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The Digital Polycrisis: Digital Polycrisis, #1
The Digital Polycrisis: Digital Polycrisis, #1
The Digital Polycrisis: Digital Polycrisis, #1
Ebook405 pages3 hours

The Digital Polycrisis: Digital Polycrisis, #1

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About this ebook

In "The Digital Polycrisis," Cha'Von K. Clarke-Joell delivers an indispensable roadmap for navigating the intricate, interlinked challenges of our digital era. 

Drawing on nearly two decades of expertise in education, operations, AI ethics, data protection, and innovative leadership, Clarke-Joell offers a comprehensive exploration of our multifaceted digital landscape. This groundbreaking work examines the intertwined crises of cybersecurity threats, data privacy issues, and AI ethical dilemmas, equipping readers with the knowledge and tools crucial for thriving in this rapidly evolving digital ecosystem.

Key Features:

  • In-depth analysis of the Internet's evolution, Web3, and the digital polycrisis landscape
  • Historical context and future projections for cybersecurity, data privacy, and AI ethics
  • Innovative cognitive techniques for effective problem-solving in the digital age
  • Real-world and speculative case studies with practical applications
  • Examination of technological disruption across various sectors
  • Extensive glossary of key terms for quick reference
  • AI Governance, Ethics, and Strategist career guide with interests alignment assessment
  • Thought-provoking discussion questions to stimulate critical thinking

Key Aspects

  • Interconnectivity and Complexity: Illustrates how digital crises amplify each other
  • Holistic Understanding: Offers a panoramic view of the digital landscape
  • Risk Management and Mitigation: Strategies for addressing digital technology risks
  • Ethical and Legal Considerations: Integrates ethical and legal perspectives into decision-making
  • Adaptation and Resilience: Emphasizes continuous learning to stay ahead of digital trends
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Highlights collaborative approaches in digital governance
  • Forward Planning: Anticipates future challenges and opportunities
  • Education and Awareness: Promotes digital literacy and responsible navigation

What truly sets "The Digital Polycrisis" apart is its holistic methodology, integrating technical expertise with insights from psychology, cognitive science, and integrative wellness. Clarke-Joell introduces pioneering concepts, such as the utilization of Twin Self and Creative Visualization as innovative tools to navigate our digital world. 


This book serves as the cornerstone of a comprehensive ecosystem for digital resilience, complemented by:

  • An interactive companion website at CKC Cares with games, quizzes, and learning cards
  • A personalized "learn your way" Digital Resilience micro-course
  • Forthcoming tailored workbooks for students, professionals, and organizations

From seasoned professionals and policymakers to curious students and individuals, "The Digital Polycrisis" provides essential knowledge and strategies to thrive amidst digital development and disruption. It's a call to action for fostering a resilient, ethical, and inclusive digital future, equipping readers with the tools and knowledge needed to confidently navigate the complexities of the digital age.


Embrace the future with confidence and competence. Secure your copy of "The Digital Polycrisis" today and embark on your journey towards digital resilience and success in our interconnected world. Get updates on the workbook and more at CKC Cares.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
The Digital Polycrisis: Digital Polycrisis, #1

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    The Digital Polycrisis - Cha'Von Clarke-Joell

    Copyright © 2024

    All rights reserved.

    This book is intended to provide accurate information on the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher offers legal, investment, accounting, or other professional services through this book. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the rapidly evolving nature of the subject matter means that some information may become outdated. Therefore, the author and publisher disclaim any warranties, including implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

    No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or materials. The advice and strategies in this book may not suit every situation. Consult a professional where appropriate. The author and publisher are not liable for any loss of profit or other damages, including special, incidental, or consequential damages.

    The author offers professional coaching and consulting services separately from this book. For personalized advice and strategies tailored to your specific entity or circumstance, please consider engaging the author’s professional services directly.

    Book Cover by Alicia Whitfield


    To Visionaries and Change-Agents of the Future

    First, thank you for taking the time to explore the digital polycrisis. I believe that this is a tremendous step towards a more aware and prepared global community. This is a safe space to learn and grow. Welcome.

    The publishing of this book is a dedication to my beloved grandmother, Leslene Daniels, whose creative spirit and innovative use of upcycled toilets in her garden symbolised the resilience and ingenuity we need in the digital age.

    According to a 2016 article in Bermuda’s Royal Gazette newspaper, when Leslene and her husband, Norman, renovated their bathroom several years prior, they turned a broken toilet and sink into unique planters. This shows the creativity, innovation, and collaboration of Leslene and Norman, which is so relevant to the future of AI and digital technologies. You can read their story in a newspaper article called Daniels’s Quirky Pots Leave Tourists Flushed.

