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The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Third Chance Mates
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Third Chance Mates
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Third Chance Mates
Ebook239 pages3 hours

The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Third Chance Mates

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"We made a promise that we would wait! You have betrayed me, and now you are screwing around while you have a she-wolf pregnant!" Sarah's gaze snapped back toward me. She had never seen me this angry.

"In that case," Brian growled at me, "I, Brian Joseph Scott, future Beta from the Silver Moonstone Pack, reject you, Catherine Jones, as my mate."

"I accept!" I growled, feeling the pain of rejection rippling through my body. I gasped for air, yet I knew the bond breaking would leave me in pain. I was more hurt that Brian didn't fight for me.

Kate, daughter of Alpha Duncan and Luna Melissa, becomes disabled during a pack attack while saving twelve little pups with love. She struggles to come to terms with her disability as well as the rejection from her fated mate, Brian, because of his betrayal with her best friend Sarah.

After being rejected by her fated mate Brian and second chance mates Ethan, when Kate returns from a rehabilitation center, she meets her third chance mates: the handsome Alpha Colt and his brothers Grey and Sam Black - three triplets Alpha Brothers traveling in search of their mate.

Will Kate accept the mate bond, or will her pride stand in the way?

Release dateJun 22, 2024
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Third Chance Mates

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    The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate - Judels

    CHAPTER 43-If I were your first

    Catherine's POV

    I giggled as I held my yellow bikini in my hands.

    This was going to create so many unnecessary complications,and weirdly,I was excited about it.

    I rolled my eyes.

    Colt won!

    But I still think he cheated somehow.

    I was a bit disappointed that my father didn't make the triplets sweat;he was too eager to get me out of the packhouse,and my mind raced back to yesterday's conversation in my father's office.

    I was eager to see what my father would say and do and if he would let me out of his sight.

    I had taken Colt's hand and shook it in agreement,then we headed to my father's office.

    I should have known trouble was coming.

    Alpha Jones,Colt said as he knocked on my father's office door.

    We found Jimmy on our way here,and he mind-linked our father and told him that Colt and his brothers wanted to see him.I suddenly wondered if Jimmy had said something,yet he didn't know that the triplets wanted to go to the beach.

    Come on in,boys,my father called them in,gesturing to them to take a seat.And please call me Duncan;these formalities are not needed in private.

    I rolled my eyes.

    My father already took a liking to the triplets,which was a bit annoying yet comforting.

    I saw that,Colt whispered,and I gave him a confused look.You're rolling your eyes,he explained.

    What about it?I asked,lifting an eyebrow.

    I want to spank that beautiful round ass of yours for being disrespectful,he said,and his eyes darkened.

    His words stirred unknown excitement in me,and I imagined seeing myself being spanked by him.

    F*ck!I internally swore;my imagination was running wild again,soaking my underwear.

    Sam chuckled behind me,and Grey cleared his throat,smiling.

    This was so embarrassing!

    When all of us were seated,my father smiled and looked at everyone in front of him.

    So,Colt,he said,turning his gaze toward Colt.Jimmy says you wanted to see me.

    I was very surprised that my father knew which one of the triplets Colt was.

    Was he guessing,or did he actually know?

    Yes,Alpha,Colt said,and my father gave him a disapproving look.

    Duncan,Colt corrected,and in return,my father smiled at him.


    We were wondering if you would allow us to borrow Kate for a few days,Colt said.

    Oh?My father scrunched his eyebrows together,a bit surprised.

    He didn't expect such a request.

    Yeah,Sam said.We would love to take Kate down to our beach house;it's not that far away from home.

    We want to learn to know Kate better,Grey said.

    In private,Colt continued.

    Did they rehearse that,or did it come naturally for the triplets to continue when the last brother stopped talking?

    Yet I had this nagging feeling at the back of my mind that there was more to this trip than meets the eye—or,should I say,ears?

    I turned my gaze toward the triplets,and I immediately knew they were up to no good.

