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Mated To My Nightmare: Love
Mated To My Nightmare: Love
Mated To My Nightmare: Love
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Mated To My Nightmare: Love

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Clutching his shirt, I pull him closer, and he smirks, well aware of the effect he has on me. The wetness in my core intensifies with his touch.Realization dawns on me as I hastily push him away, panting heavily. His gaze, dark with lust, looks at me intently.The wetness beneath me and the pain in my neck subside, but the tingling sparks remain.His overpowering scent and minty breath envelop me. Then he whispers, "Lyra if I slip my finger inside you, I swear you are dripping wet for me. And you say you hate me?"That is the breaking point. Summoning all my strength, I push him away forcefully, slipping out of his grasp.Lyra fled for her life when falsely accused of poisoning the Alpha. Pursued, she was rescued by Lycan King Kessler, who she realized was her mate. However, he had killed her parents, making her conflicted. To meet her uncle's demands, she pretends loyalty to the Lycan King but faces threats from the Alpha wants her dead. Her uncle insists on her having an heir with the Lycan King.The Lycan King refused to mate with her.Lyra's journey unfolds as she wrestles with these challenges – will she overcome them or succumb to the pressure?

Release dateJun 29, 2024
Mated To My Nightmare: Love

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    Book preview

    Mated To My Nightmare - Grace Aden

    Chapter 91

    Lyra's POV

    My head is pounding loudly as if a moving train just collided with it.I struggle to open my eyes,but it feels impossible.It's as if I'm drowning in the abyss,completely disoriented.

    I try to move my hands,but they're restrained by a chair,intensifying my panic.I attempt to move the chair again,but it remains immovable.

    I start to feel fear creeping up my spine.Thoughts race through my mind,The room feels suffocatingly silent.

    With each attempt to break free,my heart beats faster,echoing in my ears.I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins,I grit my teeth and focus all my energy on trying to break free,desperate for any sign of progress.

    Summoning all my courage,I muster every ounce of strength to flutter my eyes open,only to be met with pitch darkness all around.

    Oh my goodness,what's happening?I exclaim inwardly,my mind racing with questions.Where am I?How did I get here?My thoughts jumbled as I tried to piece together how I ended up in this situation.

    Like a puzzle,everything starts to fit together as I remember visiting my new apartment.Conor had stepped out after receiving a call,leaving me alone.As I ventured outside,I was suddenly pierced with a needle in my neck.

    I attempt to move my hand,hoping to break free from the chains,but it's futile.They're silver chains,a werewolf's worst enemy,binding me tightly.

    Who could have planned my kidnapping?My uncle is locked away in the dungeon,Tristan wouldn't dare to lay a hand on me,and it seems Annie has already achieved her objectives since she's now with Kessler.Could another enemy be lurking in the shadows,someone I'm not even aware of?

    I rack my brain,trying to piece together any possible suspects.Just then,a door swings open,flooding the room with blinding light as it's turned on.I squint,trying to adjust my sight to the sudden brightness.

    Taking in my surroundings,I realize I'm in an old,abandoned warehouse,with dilapidated walls and rusty chains.

    Well,well,well,finally,the bitch is awake,she snarls,walking with graceful poise.Pregnancy seems to suit her,adding an air of confidence to her demeanor.

    As I realize who she is,I clench my fists,trying to suppress the anger surging through me.

    She feigned fear to mask the tension in the room,as we both know the depths of animosity between us.

    The bitch is even pregnant,she taunts.

    That makes us even,bitch,I retort defiantly.

    She moves closer,her face inches from mine.Gathering my resolve,I spit at her face,seething with rage.Get lost,you whore.

    Without hesitation,she lands a hard slap across my cheek.It burns fiercely,but I refuse to let her see the pain she's caused.My jaw clenches,and I meet her gaze with steely determination,refusing to back down.

    What do you want from me?I ask,my voice tinged with defiance.

    I want to watch you suffer,she replies coldly,her eyes gleaming with malice.I want to break you into pieces until you beg for your life,begging me to spare you.And by then,I'll have the pleasure of dealing with you in the way I see fit.

    Her words send a chill down my spine,and I tremble.The only advantage she has is that I'm chained to this chair,unable to defend myself properly.

