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The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: In Love and Happiness
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: In Love and Happiness
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: In Love and Happiness
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The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: In Love and Happiness

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"We made a promise that we would wait! You have betrayed me, and now you are screwing around while you have a she-wolf pregnant!" Sarah's gaze snapped back toward me. She had never seen me this angry.

"In that case," Brian growled at me, "I, Brian Joseph Scott, future Beta from the Silver Moonstone Pack, reject you, Catherine Jones, as my mate."

"I accept!" I growled, feeling the pain of rejection rippling through my body. I gasped for air, yet I knew the bond breaking would leave me in pain. I was more hurt that Brian didn't fight for me.

Kate, daughter of Alpha Duncan and Luna Melissa, becomes disabled during a pack attack while saving twelve little pups with love. She struggles to come to terms with her disability as well as the rejection from her fated mate, Brian, because of his betrayal with her best friend Sarah.

After being rejected by her fated mate Brian and second chance mates Ethan, when Kate returns from a rehabilitation center, she meets her third chance mates: the handsome Alpha Colt and his brothers Grey and Sam Black - three triplets Alpha Brothers traveling in search of their mate.

Will Kate accept the mate bond, or will her pride stand in the way?

Release dateJun 22, 2024
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: In Love and Happiness

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    Book preview

    The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate - Judels

    CHAPTER 127 - Some kind of agreement

    Catherine POV

    It was hard to say goodbye to my family, but they needed to return to the pack.

    Bye, sis, Jimmy said, hugging me. Look after yourself and the little beans.

    I chuckled at the name he gave the pups, yet I felt emotional too.

    I will, I said, blinking the tears away. Don't be a stranger; come visit soon.

    I will, Jimmy said. I might just run the route the triplets used to do.

    My mother was next, giving me a warm and powerful hug.

    We exchanged some words, and she got into the SUV.

    Catherine, my father said, opening his arms to me. I pushed the wheelchair closer, and as he bent down, I grabbed him around the neck and hugged him for dear life.

    Take care, he said, rubbing my back to calm me. And call me if you need anything.

    I will, I said, letting go of him and moving away so he could get in the car.

    We will see you soon, he said.

    Don't be a stranger, Jimmy yelled from the backseat. Silver Moonstone is still your home. You are still the heir to the throne!

    I chuckled, shaking my head.

    I already have a throne—one with wheels, I chirped.

    I know, he yelled, but this one is bigger and more your style!

    I couldn't help but laugh.

    My father instructed Beta Harold to start driving.

    I watched as my family drove off, leaving me waving until they disappeared down the driveway and out of sight.

    Let's get you inside, David said, coming down the steps. Before you catch a cold.

    I nodded, not saying a word.

    Winter was almost upon us, and the lazy autumn breeze was its messenger. I had a feeling that this winter would be a cold one.

    David lifted me, chair and all, and carried me up the few steps to the front door. It was easier that way than to try and pull the wheelchair up the few steps.

    Where are your brothers? I asked as he pushed me down the hallway.

    I think they are in the Colt's office, David answered.

    I nodded in response.

    Colt has been avoiding me for the last couple of hours. He sent David to accompany me throughout the day.

    Was he really that pissed at me?

    Did I hurt his feelings?

    He surely must know that I wasn't referring to them.

    I sighed.

    I could understand why Colt felt like this, and I thought about what he said.

    Yet, it wasn't them I was worried about. I was worried that Sarah might try her luck with one of the boys.

    Don't look so miserable, David said. My brothers wouldn't stay angry at you too long. By this time, Colt had forgotten about this morning and had moved on. I am pretty sure they are just busy with the Alpha Ceremony preparation.

    My head snapped towards him, and David came to a stop.

    What? he asked. What did I say wrong?

    Gosh, I said. I had forgotten that the ceremony is due next weekend.

    David chuckled, amused, behind me.

    Already having a pregnancy brain? He teased.

    Pregnancy—my mind wandered off to Sam. I was nervous about telling him that I was pregnant, but everything ended up well.

    What's the big secret? Sam asked, taking one of my hands in his and pressing a soft butterfly kiss on my knuckles.