    This book is also dedicated to those who seek to navigate and shape the digital landscape with resilience, ingenuity, upcycling, and innovation. Inspired by the creativity of my grandmother’s garden, where she transformed ordinary objects into extraordinary planters, the publishing projects at CKC Cares are dedicated to the empowerment of others. It is all about sharing our experiences with AI and emerging technologies that can be harnessed for positive future development and change.

    In the same way my grandmother and her husband Uncle Norman turned discarded items into sources of life and inspiration, The Digital Polycrisis aims to help create paths that can turn the sometimes dark and uncertain world of cyberspace into a place where positive growth and innovation can flourish. This makes it more than a book; it is a catalyst for ongoing research and development in AI ethics, cybersecurity, and digital governance. It emphasises the critical importance of understanding and navigating our interconnected digital landscape to adapt and manage change effectively.

    Resilience through Continued Exploration: The Digital Polycrisis serves as a foundation for deeper study, highlighting the necessity of a comprehensive understanding of the digital polycrisis. Embracing lifelong learning ensures we adapt and thrive amidst rapid technological changes.

    Ingenuity in Recognising Overlap and Connectedness: Understanding the connections within our digital landscape is crucial for adapting to change. As my grandmother saw potential and opportunity in discarded items, we must recognise the interconnections in our digital world to innovate and progress.

    Upcycling in Holistic Perspective: Every aspect of our lives is impacted by digital advancements. This book invites readers to appreciate the multifaceted effects of existing and emerging technologies on society, advocating for sustainable and creative approaches.

    Just as my grandmother’s quirky pots left a lasting impression on all who saw them, I hope this book leaves you with lasting insights and the drive to navigate the digital age with confidence, curiosity, and ethical acumen. Your dedication to making the future of AI and emerging technologies exciting, safe, and accessible inspires a holistic approach to navigating the digital age. Together, we can create a harmonious and inclusive digital future.

    Photos by Blaire Simmons, The Royal Gazette newspaper, Bermuda.

    The Mindset Shift Challenge Invitation

    Join the Mindset Shift Challenge to show a commitment to AI and digital ethics. Share your insights and experiences on social media using #DigitalPolycrisisMindset. Your contributions might inspire or empower others in ways we can’t foresee, fostering positive change in the age of AI, much like how Leslene and Norman Daniels turned everyday items into extraordinary planters, symbolising creativity and innovation.


    Welcome to The Digital Polycrisis, a journey through the intertwined crises of our digital age!

    With nearly two decades of experience in education, business development, operations, AI ethics, data protection, and innovative leadership, I have written this book as an engaging and informative exploration of technological advancement, offering insights and strategies to navigate the complexities of the digital age.

    The digital polycrisis is a complex and multifaceted issue, and no single book or author can claim to have all the answers. The Digital Polycrisis is my contribution to the ongoing dialogue, and I recognise the importance of collaboration and diverse perspectives in addressing the multifaceted challenges highlighted in the chapters to come. This book serves as an invitation for readers to explore the concept of the digital polycrisis, reflecting on how it relates to their own lives and professional contexts, and empowering them with the tools and insights needed to navigate this landscape in their unique ways.

    The book is packed with resources, including a comprehensive glossary of key terms, a career guide and more. There are reflection questions, useful considerations, and a reference and resource list in the back of the book.

    While The Digital Polycrisis offers a broad framework for understanding the interconnected challenges we face, each sector and technology should be personalised based on its specific culture, nuances, and considerations. The book presents considerations across industries at a high level as readers are encouraged to use this framework as a foundation for developing targeted, industry-specific strategies and to engage with experts and stakeholders in their respective fields.

    There are combined guides and workbooks for professionals, students and organisations that offer practical activities to build resilience in the digital polycrisis. Plus, complements the books by offering a holistic and inclusive experience with interactive resources, learning experiences, and opportunities for collaboration and learning. By fostering a global community committed to responsible technology development and ethical innovation, the Digital Polycrisis project joins forces with various international initiatives that strive to create meaningful, transformative, and uplifting changes in people’s lives.

    Disclaimers and Trigger Warnings

    This is not a legal or technical book. It is written from the point of view of the author in contribution to global discourse. There are real and fictional case studies throughout to simplify current and future trends for greater awareness and understanding of advanced concepts. It contains discussions on data breaches, cybersecurity threats, and ethical dilemmas in AI that may be upsetting to some readers. Some content may touch upon issues related to social dynamics, generational differences, and job or career disruption. Readers should manage the consumption of information that they find distressing or disturbing.