    This wasn't just a trip down to the beach,was it?

    Maybe we will mate with them,Kia suddenly mused,startling me.

    You can't be serious!I growled at her.

    Kate?My father called,turning his attention to me.Are you all right?

    I bleakly smiled.

    I'm fine,I said,yet he didn't believe me.

    I sighed.

    Kia...I answered his unspoken question.

    Your wolf is back?He asked,hopefully.

    Sort of,I said.She comes and goes.She isn't permanently settled in my mind.

    Well,that is already good news,my father said.When did this happen?

    When Colt refused to reject me after I asked him to,I said,

    Good,my father said,and his eyes suddenly widened,realizing what I just said.Did you just say you asked them to reject you?

    Uhm,I hesitated.What do I tell him now?

    He was already furious about Brian being a dick;now I asked the triplets to reject me as well.

    What Kate is trying to say,Sam said,turning to me and winking,is that she was sure that we would reject her due to her disability.Yet,we are not interested in doing that.

    Kate,how could you?

    I dropped my gaze.He wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain it.

    It's a long story,Dad,I eventually said.

    Still,he continued.You don't just throw away such a special gift.You embrace it.Not many wolves get a second chance at happiness.

    If only he had known about Ethan.

    You are absolutely right,Grey said.And that is the main reason we would like to take Kate away for a few days.

    We want to gain her trust,Sam said,and show her love.

    We want her to understand and show her that we are her mates,and we are looking beyond the wheelchair,Colt said.

    My father nodded,dropped his gaze,and looked at the pencil in his hands,thinking.

    After a moment of silence,he lifted his head.

    I don't have an issue with your trip,my father said.You have my permission.

    Thank you,Duncan,Colt said,getting to his feet.

    Sam and Grey followed suit.

    I started to push my wheelchair to the exit when my father called behind us.

    When will we expect you back?

    Colt turned his gaze back to my father.

    Next week,Friday,Colt said.

    That's for almost a week.What were they planning to do with me for six days?

    My father flinched,and the two had a stare-off.My father slowly raised an eyebrow,and Colt slowly nodded.

    What was that all about?

    Were they keeping something from me?

    Very well,my father said,trying hard to keep his pose.Enjoy!

    My father then looked back at me and sat back.

    Just tell your mom you are leaving,he said.She just got you back,and you haven't spent much time with her.

    The urgent knock on my bedroom door startled me,and I dropped my bikini.

    Sh*t!I swore when it landed on the floor.

    It's open,I called back,trying to pick up the piece of fabric.

    Wow!Kate,stop!Sam called from the door and rushed to my side.He quickly picked up the bikini and gave it to me.His eyes had already darkened.

    Why don't you just ask someone to help you?He asked.

    Like who?I asked,packing the piece of fabric into my bag.

    Mind-link with your brother,he said casually.

    If only I could,I said,closing my bag.

    You can't mind-link,can you?He asked.

    No,I said,looking at him.I lost that ability when...I swallowed hard.Only my parents knew about it.I was literally cut off from my pack in some way.

    I smelled like a wolf,but the abilities that made me a wolf and a pack member were nonexistent.

    You survived your fall,Sam said,smiling.You do know that we are just a phone call away?

    He picked up my phone,held it out for me to unlock it,and I handed it back to him.

    He quickly entered his and his brother's numbers on the phone.

    Here,it's all done,he said,handing me the phone.Now you don't have an excuse to call us for whatever reason.

    Sam's double meaning didn't go unnoticed.

    So,are you all packed up,or is there more stuff that needs to be packed?

    All done,thanks,I said,finding Sam's gaze.

    Sam squatted down by me,and his warm scent enveloped my senses.He slowly moved forward,and my breath hitched.

    Was he planning to kiss me?

    Sam cupped my face in his hands and pulled me closer to him.Our eyes locked,and the sexual tension grew between us with every passing second.

    Sam cleared his throat,got to his feet,and planted a kiss on my forehead.I shivered.