    I lifted my other hand, traced the mark on the side of Sam's face, and narrowed my eyes.

    Were you in some kind of fight? I asked, deliberately changing the subject again.

    It's nothing, he said.

    It doesn't look like it's nothing to me, I argued, pulling my hands back.

    Why doesn't Sam want to tell me what happened?

    Will it anger and upset me?

    Was he scared of my reaction?

    Princess, Sam said, taking both of my hands in his huge ones. I am dying here. Please tell me before I lose my mind.

    I dropped my gaze to my lap, fiddling with the hem of my dress.

    My eyes caught movement, and I saw Grey disappear into my closet.

    I sighed and internally rolled my eyes. Grey was doing this on purpose.

    I'm... uhm... well, I hesitated, feeling my face warm.

    Sam knitted his eyebrows together, looking at me all confused.

    I guess he couldn't understand what I was hesitating to tell him.

    What is it? He whispered. You know you can tell me anything, he said, lifting my chin to look at him.

    I'm... I swallowed hard against the lump forming in my throat, took a deep breath, and muttered the words that I thought would never pass my lips.

    I'm pregnant. The last word was barely a whisper.

    Sam froze. This was surely the last thing he expected me to say.

    When Sam didn't say anything, I slowly lifted my gaze and peeked under my lashes.

    I was surprised at what I saw—Sam had the biggest and brightest smile frozen on his lips.

    Are you kidding me right now? He asked, his gaze moving back to me. Tell me you are not lying!

    I'm not, I said. The doctor confirmed it just a few minutes ago. Ask Grey if you don't...

    Before I could finish defending myself, Sam had me in his arms and was twirling in circles, chanting the words, I am going to be a father! I am going to be a father!

    I have never seen him that happy and excited.

    What do you know about pregnancy brain? Sarah's voice echoed through the quiet hallway, bringing me back to my present.

    My eyes shifted to the stairs where she was standing, and something cold and unsettling crept inside of me. Sarah had crossed her arms around her chest, her expression cold and her movements calculated. Her strawberry-colored hair looked even redder than usual.

    What was her case? Why did she look and act so differently than a few days ago?

    David brought the wheelchair to a stop, glaring at Sarah.

    Probably more than you, David growled.

    Is that so? She sneered. You are what? Fifteen?

    Seventeen! David corrected her. At least I know how to respect my best friend's boundaries!

    I bit down hard, trying not to burst out laughing. The boys might think that having Sarah here was a good thing, but David didn't like that idea at all.

    You! Sarah snapped, turning red in her face. I didn't do it...

    I lifted my hand to stop Sarah.

    Spare us the details, I said calmly. David doesn't need to know what happened—no one does. It's something that happened between you and Brian. Keep it that way!

    I gestured to David that I wanted to leave, and he started pushing the wheelchair forward.

    Sarah jumped in front of the wheelchair, placing her hands on the armrest and bringing us to a standstill.

    Move out of the way! David roared.

    No! Sarah growled darkly. Not until Kate and I come to some kind of agreement!


    CHAPTER 128 - I need to know

    Colt's POV

    Kate's words kept popping up in my head.

    Was I oversensitive and overreacting?

    And that long and miserable face? Grey asked, lifting his gaze from our grandfather's journal.

    We have been planning the Alpha Ceremony. The invitation list was set, the decorator called, and the kitchen was informed to have a menu ready by tomorrow for approval. Yet, even though we were busy, my mind kept wandering off to Kate.

    Was she incapable of trust?

    Didn't we show her already that she could trust us?

    Should we try harder?

    Don't tell me you are still sulking about what Kate said earlier, Sam said, rolling his eyes. You shouldn't twist her words around like that; you know she didn't mean it like that.

    And you certainly know it wasn't aimed at us, Grey added. But directly at Sarah.

    I sighed.

    I know, I said, but I still have this feeling that she will never trust anyone fully.

    Do you blame her? Sam asked, cutting Grey off before he could argue and say anything more.

    No! I said. But why...

    Colt, just remembered she had gone through a lot, Grey said. And we have only been with her a couple of weeks. She needs time. She is only healing now, and emotional healing takes some time.