    The guide, assessment, micro-course, quiz, and results provided are for entertainment and reflection purposes only. The author and CKC Cares are not liable for the results, as the reader makes personal and professional decisions. For tailored guidance regarding careers and decision-making, readers should seek support from professional advisors, health professionals, lawyers, or relevant authorities.

    Written by Cha'Von Clarke-Joell, this book project is an innovative experiment blending human expertise with advanced AI technology. The narrative and insights are based on Cha’Von’s knowledge and creativity, while AI tools were used to generate images and refine the content. This collaboration aims to enhance the visual appeal and ensure textual clarity, demonstrating how technology can complement and elevate the work of skilled authors and creatives.

    Safety Information

    When implementing AI and digital strategies, it is essential to prioritise safety and ethical considerations.

    Here are some key steps to ensure responsible implementation:

    Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential ethical, legal, and societal implications of the AI system or digital strategy.

    Develop a clear governance framework that outlines roles, responsibilities, and accountability measures for the development, deployment, and monitoring of the AI system or digital strategy.

    Ensure transparency and explainability of the AI system’s decision-making processes, allowing for human oversight and intervention when necessary.

    Regularly audit and monitor the AI system for fairness, accuracy, and potential biases, and implement corrective measures as needed.

    Provide comprehensive training to employees and stakeholders on the ethical use of AI and digital technologies, emphasising the importance of data privacy, security, and responsible innovation.

    Engage with diverse stakeholders, including industry experts, policymakers, and the public, to gather feedback and address concerns related to the AI system or digital strategy.

    Establish clear channels for reporting and addressing any issues or unintended consequences that may arise from the use of the AI system or digital strategy.

    For additional guidance and support in implementing AI and digital strategies responsibly and ethically, readers are encouraged to consult with certified professionals and refer to resources provided by organisations such as the IEEE, the World Economic Forum, and the OECD. CKC Cares can offer tailored or personalised guidance for entities, professionals, and students via

    Special Thanks

    I would like to acknowledge and express my sincerest gratitude to the following individuals for their invaluable contributions and unwavering support:

    ›  L. Ebbin, A. Whitfield, P. Ratteray, and S. Vaidya- thank you for your commitment to the project and for sharing your gifts to make it a reality.

    ›  To my diverse and multidisciplinary reading & review team - T. Lovell, A. Awan, S. Schwartz, K. Carter, S. Williams, and T. Warner–thank you for taking the time to read chapters and sharing your valuable professional and personal thoughts.

    ›  To my husband, D. Joell and son, K. Clark e- Thank you for listening to my AI adventures and concerns, and for tolerating my crazy writing sessions.

    To everyone who encouraged and supported the digital polycrisis project, thank you for being a part of this journey to represent a positive impact in this transforming digital age.

    About the Author

    Cha'Von Clarke-Joell (CJ) is a global professional in AI ethics and data protection, renowned for her pioneering work and visionary leadership. Named one of the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics for 2024, CJ’s expertise spans various roles and industries, including co-founding The TLC Group of Companies, leading projects at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Bermuda (PrivCom), advocating for global inclusion and accessibility, and serving as a lecturer and consultant in AI and data privacy education.

    CJ’s multidisciplinary background (psychology, cognitive neuroscience, criminal justice, and creative arts) enables her to approach digital polycrisis with a unique and holistic perspective. Extensive public speaking and panel experience underscore her thought leadership in the field, and her insights in The Digital Polycrisis aim to guide readers through transformation in the digital landscape, supporting our progressive world through ethics, privacy, and security.

    As an active supporter of global initiatives, CJ continues to advance ethical data management, artificial intelligence, and inclusive technological solutions with a responsible, humanistic, and comprehensive approach.

    A person standing next to a robot Description automatically generated

    Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.

    – Christian Lous Lange

    Christian Lous Lange was a Norwegian historian, teacher, and political scientist born in 1869. His famous quote reflects his cautionary perspective on the potential misuse of technological advancements.

    The Digital Polycrisis Timeline

    The Chronology of the Digital Polycrisis on the next page summarises the evolution of digital technologies, cybersecurity, and AI, as detailed in the Digital Polycrisis book. It begins with the Early Computing Era, leading to the Early Internet Era, which revolutionised communication. The Rise of Social Media introduced advanced data protection challenges, while the Advent of AI brought significant innovations and ethical concerns.