    He slowly moved away from me and grabbed the bags.

    Let's get going,he said.My brothers would never forgive me if I were your first.


    CHAPTER 44-Shift in atmosphere

    Colt's POV

    I was at a loss for words when Kate came down the wheelchair ramp.She looked so beautiful.Her soft white floral dress hugged her body in all the right places,and her auburn hair was hanging loose around her face.She looked like an angel from heaven.

    She had a smile on her lips,and her eyes were full of life.I guess Sam was using his charm to make her smile.

    I internally groaned when her scent hit me—I was going to have a hard time controlling my hormones around her,feeling my c*ck harden.

    Sam carried Kate's bag to the SUV and popped it in the back,and Grey hurried to Kate's side,pushing her chair closer.

    It seemed like Kate was slowly but surely accepting us,and she was now letting us help her wherever we could.

    I shifted my head to the side,observing her.

    Grey must have said something,and she burst out laughing—the sound so clear and innocent that I shivered in enjoyment.

    I stepped closer,holding out my hand,and Kate turned her gaze toward me.

    A smile formed on her lips as she took mine.

    I pulled her hand to my lips,unfazed by my brothers looking at us,and pressed a soft kiss on her hand.

    You look beautiful,I said.

    Kate's cheeks turned red,and she dropped her gaze.

    Thank you,she said,embarrassed.She looked so beautiful with the color on her cheeks.

    May I?I asked,and she nodded.

    I lifted Kate from her wheelchair and helped her into the passenger seat.

    Sam quickly folded and lifted the chair into the back of the SUV and got in.

    Let's go!He said,excitedly,and I started the engine and drove off.

    In the beginning,Kate was quiet;she looked a bit stressed as we left the pack territory,but Sam quickly started a conversation,and I silently listened to their chit-chat.

    Usually,I would get Sam to shut up,but I was surprisingly comfortable with the conversation.

    Was I getting used to the idea of sharing Kate with my brothers,or was it because I didn't want Kate to stop talking and laughing?

    A smile followed on my lips as Kate said something witty to Sam;he didn't know what to say back,and he stared at her in amazement.

    Did the cat catch your tongue?Grey teased,taking over the conversation from Sam.

    That didn't keep Sam thinking of a comeback,and in the end,all three were happily chatting about all kinds of different things while I concentrated on the road.

    The drive to the beach house wasn't a very long one,and we could have easily just shifted in our wolves and ran there.Everything we needed was already there,but we thought it would be more comfortable for Kate if we took the truck.

    My mind wandered off to our mother.

    She looked so certain about finding out who our mate was.

    What will she think when she finds out?

    Would she be fine with her disability?

    Will she try to talk me out of it,or will she accept my decision?

    I knew I wouldn't be able to hide our relationship much longer.My father wants to hand over the pack and retire.

    What will he think about her?Could I get him to agree?Or am I just worried about nothing?

    My gaze moved to Kate.

    I was already head over heels in love with her,and I knew it wasn't just the bond pulling me to her.

    There was something else.Something more magical,something more powerful,pulling me to her,and the sexual attraction was electrifying.

    Are we mating and marking our mate this weekend?Ray suddenly asked,startling me.

    I choked and started to cough like a crazy person,and I had to bring the truck to a stop.

    Are you okay?Kate asked,concerned,handing me a bottle with some water.

    I gulped the liquid down and wiped my mouth.

    Yeah,I'm fine,thanks,I said when I got my coughing under control.

    Grey's gaze caught mine in the rearview mirror,and he lifted an eyebrow.

    Is your wolf also driving you mad?His mind-linked.

    If that is what you call it,I replied,then yes!

    Duke is going crazy in my mind,Grey said.He is pestering me to mark and mate!

    Ray just had the same idea,I said,feeling embarrassed.

    The idea did cross my mind,but I wouldn't say it out loud.

    Luka is quiet in mine,Sam said.It's as if he is waiting for the right time to strike.