    Take off this chain and face me like the bitch that you are,I challenge,my voice trembling with anger.Then I'll know if you're worth taking seriously or just a coward hiding behind threats.

    She gives me another harsh slap.You don't talk back until I ask a question,dumbass,she sneers.

    I turn my face to the side,feeling the stinging pain from her slap.

    What do you stand to gain from all of this?I continue,ignoring the pain as I address her.Kessler is all yours.I've moved on,and you should too since you've already won the trophy of having him to yourself and carrying his heir.

    I notice a flicker of hurt in her eyes,quickly masked by a facade of indifference.What do I miss?I ask,curious about the emotions she's trying to conceal.

    I remember seeing news about her and Kessler's marriage hitting the rocks.Could this be true?

    But before I can dwell on that thought,she interrupts,I'm not here for chit-chat.I'm here to see you suffer.

    She claps her hands,and two hefty men walk in carrying strips.The sight sends a wave of dread through me,realizing the extent of the torture she has planned.

    I am forced to stand up from the chair,my hands still chained.They instruct me to hold onto something as they strip me naked and start wiping me with the strips.

    The first stroke is brutal,and I let out a yell.The pain intensifies with each successive stroke,and I continue to cry out until they reach forty-eight strokes.By then,I am drained and exhausted,collapsing to the ground,battered and worn out.

    As I lay on the ground,panting heavily and struggling to catch my breath,The pain from the lashes spread out through my body,leaving me vulnerable.

    I mustered the strength to lift my head slightly,my eyes locking with hers.There's a cruel satisfaction in her eyes,a twisted pleasure she gets from seeing me suffer.

    I refuse to let her break me completely.I push myself to a sitting position,glaring defiantly at her.You may have hurt me physically,but you'll never break my spirit.

    I fear for my child in my womb.I pray to the moon goddess,begging her to protect my precious baby.

    Annie is still burning with anger.She slaps me and calls me a whore.Everything was going fine with me and Kessler until you showed your face and made Kessler not take pleasure in me again,she spits out.

    I feel weak and unable to fight back.But I can't just sit and watch things unfold like this.I can't die like this,not when my baby's life is at stake.My child is too important to me.

    I feel the burning pain of the silver chain piercing into my skin,making me powerless against my will to fight.With each moment of agony,I'm reminded of my helplessness.

    I have no trust in anyone coming to my rescue this time.I doubt whether Kessler even knows I'm in danger.My thoughts drift to Conor—could he have a hand in orchestrating this nightmare?

    Life has taught me not to trust easily,especially after everything I've been through.When will I ever find true happiness and be able to enjoy it without fear?

    Sasha,my wolf,is also weakened and subdued by the effects of the silver chain.

    I find myself lying on the bare floor,naked and vulnerable,when I hear the door open again.A familiar scent wafts towards me,unmistakable.It's him.What is he doing here?He's supposed to be locked in the dungeon.This can't be real.

    Each step he takes echoes in the room as he approaches me.With a single finger,he tilts my face up and greets me,Hello,niece.

    I mutter silently to myself,Holy fuck.

    Chapter 92

    Seeing my uncle again fills me with emotions I can't quite explain.So many questions race through my mind.I had thought he was still locked up in the dungeon.

    How did he manage to escape?I rack my brain,trying to pinpoint the enemy lurking in the shadows,unaware that he had already escaped.

    As he stands before me now,his presence is unsettling,I struggle to grasp the reality of his escape.

    Every word he speaks sends a shiver down my spine,and I can't shake the feeling that danger still looms.

    Annie might have helped,for all I know.Many things could have transpired between Kessler and Annie for her to aid Jack in this devious act.

    With a trembling voice,I greeted him,Hello,Uncle Jack.

    Uncle Jack's eyes pierce through me,his expression unreadable.It's been a long time,hasn't it?I swallow hard,unsure of what to say next.

    Then,a phone starts ringing,startling all of us.We wonder whose phone it could be.I recognize the ringing tone as mine.

    Jack rushes to my phone and places it to his ear,Hello?Hello?he repeats,but there's no response.Anger flashes across his face as he angrily smashes the phone to the floor.With his heavy boot,he grinds it to pieces.

    I exchange uneasy glances at Annie in the room,unsure of what to say or do next.

