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Championship Bad
Championship Bad
Championship Bad
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Championship Bad

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Rochelle grew up in the hard streets of Richmond, Virginia, where dreams are broken as easily as promises. Raised in the projects by a single mother struggling to make ends meet, Rochelle's life has been a constant battle for survival. But she's tough, street-smart, and determined to rise above it all.

Enter Josh, the neighborhood's high school basketball star with a promising future. Josh is Rochelle's next-door neighbor and has always had a thing for her. After relentless flirting, Rochelle finally gives him a chance, and they quickly become the power couple of the hood. But with Josh's rising fame comes temptation—women, money, and the dark side of ambition.

As Josh gets tangled in a web of infidelity and lies, Rochelle finds herself spiraling into a world of jealousy and violence. Their passionate relationship turns volatile, culminating in a brutal fight that leaves Josh with a career-ending injury and Rochelle facing the devastating loss of their unborn child. Alone in the hospital, Rochelle must grapple with betrayal, loss, and the harsh realities of ghetto life.

While Josh's dreams shatter and he spirals into regret, Rochelle begins to rebuild her life, seeking redemption and forging a new path. But the streets never forget, and the community is quick to judge, making it harder for her to move on. As she rises, helping others avoid her mistakes and finding strength in herself, Josh fights his own demons, trying to earn back the respect he's lost.

The championship game becomes a symbol of hope, drawing the community together and offering a chance for new beginnings. Josh watches from the sidelines, reflecting on what could have been, while Rochelle finds closure and purpose, determined to never let the streets define her.

In a world where loyalty is tested and redemption is hard-earned, *Championship Bad* takes you on a gripping journey through love, betrayal, and the unyielding fight for a better life. This is a story of survival and resilience, where every choice has consequences, and the streets are always watching. Can Rochelle and Josh find their way out, or will the streets pull them back into the darkness? The answer lies in the heart-pounding pages of this urban drama, where every chapter leaves you on the edge of your seat, hungry for more.

PublisherRachael Reed
Release dateJun 30, 2024
Championship Bad

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    Championship Bad - Rachael Reed



    Rachael Reed


    Copyright © 2024 by Rachael Reed

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, Resold, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or otherwise

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Hard Knock Life

    Chapter 2: Neighborhood Bonds

    Chapter 3: Giving In

    Chapter 4: Rising Star

    Chapter 5: Infidelity and Betrayal

    Chapter 6: Gossip and Scandal

    Chapter 7: The Cycle of Violence

    Chapter 8: Pressure Cooker

    Chapter 9: The Breaking Point

    Chapter 10: Heartbreak and Betrayal

    Chapter 11: The Fallout

    Chapter 12: Picking Up the Pieces

    Chapter 13: A New Path

    Chapter 14: Facing the Truth

    Chapter 15: The Final Decision

    Chapter 16: Redemption and Regret

    Chapter 17: The Championship Game

    Chapter 18: Closure and New Beginnings

    Chapter 1: Hard Knock Life

    Rochelle stood at the cracked window of their tiny apartment in the housing projects of Richmond, Virginia. The same scene played out every day—kids playing on the broken-down playground, teenagers huddled in corners trading secrets and substances, and the ever-present hum of police sirens in the background. Life here was a constant grind, a relentless fight for survival. But this was home.

    Her mom, Anita, was the heart of their little family. She worked two jobs, cleaning offices by day and waiting tables at a rundown diner by night, just to keep food on the table and the lights on. Baby, you gotta stay focused, Anita would often say, her voice tired but full of determination. We ain't got much, but we got each other. And that’s enough.

    Rochelle knew the truth of those words, but it didn't make the struggle any easier. She was seventeen, with dreams bigger than the rundown walls of their apartment. She wanted to escape, to find a life where she didn’t have to worry about where the next meal would come from or if she’d make it home safe at night.

    Next door, Josh was living a parallel life. He was the neighborhood’s shining hope, a high school basketball star with a future that seemed destined for greatness. Colleges were already scouting him, and everyone talked about how he was going to be the one to make it out of the projects. But behind closed doors, Josh's life wasn't all that different from Rochelle’s. His mom was battling addiction, and his father had never been in the picture. It was just him and his little sister, Jada, trying to hold things together.

    Yo, Rochelle! Josh called from his doorstep, flashing his trademark smile. What’s good?

    Rochelle rolled her eyes, though she couldn’t help but smile back. Nothin' much, Josh. Just tryin' to survive, you know how it is.

    Josh nodded, his eyes showing a depth of understanding that belied his age. Yeah, I feel you. But you know, I’m gonna take you to one of my games one day. Show you what it’s like to win.

    Rochelle laughed. Win? In this place? That’d be a first.

    Despite their different paths, Rochelle and Josh shared a bond forged in the fires of their shared struggle. They both knew what it meant to hustle, to dream of something better while being weighed down by the realities of their environment.

    The projects were a world unto themselves, a harsh ecosystem where only the strong survived. The streets were ruled by gangs, drugs, and the ever-present threat of violence. It was a place where dreams were often crushed under the weight of daily survival. Rochelle had seen friends fall victim to the streets, their lives snuffed out before they ever really began.

    Every day was a battle. At school, Rochelle had to fend off bullies and avoid the pitfalls of peer pressure. She was smart and ambitious, but the constant distractions and dangers made it hard to stay focused. At home, she helped her mom with the bills and tried to keep their apartment from falling apart. There was little time for herself, let alone for dreams of a better future.

    Josh had his own battles. Being a star athlete came with its own set of pressures. He was constantly under the microscope, expected to perform flawlessly both on and off the court. The scouts were watching, the colleges were calling, and everyone in the neighborhood had their hopes pinned on him. But Josh carried the weight of his family’s struggles too. His mom’s addiction cast a long shadow, and he often found himself playing the role of parent to his little sister.

    Despite it all, there was a spark in both Rochelle and Josh—a defiance against the odds stacked against them. They refused to be defined by their circumstances. They saw in each other a reflection of their own hopes and fears, a shared understanding of what it meant to fight for a better life.

    As the sun set over the projects, casting long shadows over the cracked pavement, Rochelle and Josh stood side by side, looking out at their world. They didn’t

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