    Still! I argued, feeling frustrated. The mate bond should have grown stronger and removed such worries! Why hasn't it?

    Grey shifted in his seat, unable to answer. I guess he could speculate, but he wouldn't tell me until he knew for sure.

    Because the mate bond doesn't work like that with Kate, Sam said.

    Grey's gaze snapped toward Sam, and his eyes widened out of pure shock.

    How? How do you know that? Grey asked, Do you have any proof?

    I know a bit more than you think, he said. I might not be the one who is hunting down old myths, but I certainly can read between the lines.

    You have... read it? Grey asked slowly, turning to look at me.

    No, Sam said, getting to his feet and heading toward the alcohol cabinet. Well, sort of. You would be surprised at what is hidden in the local pack library.

    So what did you hear and find? I asked, cutting Grey off before he could ask any other question.

    Just something interesting, he said, handing us each a bourbon.

    Interesting in what way? Grey snapped.

    Grey wasn't impressed that Sam knew something before he did.

    Brother, Sam said, taking a seat. Have a bit of patience. I will tell you in a second.

    Sam took a sip of his drink, delaying the subject, and smiled as he swallowed the golden liquid. He was enjoying torturing Grey by keeping the information to himself.

    Ah! Sam said. This Bourbon tasted so sweet and delicious on my tongue. We should get some more.

    Grey rolled his eyes, getting angry.

    Fine, Sam said. I'll tell you what I know.

    Finally! Grey snapped.

    Did you know that only one type of wolf is not bound to the mate bond? Sam asked.

    No, I said, shaking my head. I have never heard of that. Did you? I asked Grey.

    Grey stared at Sam blankly.

    Grey? I called. Do you know anything about that?

    Yeah, he said, knitting his eyebrows. Only white wolves...

    The rest of Grey's words ended up in a murmur, and images of me and Ray standing in an open field flashed before my eyes.

    A pure white wolf stood just a couple of feet from me. Her golden eyes stuck on me.

    Welcome, Alpha Colt, she greeted. Hallo Ray. She purred.

    Kia? I gasped, uncertain. Is that... is that you?

    The wolf turned her massive head, and I curiously followed her gaze. Kate stood a couple of feet further down, staring at the white wolf in awe.

    Did she see me?

    Did she know I was there?

    Does she know this wolf?

    But before I could ask, Kate disappeared.

    Kate just woke up, the wolf said, turning her attention to me. And yes, I am Kia, Catherine's wolf.

    But you are an all-white wolf, I said.

    It wasn't a question; I was just stating the obvious. I have never seen a wolf so pure.

    Kia chuckled, amused at my behavior.

    That's correct, she said. And Ray is an all-black wolf.

    I fell silent, unable to process what I was seeing and hearing.

    Kate was blessed with a white wolf.

    White wolves are the strongest wolves in existence. They carry powerful magical powers. No one has seen one in centuries because of the number of enemies they have.

    F*ck! I swore under my breath. Is this the reason why you have been hiding? Why have you never shifted because you are a white wolf? Are you scared?

    Kia shook her massive head. Her eyes turned sad, and she whimpered.

    If only, she said, sadly. Kate was so badly injured in her shifting that her human body couldn't handle the impact. Her human body gave in. I had to beg the goddess to help her.

    But it came with a price? I asked.

    Kia whimpered and nodded.

    I healed her, and in the process, I weakened myself, Kia said. You helped escalate the healing process when you accepted her as your mate.

    I remember feeling something happening in the infirmary, I said. So it wasn't my imagination?

    No, she said, smiling. It can only happen when Kate finds her true mate.

    A smile formed at the corners of my lips.

    The normal mate bond doesn't work for us, Kia said. That caught me by surprise.

    Why? I asked. Kate has gone through rejections. She has met her fated mate... twice, to be exact.

    True, Kate has met suitors, Kia said, and she sighed. They are called false mates.

    So the goddess sent unnecessary mates to destroy Kate? I growled, feeling anger push up inside me.

    No, Kia said. White wolves... they are...

    Kia sighed, and her eyes pleaded with me.

    What was she

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