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Autumn Wishes and Pumpkin Kisses
Autumn Wishes and Pumpkin Kisses
Autumn Wishes and Pumpkin Kisses
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Autumn Wishes and Pumpkin Kisses

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Teaganne Voss is coming home. There's a sentence she never thought she'd say. Blue Ridge is the last place she expected to end up but it's exactly where she needs to be. A messy divorce, single mother of two, high end fashion designer and a broken heart would describe her perfectly. Coming home feels like the right decision but it seems fate may

Release dateAug 12, 2021
Autumn Wishes and Pumpkin Kisses

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    Autumn Wishes and Pumpkin Kisses - Stephanie Nichole


    Autumn Wishes and Pumpkin Kisses is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    Copyright © 2021 by Stephanie Nichole

    All rights reserved.

    Editing by KP Editing

    Cover Design by KP Designs


    Published by Kingston Publishing Company


    The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means—including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

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    To all those who have found their home in someone else.



    We lay in a field of Violets. Teaganne’s favorite even though she won’t admit it. This is our spot. It’s where we come to get away from everyone else. It’s also how we’ve managed to keep ourselves sane while keeping us a secret these past few weeks. I don’t know how we managed all these years, but now it’s like I can’t get enough of her. It was always there though. That heart falling to the pit of your stomach when you see her kind of feeling. Teaganne likes to act indifferent to everything around her, but I’ve noticed a few things throughout the years. For example, the way her eyes shine with appreciation every time we make our way to this field. Purple is her favorite color and it’s a safe bet to make that Violets are her favorite flower. This field is a secluded little slice of heaven. I’m sure few people have discovered it. It’s a good two mile hike to reach it. It's mostly uphill, so Teaganne is currently in front of me. I watch her footing to make sure she doesn’t miss a step or stumble. 

    She looks over her shoulder and smiles at me. Did you remember to bring the water?

    I smile at her. Her honey brown eyes shine and her smile is large on her face. Teaganne is insanely intelligent and talented, but on the flip side of that coin she is forgetful as hell. Chuckling, I slip the backpack from my shoulders and rummage through the inside to produce a bottle of water. She greedily yanks it from my hands and swigs it down. I step up to be on the same level as her while slipping the backpack into place. My hand wraps around the bottle and slowly pulls it from her lips. Slow down, baby. You’ll make yourself sick if you drink too much too fast.

    Her honey brown eyes roll dramatically, but her smile is so large that her dimples appear and I feel my heart falter in my chest. I hate that I’ve wasted our entire friendship...only being friends. This girl is the girl you love with every fiber of your being. She’s gorgeous both inside and out. I’m completely in love with her, but our time is limited, and I hate when that thought pops into my head. It’s an ugly reminder so I push it back to that dark corner of my mind. We only have a month until graduation and it’s not long enough, then again, no amount of time with Teaganne would be long enough in my book. You’re such a southern gentleman. Always coming to save the day.

    My head shakes, causing my longer hair to fall over my eye. I need a haircut, but Teaganne has told me on multiple occasions how much she likes being able to run her fingers through my hair, so I leave it be. I’m not trying to save the day, but you, Teaganne Voss, will never be the damsel in distress. You will never need saving. I’m just a spectator, captivated by you and loving every minute of it.

    Her slim, soft fingers intertwine with mine. You certainly have a way with words, Keefer Dunn.

    I suppose I do at times. Now, do you feel like making the rest of the hike or do you want to go back? 

    Teaganne has a flare for the dramatics and she makes a show of weighing her options. Of course, whichever she decides is fine with me. We’ll continue, but after this… Unexpectedly, she steps forward, wraps her hands around the back of my neck and pulls my lips to hers. The moment our lips meet my heart feels as if it will burst out of my chest. I’d be surprised if she couldn’t feel it against her own chest. I don’t know how long we kiss, because every time is never long enough. Finally, we pull away, both of us flushed with swollen lips and a little breathless. Okay, we should go now. She turns and starts the hike back up. 

    I follow just as I always do. Teaganne has a couple of slip ups, but I correct each time before she can get hurt. Each time she looks over her olive skinned shoulder at me and smiles. These are the moments I try my best to commit to memory. Finally, we reach the field of Violets. The soft powdery smell wafts up from the Violets. Mixed with the fresh air of the mountains the scent is intoxicating. I take a deep breath as I watch Teaganne wander into the field. She’s always so careful not to bring harm to any of the flowers. She squats down and brings her nose to one of the flowers. 

