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Ebook64 pages46 minutes


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About this ebook

Chris, a 29-year-old black man from the gritty streets of the city, has had it with bad relationships and broken dreams. Tired of the drama with black women, he takes the advice of the red pill community and starts lookin' elsewhere. Enter Lori, a fine-ass white Instagram model with a big booty, tanned skin, and long hair. She's everything Chris thinks he wants—until the mask slips.

Two months in, Lori's sweet talk turns sour. She's demeaning, degrading, and only interested in Chris for his money and luxury dates. Things get dark when she starts throwin' racial slurs and even gets physical. Now, Chris is caught in a deadly game, torn between keeping up the façade for his boys and breakin' free from the toxic nightmare.

With gossip spreadin' through the hood and Lori's threats gettin' more dangerous, Chris has to decide: stay trapped in a lie or fight back against a woman who'll stop at nothing to ruin him. Filled with street life tension, violent confrontations, and explicit urban drama, **Preference** takes you on a raw, unfiltered ride through the dark side of love and survival in the city. This ain't just a story; it's a battle for dignity, respect, and freedom.

PublisherRachael Reed
Release dateJun 29, 2024

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    Book preview

    Preference - Rachael Reed


    Rachael Reed


    Copyright © 2024 by Rachael Reed

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, Resold, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or otherwise


    Chapter 1 Same Ole Same Ole

    Chapter 2 The Perfect Match

    Chapter 3 The Honeymoon Phase

    Chapter 4 Cracks Begin to Show

    Chapter 5 And So it Begins

    Chapter 6 Chris’s Double Life

    Chapter 7 A Friend’s Concern

    Chapter 8 The Breaking Point

    Chapter 9 The Setup

    Chapter 10 The Legal Battle

    Chapter 11 Dori’s True Colors

    Chapter 12 The Community’s Role

    Chapter 13 The Trial

    Chapter 14 The Verdict

    Chapter 15 Picking Up the Pieces

    Chapter 16 Moving Forward

    Chapter 1 Same Ole Same Ole

    Chris Jackson, 29 years old, lived in a neighborhood where dreams died young and hope was a fleeting visitor. The streets of Westside were rough, filled with the constant hum of sirens, the distant pop of gunshots, and the endless hustle of folks trying to make it out alive. Chris had grown up here, learned the rules of the game early: trust no one, keep your head down, and always watch your back.

    Chris was a good-looking brother, tall and lean, with skin the color of rich mahogany and a fade that stayed sharp thanks to his boy, Tyrone, who ran the local barbershop. Tyrone was one of Chris’s closest friends, along with Malik and Jamal. They’d been tight since grade school, their bond forged through shared experiences and mutual survival. They called themselves the Four Horsemen, always ready to ride for each other, no matter what.

    Chris had his share of failed relationships, each one leaving a scar deeper than the last. His exes, all black women from the neighborhood, had been a mix of good and bad. There was Keisha, the high school sweetheart who cheated on him with his best friend’s cousin. Then there was Tasha, who had two kids by two different men and always seemed to be looking for the next sugar daddy. And of course, there was Renee, the one who broke his heart the most. She was the one he thought he’d marry, but she left him for a dude with a nicer car and a bigger bank account.

    These experiences had left Chris jaded and frustrated. He’d spent hours scrolling through forums and watching videos from the red pill community, a group of men who believed in harsh truths about relationships and women. They preached about the dangers of modern women, especially black women, and how a man needed to be alpha, keep his options open, and never settle. Chris bought into it hard, convinced that he needed to find someone different, someone who wouldn’t bring drama into his life.

    His family was a different kind of mess. His moms, Loretta, worked two jobs to keep the lights on and food on the table. She was tough, with a no-nonsense attitude and a heart of gold. His younger sister, Tanisha, was a wild child, always getting into trouble, running with the wrong crowd. Chris tried to keep her on the straight and narrow, but she had a mind of her own.

    His friends, the Horsemen, had their own struggles. Tyrone had a baby mama who kept him on child support even though he was barely scraping by. Malik was a hustler, always looking for the next come-up, whether it was legal or not. And Jamal, well, Jamal was a dreamer, always talking about getting out of the hood and starting his own business, but never quite making it happen.

    Chris’s crib was a small apartment in a run-down building. The

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