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My Flora & Fauna : How We Ended
My Flora & Fauna : How We Ended
My Flora & Fauna : How We Ended
Ebook87 pages44 minutes

My Flora & Fauna : How We Ended

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 "My Flora & Fauna: How We Ended" – A Tale of Unrequited Love and Resilience

In the intricate tapestry of our hearts, Kahlan wove her presence—a sunbeam filtering through leaves. Our connection ignited like electricity, and our conversations flowed, a river winding through emotional valleys. Yet, love, my dear reader, is an elusive artist, painting both beauty and pain.

Lessons from Our Story:

Patience and Vulnerability: Kahlan's elusive dance taught me patience. When love flutters away like a butterfly, we must remain open, vulnerable, and willing to wait.

Recognizing Unreciprocated Love: Sometimes, the heart's whispers go unheard. Kahlan's dwindling calls and fragile excuses were signs. How do we recognize when love isn't mutual? What signs should we pay attention to?

Self-Care Amidst Heartache: As a man of faith, I confronted Kahlan. My heart, fragile yet resilient, couldn't keep craving her attention. How do we prioritize self-care during heartache? How can we tend to our personal growth and careers?

Choosing Survival Over Suffering: When love remains unreturned, survival becomes paramount. How do we step away gracefully? How do we choose our well-being over prolonged pain?

Questions for Reflection:

Have you ever experienced unrequited love? How did you handle it?

What signs helped you recognize when love wasn't mutual?

How do you balance vulnerability with self-preservation?

What advice would you give someone facing a similar situation?

The answers to these questions lie within the pages of My Flora & Fauna: How We Ended. This heartfelt tale of unrequited love and resilience holds the keys to understanding vulnerability, recognizing signs, and choosing self-care. By delving into its narrative, you'll gain insights that can shape your future.

Remember, dear reader, this isn't just a romance—it's a mirror reflecting our shared humanity. By embracing its lessons, you'll become a better person, ready to face life's twists and turns.

Let My Flora & Fauna: How We Ended be your companion on this transformative voyage.

Release dateJun 30, 2024
My Flora & Fauna : How We Ended

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    My Flora & Fauna - JOSHUA ZAGHE





    How We Ended



    IT WAS THE DAY I MET Kahlan that my entire world changed. We felt as though the cosmos had worked in unison to unite us—two souls meant to touch each other, even if only briefly. I still remember how her grin lighted up the room and her eyes glistened with intellect, drawing me in from the first moment. I had no idea that this accidental meeting would set me on a journey of self-discovery, heartbreak, and love.

    When I was a young man just beginning out in life, my heart was as big as my dreams. I was not hesitant to show the world how deeply I felt, and I wore my emotions on my sleeve. I felt a spark flare within me, a glimmer of hope that this might be the start of something truly amazing, as Kahlan and I exchanged contacts that fateful day.

    Our romance gradually took off thanks to heartfelt video conversations and late-night phone calls.

    Day by day, I found myself falling more and more in love with Kahlan because of his kindness, brilliance, and unwavering attitude. She was a formidable individual who had confidence in her abilities and didn't hesitate to pursue her aspirations.

    She started to act more aloof, avoiding my calls with excuses about phone issues. I made an effort to be patient and give her the room she required, but I knew in my heart that something was shifting. I could not stop the connection that we previously had from steadily eroding away from me.

    Despite the difficulties, I never gave up. I kept going after Kahlan, spending time with her at home and showing her lots of love. I wanted her to know that I truly loved her and that I would wait for her until we got there, no matter how long it took. But as time went on, it was more and more obvious that my feelings were not shared.

    Kahlan's heart had hardened, and it appeared that other suitors' attention was more important to her than mine. I stood by helplessly while she entertained the overtures of men who could provide her with more than I could: a luxurious lifestyle, financial security, and a stable future. And I had anticipated that, as a man of God, she would recognise the significance of my faith and the anointing on my life. But she didn't appear to think much of even that.

    And that's when I realised I had run out of options on a fateful Friday in June 2024. I had to decide whether to give up and save what was left of my broken heart, or to keep chasing a love that would never be mine. I went up to Kahlan and told her the truth, my hands shaking and my heart heavy. I was sick of wanting to be loved back and sick of lusting for her attention. I have to put my personal life, my ministry, and my job first. It was time for me to let go because the love was not reciprocated.

    I FELT A BIT OF MY soul break when I left Kahlan that day. Saying farewell to the woman I loved with all my heart was the hardest thing I had ever done. However, I was aware that it was essential for both my present and future well-being. I had to defend myself, keep my heart safe from more suffering.

    I waited for Kahlan to get in touch with me, to indicate that she was concerned, in the days and weeks that followed. But it was obvious that she had never loved me back because of the overwhelming stillness. She had never paid attention to my emotions or realised how much I loved her. And I had never felt a wound so deep

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