    While Teaganne takes a moment to appreciate the smaller things in life, I walk towards the outskirts of the flower meadow. There’s just grass in some areas and it’s the only place I’m allowed to lay the blanket out. The first time, I thought of packing a blanket for us I made the mistake of trying to lie it down in the middle of the flowers. Teaganne was a new level of upset, but she quickly got over it and we made an agreement. Once the blue and black checkered flannel blanket is down, I pull out two red solo cups and a bottle of the fancy cucumber flavored sparkling water out of the bag. It’s actually really disgusting, but Teaganne loves it. 

    Eventually, she makes her way to the blanket and takes a seat next to me. You know you don’t have to keep bringing this water for me. I’m sure you don’t enjoy it.

    That’s not true. I enjoy anything with you.

    Teaganne leans back slightly and rests her head on my shoulders. The sun is trying it’s best to break through the trees. It feels magical here. However, the sigh Teaganne releases makes me wonder what’s on her mind. I know better than to ask though, she’ll tell me when she’s ready and not a moment sooner. Keefer?

    Yes, darlin’?

    What’s going to happen after graduation? she asks quietly. 

    Now, it’s my turn to sigh. This is the last question I wanted. Mostly, because I don’t have an answer for it. I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out.

    Teaganne sits up and maneuvers until she is straddling my lap, her arms wrapped around my neck. I don’t want this to end. I don’t want us to end, she clarifies. 

    One of my hands draws lazy circles around her lower back. Don’t worry about that now.

    But I have to! I’m leaving for Los Angeles in a few weeks.

    There’s the ugly reminder. I muster up a smile and try my best to convince her. I know and you’re going to love it there.

    Tears fill her eyes and I watch as her bottom lip quivers. Not without you…

    Teaganne, what are you trying to say? I give myself some credit, because my voice sounds calm and steady despite the range of emotions I’m feeling internally. 

    She takes a deep breath and meets my eyes. Her honey brown to my cobalt blue. They’re unwavering and serious. I love you and I want you to come with me.

    That was not what I was expecting. After a few moments, I ask the only question I can think to ask. You want me to come with you? She nods her head. Are you sure?

    Yes, I’ve been thinking about it these past few weeks and I don’t want to go if I have to leave you. 

    Finally, I make a spur of the moment decision. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever done before. I’ve never made a spur of the moment decision, but there is a first time for everything. I had never been in love until Teaganne and I’ll do anything to hold onto this. I’ll go anywhere with you darlin’. I love you. You’re my forever.

    A few stray tears slip down her cheeks but her dimples accompany the smile on her face. I want all my adventures to be with you.

    I stretch up and meet her lips. When I pull away, I tell her, Me, too, darlin’. Me, too.

    My spur of the moment decision may have been both a blessing and curse. I followed my heart for the first time in my life, but the love didn’t last or at least hers didn’t. I should have known you couldn’t keep a girl so full of life and wanderlust. They only break your heart. 



    I load the last box into the bed of my Ford truck then walk around to secure the tarp in case any stray rain showers decide to grace us with their presence. I stare at my condo one last time. Well, technically it will still be mine, but in the form of a rental property. I think some part of me knew I’d wind back up in Blue Ridge eventually. No matter where I was in the world, that was the place I called home. Blue Ridge is one of those places that when you grow up within the community, you can’t wait to run as far away as fast as possible. Growing up with Warbee and Teaganne, we always discussed our plans for the future. On the top of that list was to get out of Blue Ridge, well for Teaganne and I it was. Warbee was always content with small town living. It suited her, which I guess is why she never really left unless necessary. Teaganne and I ran away as fast as possible after graduation. 

    Following her seemed to make all the sense in the world. She was a wild child that had a heart of gold and a soul made of wanderlust. She captivated me in every way possible. I fell in love with her before I ever knew what love actually was. Sadly, it took years for me to actually figure out that she felt the same and do something about it. Our time together was as brief as autumn is a season, but it was real and huge. Overwhelming and consuming. 

    I sigh as I turn away from the place I’ve called home the last few years. Oddly, I’m not sad about leaving Atlanta. I’m actually ready to leave the hustle and bustle of the big city behind. I’m ready for the small town quiet and Sunday morning gossip. I just know that Blue Ridge won’t be the same without her presence, but I have no right to even consider that. Teaganne is a married woman now and a mom of two. She is a big time

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