widening wealth split in which a small number of people control the vast majority of money, leaving few resources for the middle and lower classes. The society will collapse soon due to this gap because it's getting increasingly difficult for individuals who work typical, nine-to-five jobs. According to the World Inequality Report 2022, the richest 10% of the world's population has accumulated 76% of the wealth

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