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Sprinkle Sprinkle
Sprinkle Sprinkle
Sprinkle Sprinkle
Ebook73 pages49 minutes

Sprinkle Sprinkle

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Tameka's been through the wringer—bad relationships, a deadbeat baby daddy, and struggling to raise her son Jamal on her own. But when William, an older, smooth-talking gentleman, steps into her life, everything changes. He showers her with affection, luxury, and promises of a better life. Just when Tameka thinks she's found her savior, the truth drops like a bomb: William's married, and his wife, Cynthia, ain't about to let her man go without a fight.

Cynthia starts stalking Tameka, turning her life into a living nightmare. Threats, public confrontations, and shady schemes push Tameka to the edge. Her friends and family tell her to leave William, but she's too deep in love and too far into the mess to walk away. When Cynthia's attacks get physical, Tameka's gotta protect herself and Jamal, even if it means diving back into the street life she thought she left behind.

Drama, deceit, and danger lurk around every corner as Tameka battles to keep her head above water. William's true colors show, leaving Tameka to fend for herself against a woman scorned and the harsh realities of the streets. She leans on her old connections for help, but it only pulls her deeper into a world she vowed to escape.

In a final, explosive showdown, Tameka confronts Cynthia, but the fallout lands her in legal hot water. With the odds stacked against her, Tameka's fighting for her freedom and her future. As the courtroom drama unfolds, her fate hangs in the balance. Betrayal, heartbreak, and a desperate fight for survival—Tameka's story is a raw, gritty look at love, loyalty, and the lengths one woman will go to protect what's hers.

Can Tameka rise above the chaos and find a way out? Or will the streets, and the ghosts of her past, drag her down for good? "Deceit & Desires" is an urban tale filled with twists and turns, where trust is broken, loyalty is tested, and survival is the name of the game.

PublisherRachael Reed
Release dateJun 29, 2024
Sprinkle Sprinkle

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    Book preview

    Sprinkle Sprinkle - Rachael Reed



    Rachael Reed


    Copyright © 2024 by Rachael Reed

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, Resold, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or otherwise


    Chapter 1: Bad Beginnings

    Chapter 2: The Perfect Life

    Chapter 3: Hidden Truths

    Chapter 4: The Wife’s Discovery

    Chapter 5: Escalation

    Chapter 6: Baby Daddy Drama

    Chapter 7: Caught in the Crossfire

    Chapter 8: Gossip and Rumors

    Chapter 9: Turning to the Streets

    Chapter 10: Betrayal and Deceit

    Chapter 11: The Plot Thickens

    Chapter 12: Showdown

    Chapter 13: Legal Struggles

    Chapter 14: Finding Strength

    Chapter 15: The Verdict

    Chapter 16: New Beginnings

    Chapter 17: Moving Forward

    Chapter 1: Bad Beginnings

    Tameka sat on the edge of her bed, rubbing her temples as she tried to block out the noise of her 2-year-old son, Jamal, crying in the next room. Life had never been easy, but lately, it felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. At 30, Tameka had seen her share of bad relationships and deadbeat men, none more disappointing than Jamal’s father, Marcus. He was never around, leaving her to navigate the struggles of single motherhood alone.

    Aye, calm down, lil man, Tameka called out, exhaustion evident in her voice. She walked into the room to see Jamal tossing his toys around, frustrated and tired. Scooping him up, she tried to soothe him. Momma’s here, baby. I got you.

    Tameka’s days were a constant hustle. Between working at the hair salon and taking care of Jamal, there was barely any time for herself. Her friends kept telling her she needed a break, a chance to find herself again, but Tameka couldn’t see how. The streets had always been rough, and she was determined not to let them swallow her whole.

    One evening, after a particularly grueling day at work, Tameka decided to treat herself to a drink at a local bar. It wasn’t her usual scene, but she needed an escape, even if just for a moment. She sat at the bar, nursing a cocktail, when she felt someone slide into the seat next to her.

    Mind if I join you? a deep voice asked.

    Tameka looked up to see a tall, well-dressed man with a charming smile. Depends. You buying the next round? she replied, a playful glint in her eye.

    He laughed, a rich, warm sound that made her smile despite herself. Absolutely. Name’s William.

    Tameka, she said, shaking his hand.

    From that moment, William’s presence was like a breath of fresh air. He was older, sophisticated, and had a way of making her feel special. They talked for hours, and Tameka found herself opening up to him in a way she hadn’t with anyone else in years. William listened, genuinely interested in her life and struggles.

    You deserve better, Tameka, William said softly, his hand brushing hers. I’d like to show you that.

    In the following weeks, William swept Tameka off her feet. He took her to fancy dinners, bought her gifts, and treated her like a queen. For the first time in a long time, Tameka felt appreciated and cared for. William’s charm and generosity began to transform her life, giving her the affection and support she had been longing for.

    Momma, look what Mr. William got me! Jamal shouted one afternoon, holding up a shiny new toy truck.

    Tameka smiled, watching the joy on her son’s face. William had become a fixture in their lives, and his kindness extended to Jamal as well. He was everything she had dreamed of in a partner—attentive, caring, and generous.

    But in the back of her mind, Tameka couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all too good to be true. Her past experiences had taught her that happiness was often fleeting, and she feared the day when the other shoe would drop.

    One night,

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