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The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Welcome Her Back
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Welcome Her Back
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Welcome Her Back
Ebook195 pages2 hours

The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Welcome Her Back

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"We made a promise that we would wait! You have betrayed me, and now you are screwing around while you have a she-wolf pregnant!" Sarah's gaze snapped back toward me. She had never seen me this angry.

"In that case," Brian growled at me, "I, Brian Joseph Scott, future Beta from the Silver Moonstone Pack, reject you, Catherine Jones, as my mate."

"I accept!" I growled, feeling the pain of rejection rippling through my body. I gasped for air, yet I knew the bond breaking would leave me in pain. I was more hurt that Brian didn't fight for me.

Kate, daughter of Alpha Duncan and Luna Melissa, becomes disabled during a pack attack while saving twelve little pups with love. She struggles to come to terms with her disability as well as the rejection from her fated mate, Brian, because of his betrayal with her best friend Sarah.

After being rejected by her fated mate Brian and second chance mates Ethan, when Kate returns from a rehabilitation center, she meets her third chance mates: the handsome Alpha Colt and his brothers Grey and Sam Black - three triplets Alpha Brothers traveling in search of their mate.

Will Kate accept the mate bond, or will her pride stand in the way?

Release dateJun 22, 2024
The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate: Welcome Her Back

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    The Triplets' Rejected Disabled Mate - Judels

    CHAPTER 90 Go rogue

    Colt's POV

    Wait what? I gasped, surprised. No!

    Why the hell would she think that?

    Did I look so nervous that it gave her the idea that Sam wanted out?

    Kate looked at me, her bottom lip quivering.

    She looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown.

    Go to her, Ray said. He was feeling sorry and sad for our mate. Tell her the truth. Make her understand that this whole thing is just a misunderstanding.

    I slowly got to my feet and went to Kate, squatting in front of her and taking her hands.

    I wasn't sure what to say or how. I was never good with feelings and words, but this was my mate, and I needed to comfort her.

    Baby, I said, trying to keep my voice level. I was still pissed at my mother, and I was scared I would say the wrong thing. The reason why I am here is to tell you two things.

    I raised my gaze, searching for Kate's.

    She was looking at the ceiling, blinking, and fighting the tears back.

    I couldn't handle the fact that my mate was so sad and heartbroken, and that was all because of my mother.

    I internally growled.

    Kate, look at me, please, I said, feeling my heart hurt in my chest. I didn't like seeing Kate like this.

    Kate slowly dropped her gaze, staring down at me. Her eyes were full of crystal-clear tears.

    I need to tell you something, I said. Do you understand?

    Kate nodded, trying hard not to blink.

    Okay, I said and sighed. The first thing is, Sam wants to come see and talk to you.

    Kate moved her face away, and tears escaped her eyes and rolled down her already flustered cheeks. Her body started to shake, and a sob escaped her lips.

    Kate, he wants to come explain things to you. I tried to comfort her. He feels really bad about what happened. It is all a misunderstanding.

    Kate moved her gaze toward me, looking at me in disbelief.

    He is really sorry. Even Grey apologized to Sam.

    Kate narrowed her eyes in response. I know what I saw, she stuttered between sobs.

    I know, I said, getting to my feet and taking a step back. I saw it too, but it is not what Sam planned.

    He loves her! She sobbed. I can't compete with that. She is a fully functional she-wolf.

    That's where you are wrong, I said. Sam is many things, but he loves you and only you. He wants to be with you; we all do. I promise.

    I could see Kate was processing my words, yet she didn't believe them.

    I couldn't blame her; if that happened to me, I would have felt the same—betrayed. But at least there was a bit of hope; she was willing to listen to me.

    Sam just needed to come and explain everything to her.

    What's the second thing? Kate asked between sobs.

    We have decided to have the Alpha Ceremony in two weeks, I said.

    I'm happy for you, she whispered, swallowing down her sobs.

