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Passport To Freedom
Passport To Freedom
Passport To Freedom
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Passport To Freedom

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Having disobeyed the Almighty God, the creator of all that exist, we have sinned. We have been tried, convicted, and sentenced. Consequently, all of mankind is held captive and is in bondage to sin and is destined to die an everlasting death.  Because of sin the devil, called Satan, has promptly imprisoned us and has perpetually fed us with lies and deceptions. We are enslaved to Satan's notion that  disparities and adverse circumstances we experience in this fallen world are all that await us in this life as we know it. However, the Almighty, the loving God, a God of grace and mercy has devised a redemption plan for the remission of our sins. God has gifted us with a passport that would grant us the privilege to escape the prison walls of Satan, sin, and death; that we might have freedom to reign with His Son Jesus in our Father God's kingdom of love, joy, and peace. JESUS is our Passport to Freedom. By believing in Jesus and calling upon His name, Jesus will speak to us by His Holy Spirit of Truth. God's Word is truth, and His truth will set us free. Jesus was crucified but was resurrected in victory over Satan, which provides us who believe a second chance to live spiritually righteous in freedom forevermore. Receive in your heart the Holy Spirit of Jesus, your passport to all that is virtuous and true. You will live eternally in freedom and never die!

Release dateJun 30, 2024
Passport To Freedom

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    Book preview

    Passport To Freedom - Elijah Richards

    This book is dedicated for the

    Glory of JESUS CHRIST

    By His mighty army of Believers

    throughout the world

    I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness, And will hold your hand; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, As a light to the Gentiles, To open blind eyes, To bring out prisoners from the prison, Those who sit in darkness from the prison house, Isaiah 42:6-7.

    Table Of Contents


    * You Are A Prisoner ..................... 1  

    You Need To Know The Truth...

    Part 1

    * You Need To Be Free .................. 5

    God Loves You...

    * A Prayer For Salvation ................ 31

    Part 2

    * The Power To Be Free ................ 33

    Power For You...

    Part 3

    * The Holy Spirit

    The Word  And The Name ........... 63

    The Word Of God...

    Part 4

    * The Gift Of Freedom ..................... 79

    Believe And Receive...

    * A  Prayer To Be Baptized With

    The Holy Spirit ............................ 92



    You are a prisoner of the devil. You are a slave to his world system and all of its undesirable circumstances.  Your whole life has been a makeup of fear, confusion, misdirection; laced with squandered opportunities.  All you have known is sorrow and despair.  You seem to wear sickness and disease as a cloak.  Chronic pain and misery reign as your constant companion.  You cannot recall having a day of true peace, happiness and a joy that transcends understanding.  Evil thoughts and destructive ways are instinctively your defense mechanism.  Poverty has a grip around your neck, threatening to strangle the last breath of hope you may have for positive change.


    You need to know the truth because you are imprisoned by lies.  The devil has lied to you.  You need to know that the prison door has been opened.  You have been made free.  There is a passport available for you with your personal name on it.  This passport awaits you where you currently reside in prison.  Dare to walk by the prayer of faith through the prison exit door.  Love, peace and freedom earnestly anticipate a rendezvous with you; desiring to embrace you.  To be free, you must believe and receive the passport.  YOUR PASSPORT TO FREEDOM IS JESUS.  Jesus will tell you the truth.  And His truth will give you joy and peace.  You can have freedom to display divine power.  And freedom to love another as you are loved; all without fear; having the benefits of a sound mind.  Jesus will give you freedom to have health and strength.  You can have freedom that you may sow and reap sufficiently.  Freedom of the abundant life can be yours to do all good works by Christ Jesus in our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom. 

    READ THIS BOOK!  Take hold of the passport.  Jesus is your passport.  Invite Jesus to come and live in your heart.  GUARANTEED FREEDOM IS YOURS FOREVER!

    Part 1

    You Need To Be Free

    God Loves You

    You need to know that God loves you; and freedom begins with knowing the depth of His love for you.  God loves you so much that He gave Jesus as a sacrifice for the forgiveness and remission of your sins. The Bible is God’s Word and it tells us, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, John 3:16.  Because God gave Jesus as the sacrifice for the remission of your sins, you may have eternal life. You no longer have to be destined to die in your sins with the devil. You have the privilege to choose Jesus and inherit everlasting life.

    Jesus is the only way to obtaining everlasting life.  He says, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me, John 14:6.  YOU and JESUS are the way to life. YOU and the DEVIL (Satan) are the way to an everlasting death. The choice is yours to make.  No one else can make this choice for you. Who do you choose?  The Holy Spirit is saying, "you don’t have to be enslaved and imprisoned by sin... you need to be set free by the gift of salvation so that you may live free of sin and death... accept freedom and live forevermore!"

    The sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross was for the remission of sins. God gave Jesus by Jesus’ death on the cross (though He was resurrected) in order that your sins would be totally wiped out; and indeed, they were.  Jesus did not fail.  You need only to accept what Jesus has done for you.  God, in His love for you, has given you another alternative to the way you have lived thus far in this world.  In Jesus, there is a better plan for your life.  God wants you to be love as He is love.  The Bible says,  God is love, I John 4:8.  With Jesus, you can be an instrument of love also.  Today The Lord God is saying to you, make a choice.  You have two kinds of worlds from which to choose; a world of the living or you may choose to remain in a world of the dead.  God

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