    As digital threats grew, the Data Protection and Cybersecurity era emerged, focusing on data protection laws. The current Digital Polycrisis underscores the intersection of challenges in cybersecurity, AI ethics, and data privacy. It anticipates Future AI Innovations alongside societal advancements and regulatory changes, offering a comprehensive understanding of the digital polycrisis’ progression and complexities. This will prepare us for the Digital Polycrisis of the Future.

    On the next page, you will see a visual diagram detailing the Chronology of the Digital Polycrisis.

    To access the downloadable infographic, visit

    Before the AI Wave

    The Internet

    Our Interconnected Web

    Summary: This section introduces the concept of the digital polycrisis, highlighting how various digital crises, such as cybersecurity threats, data privacy concerns, and ethical dilemmas in AI, are interconnected. It provides a historical context for the term polycrisis and its evolution into the digital realm.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding the interconnected nature of digital crises.

    The historical evolution of the term polycrisis

    The significance of recognising and addressing multiple digital threats simultaneously.

    The Digital Age and Emerging Challenges

    As we navigate the fast-paced world of technological advancements, our lives are becoming increasingly intertwined with digital systems and information. We find ourselves at a point where incredible opportunities and unexpected challenges intersect.

    The amazing achievements in technology have merged with a series of crises that can significantly disrupt our interconnected existence in ways we could never have expected. Welcome to the realm of digital polycrisis.

    The Origin and Evolution of Polycrisis

    Polycrisis, at its core, refers to the occurrence of interrelated crises, each intensifying the impact of the others. French theorist Edgar Morin originally coined the term polycrisis in the late 1990s to describe the escalating combination of global challenges. Adam Tooze later popularised it, particularly in his 2021 book Shutdown, where he used it to anchor his narrative of the 2008-09 (COVID-19) crisis and the interconnected global challenges.

    Initially, the term has been used to describe the multitude of global challenges such as economic instability, climate change, and geopolitical tensions that were interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Tooze’s usage brought attention to the complexity and compounded nature of these crises, indicating that addressing them in isolation was insufficient.

    Introducing Digital Polycrisis

    By exploring the term digital polycrisis, my goal is to direct focused attention toward the various crises that arise from digital advancements. This term underscores the necessity of addressing these crises with specialised strategies tailored to the digital realm.

    Digital polycrisis describes the complex and interdependent crises that arise from the rapid development and integration of digital technologies into every facet of society. Many of the most pressing global challenges are now rooted in or exacerbated by digital technologies. These do not exist in isolation; they interact and amplify one another, creating a web of deeply interconnected crises.

    Key areas where these crises manifest include:

    Cybersecurity Threats

    The increasing reliance on digital systems and cyberattacks can lead to widespread disruptions, affecting individuals and entities, national security and global stability.

    Data Privacy Concerns

    The vast amounts of data generated and shared across digital platforms raise critical concerns about privacy, security, and the ethical use of data.

    Ethical Considerations of AI

    The deployment of AI in various sectors introduces complex ethical questions, as AI’s role in decision-making processes can perpetuate inequalities and lead to significant societal impacts.

    Focused Attention on Digital Dimensions

    This focus is essential because digital technologies, while offering vast opportunities for innovation and connectivity, also introduce unknown risks and vulnerabilities that can exacerbate traditional crises. By emphasising the digital aspect, we are more likely to engage with the specific tools and strategies needed to address these challenges effectively.

    It promotes a holistic understanding of how digital technologies intertwine with broader societal issues, suggesting that solutions should be multidisciplinary and integrated. This perspective is vital for developing effective solutions, as it recognises that the impacts of digital technology do not exist in a vacuum and are influenced by various socio-economic, environmental, and political factors. A holistic approach ensures that solutions are technically viable, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable.

    The necessity of developing strategic responses that encompass technological innovation, ethical considerations, and robust policy frameworks is required to manage the complexities of the digital age, where traditional methods may no longer suffice. By framing the digital polycrisis in this way, we can consider interdisciplinary responses, integrating insights from technology, ethics, policy, and beyond to address the interconnectedness of these crises effectively.

    When we acknowledge the digital polycrisis, we recognise the critical intersection of technology and crisis management. This recognition is crucial for preparing to navigate and mitigate the interconnected challenges of our increasingly digital world.

    Polycrisis or Polycrises?

    Using the singular form polycrisis rather than polycrises emphasises that these multiple crises are interconnected, influencing one another

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