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Why Going to Church Will Not Save You Yet Being the Church Will
Why Going to Church Will Not Save You Yet Being the Church Will
Why Going to Church Will Not Save You Yet Being the Church Will
Ebook50 pages40 minutes

Why Going to Church Will Not Save You Yet Being the Church Will

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About this ebook

Take a walk with me as I give examples of basic truths the Lord has shown me in my relationship with Him. Learn how religion will not save you. Learn how being the Church is key to understanding your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. This is not a long book, yet it is effective if you need something that might help with some basic fundamentals in your walk with Christ. May this book bless everyone who reads it. Share it with your loved ones and friends before it's too late.

PublisherClint White
Release dateJun 29, 2024
Why Going to Church Will Not Save You Yet Being the Church Will

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    Why Going to Church Will Not Save You Yet Being the Church Will - Clint White


    First of all, I need to let you know exactly why I am writing this book. It’s because of a revelation the Lord gave me after having a most embarrassing moment at a coffee shop literally yesterday. So here I am, listening to the Holy Spirit and following His instruction. The following is why I had this revelation.

    There was a guy sitting in this coffee shop next to me at another table. He was enjoying what looked to be a latte or shake. Once he was getting ready to go, he pushed back on his chair and unfortunately it gave way and folded backwards.  He ended up on the floor just next to me, obviously embarrassed yet unhurt. I asked him if he was ok as he looked at me in dismay. He said something to the effect that he had a bad knee and began to wallow around in an attempt to get back up.

    It’s not like me to just sit there and not help someone but for some reason I felt compelled not to help but to allow him time to get himself up. He was a large man for which I would have struggled to pull up. That would never have stopped me from trying any other time in my life. Yet, I just kept eating my sandwich.

    It didn’t dawn on me until later that evening this was something that happened on purpose. How do  I know, you ask? What the Lord told me in my heart was yet another shameful moment I had to endure. This is what He said, Your spiritual life is exactly like what happened today, you have the means to help others but you just stand there and watch them as they struggle to get on their feet. You don’t reach out and help, you just watch as the world goes on and they struggle. I am so ashamed of myself at this point. How embarrassing. Thank the Lord it wasn’t for nothing.

    That was a life changing event for me and today, as I pondered my unusual action or lack of action, I came to the realization the Lord was making a point of this incident. 


    Because of His timing, He knew exactly what would motivate me to write these things I have written in this book to share to whomever would read. All I can say is praise the Lord and I hope this book blesses you.

    Clint White

    Salvation is For You

    I wanted to talk about the most important thing you will ever do in your life; giving it over to Christ. One of the misconceptions people have about this subject is they think one has to go through some third party to give themselves over to the Lord and be born again. This is such a travesty. Honestly, I think to some extent this has been by design from some very selfish people who would like to make you believe they have some special connection to Christ and you do not.

    In a nutshell, that's basically saying I need to go to another person to give my life to Christ, or I need to join a religious organization in order to be saved. That's not true at all. As a matter of fact, when I

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