    Now,back to my niece before I was rudely interrupted,how are you doing?he asks,his voice dripping with scorn.

    All my life,I've been scared of him and what he might do next.But right now,I notice I have no iota of fear left for him.I can't quite explain where this sudden boldness comes from.

    Perhaps I had gotten used to his threats,or maybe maturity had finally set in.I'm not the timid Lyra I used to be years ago.The situation has made me tougher,and I can't find that one thing that could scare me again.

    Not bad,Uncle Jack.As you can see,I've fulfilled part of our deal.

    He looks at me,shaking his head in pity.Seems you've gotten bold,huh?he asks,looking me dead in the eyes.Need I remind you that you are no one important?

    I meet his gaze steadily,feeling a newfound sense of strength within me.Maybe not to you,Uncle Jack,but I'm important enough to stand up for myself.

    His eyes narrow as if assessing my newfound confidence.Bold words,niece,a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.Let's see if you can back them up.

    You were never wanted by your birth parents because you are pure evil.No one,I mean no one,wants to be associated with you,he spits out with venom.

    But I can't wrap my head around the fact that Aiden chose to rescue you.You are nothing but a pathetic excuse of a child with an aura of darkness clouding you.

    "You think you're important because you believe you're the Lycan king's mate.You mean nothing to him.

    You're just one of his numerous conquests.He can get any woman he deems fit pregnant,just like he did to you and Annie.Do you know the number of women pregnant for him?"

    So grow the heck up and stop feeling important by acting bold and snazzy.

    If words could kill,I swear my uncle's demeaning words just murdered my self-esteem.He made me feel small and utterly irrelevant.I thought I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine by not showing how fearful I was,but girl,I was dead wrong.

    He continues to belittle me,drowning any ounce of courage I had shown earlier.Tears well up in my eyes,as against the show of strength I had tried so hard to maintain.

    Deep down,I realize that no matter how hard I try,I can never escape the shadow of his scorn.

    Realizing that my parents discarded me because of the aura of darkness that surrounded me was a new revelation.There are many things I seem not to know about myself.

    I make a mental note to uncover the mystery surrounding my birth.

    Could all he says about Kessler be true?Am I just one of his conquests?

    Annie gives a maniacal laugh and comes closer to me.Kessler denied this pregnancy,despite knowing the child was his.My dear,stop feeling fly;he will do the same to you.

    I regret falling for him,not knowing the true picture,despite being warned by several people from his pack.

    What do you think happened to his first mate?Do you know the heartache and emotional trauma he put her through?So,my dear,grow up,Annie taunts.

    I place my hands over my ears,not wanting to hear anything more about what they have to say about Kessler.I scream in anger,Can you please stop?I don't give a damn about Kessler.He's my rejected mate,and there's nothing between us.And please,if it's because of him you held me hostage,please let me go.I have nothing to do with him.

    Annie's eyes narrow,her expression turning cold.You think you can just walk away from this?You're his mate,whether you like it or not.And you'll soon realize that you can't escape your fate.

    Jack steps forward and delivers a hot,resounding slap that sends me weak at the knees.How dare you talk when I haven't asked you to?Do you think I care if he's your rejected mate or not?

    Hot tears stream down my face as I wrestle with the situation I find myself in.I can't believe I keep going round and round in circles without any sense of direction.I'm angry at no one in particular,but myself,for choosing to stay strong despite all I've been through.

    But I can't give up.I need to fight my way through and end this circle once and for all.I haven't eaten for two days now,and I am hungry and drained of strength.I fear for the little one growing in my belly.

    If no one rescues me,I must find my way out of this mess.

    Look at me,my uncle commands.

    I have no option but to obey him.

    He starts,I know I've not been the best to you.I wouldn't say I regret it,but sometimes my actions have your best interest at heart.

    I scoff at this new revelation.

    I know you wouldn't believe me based on how I've treated you,but trust me when I say,Kessler is up to no good.He has said time and time again that you mean nothing to him.

    His words run in my mind,with the doubts and fears that have haunted me for so long.Could there be truth in what he says?Is Kessler truly as heartless as my uncle claims?

    I want to believe my uncle has my best interests at heart,but years of mistreatment have left me wary of his

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