    Grey turned his gaze to Sam.

    You wouldn't dare,would you?He asked.

    Dare what?Sam asked,knitting his eyebrows together.

    Try f*rce...

    Are you f*cking crazy?Sam spat angrily over the mind link,cutting Grey off.I would never!I have never and will seriously never consider doing that!How can you even think that?F*ck man!

    Sam was furious,and Kate must have noticed it.

    What's going on?She asked when she felt the shift in atmosphere in the car.Sam,why do you look so upset?

    It's nothing!He mumbled,pissed,turning his gaze out of the window.

    You should apologize,I mind-linked Grey.

    And say what?He asked.

    That you are sorry and didn't mean it,I said.

    Why should I?Grey asked.If you gave him one second,he would mate with her!

    Grey!I growled.She is our mate,and she has the right to decide who she wants to have first!

    But not him!He replied.

    Why not?I asked.

    Because he has had... many times?I completed his sentence.


    Well,that's still Kate's choice,I replied.Now apologize,or so help me,Goddess,I will drop you off next to the road."

    You wouldn't dare!He growled.

    Try me!I warned him.

    You wouldn't do that;I know you,Colt.

    I stepped on the brakes and brought the car to a halt.I turned my body sideways,looking at Grey.

    Do you want to try me?I asked seriously.

    What's...Kate started to ask,moving her bewildered gaze between the two of us.

    Fine!Grey yelled,cutting Kate off.

    I raised an eyebrow,waiting.

    Sam's link is blocked,Grey mind-linked me.

    Let him cool off for a moment,I replied.

    I turned my attention to Kate.

    So,what kind of music do you like?I asked,hoping that it would distract Kate.

    Kate hesitated,still looking back at Sam and Grey,but eventually decided to turn her attention to me.

    When we took the turnoff to the beach house,Kate's eyes widened,and a new shift in atmosphere surrounded us.

    Was Kate excited to be here?Or was she scared?

    Only time will tell,and I was excited to find out...


    CHAPTER 45-Welcome to the Black Family Beach House

    Catherine's POV

    Wow!I gasped at seeing the huge building come into view as we drove up the driveway.

    This place looked nothing like a beach house but more like an expensive lodge.

    Do you like it?Sam asked,suddenly gaining personality again.

    It sure is something,I said.

    Colt brought the car to a stop.

    You should see the inside!Grey said,getting out of the car.

    Colt got out,opened the passenger door,and helped me out,but instead of sitting me down in my wheelchair,he started carrying me toward the beach house.

    Grey and Sam started unpacking our luggage from the back of the SUV,yet I couldn't help noticing that the two brothers weren't talking.

    Did something happen between them?And if so,what has upset Sam so much?

    I took a deep breath of Colt's intoxicating sandalwood scent and let it fill me,hoping to gain some courage.

    Colt shifted his weight and knocked on the door.Seconds later,an older lady in her late forties opened the door.

    Alpha,welcome!She said.Your rooms are already prepared and ready.

    Thank you,Sally,Colt said,carrying me inside.

    I gasped,seeing the foyer,and I moved my head from side to side,admiring the beautiful open space.Giant sculptures of wolves carved out of white marble stood defensively in the foyer,giving a warning that this place was owned by strong and powerful wolves.

    Welcome to the Black Family Beach House,he said.

    This was just the foyer;I wondered what the rest of this place looked like.

    Colt carried me off to a room that seemed like the living room.It was spacious,with high white walls,expensive paintings,and comfortable light blue couches with huge pillows.

    The glass doors stood open,which seemed to lead onto a patio or something.

    This is the living room,he said,confirming my suspicion.We will go out that door in a few;I just want to show you around first.

    I nodded,and Colt turned around,heading in the other direction.

    Colt showed me the spacious kitchen,where Sally and a couple of Omega girls were busy preparing something,then showed me the dining room and study and started toward the stairs.

    "Up there are our

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