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Meditations for an Anxious Heart
Meditations for an Anxious Heart
Meditations for an Anxious Heart
Ebook82 pages44 minutes

Meditations for an Anxious Heart

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This is for all those who need to find inner peace. 

Continue the journey of revelation with Andromeda as you explore the inner worlds of your heart and mind through the simple 

daily practice of meditation, affirmations and prayer.

In this little book, the reader will find inspiring ways to heal, reduce anxiety and inspire the soul through sound, breath and visualisation.

This is the practical application of Andromeda's first book: 'It's time to wake up the trees'.


Release dateJun 29, 2024
Meditations for an Anxious Heart

Andromeda Lightfoot

Andromeda Lightfoot is a spiritual warrior, a mother, musician, published singer-songwriter and researcher. Her journey has been one of deep personal transformation which is reflected in all her works and has brought her to a place of insight and depth for such a time as this.

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    Book preview

    Meditations for an Anxious Heart - Andromeda Lightfoot

    Seven Meditations for an Anxious Heart

    By Andromeda Lightfoot

    Copyright ©2024, Helen Sheppard

    Andromeda Light Press

    All rights reserved

    Distributed by Draft to Digital or Amazon

    This book or any parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. The uploading and distribution of this book via the internet or by any other means without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorised editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Tour support of the author’s work is appreciated.


    With thanks to all those I serve who

    inspired this little book.

    This is for you.

    The audiobook was recorded at St Clement Street Studios, Winchester.

    Produced by Helen Sheppard for Find Your Voice and Roar | Sound Medicine

    All music and narration by Helen Sheppard © All rights reserved 2024

    All extra sound effects courtesy of

    Meditations for an Anxious Heart


    Andromeda Lightfoot


    The mind can’t tell the difference between fact or fantasy. It does what ‘we’ tell it to do. Therefore the question is who are ‘we’ really? Who tells the mind what to think and do? Ask yourself: ‘Who am I?’

    When the foetus is developing in the womb, we don’t know anything is there until the heart starts beating. It could be said that everything grows from the heart and that the heart is the first brain.  Perhaps it’s the  fleshy, atomic  housing for our soul or consciousness? Whatever you say it is, it’s very different energetically and physically to the brain itself and according to the ‘Heartmath’ institute, around sixty times more powerful.

    The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times

    greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions


    The brain is the extraordinary hardware for the electrical software programs to run through and has been anthropomorphised into everything from interstellar constellations to elephants, gods and apostles, (see my first book ‘It’s time to Wake up the Trees’) mythologised and dramatised aeon after aeon, telling us all the same  stories about who we are, over and over again.

    This little book is an invitation to balance your heart and brain coherence through both the words of the meditations and the music that accompanies each one including the Rife sound-waves.

    We know on a quantum basis, that wherever we focus our attention or energy, a tangible form of some sort is created, be that mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. Attention is frequency and frequency uses light and sound as its carrier wave. If we are to ascend into our highest nature, it might be helpful for us to consciously direct our attention towards higher vibrations so that we might overcome the energies of hate, lust, greed, pain, sorrow or harmful unkind actions as a result of little or no discipline in the mental and physical realm.

    As you read through or listen to the words written on the pages of this little book, it’s my hope that you might find peace in the midst of

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