    We want to introduce you to the pack as our mate and Luna the same night, I said, pinning Kate's gaze.

    No, Kate said, and a cold chill ran down my spine. No, no, no. I can't. You deserve better. I can't be your Luna.

    You are the best, I said. And we want you to be our Luna.

    My chest suddenly felt thick, like it had become difficult to breathe. We don't want anyone else.

    Colt! She said, her voice breaking. Look at me!

    But I am, I said.

    Why did this suddenly feel like a bloody rejection?

    Grey must have come and explained things; he is better than me at these kinds of things.

    Did you hear what she said about me? Kate asked. She called me that disabled thing! You see, your pack will never accept me, and as hard as I try to be good enough, I think I know when I need to call it quits.

    I am not going to accept your rejection! I said, getting to my feet.

    It's better for the both of us, she whispered tiredly.

    No! I growled. It is not. I love you! And I have never felt like this about anyone else before. The same goes for my brothers!

    Y-y-you love me? Kate stuttered.

    Yes! I said. Don't you understand? You are everything we want! So please, baby, don't make me beg; I'm an Alpha for God's sake.

    That made Kate laugh and cry again at the same time.

    Damn, I was bad at this kind of thing.

    When Kate eventually stopped crying, she looked embarrassed.

    Come one, I said. Let's get you into the tub. It will make you feel better.

    Kate nodded, and I headed to the bathroom, opening the taps.

    Which flavor bubble bath would you prefer? I asked, hearing her coming closer.

    The ocean breeze, please, she said.

    Excellent choice! I said, trying to lift the mood. Would you like to have a glass of wine with that?

    Gosh, I sounded like Sam.

    Kate smiled, shaking her head.

    That will do, she said. If I started drinking now, you might take advantage of me, Alpha.

    I shivered at the way she said my title, awakening something different, something dominant, and something dark inside me.

    My cock twitched, indicating where this was about to go, and my body stiffened, knowing it wasn't the time.

    At that second, I knew that if I turned around now, I would lift her out of that chair and f*ck her.

    Maybe that is what she needs, Ray yapped, focusing on different kinds of kinky sex positions in my mind.

    I shook my head, trying to get rid of the images, cursing Ray for making it so difficult.

    I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, closed the taps, and turned around.

    I was surprised to know that Kate had pushed her chair right behind me, and her eyes held the same hunger as mine.

    Was Kate about to go rogue on my body?


    CHAPTER 91 This feels more like home

    Catherine POV

    The soft knocking and sad whimpering shook me awake, and my eyes flew open.

    I pulled my body into a sitting position. For a moment, I was unsure where I was, but that was until I heard the soft snoring coming from next to me.

    A small smile followed on my lips. Colt stayed with me all night, and he was still peacefully sleeping next to me.

    I sighed.

    It was an emotional roller-coaster the last couple of hours, and I wished to never feel that heartbroken again.

    My gaze moved toward the door. I was sure I heard someone knocking.

    Did I dream it?

    Did I imagine the knocking?

    I laid back, looking at the time—it was just after two a.m.

    I guess I must have been dreaming.

    When the second round of knocking on the door came, I was sure that I wasn't dreaming.

    Who would be so bold as to wake anyone up at this time?

    Fear sprouted through me, as the only thing I could think of was that the pack must be under attack.

    Colt, I called. Colt, wake up. There is someone at the door. Colt?

    Wh-what? He asked sleepily.

    There is someone at the door! I whispered-shouted at him. You need to find out who it is. Colt! I said, shaking him.

    I knew he was already awake. Colt wasn't a deep sleeper, not like Sam and Grey.

    Okay, okay, okay, I'm up, he said, moving the blankets away from him and getting to his feet.

    He stretched his body and yawned before strolling off towards the door.

    I couldn't help but appreciate his body. Mine was wrapped around his torso a couple of years ago.

    Bits and pieces of the scene flashed before my eyes, soaking my underwear again.

    My core and my breath hitch, recalling the scene where I unbuckled and unzipped Colt's pants in the bathroom.

    I slowly dropped his pants on the floor, leaving him in his underwear.

    His cock had already hardened, and a huge, juicy bulge waited for me inside.

    My fingers moved over his underwear, feeling the dampness where his precome had leaked out.

    Colt watched me curiously.

    I wanted to see all of Colt, and I grabbed his shirt and unbuttoned it from the bottom up, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses where I could reach.

    Damn, his body was rock-hard.

    My hands traveled over his beautifully crafted abs up to his chest, teasing them.

    My fingers grabbed hold of Colt's boxer waistband, and he gasped as I teasefully moved my fingers between the waistband and his body.

    I peeked up at Colt. His eyes were dark and full of lust.

    I cheekily smiled at him, dropping his boxers and grabbing hold of his member, pushing him into my mouth.

    Colt hissed out of pleasure, throwing his head back and moaning.

    I pumped and sucked on his huge cock, tasting the salty, warm precome.

    He must be close.

    I wanted to push him over the edge.

    I pressed harder and more urgently; I wanted to hear and see him find his release.

    Oh, baby, Colt moaned. That feels so f*cking good.

    It was our first time alone, and I wanted to make it memorable and end this day with something good.

    Even if it meant Colt needed to ride the sadness right out of me.

    Colt suddenly looked down and smiled, touching the side of my face tenderly.

    I want my release inside you, he said.

    Colt carefully pushed the wheelchair backward, turned the chair around, and lowered himself.

    He pulled my shirt over my head and admired my bra for a second.

    If you wear things like that around me, they're not going to last long, he warned. I love lace...

    That sent a shiver down to my core, and my p*ssy clinched, soaking my panties.

    Colt lifted me off the chair, carried me bridal style to the bed, and set me down.

    I admired how his huge, rough hands could work so tenderly.

    Before I knew it, he had me out of my pants and only in my black lace underwear.

    Goddess, you smell so good, he said, moving down to my p*ssy. I could just eat you!

    Before I could stop Colt, he had shredded my panties, and they were lying in pieces on the floor.

    You don't need those anymore, Colt said, his voice turning huskier.

    Colt didn't give me a second to argue when his finger moved through my slit and down into my entrance.

    I gasped at the foreign feeling, and a moan escaped my lips.

    Colt pulled his tongue through my slit, sucking up the juices. Then he started playing around my sweet spot and pumping me with his finger.

    Another moan escaped my lips when he added a second finger inside me, stretching me to take his huge cock.

    You are so tight for me, baby, he said. Are you ready?

    I nodded my head, and Colt flipped me over, pulling my ass into the air.

    He was supporting my body with one of his hands.

    I love your behinds, he said, spanking my ass and moaning out in pleasure. We don't see your ass often.

    Colt pushed his rock-hard cock at my entrance and moved it up and down my slit.

    F*ck, that feels good! I moaned.

    Not as good as this, he said, pushing his whole shaft inside me.

    I moaned his name as he trusted me inside, riding me from behind.

    Colt pulled me up against his chest, giving him access to my nape.

    His trust became harder, more calculated, and more dominant. He scraped my neck with his canines, breaking the skin.

    Mark me, I whispered. Make me yours.

    Colt lashed onto my nape, sucking and biting as he increased his speed. I was already close. I was shivering.

    Colt bit down hard, finding his release as he pumped his dick deeper into me, pushing me over and him finding his release.

    He carefully set me down and laid down next to me.

    I turned to look at him.

    He had this huge smile on his lips.

    What? I asked.

    You know that if we keep this up, you will fall pregnant, he said.

    Do you want pups? I asked, brushing my hand over his cheek. I was already hot and bothered, and I wanted to feel him between my legs again.

    I do, he said. "I'm just not sure how you feel about

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